11-18-1987 - Minutes TC CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC CONIl�iISSIa11T Date of Meeting: November 18, 1987 � ROLL CALL: . PRESENT - Commissioners: G. Shaw� �I. Baumann, D. Smith, D. Yarger Staff: B. Dennis, G. Minsh�w� Lt. Leintz, D. Kuan D. Allenbach� P. Then ABSENT - Commissioners: D. Turner Staff: None � MOTION ��?NSENT CALENDAR l. Installation of a driveway vision zone at 2187 N. Batavia St. Don Banks San Nlarino Roof Co., Inc. 2187 N. Batavia St. orange, CA 92665 RECOMMENDATIQN: APPROVE MOTION D. Yarger SECAND D. Snnith AYES Unanimous 2. Installation of a driveway vision zone at 2372 & 2354 N. Batavia St. - Candido Espinoza 2372 N. Batavia St. Orange� �A 92665 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE MC7rI0�T D. Yar�ger SEC�.VD D. Smith AYES Unanim4us 3. Installation of a driveway vision zone at 2336 N. Batavia St. Zeke Luna Lunclun Landscape, Inc. 2336 N. Batavia St. Orange, CA 92665 R�COMMENDATION: APPRaVE NI�'TION D. Yarger SECOND D. Smi.th AYES Unanimous CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRA�E'FIC VO1+�HISSION Date of Meeting: November 18, 1987 MOTION 4. Installation of driv�eway vision zones on Batavia St. between Southern Ave. and Cully Dr. Harry Matsukane 2270 N. Batavia St. Orange, CA 92665 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE MC7�ION D. Yarger SECO�D D. Smith AY�S Unanitnous CONSIDERATION ITEI�S - Please refer to staff reports. A. Installation of a 4-way STOP control device at the intersection of Monroe Ave. � and Handy St. Bobb�. Ryan 2433 E. Hoc�ver Ave. Or�nge, CA 92C67 Bobbi Ryan - There are 18-wheel trucks using this street and people are using our street instead of Wanda Rd. which is intended ta be widened by the City of Villa Park. John Chestnut - The speed is the major problem in this ar�a and alos of people are using this street as a shortcut. People have problems accessing their driveways. Duncan Starke - I have not seen an accident that could have been corrected with a STOP sign. People all over the city are going to complain about speeding and a STOP sign doesn't keep people from doing it. You should also face the noise and pollution factors that a STOP sign brings. Tom Dembrowsky - In the 28 years I've lived here I have only seen 3 accidents on Handy St. Two were in the wee hours of the morning �.nd a STOP sign would not help because there are always going to be people speeding. There is no problem getting in and out af this street. Jeanie Starke - I've lived here 8 years and I am opposed �o a STOP sign. I think the police enforcement would help stop the speeding problem. I am worri�d about the naise and air pollution. Rose Giubino - I live on the corner of Hoover and Handy and I have STOP sign in front of my home, most motorists won't let me get in or out of my driveway. Lt. Leintz - We are at Handy St. 2 and 3 times daily, during the morning and after school, and about 6 PM. We do use radar guns on Handy St. CITY OF OR.ANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C70P+Il+�IISSI�T Date of Meeting: November 18, 1987 � MOTION RECOMMENDATION: DENY but adcl more enforcement. 1'�ION D. Yarger SEtAND D. Smith AYES Unanimous B. Installation of 3-Way and 4-Way STOP signs in Mabury Ranch: l. Yellowstone Blvd. at Mabury Ave. 2. Yellowstone Blvd. at Teton Ave. 3. Orange Park Blud. at Waterton Ave� Ed Stillman 1814 Mt. McKinley Blvd. Orange, CA 92667 Jim Joffe - The concern is mor� about bike an� pedestrian traffic type of accidents rather than cars, and if ycau can see out far you can travel witho�.t stopping and you can bring up speed. There are no homes one one side of the street anc� it gives you a false sense of security that you are driving on a country road. Leon Back - I can't understand how you get your numbers on these surveys. The cars are going 60 MPH. There is a bus stop on Mabury and a stop at the bottom of Mabur�r and Y�llowstone and I have asked for this stop to be insta].led 50 ft. south of the intersection which they did. Bernie Dennis - The City required that when we go out and put stops at these locatians we don't get in trouble with the necessary an-street parking remaval necessary to install proper vision zones at these lacations. Jim Jaff� - Its okay with us if you want ta do another count. We will be having a meeting of the hQmeowner's assQciation and we will di�cuss the parking removal associated with the visian zones, I don't think it will m�,tter too much to the residents. RECOMMENDATION: Perform AM counts - continue to 1/13/88 meeting. MO"tION D. Yarger SECO�ID �. Shaw AYES Unani�naus C. Installation of a 4-Way STOP control device at the intersection of Eckhoff St. and Maple Ave. M�lanie Diederich 2p5 N. Flower St. Orange, CA 92668 What is the length of a vision zone? 25-30 feet. There aren't any here at this time. . CITY OF OR.ANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C�Or�IISSIOiJ Date of Meeting: November 18, 1987 MOTION Melani�e Diederich - We would like to have pedestrian crasswalk on Eckhoff for school crossings. Its posted for a 25 MPH speed zone and police have been out with radar and have found people going 40 MPH. Bernie Dennis - A crosswalk is 10 ft. wide and it will require us to lengthen the vision zone. This area i� scheduled for a neighborhood preservation study in about �G-8 months which will allow us to study ways to keep thru traffic out of this neighborhood. REC�MMENDATI�N: APPROVE installation of a 4�lay STOP, the app�ropriate� Stop bar, legends and vision zone� will be installed accordingly. Additionally � approve request to install a pedestrian crosswalk a� a loca.tion to lae cletermine�d by staff to guic�e school crossing activity at �is intersection. , MC1T'IO�T M. B�i�mar�n SEC70ND D. Yarger AYES LTnaninlous D. Accept and fil� final report on the traffic study which was conducted on Santiago Blvd. R�CQMMENDATION: Continue to F�bruary 19g8. �!(1TI�T G. �ha.w - NiC3'TIOl� U. Smith AY�S Unanimous �. Removal of on-str�et parking on bath sides of Orangewood Ave. from Eckhoff St. to Main St. to allaw the installation of a continuous left turn lane in this area. Traf f ic Engineering Divisic�n City of Orange There was no discussion on this item. R�COMMENDATIaN: APPROV� MOTION G. Sha.w SECONLI D., Yarger AYES �3nanimous F. Implementation of parking control relief for the residents of Hoover Ave:, Wilson Ave., Adams Ave. and Quincy Ave. through the implementation of a Neighborhood Parking Permit Program. Dore Teichman John Gallagher l24 E. Wilson Ave. 133 E. Adams Ave. Orange, CA 92667 Oranger CA 92667 CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY Z12AFFIC C�OP9MISSIOl1 Date of Meeting: November 18, 1987 MOTION Dore Teichman - Presented the petition with signatures of 55o who approved the request. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE MC7TION G. Sha.w SEG�O�ND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous I. Approve r�qu,est to �ancel the December 9, 1987 me�ting and continue any re�aorts or new requss�s to January 13, 198�. RECOMMENDATION: APPR�VE MOTION G. Shaw - SEC(�1D D. Yarger AYES Unanimaus