08-12-1987 - Minutes TC CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGUL�iR MEETING CITY ZRAFL�IC �NIlKISSIai�T Date of Meeting: Auqust l2� 1987 ROLL CALL: PRESENT - Commissioners: G. Shaw, D. Smith� D. Yarger Staff: B. Dennis, Lt. Leintz� G. Minshew, D. Kuan D. Allenbach, P. Then ABSENT - ComQnissionersz M. Baumann� D. Turner Staff: None � MOTION CX7NSII�1T CALII�IDAR 1. Installation of a driveway vision zone at 645 N. Cypress St. and the removal of a loading zone. Harolcl Franz 645 N. Cypress St. Orange, CA 92666 RBC�ON�g'NDATIaN: APPROVAL D. Smith D. Yar�gez Unanimous 2. Installation of a driveway vision zone at the Almond Villa Apts. 1447 G1. Almond Don Simmering � 1447 W. Almond Ave. Orange, CA 92668 D. �-� REC7QMIl�TDATIO�i: APPROVE D. Yarger Unanimous 3. Installation of a driveway vision zone at 2260 N. Batavia St. Harry Talbert _ 2260 N. Batavia St. Orange, GA 92668 D. S'Ynith D. Yarger RHOOI��Il++IENDATION: APPROVE , Un�an�mous 4. Request to post E. Mayfair Ave. between Shaffer St. and Grand St. for 'No Parking On Street Sweeping Days' - Wednesday 7-11:30 �M. Mary Loertscher D• �-� 337 E. Mayfair Ave. D. Yarger Orange, CA 92666 ��0� RHC�O���IDATION: APPR(3VE _ CITY OF ORANGE � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CI'TY TRAFFIC �IISSION Date of Meeting: August l2, 1987 . MOTION 5. Installation of an intersection vision zone at Almond Ave. and Orange St. Christina Tarmis 221 S. Orange St. �range, CA 92666 RE(�Or�IIIQDATIaN: APPROVE D. Smith D. Yarger ZJnanimcat�s 6. Requested installation of 1 Hour Limited Parking restriction at 153 S. Cypress. Susan Hess 153 S. Cypress St. � Orange� CA 92666 RFC�QNIl�IDATI�T: APPROVE D. S'�nith . D. Yarger Unanimous 7. Requested installation of 1 Hour Limited Parking restriction at the southwest corner of �lmond Ave. at Cypress St. James Blakely 200 S. Cypress St. Orange, CA 92666 , RF�C7Ql�'NDATIaN: APPROVE D. �ni.th D. Yarger Uiianimous -- 8. Requested installation of 30 Minute Limited Parking restriction at 312 N. Glassell St. Joseph Hasser 312 N. Glassell St. Orange, CA 92666 RF�OQI4�+RENDATIaN: APPROVE . D. S�mith D. Yarger Unanim�us (�TSIDII2ATTON ITFM.S Please refer to the individua.l reports prepared by staff, discussion of agenda � items and the Co�amissioner's reco�rmendations follow. _2_ . , CITY OF ORANGE � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFF'IC C7Ql�lISSIaN Date of Meeting: August 12, 1987 � MOTION A. Installation of a pedestrian crosswalk at the main entrance to St. Joseph's Hospital on Pepper St. Robyn Ravgiala St. Josephs' Hospital 1100 W. Stewart Dr. Orange, CA 92668 RDC�OiI��+ ^ ATIC7N: APPROYL G. Shaw D. Smith Unanimous B. Installation of a 4-way STOP control device at the intersection of Maple Ave. � and Pine St. _ Alice Clark 205 N. Pine St. Orange� CA 92666 R�C�OP�Il�III�TDATION: CJC1N'rIlWE T�O OC.L�OBII2 MEETIlJG G. Shat� D. S'�nith Unani.nnous C. Installation of a protected left turn packet for westbound traffic on Chapman Ave. at Calle Grande. Thomas A. Moore 209 Calle Alta Orange, CA 92669 _ Thomas Moore - I think you should have notified us that this outside of your jurisdiction so we could have saved some time on this request. Bernie Dennis - Once you go through the CTC and the request is sent to the City Council the City Council will forward your request to the County, and its usually better to let the Council forward this matter along with their recommendations. RFC70P��IDATI�1: INTERSFC'.�ION IS OUTSIDE THE CI'r3� OF ORANGE JURISDIC'rION FOR�iTARD Ti0 � C�OUN'1.'Y OF C�RANG� F'Olt Tf�IR DISPOSITIaN G. Shaw D. �nith Ur�an�mc�us _3_ 7 . CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC �+II�iISSI�J Date of Meeting: Auqust 12, 1987 MOTION D. Installation of a 'Handicapped Parking' (blue curb) designation at 221 S. Maplewood St. Mrs. Charles McAlfrish 221 S. Maplewood St. Orangef CA 92666 RHOOI�IDATIQl�T: UPaN VIItIFICATIOI�T THAT A GCfiTQ2ETE SLAP HAS BEII�T INSTALLID IN � THE PARRWAY ARF�A C�V��CTING TAE CURB. �O TAE SIDEWALR WE WILL APPROVE THE R�QUEST �O INSTALL HANDICAPPID PARKING AT THIS LOCA�IO�N. G. Sha� D. Smith Unanimous E. Installation of 'Handicapped Parking' (blue curb) at � 221 N. Orange St. #2 Herbert Merrick 221 N. Orange St. #2 Orange, CA 92666 Bernie Dennis - We would like to see if the newly created permit parking program might mitigate some of the problems you are experiencing. If it doesn't help we could take a look at this issue again in October. RFOQI��Il�iDATI(ri�T: DIIVY RHQUF.ST, BUT REEVALUATE IN OCI�OBII2 1987. G. Shaw _ D. Yarger - Unanimous F. Removal of on-street parking on Grove Ave. at Batavia St. in order to install an opposing left turn lane. - Traffic Engineering Division City of Orange Jon Chakerian - We would like to see a signal at this location. We would not like to see any of the parking removed due to the development in the area. Maybe you could put in a crosswalk an�1 maybe any type of a flasher. R�OONIl�.�*NDATION t �N'rINUE R�JEST T�O OCI�OBER, EXL�I�ORE THE PIDESTRIAN CROSSING ACTNITY �O EVALUATE IF �IIS AREA WOIJLD QUALIFY FOR A PED�'ST�.2IAN C;�;(�.55'WALK. G. Shaw D. Yarger Unan;.mou�s _4_ CITY OF ORANGE � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAE'FIC C��Y�+IISSION Date of Meeting: August 12, 1987 _ MOTION G. Reevaluation of the traffic controls installed on Riverdale Ave. between Glassell St. and Orange-Olive Rd. Traffic Engineering Division City of Orange P;�(.�QNIl�I.�DATION: PO�r ADDITIONAL {C�YERSIDED) SIGNS PROHIBITING TLZITCK TRAFFIC C7N RIVE[tDALE AVE. AS ALL O�HFR QONTROLS ARL WURKING WE REC7t�N1MF'�i�ID NC} FURTHIIt CEiANGE. C�N'rIN[lE POLICE F�TFORCII►iII�`r PROC�M. G. Shaw . D. Yarger Unanim�us H. Review of certain traffic conditions on Glassell St. between Fletcher Ave. and Lincoln Ave. Patricia O'Brien 2624 N. Hartman Ave. Orange, CA 92666 AS THE APPLICANT WAS PTOT IlJ A2�.'IIeTDANCE R�GO1+�Il�iIIQDATION IS �O C�ONTINUE THE n;HQiJF.ST �O THE S�'F�II2 MEETIl+TG. G. Shaw D. Yarger Unanimous I. Request for the removal of a driveway vision zone at 1120 & 1130 E. Palmyra _ David Henderson 1120 E. Palmyra Ave. Orange, CA 92666 REG�ONIl��TDATION: AS TAE DRIVEWAY VISION ZONE HAS ALL(7WED SAF'E Ei�'TRANCE AND EXITIlVG WE DO NOT BEGIEYE IT SHC�LILD BE RE�IOVED. REC'�ON9.�'�NllATIC7N IS TO DENY �E R}�QUEST. D. S'ntith G. Shaw Unanimous J. Presentaton of the final report (written) on the Santiago Canyon Rd. traffic study. Traffic Engineering Division : City of Orange RBC�NIl�'NDATIOiJ: �dNTINUE �O OCI�OBER. D. Yarger D. Smith unanimous K. Oral Presentations. There were none. L. Adjournment _5_