10-12-1988 - Minutes TC CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY ZR1�FE�'IC QONIl�RISSION Date of Meeting: October 12, 1988 ROLL CALL: PRESENT - Commissioners: M. Baumann, �'. S�iarra, D. Smith � 1�.. Turn�r, D. Yarger Staff: B. Dennis, G. Minshew, Lt. Leintz, C. Glass D. Al lenbach, P. �.'hen ABSENT - Commissioners: Staff: � M4TION UO1�S�T' CALENDAR 1. Removal of yellow crosswalk on Taft Ave. at Fern St. Ronald ti'V. Of sthun �111 Ee Jackson Ave, Orange, CA 92667 �O�TION D. Turner S�C)OND �[. Baumann RECO�IMENUATION: APPR+OVE AYES Unani�ou.s 2. Request for the installation af a driveway vision zone at 1822 N. Gl.assell St. Floyd Fields 1822 Ne Glassell St. Orang�, CA 92665 �(7TION D. Turner S�QOND �. Ba.�uma:�n. RECOIl�NIE1�dDATTON: APPR�OV� AYES ITn�.n.i�us 3. Request for th� installation caf a forklift/truck crossing zone on Almand A.ve. at Ja.meson St. Joel Wright City of Orange Water Plant RECOMMENDATION: APPI�OVE in�ta;ll�.tiOn. Of 'IIQUIP�".� CR�SSING' sig�nS an�d. driv��.y v�sion zone. �ION D. Turner SE'KJ�ND �. &�.luna.nn AYES Unanimous CITY OF ORANGE MINUTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C'OrM9ISSIO�I �ate of Meeting: OctQber 12, 1988 MOTION GDNSENT �ALENDAR . 4. Installation of a driveway vision zone at 1J75 N. Batavia �St. Christopher J. �WY�.elpley 1975 N. Batavia St. � Orange, CA J2665 MO�TION D. 7.'urn.er � S�OOND M. Batamann RECOMMENDATION: APPR!OVE AYE�S Unanimous 5. Installation of a passenger loading zone at 485 N. Center St. Chapman College � Orange, GA 92666 �TION D. Turner S�OODID �. Ba.�utnan.n RECOMMENDATION: .APPR�OVE . AYES � Una rei mn� � 6. Installation of 'No Parking � Street Sv�eeping' restrictians on the north side of Struck Av�. from Batavia S�. ta its easterly terminus. Traffic Engineering Divi�ion Ca.ty of Orange A�ION D. Turner S�C�OND �. Ba.uma.nn RECONIlVIENDATZON; APPR�OVE AYES Un�imo�us '�, Request for the installatic�n of pedestrian crosswalks at the inters�ction of Meats Ave. and Featherhill Dr. � Leslie S. Brown 2507 E. Shallow Brook Ln. � Orange, GA 92667 �ION D. Turner � � S�OOND �. �3a.u�na,nn RECOMMENDA'�IO�N; APPR�OVE AYES �Tn�,ni tr�at�� 8. Requ�st for an adult crossing guard at the intersection of Palmyra Ave. an Ca.mbridge St. Jean Davis 412 S. Shaf f er St. Orange, CA 92666 �IO1V D. Turner S�(JOND M. �a.umann RECOMMENDATION: APP1�i0VE AYES �Tnani mrn�� CITY OF ORANGE MINUTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC CONIl�9ISSZO�I �ate of Meeting: Oc�ober 12, 198$ MOTION. QOI�SENT CA�[.,EL�TDAR 9. Installation. of a Loading Zone at the mail baxes located at 1056 Lawson Wa�r. U. S. Postal Service 3101 W. Sunflower Ave. � Sa�ta Ana, CA 92799-9703 MO�TION D. Turner S�1�D �. Baunuann RECONIlUIENDAT ION: APPROVE AYES Unanimous , (XJNSIDEBATION IT�S A. Request for the installation of STQP �ontrol devices at the intersection of Lincoln St. and Locust Ave. , and the install�.tion af speed bumps in the adjacent alley. , ,. Dana Kay Sigala � 1440 E. Locust Ave. #3 ` Qrange, GA 92667 RECOMMENDAT I ON: APPR�OVE OI�E-�AY S'i�OP and DENY SP� BU�PS. �OTION A�. Ba.uma.nn �S�i00ND D. Turner � AYE�S � U�nj.mous B. R�quest to. prohibit left turns on Katella Ave, between SR� 55 Fwy. - and Tustin St. - _ Barbara DeNir� . 1118 E. Ac�ams Ave. Orange, CA 92667 � Discussion Barbara DeNirQ -- The accidents �.o not show the number of u.nre�orted: accidents which have occurred along this stretch of roadway. I did request th� 'Na Lef t Turns` bec�.use we h.a.ve twca service stati.ons. Maybe you cc�uld prohibit left turns at peak hou.rs. There are alot of mot�rists making U-turns in this area and it creates alot af problems. The metered ramps �tend. to slow traf�ic tryi�ng to make left and right turns. We could install painted isla�.ds instead af raised media.n.s. Howard Swett/Ch�vron Station - We should notify as �aany business people as gossibl�. I thir�.k you shauld eliminate any U-turns at this intersection c�mpletely. CITY OF ORANGE MINUTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C'OP�Il�+IISSICIN �ate of Meeting: OCtober 12, 1988 MOTION (JONSIDEE�ATION ITE�S � � � B. Dennis - I don't believ� staff is opposed tca th� installation of raised med�ans ar to pro�.ibit left turn.s.. �ut we need �to pr�sent th�m at a full = public he�.ring. We are not opposed t� a raised m�dian �as all people affected by the ramifications, etc. and the �ost of these islands i� $400,OC10 without lands�aping = $75/Linear Ft. inish�d; a.ra.d all people s�ould get the oppo.rtunity to give their opinion. RECOMMENDATION: QD�1'TINUE 'TifJ JANUARY 1989 �OR P�IBI:sIC AE�ING. �ION D. Yarger . � SE�OOND D. S�nith AYES Unani rm� C. Implemen�tation of a neighborhood parking� permit prog�am �n bo�h sides of � the 400 black o� N. Harwood St. ; and the east side of the 500 block af N. � Harwood St. M. J. Martini �3S E. Walx�ut Ave. Orange, CA 92667 Disc�sion . Lewis Br-own: - What does the permit �nean? Can we park in front of our own houses and nobody el�e can park there? I� it just far special times? D�.ve Al�enbach - Explained how the progra�m works. Barbara DeNiro - What do .we do du.r�.ng special events such as the Street ; Fair? Bernie Dennis - We have handled speci�.l events in conjunction-with �he - - - � parking perznit area� in sev�ral ways; such as 3-�5 times a year the:signs would la� cav�red an�. there would be na enforcement such as �hapman graduation, etc. In xegard to other areas you would have t� expect the signs to be cavered for a two day period. RE�OMMENDATION: APPRiOVE MC�'�ION D. Yarger S�OOND M. Bau�aann AYES Un,animous CITY OF ORANGE . . MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFiC CONIl�IISSIO�'1 �ate of Meeting: October 12, 1�88 MOTION CJONSIDEE�A.TION ITIII�S . D. Request for the i�.stallation of a painted crosswalk at 6�0 S. Glassell St, John ti11. Hoopaugh 620 S. Glassell St. Oran�e, CA 926�6 . �ION - D. Yarger S�C�OND D. Smit}�. RECOMMENDATSON: DENY AYFS Unani�ous E. Implementtaion of a neighborhood parking permit program on both si�.es of the 100 block of W. Palm Av�. Pierce W. Lyden 291 N. Oliv� St. Orange, CA 9�666 � �ION � D. Y�.rger S�00ND F. S�ciarra RECOMMENDATION: .APPR�OVE AYES Unanimous F, Request for street closure on Chestnut Ave. at Tustin St. and th� inst�.11ation of a 3-Way STOP cantrol device at the intersection of Chestnut Ave. arbd Maplewood St. Margar�t Yadon � 1032 E. Chestnut Ave. - - Orange, `�A 92667 , Discussion (8 Favor Closure - 28 Oppose Closure) M. Y�.don - I started the p�tition and alot af p�opl� signed the petition that the�r are in favor of the closure. We were a�ked to wait until Trenton - closure to see h.ow it would affect the traffie on Chestnut. Toy�ta and Parnelli use the street to � test their repaired cars.. I just don't see slowe� traffic ori the street. Katzberg - I want to adol to the overview �.nd I think it was a resu.lt af Toyota's expansion. Gino - This is a convenient access to arterial streets. I don`t see why four pepple can chang� the n�ighborhood that will affect around 250 fa.milies. This street is 34 ft. wide .and with cars parked on the street a fire engir�e could not have room to turn ar�ound. and it could make all th� difference in an em�rgency. C. Skagg� - The a.ssue is to control the tra.ffic from coming onto Chestnut. � I am in favar of the closure. S. Bolger - The number af cars and the sp�ed of these cars, and all tk�.e kids playing. There is no age limit to speeding matorists. C I'I�' OF ORANGE MINUTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING - CITY TRAFFIC C.'OMMISSI�I �ate of Meeting: Qctober 12, 1988 MOTION `C�ONSIDEEdATION ITENIS � � J. Freedman - We have heard rumors about a petition on Chestnut b�:t we had -- not been taken. into consideration. We had a s�hort tim� before this meeting but we hav� a petition here today of �75 people who oppose t�.e �losure. If yau c�ntemplate �,ny closur� make it temporary and_r_epeat_the counts. ___ _______________ _ ____ __- Susa.n. B. - I hav� �two girls and I'm scared to death t�at my 3 yr. old, when she rides her tricycle dawn the street, there is alot of speeding on the street and i�ts nat just young/Qld people. We would like something done to slow traffic. M. Uipperman - Everything we have heard is about speeding and if we can put a cauple of police officers out the�e on a conc�ntrated. enforcement effort it will h�lp reduce �peeding. . � I L. Gawn - �he speeding up and dawn the stre�t is awful. I think the trucks ' are using Chestnut becaus� they ar� not allowed an �aft. H. Hannibal - I think the r�ajor problem is speed and I can't remember any accid�nts in the area. I don't think a STOP sign will slow traffic. L. Long - I arrr� cor�cerned with the speed �.nd if th.ere is anather way to alleviate this p�roblem we would be very happy: V. Marks��.- I recommen.d maybe a left-turn signal phase �.t.Taft/Tustin. Bernie Dera.nis - A lef t-turn phase is. budgeted for th� next f iscal y�ar. Cildren at Play signs have no enforcement valt�e, but they give you a false � sense of security. V. .Ander�on - Th� COUritST 1S gY'OWlla.g and people are. driving fast. All I can say is for people to watch their kids and. maybe we can get mare poli�e ez�forcement when possible. � RECOMMENDATION-: _DEi�iY__- _ _._ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ �dOITION_ _ ___ _D.__Yarger . _ . S�CJOND �. Bautna.�n AYFS TJnani.m�us Go Request f�� the installation of 'No Parking Anytime' restrictions at 311 and 313 W. Walnut Ave. Traffic Engineering Division City of prange RECOMMENDATION: APPR�OVE �ION D. Turner S�OO1�D D. Smith AYES Un�.nimous CITY OF ORANGE MINUTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY Z�'FIC C.�OPR►9ISSION �ate of Meeting: October 12, 1988 MOTION C70NSTDEBATION IT.F.�i�S H. I�equest for the installation of parking restrictions on Parl�er St.. at LaVeta Ave. . Traffic Engineering Division City of Orange _�O�TION _ F. �cia.rra � S�OO1�D D. Turner R�COMMENDATION: APPI�OVE AYES Una,nimous I. Request fc�r the in�tallation of a passenger loading zone, red curb and crosswalk for Cambr�dge Elem�ntary School in proximity to S�camore Ave, and Waverly Ave. � Cambridge El.em�ntary S�hool 425 N. Cambrid�e St. � i . Orange, .CA 92666 �ION � F. Sciarra S�OOND D. Tur�.e� RECO�MENDAT IQN: .APPI�OVE AYES Unani.mous J. Rsquest for the installat�on of All-way STOP control devices and an additianal �rosswalk at the intersect�.on of Sycamore Ave. and Waverly Ave. Peter Holrnstram 333 N. W�verly St. � � Orange, CA 9�F.66 . � _ RECOIIMZENDATI(JN: AP�OVE O1V�-�AY S"i�P & DENY C:'R�SS�TALK . . MO�TIOI� D. Yarger � S�CX)ND D. Turmer AYFS Unanimous K. Adjournm�nt