02-11-1987 - Minutes TC . > CIT�' TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGITLAR MEETING rebruary 11, 1987 �GENDA MOTION MINUTES ROL,L CALL PRESENT Commissioners: �.Shaw, 1�7. Baut�t�.rtn D. �mith, D. Turner, I7. Yarger Staf f: B. D�nnis, 1�. Allen�O�.ch, Lt. L�int�, P. Th�n ABSENT Commissioners : �ta:Ef: D. K�zan ---------------------------------�--- ---------- --------------------�------------------�-------- CONSENT CALENDf�R l. Reque�t for t�� insta�l�.tiQn of a driveway vi�a.on zone �.t 74(3 6�1. Gollins �v�. G�rdc�n l�i�ch�l� � �af�t� �h�.irman Qr�.ngp Una.ti�� School Di�trict 1325 E. Palm�rra Av�. Orar�q�, CA 926f� i�ECOi��7�NDA�rzorl ��Ro� r.�rz� n. °r�n.er S��D D. �mith. �� Ua�a��.�o� �. l��qu��t for th� inst�.11�.tion of a ��iv�c��.y vi�ion zon� �.t 21� ari�? 232 ��I. Lin��ln Av�. Georc�� L. �ur�wortl� 21� W. Lincoln �v�. OR�.rtg�� Cl� 92665 � �lar�. Br�l j i 23� W. Lincoln Av�. Or�.ng�� �A RECO����NI�ATION: APPRQVE I�IC�T Ia. Turn�r SECODTI� D►. �.ith AY�S Unani�nous e � ` CITY TRAFFIC C0�2ISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING Fe}aruary 11, 1987 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSI�EI�T�OI�d ITF�ZS A. Requ�st f�r th� ir���a��.�.tion of Botk� Mayfair Av�. and Highland St. are a 3-w�.y STOP control devic� �.t r�sidential roadway�, Mayfair Ave. runs in �-iighland St. ancl Mayfair A�r�. �n �ast-w��t c��.r�ction with a curb-tc�-curb width of 36 ft. and al?�ows an-street �herr�T L. Tho�l parking. Traffic �nt�rinc� this ar�a is 725 N� Shirley 1��. contr�lled by �. traffic signal l,OQO ft. ta Orang�, CA 9�667 the w�st at Mayfair's int2r�ection �ith Tust�.n St. T�Iayfair Ave. t�rm�.nates at its RECOP�1'�IENDATI�N: D� �Tr��Y ����tern end �.t High�and �t. form�.ng a 3-leg APPRO� ���AY "T"--intersection. Highlanc� St. runs in a north-s�uth direction �ith �. curb-to-curb width of 36 f t. �.nd al.�ows on-�tr�et parking. Highlanc� St. terminates at �ark�ey �t. two b1Qc}is north af �he study �.r��., an.d �� �a�e Av�. one l�lock to the sc�uth. � �i� p�a}� p�ric�d (4-�a PP�t) turninc� co��nt at th.�.s in��rse�t�.on indi�a��� � tca�al of 80 vehi�l�s during the p��.k tr�.�f�c hcaur, 47 vehi�l�s wer� count�d on I-�i.gh�.�.nd S�. whiJ� �3 vehic�2� w�r� �c�unted an 1�a�rfa�r Av�. I�o record�d accident� w�r� fcaurld at this in��rsect�ion in th� pa�t 12 month�. Th� �ity Tra:Efi� Cpr�i�sion h�.� �. pola.c� of r�con��nc�ing STOP �ign traffic control.s b��ed on traffic volumes, �.cc��ent hi�tory and �.�t�r��ction geom�:try. This int�r�ectian fail� ta r��et th.� minim�am warr�.n�ts for �. 3-way STOP, how�v�r, it �oe� meet th� warrants for a 1-way STOP. Ba�ed on th� abov� STOP sign analysis, the _ r�commend�.tian of thP Traf�ic Engin�ering Dzvision is to den�� the r�quest for a 3-way - STOP c�ntrol devi�e at th� subject intersection. However, we would re�ornm�nd the in�tallation of a l-way STc�P control - device on rZayfair Ave. to contr�l eastbound - traffic approaching Highland St. � Additionally� we would recommend installing a painted speed limit legend, stripe � centerline, install advance warning signs, �TOP bar, vision zones a.nd additional traffic enfor��ment by the Palice Dept. , � ` CI�'Y TRAFFIC CO�ISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING �°ebruary 11, 19�7 ° AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CQN�IpER.�'�ION I'�'EMS CQNTII`NED DISC'US�IQN R�bert .E�.gle - I am afraid to park at m�r hame because of the cars speeding a.roun�l the �r�rn�r. I �rn �.fr��d fcar �ny ehil�r�n in tYa� �.r�a t�yinc� t� crQ�s th� ��r���. D o Turner - Isn'� r�o�t of th� tr�.f f ic r�sid�nt� of the ar��.? ��b�rt ��.�1� - I don't kno�a, I hav�n°t liv�d _ in this ar�a lc�ng �nough to ]�noc�. Sherry Tho�l - It� loc�.l, traffic and there's alc�t of traff ic b�cause th�re is �.n a.p�rtr�ent compl�� c�n th� st�°��t an� �.1os� peaple u�a�n.g i�a�fair in ord�r to get ov�r to th� �ignal �t Tustin St., ar�d �.ts a c�angero�as int�rs�ction becaus� peopl� get up to hic�h speed�. Bernie Dennis - ane of the reas�ns we notify peaple is th�.t we also install a vision zone al�ang with the STpP sign and i� will r�move parking so motori�ts can �ee � the STOP �ign. Also, you can exp�ct an increase in the noise lev�l by the cars accel�rating and deaceel�r�tinc� �f th� . cars at the �T�JP. �ecause this is � controlled laop systern this STOP will �on�rol your own neighbors, a 5TOP �ign a� this sectian ar� very �ffecti.ve for a�aaut a week and th�n many may run the STOP �.nyway. Dick Yarg�r - Does �t do any qood ta put an caff�cer out to entorce th� STQP sign? Lt. Leintz - We can �.ssign off:i.c�rs �o - p�tro� this area a litt�� more. - �3�rnie D2nn.is - Let's t�cy the STOP �.ric� th�n we can look �.t ha�a eff�ctiv� it� b�en a�ter a f��t �nanth�. Gene Shaw - Could �ae r��tr�.pe the �treet and paint a l�gend to slow the traffic? . �ernie Dennis - Certainly. R�:C�OI.�Il'�i�TDA�I�T: APPROVE �IC7�I� �. Shaw SECOloicl D. Y'�ger AS�FS Unan�.�us , , � CITY TRAFFIC CO?�IISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING February 11, 1987 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CQNSIDERl�'a'ION TTEI�ZS CONTINLTED B. Request for installation of �atavia St. is classifi�d �.s a primary channelization modifications roadway with 70 feet of curb-to-curb wic�th, and parking removal at 2 through lan�s in e�ch travel direction Batavia St. an� Struck Av�. and a striped dou�ble yellow line at the center pf the roadway. Batavia St. �raffic Engineering Division curr�ntl� a.11ows on-street parking and has City of Qrange a posted �peed li�it of 35 MPH. �COP.�Il'�l�NDATI�N: ApPI�(�� Struck Av�. is classified as a collector stre�t wi�th a c�.rb-to-curb width of 40 feet, and all�ws on-�tre�t parking. �urr�ntly t�affic approaching Bat�.via St. f�om �ithe�c th� e�.st c�r westbound da.rection � is controlled by STOP signs. Both Batavia St. and Stru�k ��v�. ar� road`aays in th� conu�ercial/industrial sectian of the Cit�, mast of th� tra�fic is cornmercial an�1 comrnut�r oriented. Batavia St. has a large number c�f t�uck �peratian� as it s a part of the City approv�d trucl� r�ut� syst�m. - 24 hour traffi� counts w�r� cond�.ct�� and indic�t�d an aver�.g� we�kday traffic volum� of 17,127 vehicles at this inter��c�ion. 13,275 �ehicl�� w�re count�d on Bata�ia �t. � ov�r �. 24 hour p�riod �hil.� 3,8�2 �rehi�les were counted on Struck Ave. Because of the larc�e volum� of traffi� �ntering thi� ir�ters�cti�n s�parate left turn ch�.nnEli�ation �_� n��c�ed for all tr�.vel directions. Installation of thi� type pf channelization will provide �torag� for thos� vehi�:les wait�.ng to make l�ft _ turns while not impe�ing the flow of through traf f a..c. Both Batavia St. and �Struck Av�. are not wide enough to allow for the new striping . and continue kta allow on-street parking. A certain amount of par�.ina wilJ. have to b� � remov�d from both sides of Ba�aGTia St. north of Struck Av�., �oth �ides of Struck Ave. �ast of �atavia St., and north of ' Struck Av2. w�est of Batavia St. There is adequate no �aarking area an both sid�s of Batavia St. south of Struck Av�. , , ` CI�'Y TRAFFIC CO�iISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING Februar� 11, 1987 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CON�IDE�TIfJN ITEA�S CONTINLTED In order t� provide for the efficien� oper�.tions p� th� traffic �agnal at Batavia �t. and 5truck A�re., th� r�commendation of the Traffic �ngin��ring Divi�ion i� to �,pprove the r�qu��t fo�c ch�.nn�liza�ion, th� nec:�s�ar� par�ing remov�.l �.nr� the ap�ropriat� sign�ng �nd �tri��.ng b� in�t�.11�d �.��or�lingly. P�0►TIQN D a Y��r S� D. �`d.i�ner AY� Unani�us C. Request for �arking removal and ��.assell St. is a primary arterial ro�.dway channelization modifications �.t running in a narth-�outh'd�r�ction with SQ Glas�ell St. and Fletcher Ave. f�L. �f curb-to-curb w�c�tha Th�re ar� two �h�cough lan�s in e�.�h tr�.v�l di.rectacan as Tr�.ffic Engineering Division we11 �s s�p�.r�.t� ��ft t�rn ch�nneli�ation City of Orangg �o�c v�h.�.c�e� ��ish3ng to �nter Fletcher Ave. Currently ther� i.s no or�-street �����g�= �-'�'��� p�.r7�ing �.11o�,��d on G�as�ell St. north of Fletch�r. G1as�ell St. b�tw��n Meats Ave. and Lincoln Ave. is posted at 40 MPH. Fletch�r Av�. runs in an east-west ' direction with �. curb-to-�urb width of 64 ft. Ther� is cane striped through lan� for ea.ch travel direction and separ�.te l�ft turn ch�.nne3.ization as we�Ll. Chann�liz�.tion on �lassell St. will remain virtually the sarn�, exceptd �.t the r�ain entrance to the Volt C�rporation where a separate left turn l�n� will b� instal.led. Ther� will. al�o be 150 ft. of on-stre�t parl�ing r�moved from th� �ast �ide of Glassell St. south of Fletcher Ave. A separate right turn lan� will be added to the ex�.�tinc� chann�liz�.tion for . e�.�tbound Fletch�r Ave. west of Glassell St. Separate left turn lanes will be installer� at He�.rthsid� and Beech�ood for - eastbound tra�fic wishing to enter these stre�ts. Westbounr� traffic turning left onto s�uthbaund GlasselT �t. caill hav� its own lett turn as w�ll. � Along with the n�w left turn ch�.nr��l�zat�.on on �. E°l�tcher Ave., � center striped median wi1.l a1.�� b� j nstal�.ed b�twe�n Glassell St. �nc� its ea�terly t�rminus. �in�e E. Fl�tch�r is not wi�e enouqh to �.11ow th�s� ch�.nges in � � ` CI7.'Y TRAFFIC CO?�Il�iISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONTINUED channelization �.nd continu� to allow on-stre�:�t parki�.g as well�_, parl�.ing r�moval a.s ne�d�d �n laoth �id�s of th� �tre�t. �n order to provic��. fo�c th� �ffacient operatzon of �he n�w �r�.ffi.c �i�nal at Fle�ch�r Av�. a.nc� Gla���11 5�., the reco�.��r�dation of the City �'raffic Ca�i_ssian is to approv� th� request for the chanri�la.z�t�on cha.nges, the n�cessar� par}�ing removal and th� appropriate �triping and �igning be installed accordinc�ly. 1wI0�TI(7�I G. Sl�� SEC�TD U. Y�c��r �i� un�.nianous D. Installation of a pedestrian Sh�.ff�r St. is classifi2d as a collector c�osswalk at Shaffer Sto and strezt in th� study ar�a with a Ev�rett Ave. curb-to-cu.rb width of 4Q ft. . Shaffer runs in a north-south direct�.on and allows H. C, Shaw on-�tr��t par]�.ing. Land use on the �aest � 725 N. Shaffer St. side is residgnti�.l and Orange High School Ora.ng�� CA 92667 is on the ea�t side. Currently th�r� is a crosswalk in existance on� bloc� south of ��L��iTYON: AL�PROITE the study area at the intersection of Shaffer and Walnut. Traffic in th�.s . inters�ction i� also cantroll�d by a 4-way STQP �ign, the postea speed l�.mit i� 25 P'IPH. Ever�tt Ave. is a resid�ntial roadway which run� in an c:a�t-west direction �.nd has a curb-to-curb width of 3� f�. Ev�rett ter�inat�� 2 }alocks to tkl� w�st �t �lass�ll St. and at Shaffer St. ta the ea��. �'here is a one-way STOP on Everett at Shaffer �or �astbound traffic. Ever�tt allows on-�tre�t parking with th� exceptiori of � ��treet sweeping days when parl�.ing is prohilait�c�. � Ther� were two pec�estri.an counts taken at . this inters�ction, AM count �hawc�d a total of 32 p�op1� cr�ss�inc� �ha.ff�r within 5Q ft. of EV2�'E�t e while only 6 crossing� �aere . n�a�le in the afternoon. No d�lays we�e observ�d of �eople waiting to cross Shaffer in either �� or aft�rnoan cnunt�. , � � ` CI7.'Y TRAFFIC CONIl�IISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CO�TTINUED There has been one recorded accident at Shaffer and Ev�rett involving a vehicle e�.stbound on Ev�rett and a bike northbound on Shatfer St. crossing Everett, this a�cic�ent would not have been corr�ct�d with th� in�tallation of a crosswalk. The City Tra.ffic Comn�ission ha� a policy of insta]_ling school cros�walks in an ar�a wh�re a sufficient number of students are crossing the street, accident history, and distance between existing crosswalks. The inter�ection of Shaffer and Everett me�ts the minimum requir�ments for a crosswalk based on pedestrian use 'a�.d di�tance from the existing croasw�.lk at 6�alnut. Ba�ed on the above anal�sis the recon�mendation of the �ity Traff�c - Commission a.s to apprave the request for a pee���trian �ro�swal�. a�ross Shaffer on th� �outh sid� of E��ret�, the appropriate va.sion zone� and advanc� warninc� signs will be anstalled accordingly. ' �I(�.lT D►. Ya�ge� SEC�D D. �n�th AY� TJnania�ous E. �lect�on �� J.987 Terrn Offac�r� G�n� �h�w -- Chaarm�.n l��.ck Y�.rger -- Vie��Ch�.irznan . 11iJ11M.�C ��r ��.� �� D. �.'L7�Tl�r AY� �.TI1lI1].I[1011S F. Appointment of r�presentativ� to G�r�e Shaw -- Rep�esentative ser�re �n the newly formec� DicY Yarg�r -- Alt�rn�te �epre�ent�.tive Tr�.n�parta,tic�n Advi�or�r Committee 1�ION D. Smith SECA�L� l�i. B�.utna.nn AYES �Jnan�us , • ` CI�'Y TRAFFIC CONIl�iISSION � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING February 11, 19�7 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES � QFF AGENDA ITE1�Z �. Gene Sh�w requested staff to review the number of crosswalks on Collins Ave. east of Cambridge. He would like staff to in�estigate as to th� possilbila.ty of the �limination of some of these cro��wa�ks.