04-09-1986 - Minutes TC CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINtJTES OF A REGULAR MEETING April 9, �986 �GENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: D. Smith, M. Baumann, D. Yarger, D. Turi�.er Staff: B. Dennis, l�l. Leintz, D. Kuan, D. A1.Zenbach, Sgt. Flannigan ABSENT Commissioners : G. Shaw --------------------------------------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------ CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Request for driveway vision zone at the Double Tree Hote1`s driveway on W. Chapman Ave. at � 100. The Cit� Drive. D�an Nelson, Resident Manager - Double Tree Hotel .Z 000 The Ci ty Dr. Orange, C'A 92668 � RECOMNIENDA TION: Approve MOTION D. Turner_ SECOND D. Smith A YES Unanimous 2. Request for I-hour limited _ parking restriction on the north side of Katella Ave. at . 1249 E. Katella Ave. Sonia Kemp Universal Savings Bank 1249 E. Katella Ave. Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: Approve 120TION D. Turner SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous CI7.'Y TRAFFIC CONIl�tISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � - � � � � April 9, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSENT CALENDAR CONTINUED 3. Request for driveway vision � zone�at 1730 �V. Main Street. Bud Rurup Transit Mixed Concrete Co. 1730 N. Main St. Orange, CA RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Turner SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous ' 4. Request for on-street parking restriction during street . . sweeping day at 2390 American Way � Richard J. Adair Adair Roofing, Inc. 2390 Ameriean Way Orange, CA 92665 RECOMMENDATION: Approve IdOTION D. Turner - SECOND D. Smith YES" Unanimous 5. Request for intersection vision zone at the intersection of Spring St. & Swidler Street. , Sandra K. Martinelli 1785 "D" Cedar G.Zenn � Anaheim, CA 92807 RECOMM.E'NDATION: Approve OTION D. Turner ECOND D. Smith YES Unanimous CZ�'Y TRAFFIC CO�tISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � - - - AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSENT CALENDAR CONTINUED 6. Request for 20-minute .Zimited : parking restriction on the south side of Kate.Z�a Ave. at � 1�08 E. K'atella Ave. , Units Cl and C2. Bob McKay, General Mana ger 60 Minute Photo ; 1108 E. Katella Ave. , #C-I Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDA TION: Approve 110TION D. TUrner , SECOND D. Smith . AYES Unanimous 7. Request for driveway vision zone at the southeast corner of Lemon St. and Wilson Avenue. J.A. & L. Fitzmaurice 20.Z W. Collins Ave., #.Z18B Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Turner SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous 8. Request for the .re.Zocation of ;- bus stops: � A. To 45' north of' the existing northbound far side stop location .on Tustin St. at Chapman Ave. , B. Frorn inside UGI Medica.Z . Center to southbound far side. on Gity Dr. at Medical_ Center Drive. (This is a temporary stop location durin g UCI Medical Center's construction period.) Orange County Transit District P.O. Box 3005 Garden Grove, CA 92642 � � PECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Turner : SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous CI�.'Y TRAFFIC CO�iISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING - - � - - Apri.Z 9, 1986 � AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATICON ITEMS A. Request for insta.Zlation of 4-way A STOP sign traffic study was conducted at the STOP control at the intersection subject intersection, results of the study of Chapman Ave. and Chand.Zer indicate: Ranch Rd. , and post a reduced speed limit of 35 MPH on Chapman Existing Conditions � Ave. between Ca1Ie Grande and Newport Avenue. Chapman Ave, is a 4-lane arterial roadway which runs in an east-west direction through the Ski Kurowski residential areas at the eastern end of Orange. Enterprise Management Services Chapman Ave. has a curb-to-curb width of 83' P.O. Box 2137 in this area and has a posted speed limit of Yorba Linda, CA 92686 45 1�IPH. . Chandler Ranch Rd. and Brambles laay are . residen�ial roadways that run in a north-south direction. Both streets have a curb-to-curb width of 38' . Currently, Chandl.er Ranch Rd. - terminates at its southern end near La Cumbra Dr. and at its northern end at Chapman Ave. Traffic entering Chapman Ave. from Chandler Ranch or Brambles Way is controlled by STOP signs. Fie1d study indicates no deficiency _ in street design and alignment in this area. PM peak period (4:30-5:30 pm) turning counts at this intersection indicate a total. volume of 907 vehicles counted during the peak traffic hour. 869 vehicles were counted on ' Chapman Ave. while only 38 vehicles were counted on Ghandler Ranch Rd. and Brambles Way during the same period. Aecident History Twa recorded accidents have been reported at thi.�s location in the past 12 months, one of the accidents a fatality, the other one was a collision with minor property damage, Anal.ysi s . The Ci ty Traffic. Commission has a policy of recommending STOP sign traffic controls at an _ intersection based on traffic volumes, accident history, and intersection alignment - and design. The subject intersection fails to satisfy the traffic volume ratio for a 4-way STOP. CI7.'Y TRAFFIC CO?�Il�2ISSION � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � - � � � �- April 9, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONTINUED It should be noted with regard to the fatal accident in February of thi,s year, that although the driver was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol and was going at the speed : of traffic f1ow, it is sti11 unknown as to the cause of the accident. It is also indicated that the accident would not be prevented by a 4-way STOP device. A speed zone survey was conducted on Chapman Ave. at Chandler Ranch Rd. on 4/2/86. . . Resu.Its of the survey indicate a mean speed , of 37 MPH, a pace speed of 33-42 MPH, and the 85% of speed was 45 MPH. ' DISCUSSION Several. residents of this area stated their. concerns ranging from the early morning �raffic act�vity at high speeds, tl�e noise generated by motorists using Chapman Ave. , the knowledge that as development increases in east Orange more motorists will be uti.Zizing Chapman Ave. and their desire to ` have this intersection signalized as we11 as to reduce the speed Iimit on Chapman Ave. in this area. B. Dennis - The California Vehicle Code � ;_ dictates how a City establishes a speed limit and its based on the 85i percentile of the � prevailing traffic speed. If we post a limit below a reasonable speed there is a very good chance speedinc� tickets would not hold up in court. Steve Irvine - My concern is regarding the school bus stop at this corner. Posting a sign similar to those by schools to drive 25 MPH when children are present could be very effective; also as there is such a steep grade here posting a sign of steep grade would s.Z ow tru cks. B. Dennis - We don`t have a special speed limit for special times of the day and I don`t know if we can do this by law. We could put in a sign warning motorists of a schoo.Z bus stop is ahead• however, Chapman Ave. was � designed to accommodate the speed for trucks so we couldn't post the street to only slow . trucks. CITY TR.AFFIC CONIl�SISSION � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � - - � - Apri1 9, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONTINUED D. Kuan - When installing a 4-way STOP you must look at both sides. Most traffic wi1.Z stop, but speed will. not slow down on Chapman Ave. because there is so much distance between the upstream and downstream STOPS. �If any control is put in you will get more traffic on Chandler Ranch Road. RECOMMENDATION Deny requested installation of 4-way STOP, but reduce the speed Iimit to 40 MPH and install interseCtion warning .signs at �` Chapman Ave. ; also post S.chool Bus Stop Ahead. Reevaluate in 10 months from now in regard to insta.Zlation of a signalized intersection. MOTION D. Turner SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous B. Request for street closure on The Traffic Engineering Division received a Chestnut Ave. between Tustin St. petition of 98 residents mostlz� from Chestnut and Maplewood St. , .and the Ave. requesting the City look into the effect installation of a 4-war� STOP of closing Trenton Ave, on C12estnut Ave. The contro:Z at the intersection basis of the request is that when Trenton is of Chestnut Ave. and Maplewood cul-de-saced at Tustin St. , Chestnut Ave. would Street. be t�ie onl� east-west through street between Katella Ave. and Taft Ave. connecting Tustin - Brad & Carol Stienstra St. and Cambridge St. , and that the neigh- 1044 Chestnut A ve, borhood is concerned about the increased Orange, CA 92667 traffic expected by traffic diverted from Trenton Avenue. Jim & Margaret Yadon 1032 Chestnut Ave. Tl�e purpose of the following study and analysis. Orange, CA 92667 is to determine the magnitude of traffic using Chestnut Ave. between Tustin St. and Cambridge St. , to estirnate the extent of traffic diversion from Trenton Ave. and to propose follow-up steps and mitigation measures to reduce or avoid the traffic impacts to �his neighborhood. General The study area encompasses primar.Ziy single- - family residential Iand use. Access into this neighborhood can be made at 5 intersections between 4 residential streets (Chestnut Ave. , CI�.'Y TRAFFIC CO�iISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � � - � � - April 9, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION'ITEMS CONTINUED Map.Z ewood Ave. , Concard Ave. , and Nordic P1ace) and three surrounding arterials; Tustin St. , Cambridge St. and Taft Ave. T,raffic diversion is expected to occur only on Chestnut Ave. and Maplewood St. because both Concord Ave. and � Nordic P1ace are too circuitous to use for any ti-me saving vpportunities. � A11 access intersections are one-way STOP controlled. Between Cambridge St. and Tustin St, , traffic on Chestnut is not controlled by ; either STOP sign nor signal, and a one-way STOP is installed on Maplewood St. and Silverwood St. at Chestnut Ave. Study Approach & Results To determine the magnitude of traffic usage on Chestnut Ave. between Cambridge St. and � Tustin St. , traffic counts were conducted at 4 locations on this street: 1) west of Tustin St. ; 2) east of Maplewood St. ; 3) west of ldaplewood St. ; and, 4) east of Cambridge St. The results of the traffic , counts ranged from 751 vehic3es per day west of Tustin St. .to .Z064 vehicles west of Nlap1 ewood Street. The hour.Z y breakdown indicates at the peak traffic hour a total of 105 vehicles travel on this street. A vehicle license plate survey to estimate the extent of through traffic using Chestnut � Ave. on Maplewood St. was also conducted during both the peak traffic hour (4-5 pm) and on off-peak hour (2-3 pm) at the intersections of Maplewood St. & Taft Ave. , Chestnut Ave. at both Tustin St. and Cambridge . St. Through traffic is defined as bypassing traffic having no specific destination or purpose in the area under consideration. The daily traffic vo.Zumes and the extenf� of through traffic usage on Chestnut Ave. today do not exceed the �olerance Ieve1 of a residential street. However, it is believed the closure of Trenton Ave. at Tustin St. woul.d encourage the through traffic usage on - `Chestnut Ave. The magnitude of traffic increase may range between zero, assuming no diversion takes place, to approximately 900 CI�'Y TR.AFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING - � � Apri1 9, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION. I TEMS CONTINUED vehi cl es per d a y, i f a.I Z traffi c on Tren ton Ave. is diverted to Chestnut Ave. Realistica�ll�, the exact amount of traffic diversion wou.Zd fa11 in between these two extremes and rnay bring the daily traffic vo.Zumes on Chestnut Ave. up to or near the street capacity of a residentia.Z street. 3-way STOP Control , A 3-way STOP sign study was conducted at the interseetion of Chestnut Ave. and Mapl.ewood St. , PM peak period (4-6 pm) turning counts at this intersection indicates a total of 97 vehicles. 84 vehic�es were counted on Chestnut Ave. and I3 vehicles on Maplewood St. during this same peak period. Accident History One accident between a vehicle and a parked vehicle .has been reported during the past 3 z�ears at this intersection. . � Analz�sis Based upon today's traffic volumes and accident ; history, this intersection satisfies the minimum requirements� for 1-war� STOP contro.Z, but fai.Zs to meet the minimum warrants for, a ; 3-way STOP control. Based on the above analysis, the proposed reques� to either close Chestnut Ave. or to install a 3-way STOP at Chestnut Ave. and Maplewood St. are not substantiated by tne existing traffic usage or accident data. The daily traffic volumes on Chestnut Ave. are within the capacity of a residential street. The magnitude of through traffic on this street is nominal, with fewer than ZO bypassing vehicles during both the peak and off-peak traffic hours. CI7.'Y TRAFFIC COMMISSION � MINUTES OF A REGLTLAR MEETING � � - - Apri1 9, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITENIS CONTINUED The PM peak hour turning counts at this intersection indicates a total of 97 vehicles entering into this intersection, as compared to Z00 vehicles required for a 3-way STOP control, and a traffic. volume ratio between the two streets of 6.7 to I, as compared to 3 to l required for a 3-way STOP control. The accident history in the 'past three years also fails to suggest any correctable accident type with insta.Ilation of a 3-way STOP contro.Z device at this in�ersection. DISCUSSION ' James Cairney - During the month you get different people out driving on �the street. If you pzck the wrong day to do your study you get wrong eounts. There is a nursery behind us that uses our street rahen their � parking �ot is fu11; also the car dealerships use our street for test driving purposes. We want to slow the traffic on Chestnut Ave. B. Dennis - We have long felt .that if anything happens to Trenton something must happen to Chestnut, in a.Z1 probability we wi1.Z close Chestnut at Tustin St.. You may find �hat when we approach the Ci ty Council with this issue there wi11 be a public hearing, and if we go into this w.ithout being prepared there - wi11 be alot of opposition from the neighborhood residents. A 3-way STOP at this location could be a solution but we are Iooking more into the long term effects of this problem. It could take close to a year to close the street at Chestnut/Tustin as there ar� so many questions that l�ave to be answered. i�e nave a. Neighborhood Preservation Study going on i.� this area and I would like to get you involved in reviewing this data to .Zook at possible so.Zutions to this .iSsue. RECOMMENDATION � Deny requ�st, but recommend we continue this issue for further stud� of the alternatives avai,Iable, and to solicit neighborhood support , of the possible installation of a 3-way .STOP. MOTION Nl. Baumann SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous