06-10-1987 - Minutes TC CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC G��iISSIOI�T Date of Meeting: June lQ, 1987 ROLL CALL: PRESENT - Commissioners: G. Shaw, D. Smith, D. Turn��, D. Yarger Staff: B. D�nnis, Lt. Leintz� D. Allenla�.ch� D. Kuan, P. �'hen ABSENT � Commissioners: M. �3awr�►an� Staff: Non� � MOTION 1. R�qu��t for the r�i�oval of re� curb from the ��rest aide of the driv�way at 1120 & 1l3(� E. Pa1Myr�. �ve. ���id I3�nd��son �12� �. Pa�.n�ra Av�. Qrang�� CA No c��.scu��i�n c�n thi� ma�t�r. ��3Dd�TIt7�: l�ef�r to �u�t 12, 1987 r�itinc�. I�. ��ii�h �. �um�� �t�ni.�tous �. R�qu��t fox� the remaval. of e�n-�treeit pa�l�ing �.t ��. P�.ul'� t7n�t�c� M�thQ�?�,�� - Churcl� lac�,��d �.t �:7Q0 �. L�I�.lnut Av�. �;�.c]h�.�c� l�ok��o�. ��. t��u�.°� Uni.t�d ���iethod�.�� Ch�z�ch ��:7t�Q i3'o ��3�.1�u� Av�:o _ �7��,.�,c��� (r1-� �.� � ��'i�a��I�: �P��� �. ��.ifi1z �. ���r Un�.�ou� 3. ��c�u��� f�r d.���.gn�.tian o� 'l�r� P�r'�i�� ��� �t��c� �w����.r�� Day� - ��1��n��c��y 7-11.3C� ��i.i�' �a�. t�.� l�Q �.nc� 2QQ laloc��:� o� :C. Q�ancy Av�. �a���o�.d J�coka� 135 �. �ui�,cy Ave. �ran��� +CA ��!Il�Ei�DA�'�OT+l: 1�PP�0'� D. Smi.th l]. `.�.'u�"Yl�r 1�n��.t��.� CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC ��Il�lISSI(7bT Date of Meeting: June 14, 1987 MOTION 4. Requ��t �o� the inst�llation of a d�iveway vision zon� at 2221 N. Batavia St. Chuck Smi�th ��lilson Labor�.tori�a 2237 �. B�tavia St. Orange, CA �YENDd�TIO�: APPR0IT.� D. Smi.th D. �'urn�r � Un�i�ous COTISIDERATIpN ITEMS - Please ref�r to the reports prepared by staff, discussion of agenda items and the Commission's r�commen�ations follow. Request for the insta.11ation of a traffic signal at the int�rsect�.on of Batavia S�. and Grove �ve. K. P. K�.�i� A�rach�m, 3��. 1fi�5 TJ. Bat�.via St. Qrang�, CA DISC[TSSI� Jon Chak�ri.�.n - As ther� are alot af larg� trucks on �th:�s street and as it is - clos� to the fre�way, w� hav� ah� �o a��ommoc�ate th�m, th�r� is a n�eed to slow th� traffic dcwn. We would lik� to se� th� ir�stallation of a signal, but p�rha�as sonle other measure could be taken. Fr�d �sh�ar - S have ok�s�rvec� �.bout 5 accic�ent�, some of them involving �njuri�s� in the last 5 months. Gars l�aving th� c�ra.veway hav� dif:Eiculty seeing traffic du� to alot of b�.shes alonc� tnc str��t. Fd G�h�atley - I think a sa.c�na� at this location will b� more cost effz�i�nt in the �.ong run. Dicl� Turner - I� th�re a speed lim�t sign posted sauth of Fl�tcher? Bernie Dennis - V,le have no prablems when remov�ng on-str��t �ark.ing in ord�r to provid� for �a.ght �listance�. ��1e feel a left tu�n poc}��t wou]_� help at this location, every time we have triec� to implement this turning pock�t we have had major opposition from people in this area. Thi.s turn pc�c}c�t would be a r�fuge for the storag�e of cars try�ng to make a left turn. RF��DATION: Continue to August 12, 1987 ��eeting. Acic�itiona].ly, provide �� ���� gr�a.ter OPD enfo�c�ment during p�al� hours and lool� anto any other so7.utions D. �th which may work to initigate this proble�. ���� . CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C�ONIl�iISSIO�T Date of Meeting: June 1�, 1987 MOTION B. Request for the installation of a 3�way STOP cantrQl device at the intersection of Batavia St. and Sycam�re Ave. Tom Todak 428 N. Batavia St. Orange, CA There was no di�cussian on this a.t�m. RE��ELVDATION: Deny requ�st. D. Turner B. Yar�er � ur�n�.mous �. R�c�uest �or th.e in�tallation of 'Handicapped Parking' (blue curb) at 48Q Alpine Rd. Mrs. �ale Eaton 480 A�pine Rd. Qr�nge�, CA ��TD�TI�T: �rove, how�vero instruct l�Irs. Ea.ton that they mu�t insta.11 G. �w a concr��e slab in the parkcaa.y area. for wh�lchair access fr� the curb sid� D. Srnith to the si�de�alk. Unani�ous D. �equest for the prabita.or� of on-�treet parking on the north and so�th sides of - LaV�ta Ave. from Glassell St. tia�st to Qlive St. Traffic Enginee�ing Division Ci�ty of �range No piscussion on this it�m. R��ENDAT'IO�: APPROVE . D. �'urner �. sr�.� unanim�u� E. Request for the installation of a 4-way STOP control device at the inters�ction of Pine St. and Maple Ave. �lic� Clark 205 N. Pine St. Orange, CA RL�'.��EDTDATIO�T: Continue to August 12, 1987 n�eting. Perfor�i traffic counts in the morning hours. G. Shaw II. Yarc��r Unanimovs . CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC (��Il�IISSIOI� Date of Meeting: June 10� 1987 MOTION F. Requ�st for th� installation of a 3-way STOP control device at th� intersection of Vista Canyon Rd. and Vista Gl�n Rd. Harvey Englander 1]:51 Dove St. #285 N�wport B�ach, CA No discus�ion on this item. R�C.''Ol'��ELVDATIO►N: Deny request, however r�eccxzmencl installing vision zones and a �warna.n� sign 'Int�ersection Aheac�'� r�e�aluate in � months. G. Shaw D. �urner Un�ani�ou� �. R�queSt for th� installation of a 3-way STQP contro�. devic� at. the int�rsec�ion of Spring St. and Prospect St. Richard 73e�ckwith 1�971 �len Robzn Ln. Orange, CA No di��ussion on this it�m. �OP�Il�iENDATIO�T: Deny re�u.e�t. D. Ta.�ner D. Yarger - Unani.rno�t�.s H. R�quest for the installation of 'Handicappec� Parking' (blue curb) designation at 3840 E. Palm Av�. Walter Rupp 3840 E. Palm Ave. Orang�� CA No �i�cussion on tha.s item.d R�DA'�ION: DENY r�ques�k. G. Shaw D. �'urner Unanimou� I. R�quest for th� installation of 'Na LT-Turn' and 'No Doubl� Parking' �igns be post�d on Palmyra Av�. betw�en California St. and �reengrove St. Gordon. P�Iitchell Palmyra School 1325 E. Palmyra Ave. Orange, CA No discussion on this item. _ CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C70PP�Il�IISSION Date of Meeting: June lA, 1987 � MOTION RECOMl�7ENDAmION: APPRQVE request. Additionally, instruct the PTA orc�anizatian to assa.t ix� ed�cating parents of the school's students of th�se mitigation mea�ures. D. Turner D. Yarger Unanimous J. Pres�ntation of Santiago Cayon Rd. traffic atudy. Traffic Engineering Division City of Orange ��vDA�IC�3: 1�CEIVE & Fl"LE U. Turner U. Yarr�er unanir�ous K. Discussion of �tra�fic concerns by a resident of the Fletcher & Glassell and Lincoln & Glassell areas. - � Traf£ic Engin�ering D�vision City of Qrange REGO�y.t�D�l.TI�: Continue to August 12. 19$7 me�etinc�. D. Turn,er D. Xa.r�er �Tn�.nir�tous QFF AGEND� ITFM - L. Installation of a vision zone �.t th� intersection af Solana pr. and Cha�aman Av�. F.�01'��TDATIOI�: APPROVE request. D. 2°u.rr�er D. Smith Unanimous