02-12-1986 - Minutes TC CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING February 12, 19&6 �AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: Gene Shaw, Matt Baumann, Deanna Smith, Dick Turner, Dick Yarger Staff: Bernie Dennis, Lt. Leintz, David Allenbach, David Kuan ABSENT Commissioners : CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Request for driveway vision zone at 3827 W. C�iapman Avenue. Ja1�n G. Shanafel t, Jr. 3827 W. Chapman Ave. prange, CA 92667 � RECOMMENDATION: Approve 1�10TION D. Yarger SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous 2. l�equest for driveway vision zone at 1071 N. Batavia Street. David Barrett Santia.go Data Systems, Inc. 1071 N. Batavia St. � Urange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDA TION: Approve MOTION D. Yarger_ SECOND D. Tu.�ner AYES Unanimous 3. Request for driveway vision zone at 521 N. Cypress Street. Minnie Lara - 521 N. Cypress St. Orange, CA 92666 RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D, Turner AYES Unanimous � CI�.'Y TRAFFIC COMMISSION � - MINUTES 4F A REGULAR MEETING �-- � � � � - - - - February 12, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES 4. Request for driveway vision zone at .Z072 N. Lemon Street. Bob Chea tum Orange R. V. Storage � 1072 N. Lemon St. Orange, CA 92667 RECOMI�lENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous 5. Request for intersection vision zone at the northraest corner of , Hewes Ave. an d Bond Avenue. Si1.Z Kurlis 2715 E. B.Z u e Bi rd Ave. Orange, CA 92669 RECOI�MENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous 6. Re�uest for intersection vision � zone at GZasse.Il Street and Ri verda.Z e Avenu e. Virgil. Fransen P. O. Box 1788 Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous CONSIDERATION ITEMS . A. Request for insta.Zlation of 4-way A 4-way STOP control device warrant study S2'OP control at the intersection was conducted at the subject intersectionn of Meads Ave./Windes Dr. and ;' Santiago Canyon Road. Santiago Canyon Rd. , an e�rtension of Katella Ave. easterly of the Rt. 55 Freeway, is Richard Siebert classified as � primary roadway with 100 Orange Park Associati.on, Inc. feet of curb-to-curb distance. Santiago P. O. Box 2365 Canyori Rd: , wester.Zy of Meads Ave./Wzndes Dr. , Orange, CA 92669 � c.urrently belongs to the County of Orange, , is not fully improved up ,to the Master RECOMMENDATION: Deny P.Zan of Arteria.Z Highway standards. CITY TRAFFIC CO�SISSION - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � - � � � � � February 12, 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES Field measurements indicate a street width of 40 feet along this :section of Santiago Canyon Road. Because.of the difference in street width, on.Iy one through lane is striped in each trave] direction. Meads Ave./Windes Dr. is a residentia� collector road, serving residential tracts and trips to and from the Santiago Oaks Regio.nal Park norther.Zy of Santiago Can�on Rd. , and connecting to Orange Park . Bl vd. sou therl y of San ti ago Can�on Road. This street is mostly unimproved and has a pavement width of approximately 30 feet. Traffic on this street is contro.Zl.ed by STOP signs, yielding rig.ht-of-way to traffic on Santiago Canyon Road. Field study shows no deficiency in signing a��2 d striping at the study area. The posted speed limit on San tiago Canyon Rd. is 40 MPH. P�7 peak period (4-6 P.M.) turning counts - recorded a total of 759 vehicles entering � int� thi� intersectio.n. 669 vehicles were counted on Santiago Canyon Rd. , anc� 90 vehicles were counted on Meads Ave./Windes Dr. during thzs hour. One accident has been reported and is susceptible to correction by the requested traffic control measure in the past 3 years. On the basis of accident history, traffic vo3umes, and intersection alignment and design, the intersection fails to satisfy the minimum requir,ements for the installation .of a 4-way STOP control device. Existing turn lanes on Santiago Can�on Rd. have sufficient storage length for vehicles while waiting to make .Zeft turns into Meads Ave./inTindes Drive. This minimizes rear-end accident potential..� A review of the accident history does not � a11ow a significant improvement shou.Zd a 4-way STOP contro.Z be installed. It is like.Iy, however, that a 4-way STOP control CITY TRAFFIC CO�iISSION -. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETIN� . ._ . � . . . . _ . February l2, 1986 � AGENDA MOTION MINUTES device at this intersection wou.Zd increase the likelihood of rear-end accidents on Santiago Canyon Rd. , due to the high prevailing speed. It is therefore the recommendation of the Traffic En.gineering Divisicn that the request for the installation of a 4-way STOP control device at the subject intersection be denied. DISCUSSION B. Dennis - With all the new development in this area we wi11 be keeping appraised of this situation. It is our intention of signalizing this intersection when increased development warrants, and then the developer wi11 contribute 50% towards the � cost of this signal. RECOMMENDA TION: Deny 120TION D. Turner , SECOND D. Smith � AYES Unanimous B. R�questd installatzon of STOP In accordance with this req�uest a warrant control a� the i.ntersection of stud� was conducted to find if this I�asnin�gton Ave. and Park Street. intersection met the requirements for the instal.Zation of a S�'OP control device. Edmund P. Werner 815 S. Esplanade St. PM peak period (4-6 P.1�.) turning counts Orange, CA 92�69 at this intersection indicates a total of 133 vehicles. . 103 vehic.Zes were counted RECOA7I�E�'�DATTON: Approve on Washington Aue. while 30 vehicles were eounted' on Park S�. during the same time. , There were four accidents within the past two years .recorded at thi� 1oca�ion, two of which occurred during the past 12 months. This intersection satisfies the minimum tra�o-way STOP control warrants on the basis of traffic volumes and accident history. Based on the above analysis, it is � recommended to insta.Z1 a 2-way STOP control device on Park Street at Washington Avenue, A11 necessary STOP bars, legends, and _ signs wi.Zl be ir�stalled accordingly. ..:�,�., . CI7'Y TRAFFIC C0�!�iISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING _ . -. . � . . . _ Februar 12 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES . ,.;. DISCUSSION Edmund P. Werne,r, who initiat�d the request, presented a petition from the residents of the area supporting the requested STOP. control device to the Commission. RECOMMENDATION Approve } MOTION D. Yarger . SECOND D. Turner . AYES Unanimous C. Requested modifica�ion of center It was reported to the �'raffic Commission .Zane and turn:ing pocket on that the prob.Zem was resultant from the Santiago .B.Zvd. at Brookside Ln. interseetion of Brookside Lane and the for RaZpn's Grocery Center. main entrance i.nto the Ra.Zph's Shopping Center being offset in the wrong direction. Traffic Engineering Divisiori This conditic�n results in very Zimited City of Orange left turn st'orage for either th� street or shopping center, and in both cases, . that storage available is being used for • deceleratione It was the recommendation of the Traffic Division that although a �imited left turn volume exists at the shopping cen�ter left turns into the center . should be provided and availab.Ze storage be allocated to the dedicated public stree�. RE.COMl�1ENDATION Delay this action for 30 days and .meet with staff from the City of Vi11a Park for suggestions of mitigating �his issue. . MOTION G. Shaw - SECOND D, Smitl� AYES Unanimbus CITY TRAFFIC CONIl�iISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � - � - � � " � " Februar 12 986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES r,` D. Request for.- instal.lation af STOP Pursuant to this request, a STOP cont.rol control device at the intersection traffic study was conducted. Map1e Ave. of Steu'ens Street and Map.Ze Avenue. and Stevens St. are both residential roadways in the studz� area. Map.Ze Ave. Dozzg Carraway runs in a eas�-west dzrection with a 205 N. Stevens St. cu:rb-to-curb width of 45' and allows Orange,. CA 92668 on-street parking. RECOMMENDATI:ON: Approve Stevens St. runs in a north-south direction with a curb-to-curb width af 35` . Stevens St. terminates at its nortnern end in a cul-de-s�ac and at its southern end at „ Chapman Aven.ue. Stevens St. allows on-street parki.ng. . PM peak period (5-6 P.M.) turning count indicates a total of,134 vehicles. 115 vehieles were counted on Map1e Ave. , while 19 vehicZes were counted on Stevens Street. No recorded accidents were found in the past .Z2 months at� th.zs intersection. This interseetion satisfies th� minimum warrant requirements' for a 2-way STOP control , device. RECOMMENDATION Control approach�ng traffie on Stevens St. with �510P sigxz.s at Map1�e Avenue, .the appropriate �'�OP bar and legends wi.I1 be ins�alled aecordingl�, h20Z'ION D. Tt�rner SECOND M. Baumann A��ES Unanimous Ee Request for �he ir�stallation �f The basi.s of .this request is to provide safe a pedestrian crosswalk at the pedestrian crossing ta the Orange Mobile junction �af �leats Aue. arid the Home .Park for res�idents accessing Meats Ave. dri vewaz� of the Target Store. The Traffic Engineering `Division has Car.I Irvine carefu.Zly reviewed th� site and evaluated 193I: E. Meats Ave. , Sp. 44 the pros and cons of the requested cross- Orange, CA 92665 walk at the sub,ject intersectic�n. Staff rea.Zizes the increased traffic as a result RECOMMENDATION: Deny ' of the Target S�ore's dr.ivew�y to Meats A�enue. The frontage road north of P�irk L,n. is thus serving both the Target Store in'��addition �o the Orange Mabile Home Park. CI�.'Y TRAFFIC CO�SISSION � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING - � - � - Februar 12 I986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES However, field inspection indicates that the requested crosswa.Zk location wouYd mislead the users onto .the north side ,of Meats Ave. where it is currently unimproved. A pedestrian crosswalk without proper refuge area at its ends may cause the opposite effect by exposing its users to passing vehicular traffic, and possib3y creating unintended accidents to especially unfami.Ziar users due to the nearby open storm ditch, while waiting to cross the street. " D.ISCU�SION Carl Irvine - I also requested that the bushes be trimmed, which has been done. Tl�is is very essential in my mind due to the fact that the high .Zeve1 of speeds of traffic does not a.Z1ow peopl.e enough time to get � across the street. Deanna Smith - Cou1d we ta�k to the people a� the Target Store about providing a refuge and find out what the cost would be, and then have a crosswalk installed? RECOMMENDATION Deny request, bu� instruct Traffic Engineering Di vision to approach the Target Store about installing the sidewalk on the west side of the frontage road (between Meats Ave. and the north property line of the frontage road) and to instal'1 a crosswa.Zk. MOTION. D. Yarger SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous F. Request for the removal of rumble The request for the instal.Zation of the strips on LaVeta Ave. near rumble strips was mac�e by Mr, Brad Rollins Devon Road. in Januarz� .Z 985, shortl y after the fa ta.Z accident occurred on LaVeta Ave. at Devon Road. Bradley R. Palfrey Prior to the 'approval of such a traffic device Property Manager staff advised a.Z1 concerned residents of the P. O. Box 6348 negative impact, namely the increased noise Orange, CA 92667 level expected from the rumble strips. RECOMMENDA TION: Approve - CITY TRAFFIC CO�ISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � -- - - � - Februar 12 I.986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES In November I986, the Traffic Engineering Division received a petition. for the removal of these rumble strips. The basis of the request is the noise disruption generated by vehieles driving over the rumble strips. Once again, the Traffic Engineering staff informed a11 potential:.Z affected residents and there were only three residents in favor of the removal attending the December 1985 Traffic Commission meetin�. Since the City : is curren�l y self-insured, the issue of liability in accidents was raised shou�d the rumble strips be removed ,without justifiable � reasons. Discussion with the City Attorney . suggests the Traffic Commission hear both . parties together and to approve such removal only if such traffic device is deemed to cause hazardous effect with sufficent evidence and public support. DTSCUSSION � Bradle� Palfrey - Presented to the Commission a letter from his on-site apartment manager, Ms. Afra Dreher, protesting the noise level generated b�' these rumble strips along with a 30-day notice of intention to vacate from one resident as a direct result of this noise. Mr. Brad Ro.Ilins - Indicated that he fel� the rumble strips have done a very good job of alerting motorists of the crosswalk ahead and that they should not be removed. Bernie Dennis - Indica�ed tha:t for a minimum of $5,000 - $6,000 we could replace the rumble strips with a 'yell.ow flashing :Zight to indicate tl�e crosswalk is ahea.d, and that in his professional judgement a flashing Zight would be a good alternative. CI�.'Y TRAFFIC CO�iISSION � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � - - � - - - Februar I2 1986 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES RECOI�IMENDATION Remove the rum.�le .strips in the eastbound travel lane and in'sta1l a flashing z�ellow warning device. ��IOTION G. Sha w SECOND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous