06-13-1984 - Minutes TC . , ' �� CITY TR.AFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGUZA.R MEETING June 13, 1984 r AGENDA MOTION MINI7TES ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, D, Smith, D. Turn�r Staff: B. Dennisr P. Kelley, Sgt. Flanagan ABSENT Commissioners : D. Yarger, M. Baumann APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION D. Turner SECOND D. Smith Me�ting of May 9, 1984 AYES Unanimous --------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- CONSENT CALENDAR A,. 1238 W. Grove Avenue Request for Driveway Vision Zone R.P. Furton, President � Automated Custom Systems, Inc. 1238 W. Grove A�r�nue " - Orange, CA 92665-4134 � RECOMMENDATION: Approve B. 586 N. Batavia Street Request for Limited Time Parking Robert D. Jaekson 29212 Bobounk Drive Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 RECOMMENDATION: Approve C. 640 N. Cypress Street Request for Limited Time Parking Fred Daleo, President 640 N. Cypress Street Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: Approve „ CITY TRA.FFIC CO?�IMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 13, 1984 Page 2 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES . CONSENT CALENDAR CON'T. D. Palmyra/Flower Knuckle Request fc�r Red Curb Ed.ward E. Swans�n � 2100 W. Pa.lmyra Avenue #53 Orange, CA 92668 RECOMMENDATZONc Approve E. Northeast quandrant Chapman & Glasse l (Plazaa Request fc�r Limited Time Parkin:g (20 minute) Donald Caskey Orange National Bank 77 Plaza Sc�uare Orange, CA 92667 RECO.MMENDATION: Deny � MOTION D. Smith SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous CONSIDERA.TI4N 2TEMS � l. Chapman Avenue and Newport Blvd. Newport Blvd. .is a north-south local street Request for Traffic Signal wi�th a travel.way wiclth. r�f thirty-�our (34) (Continued from May 9, 1984 meeting) feet curb-to-curb in the subject area. Chapman Avenue is an east-west primary RECOMMENDATZON: Approve concurrent arterial street wi�h a travelway width of installation of 4-way STOP controls - eighty-four (84) feet .curb-to-curb in and advance flashers to warn the the subject area. The intersection of approaching motorist and place Newport and Chapman is a two-way STOP sig.r�al on, signal priority list , controlled, cross-intersection (4 legs) . until funding becomes available Northbound and southbound traffic on Newport for constructi�n. Blvd. are requ�.red �to stc�p before entering the intersect.ion. There is recent business/ commercial deve�opmerit �ccupying the southwest corner of the intersection with undeveloped areas on the r�c�rth�as�t and southeast corners. Chapman A�enue is planned to be realigned southerly from it's present alignment. in the near f�a,ture: The a��ident history at the intersection of Newport Blvd and Chapman Aven,ue i.ndicates seven accidents that might be susceptible td co�rection by traffic �ignal controls, 2 with injuries. Signal Warrants: Warrant 1 (Nlinim�m vehicular volume) 46.67% - not satisti�d. Warrant 2 (Interruption of continuous traffic) 63.060 - not satisfi�d. War�ant 3 (Combination of warrants) 46.67% - not sati-s�'ied. Warrant 4 (Accident history) - not satisfied. At the present time the traffic .signal at Newpart , � CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 13�, 1984 Page 3 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES Blvd, and Chapman Aver�ue does r�ot meet the required warrant levels required for signalizing the intersection. The speed of the traffic in. this area combined with the grade and curvelinear layout of the roadway would seem to greclude the instal- lation of .4-way STOP controls alone as an advisable measU.re of control. Data from the accident reports indicates that drivers entering the intersection��from Newport Blvd. do observe the �ncoming traffic but "think" they have enough time to compiete their move and clear the intersection or they expect -the- traffic on Chapman Avenue to stop because they "think" the interseetion is 4-way ST01� controlled. Neither of these driver observations ca� reasonably be resolved within normal enc�ineer.ing guidelines. The inclusion of the advisory sign "two-way" - added to the existing ST01� si�ns may address the latter of th� two erronerous driv.er observations. Zt is �he feel.ing of staff that some type o� traffi� ocntrol is � appropriate. Staff would .support the installation of 4-w�y STdP controls with advance flashers to warn the approaching motorist until su�h, time as traffic signal funding becomes avail.able for construction , of said traffic si�n.�.l. CITY TR.AFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 13, 1984 Page 4 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ZTEMS CON'T. 2. Batavia. Street N/O Fletcher Staff gave report. Subject area concerns Request fo.r:�Truck Weight Restrictio � primarily newly dev�eloped area on Batavia Bob Keefauver N/O Fletcher.. The residential area borders 939 W. Badger Pass Lane an industrial area southerly of Fletcher. Orange, CA 92665 Currently there are 4-way �TOP controls and . a marl�ed pedestrian crossing on the north RECOMMENDATZON: Continue to Ju1y leg with median` mounted STOP signs on meeting ancl reqta.e�t staff to contac Batavia: ConstruCtion of the approved Homeowners As,s�Ciation regarding advance warning flashe� wi.].l begin within their Cooperation for construction fiscal year 84-85, The req�.est for the of a traffic signal truck weight r�stri�tion c�.me from the Homeowners Association and was in response , to the noise 1.eve� ;currently being experienced at the subject interseCtion. Three possible solutions to mitigating the grc�blems of noise in the area could incli�de: l. To prohibit tru�ck traffic on Batavia between Fletche� anc� Lincoln 2. Construction. of a sound` attenuator 3. Construction of a traffiC signal. If truck traffic were prohibited on this reach of Batavia it would c�ramati�aZly a�fect Glassell Street traffi�c �haraCteristics. Enforcement would be a p�oblem (i.e. , redistributed tru��, tra�fic us.ing Glassell would still t.raverse the. intersection of . Batavia and Fletcher, would increase the exposure of elementary childrez� to the inCreased truck traffi�, inCreased dust _ problems and c�ut-ot-state r7.rivers w�u1d be unaware of the prc�hibition) and public hearings would most likely be required. Construction of �. sound attenuator would involve exte�.sive construCtion and expense to the Homeowners Association and additionally could create seeur`ity p.�oblems for the Police Department. Construction of a traffic signal would again. involve extensiVe construction and expense and may or may nt�t alleviate the no'ise probl.em �.o the satisfaction of the Homeowners Associatinn. Additionally, funding fo�r such Construction would most likely involve cooperative �'unding between the City and the Homeowners Association. Those sp�aking in fa�vt�r we�e: Dolores Shopler, Homeowners Association � President Her concerns we.re the noise and the children in the area. CITY TRAF�IC CO?�IISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 13, 1984 Page 5 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES Recommendation: Continue and request staff to contact Homeowners Ass�Ciation regarding their cooperation for Construction of a traffic signal. MOTZON D. Turner � SECOND D. Smith � AYES Unanimous 3. Elmwood and Mayfair Staff gave report. Traffic volume and Request for installation of STOP accident analysis port'ions of the traffic controls and visi�n zones study indicate: The peak hour traffic Brenda Sharp _______ volumes at the subject intersection are 2625 Rose Avenue below the minimum normally required for Orange, CA STOP Control installation at a residential intersection,. but are on a 1:1 ratio. RECOMMENDATION: A 4-way .STOP �'edestrian activity - 37 crossings during control be installed at Elmwood the peak hour - is higher than would � and Mayfair with appropriate visio normally be anticipa�ed. There are no zones and speed limit signs be physical sight �dist�nce. problems at the posted on Mayfair intersection. Accident history is minimal with two reported accidents in the� past five years. The uninterrupted length of Elmwood is conducive to a neig�.borhood speeding problem whi�h, in a11 possibility, is the basis for neighborhood concern. The corner � � residents have been nc�tified by others of . the noise and parkin� .impacts associated with residential S�'OP control and, by signatures, have no objection to STOP installation. Recommendation by staff is that a 2-way STOP �ontrol be installed, with appropra�,a�e vision zones, directing traffic on Elmwood to STOP at Mayfair. Speaking in favor of the STOP contr�ls �vere: ,Teffrey an.d Sharon Hunter:R;� 742_N� Elmwood Their concerns were the sp�eding and disregard of other drivexs in the area. Recommendation: A 4-w�.y STOP �ontrol be installed at Elmwo�d and .Mayfair with appropriate vision zon�s and speec� limit signs be pos�ec� on M�yfair, � MOT�ON G. Shaw � SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous