07-09-1986 - Minutes TC ,_ CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING July 9, 1986 �iGENDA MOTION MINUTES . ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, D. Smith, D. Turner Staff: B. Dennis, D. Kuan, D. A1lenbach, Lto Leintz, P. Then ABSENT Co�nissioners : M. Baumann, D. Yarger �.ms_�.�--�------------------------------ ----------- -----------------�----------------------------- �;'OiT�ENT CAZENDAR ITEMS 1. Request for insta.Z.Zation of a drivewa� vision zone north of the d�riveway of the Big A Motel. Linda McLeod Biq A Mote1 1250 N. Glassell St. � . Orange, CA 92667 s�2ECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTIDN D. Turner SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous 2. Request far installation of a dri veway vision zone at the Orange Mobile Home Park - drivewa� on Trenton S.t. , Oran ge Village Mobile Home Park 1420 N. Z'renton St. Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDA TION: Approve MnTIO�V D. Turner SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous 3. Request for 'No Parking On Street Sweeping Days' on the - �00 to 300 b.Zocks of N. Malena Street Mrs. J. L: Cox� 271 N. Malena St. Orange, CA RECOMMENDATION: Approve 1�20TION D. Turner SECOND D. Smith �� � AYES Unanimous �rYTY TRAFFIC CO�Il�tI S S ION �II�IUTES" OF A REGUI.AR MEETING - � � July 9, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSENT CALENDER CONTI�'VUED 4. F�equest for 'No Parking On Street Sweeping Days' on the � � 2700 �1ock of E. Killingswoz�th Ave. l�lrs. J. L. Cox 271 N. Malena St. Orange, CA RE'COMMEN:IIATION: Approve I�lOT.ION D. Turner SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous 5. Request for 'No Pa.�king On } Street Sweeping Days` on the 104 to 300 blocks of � " N. Wheel er St. . Mrs. J. L. Cox 271 N. Ma.Z ena St. Orange, CA RECOMMEND�TION: Approve MOTION D. Turner ' SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous 6. Request for 'No Parking On Street Sweeping Days' on Crest Rd. , Bedford Rd. and Devon Rd. south of LaVeta Ave. Ca r1 C.�u gs t on 573 Devon Rd. Orange, CA RECOMMEN:DATION: Approve MOTION D. Turner SECOND D. Smith � AYES Unanimous 7. Request for removal of on-street parking on Fair.haven Ave. between Lowry G�Ta� and Yorba St. . on �he north side of the street. Ci t� of Oran ge Traffic Engineering Division RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Turner SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous CITY TR.AFFIC CO�IISSION � ri�NUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING - - ~ - Jr�l 9 198 6 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSENT CALEIVDAR CONTINUED 8. Request for installation of a intersection vis�on zone . ` (100 Ft. red curb) at Glasse.Z.Z St. and E. Hoover Ave. Shirley Strosaker 103 E. Hoover Ave. Orange, CA 92667 RECOMI�IENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Turner SECOND D. Smith AY.E'S Una ni mo us .�. Request for insta.Zlation of a : driveway vision zone at 1107 N. Batavia St. � " Percy Baez 4148 E. Fernwood Ave. Ora n ge, CA RECOMMENDATTONr Approve MOTION D. Turner SECOND D. Smith ` AYES Unanimous .ZO. Request for 2-Hour Limited Parking restriction at 4709 W. Chapman Ave. Dr. Bob Fotter 4079 W. Chapman Ave. Orange, CA 92668 RECOMMENDA TION: Deny MOTION .U. Turner SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous CONSIDERA TION ITEMS � � , A. Request for the cnange of OCTD The Traffic Engineering Division has received bus Route 53 & .r3-3A be r:emoved the response from OCTD regarding the above f.�om N. Cambridge St, between request by Ms. Bellmyer. The basis of the � Meats Ave. and Taft Ave. and be request is primarily the noise resultant from _ rel.ocated to Tustin Street. buses trave.Zing on Cambridge Street. However, it is the recommendation of OCTD that this Betty A. Bellmyer � � bus route (53 &. 53A) currentl y servicing 203.Z N. Cart�bridge St. Cambridge St. be allowed to operate without Orange, CA 92665 any route change for the following reasons: �I'1�' '�4FF`I,C ���ISSION . �'III�ES OF �4 �,EGIJLAR MEETING � . . Ju1 9 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDE.RATION ITEMS 'CONTINUED 1. OCTD has provided service along this section of Cambridge St. since 1974. During this l2 year period, OCTD has received nothi,ng but positive responses from area residents. 2. T.he removal of bus services from Cambridge St. between Meats Ave. and Taft Ave. onto Tustin St. would inconvenience about 40 boarding and disembarking passengers.per day. 3. The remova.Z of this bus route onto Tustin �t. would duplicate services provided by anot�er OCTD bus and 'SCRTD bus, both currently operating on Tustin Street. � DISCUSSIOIV Bett� Bellmyer - Presented a petition of 39 signatures of area residents supporting the removal of t%1e bus routes from Carrtbridge Street. We really cannot stand the noise from all these buses, there are 38 buses on Saturda� and 15 on Sunday. F�oute 53 began using Cam.bridge St. ' in �984, previously this route had been on Tustin St. ; route 53A has a1 ways been on Cambridge St. but only one bus an hour. A1so, the wall�ing distance to the next available bus stop for these routes is not that far. Bernie Dennis - Do you know of any residents on your street that use this bus �hat are handicapped, and wou3d you consider one-half . the amount of buses be allowed to use Cambridge Street? Betty Bellmyer - None of our neighbors use the bus at a11; and we don't want anz� buses on -our street. I Yolanda Guthrie - There is a bus stop right in � front of my home and peop.Ze waiting for the - buses write graffiti a11 over and leave alot � of Iitter .everywhere on my property. Bernie Dennis - A public hearing is scl�edu.Zed for 7/22/86 before the City Council to hear � � the proposed prohibition of on-street parking on Tustin Stree�, it is to be exp�cted that alot of the traffic on Cam.bridge St. will be diverted back onto Tustin . �4ITY TRAFFIC CO�I�SION �IINLTTES OF A ItEG'ULAR MEETING - - � Ju.I y 9, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDE.RATIOIV' ITENIS CONTINUED RE'COMMENDATION Continue this issue and get information of possible alternative routes fo`r these buses. A.Zso, get an exact count of rider_shs.p t��iat are boarding and disembarking on Cambridge. Additionally, to find out the change in t?�e service history of the bus routes utilizing Cambridge St. in this area. And, finally, to invite a representative from OCTD to be . in attendance at the next commission meeting to respond to questions concerning this issue. MOTION D. Turner SECOND G. Shaw ' AYES Unanimous ' B. Request the installation of a � Everett Ave. and California St. are both STOP sign at tne intersection reside.x�ti�1 roadways in the study area. Everett of Everett Ave. and Ca1i fornia Ave. runs in an east-west direction with a St. curb--to-curb widt�'� of 33 feet. Everett Ave. termi,nates in the west at Cambridge St. and Valerie Brown in a cu1�-de-sac about 2 blocks east of 1041 E. Everett Ave. Cali fornia Street. Orange, CA 92 667 ' California St. runs in a north-south direction RECOMNIENDATION: Approve with a curb-�o-curb width of 33 feet. Calzfornza. St. terminates to the north at Collins Ave. and to the south at Walnut Ave. , both Everett Ave. and California St. a11ow on-street parking. PM peak period (4-6 PM) turning count at this intersection indicates a tota.Z of 76 vehic.Zes durin g the peak tra ffic houro 49 were counted on California St. during the peak traffic hour, w�'�ile 27 vehicles were counted on Everett Ave. during the sarne time period. T.here have been no recorded acciden�s f�und in the past 12 months at this intersection. . The City Traffic Commission has a policy of � recommending STOP control devices at an intersection based on. traffic vo.Zumes, accident� - histor� and intersection a1ignment and design. � � This intersec�ion satisfies the minimum wa.�rant requirements for a 2-way STOP control device. �ITY TRAFFIC. COI`�1ISSION �IINUT�S �F A REGULAR MEETING � � � � = Ju.Zy 9, .Z986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION;I TEl�IS CONTINUED RECOMMENDATION Based on the above STOP control analysis, the recommendation of.the Traffic `Engineering Division is to control approaching traffic on Everett Ave. at California St. with STOP signs, the appropriate STOP bar, legends and vision zones wi11 be installed accordingly. MOTION D. Turner SECOND G. Shaw AYES Unanimous C. Request for school crossing There are currently 71 schoo.I students who protectian at tl�e intersec�ion live west. of Glassell St.' primarily alang of Wilson Ave. and Glassell St. Wilson Ave. arld Hoover Avenue. The grade school students witn ages ranging between H. C. Tanner � 6 and 12 years old must cross C�lassell St. Orange Unified School District twice daily while going to California � 370 N. GZassell St. Elementar� School. Orange, CA 92666 Currentl�y a pedestrian crosswalk is painted on RECOMMENDA TION: Approve Glassell St. at Wilson Ave.. , a11 advanced . warning si gns associated with the crosswalk are properly posted. However, it is the - concern of the Orange Unified Schoo.Z District for the safety of these grade school students that a crossing guard be provided. A crossing guard warrant study has been conducted for this .intersection; Glassel3 St. at Wilson Ave, is class.zfied as a primary � arterial with 84 feet of curb-to-curb distance. The traffic counts on Glassell St. is approximately I,141 vehicles during the peak traffic hour, exceeding the minimum warrant requirements of 500 vehicles per hour. The posted speed limit is 35 MPH, however, the 85th percentile speed on G.Zassell St. between Katella and Collins Ave. exceeds 4Q MPH. The nearest signalized intersection with protected pedestrian cro.ssing on Glassell St. is located at Katella Ave. , a distance in excess of _ one-quarter of a mile. CI'�Y TRA.FFI� CO�IIS S ION � ]yiilldUTES 0� � REGIJLAR MEETING - � - Ju1y 9, .Z986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONTINUED RECOMMENDATIDN With the above ana.Z.z�sis and the increase of grade school student crossing "activities, the staff t��erefore recommends a crossing guard be designated at this intersection to assist pedestrian crossing activity during school hours, t.his should be implemented �t: the beginning of the school term in S�ptember 1986, additionall�, the existing advance warning signs anc� .Zegends sha11 be: changed from 'PED XING' to 'SCHOOL XING' accordingly. MOTION G. Shaw SECOND D. Smith ' AYES Unanimous '� f