07-11-1984 - Minutes TCCITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING July 11, 1984 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, D. Yarger, M. Baumann, D. Turner Staff: B. Dennis, P. Kelley, Sgt. Flanagan ABSENT Commissioners: D. Smith APPROVAL OF MINUTES Meeting of June 13, 1984 MOTION'.D. Turner 1-Unanimous SECOND M. Baumann AYES --------------------------------- ----------- -------------------------------------- CONSENT CALENDAR A. 1800 E. La Veta Avenue Request for Extension of Red Curb Praim S. Singh, Executive Director Rehabilitation Institute 1800 E. La Veta Avenue Orange, CA 92666 RECOMMENDATION: Approve B. 5300 Ryals-Lane Request for Red Curb NIS Dick Yarger, Commissioner City Traffic Commission RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Turner SECOND M. Baumann AYES Unanimous CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING July 11, 1984 AGENDA CONSIDERATION ITEMS 1. I-5 & Chapman interchange 55 & Katella interchange 57 & Chapman interchange Request for "Super" truck signing Department of Transportation District-7 Box 2304 Los Angeles, CA 90051 Tom Kilday, Signing Coordinator RECOMMENDATION: MOTION SECOND AYES 2. Street Name Sign Presentation Page 2 MINUTES In 1983, legislation was passed on a national scale with the interstate highway system to accomodate the "super trucks "Super truck" is defined. as: 10' wide, possible 80'-90' in length (3 trailers), with a heavier gross vehicle weight. The State of California is asking for approval from the City of Orange to sign three interchanges within City boundaries to.accomodate these super trucks. Local streets are: Chapman & I-5, Katella & 55, and Chapman & 57. Staff has reservations about these three interchanges because -o-f-- the geometric design and lack of proximity to truck terminals within the City. Staff would recommend denial of these three locations as appropriate interchanges for use by these "super trucks Staff would further recommend that Cal Trans investigate those interchanges along the 5 and 57 freeways N/O Orangewood within the City of Orange for signing for supertrucks: M. Baumann D. Turner Unanimous Cliff Nelson from 3M presented a brief overview of signing and it's purposes with some specific emphasis related to street name signs. In his persentation he indicated that the purpose of signing is to provide instructions.for the safe and efficient travel on streets and highways. During his presentation, he indicated.several'considera- tions that must be given to accomplishing this purpose,( i.e., needs of motorists, economic.impact, changes that occur in motorists dealing with age and time, night- time reaction vs. daytime.reaction to signing, ambient light,.sign brightness, legibility, & alignment of sign to motorist). As specifi- cally regarding street anme signs, three criteria were suggested for analysis of street name. signing. Criteria to meet above stated CITE ("O'ISSION .1 , - �_' - MISSION M'T_],\-,'UTES 0� A REGULAR ?METING July 11, 1984 AG E -.NTD A 3. Batavia Street N/O Fletcher Request for Truck Weight Restri Bob Keefauver 939 W. Badger Pass Lane Orange, CA 92665 Page 3 MINUTES purposes of signing as: sufficient back- ground color contrast, sufficient'contrast between letters and background, that message be conveyed in sufficient time to allow. motorist to make his decision. Data supplied by Cliff Nelson indicated that white letters on green background provided best adherence for street name signing criteria with white letters on blue background a close second. Other color combinations dropped off dramatically regarding daytime and nighttime visibility and their overall performance in meeting the purposes "for ,signing. Additionally several signing studies have indicated that the use,of upper and lower case letters on street name signs improves both the read- ability and legability of the legend for the motorist. J—William Little commented, on the difficulty to read the current street name signs (white letters on Orange back- ground) in both daytime and nighttime situations. The signing should provide community identification that - is unique and consideration should be given to retain the color orange -somehow- within the--s-ign and- - retain block numbers and directions. He, also suggests that.,a plan be developed for implementation to maximize the usefulness and life of the current astro frame if a different sign configuration is adopted. A special meeting was set for August,l, 1984, at 4:00 p.m. to consider street name signs. RECOMMENDATION: Continue to August 8, 1984 meeting. MOTION D. Turner .SECOND M. Baumann AYES unanimous