10-08-1986 - Minutes TC CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING - October 8, 1986 �AGEI�IDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT Cormnissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann, D. Turner, D. Yarger Staff: B. Dennis, D. Allenbach, D. Kuan Lt. Leintz, P. Th�n ABSENT Commissioners : D. Smith --�--------------------------------- ------------ ---------------�--------�----------_--------- C�11i��NT CALEL�A�.t 1. i��quest for installation of °No Farking an St��et �w�eping Days' sign b� po�te� on the 300 block of . E. Grov� Ave. (Fri. 7-11:30am RECOMMENDATTOI�: APPROV� I+�O►�IOL�T D. Turner SECOND D. Yarger AYE� Unaninnous 2. Requ�st for installation of °No Pa�c�ing on Stre�t �weeping Days' ��gn be post�d o�: the 500 bloc� of E� Grc�ve Av�. (Fri 7-11:30am) REC�MMENDATIONm APPROVE MOTIOL� D. Turner ` SEC'aND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous ' 3. Request for installation of driveway vision zone at 2095 N. B�.t�.via St, RECQMI'�FNDATIQ�J: Agprove MOTION D. Turne� SFCQI�D Ya. Ya��er AYES Unanimaus CITX 'TRA�'FIC CO�ISSION MINIT'TES OF A REGULAR MEETING - - � � October 8, 198C AGENDA MOTION MINUTES C'AL�TSII�1'T CAI,ENDAR (COl�I'rIN[JFD) 4. ��quest fo� install�.tion of intersection v.ision zone at � Sequoi.a Ave. �.nd Poplar St. RECOMMENDATIQN: APPROV� N[O'TIaN D. Tuarner SECO�ID D. Y�ger � AYES Una.nimous COL�TSIDE�dATION ITF.t�S A. Request for �.nstallation of Both Culver and California ar� residential a 2-way STOP coratrol d�v�ce �oaclways in the study area which a_llow at the intersection of on-stre�t garking, together, Culver and Culver Ave. and California S Ca.lifornia form a 4-way intersection. Culver Ave. �runs in an ea�t-west direcfiion terminating REC�MI��ENDA'�TON: APl'RO�E . at Gardner St. two blocks west of the study area and in a cul-de-sac one lalock to the east. California St. runs in a nQrth-south dir�ctian t�rminating one bloc}� tc� the sauth at Chalynn Cr. and one block to th� nt�rth �.� Palmyra Ave. Botch Ca].ifornia and Culver have � curb-�to-curb wic�th of 32 feet. PM pea�c p�riod (4-C PM� turning count �t th�s intersection indicate� a total of �l vehicl�s during the peak traffic hour. 61 vehicles w�re counted on California St. during the peak traffic hour, whYle 2Q vehi�cles were counted on � Culver Av�. during �h� same time p�rc�.od. No recorc�ed �.�c�.dents w��r� found in the �aast 12 months at this intersect�on. The City '�raffa.c Gomm�.ssion has a pr�licy of recommending S�'QP contr�l dev�.ces at ari in��rsectian base� on traffic v�l.umes, accident history and i.ntersection alignmen� �.nd d�sign. Th� intersectio�. of California St, and Culv�r � Ave. satisfi�s the rninimum requirements �or ai 2-way STOP control device. ~ Iiased on the SZ"OP cantrol analysis, the � reeoi�endation of the Traffic Engineerinc� Div. is to approve the request for a. 2 way S�'OP control device on Californ.ia St. at �ulver • • Ave., the appropriate S'�'OP ba.r� legencl an�l vi�ion zones will b� installed accordingly. t�iO�TION I�I. Bawma,nn �EC(�D �. Turner .A�S [�nanimous CITY TRAFFIC CO�iISSION MII�ILT'rES OF A REGULAR MEETING - - - � - Oetober 8, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDE�ATI�i ITEN1r.S CONTINUED B. Requ�st for installation of Gr�engrQ�re St. and Cu].ver Ave. are both a 2-caay S�rOP contacol device residential roadways in the study area. �t the intersection of Greengrove St. runs �.n �. north-south direction �ulver Ave. and Greengrove terminating at its southern end a't Chalynn Cr. St. and at the nortk�ern end at Palmyra Ave. Cu.lver �t�COM1�ENDATI�N: APP�tO�IE Ave. runs in an east-west dir�ct�.on terntinat.ing at �.t� eastern end in a cu�.-de��ac, 100 feet from the inter�ection and at its western end at Gardner St. �oth Gr�engrave St. and Culver Ave. ailow an-s�reet �ark.ing and hav� curb-to--curb widths of 32 feet. � P�i pea�k period (4-6 PN�) turr�a.ng count at thi� � inte�rse�t�on indicate a total of 75 vehicles dura.r�g th� peak traffic hour. 65 vehicles were counted on Gr��ngrove St. during the peak traffic hour, while 10 vehic�es we�e counted on Culver Ave. during the �ame time period.. No recorded accic�ents were found in the pas�t 12 months at this intersection. The City Traffic CoYnmission has a policy o� reco�m�a�ding STt�P cont�ol devices at, an intersec�tion �ased an traffic volumes, acciden� history and inter�ection alignment and design. Th� intersect�or� of Greengrove St. and Culver � Av�. �atisfi.�s the rninimum war�cant for a 2-way S7C(�P control devic�. �Based on the above S�OP control �a.nalysis� the � recon�ienc3a.t�on of the Traffic Engineering Div. is to control �.�proa.ching traffic on Culver Ave. with ST�OP signs at Greeng�ove St.► t�e appropriate STOP bar, lec�ends arad vis.�on zones will be ins�alle�3 accordingly. k 1�TI� D►. rl'l11"I1�� S� D. Yarger _ AYEs un�ni�ou� CI�'Y TR.AFFIC CO�iISSION - - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � � � � � � Oc�ober 8, 198C AGENDA MOTION MINUTES G"OL�TSID�l2ATIO�i-I-TENIS-�IL�i[7ED - ___ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _-- C. Request for i.nstallat�on of Alr�and Av�. anc� Grar�r� St. arce �aoth collec�to� a 4-way S3'C)P control device streets in the stuc�y �r��. Almond Ave. runs at t�ie intersection o� in an ea�t-w�st c��r�cta.on with a curb-to-curb Almond Ave. and �rand St. width of 39 �eet anc� al�.ows on-str�et parkinc�. � Curr�nt�y the�e is a 4-�aay ST(JP two lalocks to RECOM�IIENDATION; �PRO� the w�st �t Almond Av�. and Gl�s�ell S�e and two bloc�.s to the east �.� A�:mond and �haffer. � Granc� St. r�xns in a noreth-aouth di�ect�.on andl �.as a cu�b-to-curb wi�th of �9 feet �.nd a�low� on-strce�t par�.ing. 'I'he�e is a 2-way STOP on Grand St. at the �.ntersection of ��and St. and Almond Av�. �.nd a tr�f f�ic signa7� one blo�� north of th� �tuay ar�a �.t Gra�� S�t. and Ch�.�ama.n Ave. IPI� p�a�� p�ra.oc� (4-6 Pl��) tu�er��.nc� count at thi� �nte��e�tion indic�.tes a t�ta�. of �al veha.cles dur�n� the ��ak traffic haur. a77 v�h��les were coun��e� on Alrnond Ave. during th.e peal� traffic hour, whil� 1�4 vehicles w�re counted can �ra�d S�. dur�.ng th� same time p�ra.od. . Ther� has be�n only one recorded a,cci.dent at this intersection w�.�th�n th� past 12 months. T�e City 'Traffic Cammiss�.on has a �olicy o� recommenc�a.ng STQP cont�col devices at a� _ in-tersection �aased on t�caffic volumes, acc�.��nt history and intc����ction a�.ic�nm�nt �.n� �esign. T�e intersection of Almond Ave. �nd Grane� Sto satisfies the minimum warrant requir�ments fa� a 4-wa�r S'�OP contro� devic�. Bas� on the abo�e S�P control ana].ysis, the reco�.nendation of the Traffic Er�.gineering Div. is to control approaching traffic on Alr�ond Ave. with S`.�'GlP signs e ithe appro�raate ST'OP �, legenc7s and vis�.on zones will � in�talle�l accordingly. 1�I0� D. xarger S�D D. Turn�r d�XES Utianimo� . CI7.'Y TR.AFFIC CONIl�iISSZON � - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � � " - � October 8, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONTID]UED D. Request for ins�tallation of The Traffic Engineering D�v. has received a a 3-way STOP control dev�.ce at `�. request based on the safety of schoal the intersection of LaVeta Ave crossings on LaVeta Ave. to and from the and Malena St. LaVeta E]_ementary School. In the letter of request, the speeding problem on LaVeta Ave. RECQMM�NDATION: APPROVE in front of the school was expressed and a signalized or controlled crosswalk in front of the school to clearly alert motorists of the school crossings was suggested. La�Ieta Ave. between Yorba St. and Prospect St. is posted 35 MPH �peed limit. Both the school signs and legends are properly posted on LaVe�ta Ave., currentl.y there is a crossing guard at LaVeta Ave. and Malena St. to assist with p�destrian crossing activity durin.g school hours. A 3-way S'I'UP warrant study wa� conducted at this intersection, however, this intersection fails to meet the minimum requirements for a 3-way STOP control device. During the PM peak � hour (5-6 PM) 584 vehicles we�e counted on LaVeta Ave. and only 3 on Malena Street. In the AM peak hour (7:30-8;30 AM) , 619 vehicles were �ounted on LaVeta Ave. and only 10 on the side street. Neither of these traffic volumes = satisfies the city's 3-way STOP control requirements. No recorded acc�.dent history at this intersection was reported during the past two years. . 60 student crossings were observed during the hour between 7:30-8:30 AM. Howe�er, field observation did not indicate excessi�e speeding problems, nor failure to observe and obey the crossing guard's instructions. . It is, therefore, staff's recomt�ndation to deny the request for a 3 way STOP control device anc� a signal at the intersection of aVeta Ave. ancl Malena Str�et. Aclditional signing, however, will be posted prior to entering into the school area on LaVeta , venue. P�OTION Ni. Ba�nnann - SF..CaND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous . CI�.'Y TRAFFIC CO�IISSIO�T - � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � - � � � � � � October 8, 1986 AGENUA MOTION MINUTES C:O�NSIDERATION ITEMS CONTINUED D. Reque�t to add Collins Ave. CA Vehicle Code 35701 states that any city b�tween Batavia St. and may, by ordinance, p�ohibit � th� use of a Glassell St. between Katella street by any commercial vehicle or by. any Ave. and Collins Ave. to the vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight City's truck route system. limit. The City of Orange currently has an established truck route serving industrial RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE areas and on main arterials wtihin the c�ty. This truck route ordinance also prohibits operation of vehicles with a gross weight of 6,000 pounds or more upon �.ny street not designated as a truck route. The industrial zone as adopted by the city's General Plan includes the area generally bounded by Fletcher Ave. to the north, Walnut Ave. to the south, Santa Ana �tiver to the west and Glassell St. to the �ast, as the periphery of the industrial zone exists majorc commercial zones. Both land uses have the neec7 far commercial truck access. CA Vehicle Code 35703 states that no ordinace adopted shall prohibit any commercial vehicles - caming from an unrestricted street by direct route ta and from a restricted street when necessary for the purpose of making pickups and deliveries. This code provides legitimate access of any commercial vehicles to and from 15 different locations via these sections of ` Glassell St. and Collins Avenue. Truek counts during AM, midday and PM peak tr.affic hours w�re conducted on both streets. As high as 10 commercial trucl�s over 6,OQ0 pounds of gross weight were observed on Collins Ave. and 5 on Glassell St. during a given peak hour. Most of these trucks have specific stops along these two streets for the purpose of making pickup� and deliveries, based on� our observations. Consequently, our Police Dept. is experiencing a difficulty in enforcing this city ordinance when the majority of trucks on these two streets are operating legally according to the state law. The exclusion of Collins Ave. and � Glassell St. from the city's truck route system also .creates unnecessary delay to truck - operators as a �c�sult of police inquiries. CI�Y TRAFFIC GO�iISSION � - - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING - - - � - � - October 8, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ;.;: CONSIDEl2ATION ITEMS CON'rINUED It is our opinion, because the proposed truck route does not link with othe�c existing .truck routes, that the addition of these two streets into the city truck rou�e system will not change the level of commercial truck operations. Furthermare, this proposed truck route change if adopted, will centralize all commercial operations on these two arterials only, which in turn will allow police officers with much greater effective enforcement on residential streets and other streets not designated as a truck route. It is, therefore, our recomnendation to ac1c1 W. Collins Ave. between �atavia St. and Glassell St.; ancl N. Glassell St. between Ratella Ave. and Collins Ave. into the existing city truck � route system. NIO'TIC�T D. �'urner SECOND D. �arger �iYES� iJnanimous OFF AGENDA ITEM - l. Rec�uest for in�tallation of 'I�o �arking on Street Sweeping Days' on �he 100 bloc of Arbor Way and the 100 block � of N. Citrus St. RECOMMENDATON: APPROVE MO�TION D. Yarger SEC(�TD D. �'urner AYFS Unanimous