08-13-1986 - Minutes TC / • 1 CITY TRA�FIC COMMISSION N�INUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING August 13, 1986 r ,�,GENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: M. Baumann, D. Turner, D. Yarger Staff: B� Dennis, M. Leintz, D. Kuan, D. AZlenbach, P. Then ABSENT Commissioners ; G. Shaw, D. Smith CONSEIJT CALENDAR .I. Request for a driveway vision zone at 123 N. 01i ve Street. Kenneth W. Crumley Ambassa.dor B1dg. Maint. Co. � 123 N. Olive St. Orange, CA 92666 . RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous 2. Request for installation of a directional sign for Grace � Brethren Church on the north side of Fairhaven Ave. at " Lowry Street. Don Byers Grace Brethren Church 2201 E. Fairhaven Ave. Orange, CA 92669 RECOMMENDAT.ION: App.�ove MOTION D. Yarger . S.�,COND D. Turner � � AYES Unanimous \ � CI�Y TRA�'FIC GO�ISSION � �iIY�TIJ'TES OF aA R]EGtTI,AR MEETING - . . . August 13, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERA3�'ION CALENDAR A. Reque,�,.t for the installation This intersection is currently shared bz� the of a left-turn protected County and the City of Orange." The City owns signal phase on Batavia St. the south 1eg while the other three Iegs of the at Lincoln Avenue. intersection are within County ju�isdiction. Margaret J. Hayes Batavia St. terminates at Lincoln Ave. , the 745 W. Westway Ave. north leg of the intersection provides access Orange, CA 92665 . into and out of the R.J. Noble Construction Co. faciZity. Left turning .Zanes are striped on RECOMMElIIDATION: Deny a11 approaches except for southbound exiting from the R.J. Noble driveway. A Zeft turn protected signal warrant study has been conducted on the basisTof traffie volumes, accident hzstory, vehicu.Zar delay a,nd speed � c.haracteristics. Both AM and PM peak hour traffic counts were taken at this intersect�,on on Batavia Street. In the AM peak traffic hour, a hi gher traffic activity is observed from the construction faci.Zity, while relatively .Iow northbound traffic proceeds on Batavia Street. The � reverse occurs d uring the PN1 peak hour. The southbound traffic on Batavia St. is heavy, however, 'traffic entering into and exiting out of the constructi.on facility drops significant.Zy. Neither peak hour �raffic satisfies t_he minimum requirement for a left turn signal phase ` on Batavia Street. Out of 5 reported traffic aecidents at this in�t�ersection since I.984, none of them are potentially correctable with the insta.Zlation of a protected left turn phase on Batavia Street. Field inspections also fail to suggest any . excessi ve traffic delay on Batavia Street. Travel speed near the intersection during the E peak traffic hours is we1l within the posted speed limits. ` CIT� TRAF�IC COI�iIS S ION �►iIN�T`rES OF A itEGULAR MEETING � - - - August 13, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION .ITEMS CONTINUED Based upon the above traff:ic and accident data, - it is recommended that the request for a protected left turn signal phase be denied on - Batavia St. at Lincoln Avenue. ' Because this intersection is shared b� the City and the County of Orange, staff will forward a11 pertinant information to the responsible County department for review. MOTION Matt Baumann SECOND Dick Yarger AYES Unanimous B. Reques.t for the �erouting of Continuation from Ju1y 9, �I986 meeting. OCTD Bus Route 53 and 53A be : removed from N. Cambridge St. DISCUSS"ION between Meats Ave, an d Taft � - Ave. and be relocated o.n Ji11 Coleman of OCTD � Tustin Street. We began operating these two bus lines within Betty A. Bellmyer this neighborhood in 1974, we have 85 trips : 2031 N. Cambridge St. per day. If we remove these buses we a.�e not Orange, CA 92665 serving 40 people daily. We offer as an a.Zternative to limit the hours of bus travel. RECOMNIENDA TION: Approve on Cambridge St. from 9am to 7pm; and thz,� cha:nge can be implemented at our earliest route change period, probab.Zy Januar_y 1987. Betty Bellmr�er i�hen did you take your ridership counts? Jil.Z Col eman - OCTD � Mareh and April of 1986. Betty Bellmyer We have conducted our own ridership count and find that between the hours of 5:45 am and t 10:45 pm onl y 22 peop.Ze get on and get off the bus on Cambridge Street. . Di ck Ya rger rrtrl�at time of day are the most number of riders using t-hese routes? Ji 11 Co:Z eman - OCTD y'�e do not have that information. i � �ITY �AFEIC CO?�IISSION � �INZTT�S �F A REGULA.R MEETING - � - Au ust 13 I986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERAZ'ION ITEMS CONTINUED Matt Baumann - We had requested t12at OCTD do an exact count of ridership and history of route change within this neighborhood to be available to us today. � Dick Turner - Is Cambridge St. an arteria.Z hi ghwa y? . Bernie Dennis - It is ca.Zssified as a � secondary arterial hi ghway on t.he Master Plan of Hi ghwa ys. Dick Yarger - The onI y accurate count we have is from 1�s. Bellmyer and the first passenger is picked up at 6:20 am arid the last passenger gets off the bus at 6:30 pm.} MOTION � All bus traffic be removed from N. Cambridge St. between Meats Ave. and Taft Ave. MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous