04-08-1987 - Minutes TC CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING April $, ].987 �iGENDA MOTION MINUTES � ROLL CALL PRESENT Comrnissioners: �. �h�W, D. Yarg�r, D. �ma.th, Dv Turner Staff: B.Dennis� Lt. Leintz� P. Then, D. Allenbach ABSENT Commissioners : M. B�.t�ann� D. Kuan ------------------------------------- ------------ ----------------- CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Request for installatzon of a 1�I�i D. �.'urner . driveway vision zon� at S�t�1D D. Yarger 2Q�3 S. Cypress St. AYES� t7nanimous Jim Fukushirna � Nucleus� Argosy Corp. 200 S. Cypress St. Orange, CA 92��6 RE��IDATION: APPgd.O1TE 2. R�quest for installation of a MOTION D. Turner driveway vis�.on zone at SEC'�TD D• Yarger e 320 N. Glass�ll St. AY�S LTnan�.�ous William E. Leigh & Assoc. 320 N. Glass�ll LSt. Orange, CA 92666 R�G OM N�DAT I O�T: 1�PPROV E 3. Requ�st for designation of 1�0'PIOL�T D• Turner on-�treet handic�.pped parking SECOND Dv Yarger zone at 480 Alpine Rd. 1�� U�i�� Mrs. Dale Eaton 480 Alpine Rd. Orange� CA 92667 R�CXk��'�TDA�ION: �IN[]� 30 DAYS. 1 CITY TRAFFIC CO�iISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING April 8, 1987 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES GONSTDEP.ATION ITEP�S A. R�r�oval of on-street parking. Th� r�que�ted. elaminat�_on of_ th� c�n-�tre�t restriction at the sautheast p�,rking restriction of P.a.ri�art St. �s based �a.�� of R�.mpart St. and on Pxi�ting parking. prob].ern� occurrinc� St. C�ll�ge $lvd. within the parkin� lo�s of th� Ranlpart � Business Con�rnunzty Park. Dal2 K. Pric� & Assoc. 233 N. R�mpart St• TfE Rampart 5t. is a commerci�l callectar Orarlge, CA 92668 ro�.dway extending between St. Colleae �lvd. and Or�.ng�wood Ave. in genPrall�y a. �,II�TDA�It�i: D� R�QUE�T Bjl'� north-sauth direction. At Orangewood Ave�, TT�S3�UCT ST�iF�' 7L'O �IST IL�T Rarnpart St. is linked s�ire�tly to the L��� ���A� p�g�� Anaheim Stac�ium entrance/�xit an Orang�wood �_��gp� �p�� S�. � Ave. Land u�es along Rampart St. incluc�� ,���i r,���� cprt�mercial/office complex� a mabile hom� park �nd a travel ladge. The average dai.ly trafic count on this street is 2,471; not takinc� into con�ideratian traffic g�nerated by special events at Anaheim Stadium, Rampart St. has a str�et wid.th of 4g ft., capabl� af being conv�rted _i.nto four through ]_anes� although onl� two a_ane� �.r� striped at this time. � Rarnpart St. is situated in a �ery strategi� location in terr�a af the ��.rrounding area's pot�ntial and p�ann�d deve?_oprnen�s and its . �xp�cted rol� in prav3r�zng the necessary transportation functions to thes� dev�lopmc�nt�. ��th th� citi�s �f Qr�.nge an� Anaheirn ara �.nd�rgoing a �r���ndo�u� �Qmrnercia.�_ ��velopr��nt/redeveloprnen� �h�.�� �raund th� City Shopp�.n�g Ceri��r �.;c� anc� th� Anaheir�l Sta�iur� «r�� resp���ive��. �'Qr ��ample, in the m�st r�aent So�thw��t �Pd�velopm�nt Study, a.s �u�h as 1$ mi1.�.i.on square feet of_ d�veloprn�nt pr�j�ct� are projected and can be a.tt�.ched to th� City �hopping Center area; and in excess of 3Q - million square feet of comrler�ial/offi�� develogment� are forecasted ta ta}�e place in the Anaheim Stadium area immedi�.tely to the � north of Rampart St. � Moreover, the level of stadium traffic will certainly increase and thus the higher usagE . of Rampart St. �etween the I-5 interchange at the inter�ection of Chapman Ave. and St. College Blvd., and the stadium itse�f. CITY TRAFFIC COT'Il�tISSION - MINUTES OF A REGUI+AR MEETING � April 8, 1987 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONTINUED Therefore, it is obvious of the need for higher traffic carying capacity on Rampart St. , which as of now is capable of being striped to four through lanes. The requested provision for on-street parkingt,, however� would jeporadize the ability for such an improvement when traffic demand so dictates. This is well examplified in the city effort to remove on-street parking from Tustin Sta for add�d travel lan�s. Also, it is not the city's practice to supplement park.ing spac�s in the form of on-street parking to fac�litate commer�ial parlcing uses. It is the property owner'a responsibility to anticipate tenant.'s futur� parking demand anr� if so faced with a parking deficiency to locat� alt�rcnate parking sources. Staff woul.d also point out that it a.s to the advantage of the us�rs a�c���.ng Rampart �t. � to re�trict on-street parkinc� in ord�� to avoid possible sight distance prablem� due to vehicles parking near driveways, esp�cially in view of the many sharp curves along this street. DISCUSSION: Carl Boznanan - We have experienced sorne parking overload at our faczlity, we thought this request might help solve the prob�.em. W� only want to park on the southeast corner (4-5 parking spaces) , for daytime parking onJ_y. Bernie Dennis - Have you considered the possibility of a parking agreement with the theat�rs? Carl Bozanan - Yes, we have looked into it but the th�aters would like their overflow to be able� to use our parking as well, and we think this might be a safety problem. Gene Shaw - Do you have a potential time _- , schedule for re-striping Rampart St. for 4 - - -- � �'� r lanes? - - Bernie Dennis - Its scheduled for this fiscal year, to restripe and have no parking. CITY TRAFFIC CO�Il�iISSION - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � - � � Apri1 8, 1987 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CON5IDERATION ITEMS CONTINUED REC:OI�Il�IENDATION: Deny the request. Ho�ever, we additionally rec�mmencl that Rampart St. be re-striped to 4 through lanes not allowing on-street parking. Also� sta.ff will assist in finding a wa.y to . incre�e t�e existing on-site parking by� 4-5 spa.ces if possible. �I�T G. Shaw SF.C�dND D. Yarger AYE►S Unanimous B. Request for the installation of MOTIO�T G. Sha.w a traffic signal at the inter- SF�COND D. Turner section of Grove Av�e. and AY�S Unanimobas � Batavia St. E. P. Klein Aerochem, Inc. � : 1885 N. Batavia St. Orange, CA 92665 REC�ONIl�`1El.VDATIOLV: Continue 30 days.; C. Request for the installation of a ' During sta.ff's investigation of the above 4-way STOP control device at the ' request it was discovered that the location intersection of Fairhaven Ave. in reference is outside the juri.sdi�tion of and Esplanade St. � the City of Orange. It is therefore our recommendation to deny the request and refer � Marc C. Johnson it to the County of Orange authorities for Thomas Transfer Co. their pursuit. P.O. Box 19308 Irvine, CA 92713 MO�TION G. Shaw SEt'.�O�TD D. Turner RECUNIl�i�DATION: Refer to the Co y A��FS Unanimous of Orang� Traffic Ccxnmittee a: thi� intersect�on is under the jurisdiction of that agency. � _ _ .�_,�