11-13-1985 - Minutes TC CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING Nov�mber 13, 1985 �GENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann, D. Turner, D. Yarger Staff; B. Dennis, D. A1lenbach, Lt. Leintz ABSENT Comanissioners : D. Smith CONSENT CALENDAR A. Request for two drivewa y vi sion zones at 700 W. LaVeta Ave. Evelynn Cates, President LaVeta Monterey Homeowners Assoc. 700 We LaVeta Ave. , #M-1 Orange, CA 92668 RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous B. Request for� intersection vision zone at the northwest and north- east corners of MiI.1 s Dr. and - Flower Street. Tim Smi th 2314 W. Almond Ave. Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: Apprc�ve MOTIQN - M. Bauman.n SECOND Do Turner . AYES Unanimous CIZ'Y TRAFFIC COI�Il�ISSION -- - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING . -- - - � . - - . Novem.ber 13, 198 5 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ;.:- „ CONSENT CALENDAR CONTINUED C. Request for intersection vision • zones at the followinglocations: 1) De1 Mar Ave. & Park Ln. • 2) De1 Mar Ave. & Hi ghl and St. 3) Gro ve Ave, & Highland St. — 4) Cora1 Ave. & Hi ghland St. 5) K-Mart Utility A1.Zey and Hic�hland St. Mrs. �nna R. Cardillo 2074 N. High.Zand St. , #A . Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: Approve NIOTION D. �arger SECONL D. Turner AYES Unanimous � D. Request for 'Not A Thru Street' signs be posted at: 1) Highl.and St. at De� Mar Ave. 2) Cora1 Ave. at Highland St. Mrs. Anna R. Cardillo 2074 N. H,ighland St. , #A Orange, CA 92667 ' - RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Turner AY.�'S Una nimo u s E. Request for 'Wa�tch For Children' We have a policy in the City of Orange of not signs be posted on �he fol.Zowing installing these types of signs. We do not streets; bounded by Meats Ave. , install 'Watch For Children' nor 'Children At Tustin St. , Taft Ave. , and Rt.55 Pla y' signs for the reason that they are not Newport Freeway, enforceable and. they have absolutely no legal ramifications. We have found, historical.ly, 1) E. Grove St. that when �hese signs are installed it gives 2) ` Cora.Z Av�e. chi.Zdren and their parents a sense of 3) N. Highland St. security that does not exist. 4) Park La1�e 5) Del Mar Ave. l�rs. Anna R. Cardillo 2074 N. Highland St. , #A - Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: Deny MOTIQN G, Shaw SECOND D. Turner , -�-� � AYES Unanimous CI�.'Y TRA�FIC CO�ISSION - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � . . � .. _ November .Z 3, 198 5 AGENDA MQTION MINUTES ;��` CONSENT CALENDAR CONTINUED F. Request the installation of The California Vehicle Code .does not permit speed bumps at the fol�owing us to install sp.eed bumps in:a public . locations: thraughfare, whether it be in an a11e� or a - �treet. If we make this insta.Zla tion in � 1) �'n the a11ez�7 between Park Ln. conflict of ��his code we assume any and a11 and N. Highland St. Iiability for any accident, of which there 2) Both sides of Grove St. are a nurnber of accidents that occur with at Coral Ave. speed bumps; mostly bicycles and motorcycles. 3) In the alley between N. Highland ,�t. and Newport Fwy. (Rt. 55) fence. Mr�. Anna R. Cardillo � 2074 N. Highland St. , #A Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: Denr� .request, MOTION G. Shaw . however, make pavemen't markings SECOND D. Turner of 15 MPH in a11 three a1.Zeys. AYES Unanimous G. Request for 3 additiona.Z street lights in the residential area bounded by Meats Ave. , Tustin St. , Ta.ft Ave. & Rt. 55.Newport Fwy. Mrs. Anna R. Cardi.Zlo 2074 N. Highland St. , #A Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDA T�ON: Deny request, MOTION M. Baumann however, the Ci�y wi11 modify SECOND D. Turner the existing street .Zights and AYES Unanimo�zs increase their output. - H. Request for 'No. Littering' signs We have not pu� signs in a City area because be posted on the following street we cannot see any justification for these bounded by Meat.s, Aue. , Tu.stin St. signs. Taft Ave. & Rt. 55 Newpor� Fwy. 1) E. Grove St. 2) Coral Ave. 3) N. High.Zand St. 4). Park Lane 5) Del Mar Ave, l�rs. Anna R. Cardi.Zlo 2084 N. Hig�iland St, , #A ' Orange, CA 92667 � RECOMMENDATION: Deny MOTION G. Shaw SEGOND D. Turner `� � AYES Unanimous CI�.'Y TRAFFIC CO�iISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � � � � AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS � 1. Reques.t for STOP sign control A STOP sig.n traffic study has been conducted at the inte.rseetion of Grove at the intersection of Grove Ave. and St. and N. Enterprise St. Enterprise. Both Grove Ave. and Enterprise St. are situated within industrial land use Lynn Billington areas. The intersection of Grove Ave. and Electronic Teclanolocy A�soc. Enterprise St. meets the minimum 1_908 N. Enterprise � requirements for a 1-way STOP control sign, Orange, CA 92665 The recommendation of the Traffic Engineering RECOMMENDATION: Approve • Divis.ion is to control the approaching traff.i.c on Enterprise St. with a STOP sign, a11 appropriate STOP bars and legends wi11 be installed accordingly. MOTION D. Turner SECOND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous � 2, Request for insta.Zlation of a The request from the Linda Vista Elementary pedestrian crosswalk at the SchooZ for �he addition of a school crossing intersection of Cannon St. at the intersection of Cannon St. and San and San Juan Drive. Juan Drive; crosswalks exist on both San Juan . Dr. . (ea st 1 eg) and sou th I eg of Cannon Dr. Gordon Scott, Frincipal . Linda Vista. Elementary School It. is �he recommendation of the Traffic 1200 N. Canno.n St. Engineering Division that a crosswalk be Orange, CA 92669 provided on the north leg of Cannon St. at San Juan Drive. RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Turner � AYES Unanimous _ 3. Request fo.r a sidewal.k in front Inasmuch as that property is privately owned of Orange Vi1.Za .Bib1e .Church our recommendation is two fo1d. SB 82I. is a and School on Meats Ave. and 5t�ate funded project that we get a certain Park Lane.:�' amount of money each year with which to install sidewalk. It cannot be done Mrs. Anna R. Cardillo immediatel y but it might be done in the 2074 N. Highland St. , #A � near future. Orange, CA 92667 REGOMMENDATION: Deny request, but p3ace location on SB 821 project 1ist. MOTIDN G. Shaw SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous � . CI�'Y TRAFFIC COMMISSION i�iINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � �� � - " ��" No ve�nb er I 3 I 98 5 AGENDA MOTI�N MINUTES C011�SIDERATION ITEMS CONTlNUED 4. Request for instal.lation of A STOP sign traffic study has been conducted STOP sign at the intersection at the intersec�ion of DeI Mar Ave. and of Del Mar Ave. and F1'ighland St. Highland Street. �Both Del Mar Ave. and � Highland St. are'residential streets. PM Mrs. Anna R. Cardil.Zo � � peak :per,iod (4-6 PM) turning count at this 2074 N. Highland St. , #A intersection indicates a total of 77 vehicles Orange, CA 92667 during the peak traffic hourA: 46 vehicles were observed on Highland St. , whil e 3I • REGOMMENDATION: Approve vehic�les were observed on De1 Mar Ave. during the same hour. No recorded accidents were found in the past 12 months at this intersection. Thi�s intersection meets the minimum warrant requirements for a 1��-%wa y STOP sign. The recornmenda tion of the Traffic Engineering Division is to control approaching traffic with a STOP sign on De1 Mar Ave. , the appropriate STOP bar.s and .Zegends will be installed according.I�. MOTION G. Shaw , ,5'ECOND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous 5. Request for installation of A STOP sign traff.ic study has been conducted STOP sign at the intersection at the intersection of-Grove Ave. and of Grove �t. and N. High�and St. High�and Street. Gove Ave� and High.Zand St, are both residen�ial roadways. No traffic Mrs. Anna .ft. Cardillo regulatory signs are currently contro.Zling 2474 N. Highland St. , #�1. approaching traffic at this .Zocation. Field - Orange; CA 92667 investigation indicates no significant _ . deficienc� in street design, alignment, RECOMMENDATION: �Approve striping or signing. � Pl� peak period (4:45-5:45 PM) turning count at. this location indicates a total of 15�� vehicles during �he peak traffic hour. 1 07 vehic.Zes were counted on HighZand St. , while 50 vehicles were counted on Grove St. The intersection of Grove Ave. and Highl.and St. satisfies the minimurn warrant requirements for a 3-way STOP sign. The recommendation of the Traffic Engineering Division is to control approaching traffic - on Grove Ave, and Highland St. with STOP g signs and a11 appropriate pavement markings. MOTION G. Shaw SECOND D. Yarger -� � AYES Unanimous CI�'Y TRAFFIC CO?�IISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � � � � November I3, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSTDERATION ITEMS CONTINUED 6. Request for installation of STOP A STOP sign traffic study has been conducted stign at th� junction of K-Mart at the intersection of N. Highland St. and Uti.Zity A11ey and N. High.Zand St the K-Mart Utility A31ey. Highland St. is near 1908 N. Hi�ghland Street. a residential roadway with on-street parking ' _ and a curb-to-curb width of 35 feet. Two- __ Mrs. Anna R. Cardil�o way daily count of Highland St. indicates 2074 N. Highland St. , #A 1.I.6 vehicles during the PM peak hour, of Orange, CA 92667 which 62 were preceding southbound and 54 • nor�thbound. 1 5 vehicles were observed RECOMMENDATION: Approve exiting the a11ey. No recorded accidents were reported in the past .l2 months at this Zocation. . The recommendation of the Traffic Engineering Division is thus to install STOP regulatorz� signs for both southbo�znd traffic on High.Zand St. and eastbound traffic on K-Mart u.tility a11ey. The Traffic Division will inform the property' owner of the driveway to install STOP signs and STOP legends on the a11ey. MOTION G. Shaw SECQND D. Yarger AY.�'S Una nimo u s 7. Request for insta.:llation of STOP A STOP sign traffic study has been conducted _ sign at the intersection of at the intersection of Cora1 Ave. and Highland Coral Ave. and Highland Street. Street. Both streets are residential road- ways with on-street parking. Fie1d Mrs. Anna Cardil.Zo investigation indicates no deficiency in . 207� N. Highland St. , #A street design, alignment, striping or signing. _ Orange, CA 92667 PM peak period (3:30-5:30 PM) turning count at this intersection indicates a tota.Z of 118 RECOMMENDATION: Approve vehic.Zes during the peak traffic hours. 10�i vehicles were observed on Highland St, , while IO vehicles were observed on Cora1 Avenue. No recorded accidents were found in the past 12 monthse The inter section of Highland St. and Coral Ave. does meet minimum warrant requirements for a 1-way STOP sign. The recommendation of �he Traffic Engineering Division is to control approaching traffic on Coral Ave. with a STOP sign and appropriate - pavement markings. MOTION G. Shaw . SECOND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous GI�.'Y TR.AFFIC CONIl�IISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � - November 13, 198 5 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION TTEMS CONTINUED Se Request for i,nstalla tion of A traffic signal has. been requested at the traffic signal` at the inter- intersection of Nleats A ve. and Park Lane. section of Mea ts Ave. and Staff has conducted site investigations and Park Lane. the findings indicate that signalization is ' not des,irable at this requested- intersection Mrs. Anna R. Cardil,lo for the following reasons: 2 07 4 N. Hi.ghl.and St. , #'A Orange, CA 92667 1) Both roadways transition to north-south direction from east-west direction in RECOMMENDATION: Deny less than 50 feet of distance from Meats Avenue. 2) Existing raodway alignments are undesirable for"signal insta.Zl.ation because vehicles must maneuver sharp turns both to enter into and exi.t :from this intersection. 3) The private drivewa y northerly of Park Ln. at Meats Ave. is controlled by a STOP sign about 40 feet nart.h of Meats Ave. Such lengt.h can accommodate at the most, two cars at any given momerzt. This limited storage length .is detrimental �o the effectiveness of a traffic signal. Similarly, signalization at the requested intersection wi11 greatly impact the operat�ion of an existing sigzralized intersection at Tustin St. and Meats Ave. , approximately 20 feet apart. The recornmenda tion of the Traffic Engineering _ Di vision is that �he request for a tra ffic signal at the intersection of Meats Ave. and Park Lane be denied. MQTION G. Shaw SECQND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous CI�.'Y TRAFFIC CO?�IISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � - � � � November 13, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES 9. Request for trao-hour I.imited In July, 1985, the Ci:ty Traffic Commission parking restriction •be initiated received several requests to implement a on Flower 5�. , Almond Ave. and two-hour parking Iimit on Mi,ZI� Dr. , and Mi.Zls Dri�e. portions of Flower St. southerly of Chapman Avenue. ' In response to the request, Tim Smith a11 residents of the affected .neighborhood 2314 W. A.Zmond Ave. area were invited to attend the August City Orange, CA 92667 Traffic Commission meeting,. during which the request was considered. Only one resident RECOMMENDATION: Deny at�ended. and expressed his opposition to such a parking restriction. The Commission denied the requested parkznc� restrictzon based on �he lack of support. Staff from the Traffic Engineering,Division conducted a letter surve�- and thus reached the following findings. On1y Flower St. between Chapman and. Almond: shows a strong support (50i bf the . households) for such a parking restriction. It_ should be noted. that such parking � resfirictions, 2-hour limit; 9AM-6PM; Saturday, Sunda y and hol.ida ys exel ud ed, a pp1 y to a11 vehicles parked on the street. The Traffic Engineering Divisian recommendatiox. is thus to install two-hour limit.ed parking on . both sides of Flower St. between Chapman Ave. and Almond Ave. , and impose no additional parking limits on Mi.Z1s Dr. and Almond Avenue. DISCUSSION Gary Young Most of the people I talked to a.�e pretty _ reluctant to .having these signs installed but know there is a prob.Zem due to traffic on the Garden Grove Fwy. and up to Chapman. We� think FIo wer St. had the most problems you cannot ��op parking on this stree� they are just going to move around the corner. The business center is the center of the problems a s they instruct their emp�oyees to reserve on-site parking for their customers and they must park on the street. Tim Smi th � . Raised obj ec tions to the temporary measure of imp.Zementing the two-hour parking restrict- ion on Flower St. as i t is his belief this wi11 increase the parking probl ems on Mi11 s D.r. and Almond Avenue. CI�'Y TRAFFIC CO�SISSION - MINUTES flF A REGULAR MEETING � � � y � - November 1.3, 198 5 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATIOIV ITEMS CONTIlITUED Mr. Smith further objected on this measure being unacceptable to the residents and at this time the motion for a trial basis of parking restriction of Flower St. was withdra wn for consideration and �`ommissioner Yarger further recommended that the Commission deny the requested parking restriction entirely. _ _ MOTION D. Yarger SECOND G. Shaw AYES Unanimous . � •