05-08-1985 - Minutes TC � CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � May 8, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES R4LL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann, D. Turner, D. Smith Staft: B.Dennis, Lt. Da wson, Sgt. Ordonez ABSENT Commissioners : D. Yarger APPROVAL OF M.INUTES MOTION D. Turner SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous CONSENT CALENDAR A. Request for Intersection Vision Request for intersection vision zone 60' Zone/On-street Parking Remova.Z on Walnut Ave. at the Southwest corner South side of Wa.Znut Ave. at of Walnut Ave. and Shattuck P1. Shattuck P1. in Orange � Traffic Engr. Div. Staff RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous B. Request for Intersection Vision Request for intersection vision zone 30' Zone/On-street Parking Removal on Tustin St. at the Northwest corner of Y�est side of Tustin St. at Tustin St. and Washington Ave. Washingtan Ave. Judy B1air 196 S. Shattuck P1. Orange, CA 92666 REeDMMENDATION: APPROVE MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous C. Request for On-street Parking A request for on-street parking removal 5outh side of Marmon Ave. at the subject Iocation was initiated by between Esplanade St. and residents of the 200 to 300 block of Earlham St. S. Wrightwood, Orange in October, 1984. Kristin Wood This request for parking removal was 243 S. Esplanade St. , #1 approved by the Traffic Commission on � Orange, CA 92669 October 15, 1984; but the problem was : not traffic oriented. . CITY TRAFFSC' CONIl�iISSION . MINUTES OF .A REGULAR MEETING .May 8, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES Therefore this request for or�-��tr�et � parking was expected as a result of the parking shortage in this neighborhood and it is the opinion af this Commission to refer this item back to the City Council. RECOMMENDATION: REFER TO THE CITY COUNCIL MOTION D. Turner SECOND M. Baumann AYE5 Unanimous CONSIDERATION ITEMS 1. Request for Traffic Signal at The intersection of Tustin St. and Quincy Tustin St. and Quincy St. Ave./Post Office, b�sed on today's Joseph J. Stodolla potential traffic demand, meets t.he .Z046 N. Tustin St. , Suite B required warrants for a traffic signal. Oranqe, CA 92667 However, in the evaluation of whether to signalize this intersection, the following factors must be considered: 1. � The Post Office currently has three entry and exit driveways and wi11 most likely do so in the future to maintain smooth traffic circulation into and out of its parking lot. Signalizing this intersection and thus controlling on1 y one dri veway, wi11 not regulate a11 traffic destined for the Post Office. _ 2. The existing traffic exiting pattern from the Post Office is prohibited to _ � right turn on1y. Fie1d study indicates that such traffic turning operation has success�'u11y discharged exiting traffic from the Post Office, while ma.intaining adequate internal traffic circulation within the parking Iot. 3. The total traffic demand in thi s . signal war.rant study refl�c.ts..the . � worst case situation at this . intersection. � - _. 3 ' CITY TR.A�FIC CO�IISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING May 8, 1985 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES � 4. The ma jor concerns of the �-�- --���- �- petitioner and 1oca1 residents are twofold. One is the difficulty of pedestrians crossing Tustin St. accessing the Post Office. The other is the concern for accident occurring at t1u s intersection. There are at the most three accidents in the past year that are potentially correctable with a traffic signal control device at this intersection. The pedestrian street crossing difficulty ma.y be improved through other remedial applications, such as better delineat= ion of crosswalk, installation of reflectors an.d advance warning signs. From the previous discussion, it is . c.Iear that to ensure a traffic signal operating properly at this inter- section wi11 definitely require extensive redesign and realignment of the Post Office parking 1ot and its internal circulation. The City Traffic Engineering Division wi1.Z initiate discussion on thi s subject with t12e Postal Service. . RECOMMENDATION OF STUDY The Traffic Division's recommendation is to pursue additional study both in terms of the coordination with and cooperation from the Postal Service, prior to submitting consideration of funding for a traffic signal at the intersection of Tustin St. and Quincy Ave./Post Office. RECOMMENDATION: CONTINUE FOR MOTION D. Turner � FURTHER STUDY SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous . . . . . ... ..... . . . ; CITY TRAFFIC CO�IISSION . � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING May 8,. 1985 �, AGENDA MOTION MINUTES 2. Request for installation of a The intersection of Chapman Ave'-:�and� � Traffic Signal at the inter- Canyon View Ave. , based on today'�s traffic section of Chapman Ave. and level did not meet the required warrants Canyon View Ave. �'c�r a traffic signal. Donald J. Peak, President Old Chapman Townhomes Changes are anticipated within the Homeowners Association residentia-1y developed area along Canyon Vi.ew Ave. that would result in an increase in traffic volumes on this street accessing Chapman Ave. The future usage of Canyon View Ave. wi1.Z be increased substantial3y after its expansion to Newport Ave. and the proposed development on the east side of the City. But prior to these developments, the traffi� data at this intersection failed to meet the min.imum criteria for the installation of a traffic signal. It is therefore recommended that the request for a traffic signal at the intersection of Chapman Ave. and Canyon View Ave. be denied until a justifiable traffic 1eve1 is reached. RECOMMENDATION: DENY MOTION G. Shaw SECOND D. Turner .AYES Unanimous 3. Request to change existing Mr. A1 Lewis, President of the Homeowners , school bus pick-up location at Association of this community has contacted Chapman Ave. and Brambles Way Mr. Norman Mock, of the Orange Unified to a new location in the School District who came out to review the Pheasant Run community. suggested relocation area and felt it was AZ Lewis, President okay. Mr. Lewis provided photographs to Pheasant Run Homeowners Assoc. the Commissionexs of the current pick-up 7150 Cambria Circle location denoting the possible dangers the Orange, CA 92669 children are exposed to, (high speed of vehicles on the street, distance of• pick-up station to curb of the street, no lighting o.f the area. Mr. Lewis has the support of the homeowners association . in their request and has also"protrzded a ' we.Zl 1it, protected alternative location on this private street to acccimbdate the pick-up area. , � , Mr. Bernie Dennis, City Traffic Engineer ind.icated that there are several develop- ments in the East Orange area where such pick-up locations could be changed for the continued safety of the children. CITY fiR.AFFIC COr'�iISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING Ma y 8, 1985 ��- AGENDA MOTION MINUTES Commissioner Baumann indicated�-tha�---�he would present the proposal to the Orange Uni fied School District and show them the photographs of the existing conditions and the dangers posed. Commissioner Shaw requested that the City Traffic Engineer prepare a letter to the Orange Unified School District of the findings of thi.s Commission's findings and approva.Z of this change in location of the school bus pick-up area. Mr. Bernie Dennis indicated that he would have a Ietter available to Commissioner Baumann by Friday to accompany the photographs for hi s presentation to the School District in this 'regard. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL MOTION G. Shaw SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous 4. Request for insta.Z.Zation of Due to the increased traffic volume and pedestrian crosswalk at the Iack of left-turn pocket on Glassell Glassell and Pa.Zmyra. St. , pedestrians are experiencing Sandra Gunther increasing difficulty crossing GZasse.Z1 St. 275 N. Main St. � It is the recommendation of the Traffic Orange, CA 92667 Engineering Division to install a - . pedestrian crosswalk on the south side of Glassell St. at Palmyra Ave. and to alert motorists and enhance the crossing . pedestrians safety. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous � }