08-10-1988 - Minutes TC � �� ; f CITY OF ORANGE ; r�� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING '� CITY TRAFFIC O�IISSIaN Date of Meeting: August 10, 1988 ROLL CALL: PRESENT - Commissioners: G. Sha.w, M. Baumann, D. Turner Staff: B. Dennis, G. Minshew, Lt. Leintz, C. Glass, P. Then . ABSENT - Comanissioners: D. Smith, D. Yarger Staff: D. Allenbach � MOTION (70NSENT C'ALENDAR IT�S 1. Installation of a 'No Parking' zone at 4208 Century Dr. Lupe Elin 4208 Century Dr. Orange, CA 92669 MOTION M. Ba.um�ann S�CX�ND D. Turner RECONIlVI.ENDATION: APP�fiOVE AYF�S Unanimrn�� ' 2. Installation of a 'No Parking' zons at 1100 Town & Country Rd. Anne E. Gardner, Bldg. Mgr. 1100 Town & Country Rd.. Orange, CA 92668 MO�ION M. Ba.t]m�nn S�C70ND D. Turner RECOMMENDATION: APP�OVE AYES Unanirr�us 3. Installation of 'No Parking Anytime' restrictions on the south side of La.Veta Ave.--east of Tustin St. Jeanne Judge 1740 E. La.Veta AVe. #215 �range, CA 92666 MOTIQN M. Ba»�nn SF�fJOND D. Turner RECONJ�VIENDATION: APP�OVE AY�S Unanimnus �. Installatir�n of red curb or 'Handicapped' pa.rking space at 883 N. Orange St. Warren Armita�e 883 N. Orange St. Orange, �A 92667 MO�I�N �• Ba-u�ann S�OpND D. Turner RECOMMENDATION: APPI�OVE RID Q1RB AYES Unanimous , �. � 1 CITY OF ORANGE �� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING . CITY TRAFFIC C�OPrIl4lISSIO�N �ate of Meeting: August 10, 1988 MOTION QONSEi�Pr CRAL�NnAR QONTII�iITID 5. Installation of a 'Loading Zone' (yellow curb) at 1130 W. Trenton Ave. Boyd Ca.rgill Ca.ribbean Spa Ma.nufacturing, Inc. 1130 W. Trenton Ave. Orange, CA 92667 MOTION M. Baumann S�GOND D. Turner R,ECJOMMENDATION: DENY L�OADING ZONE - APPI�IDVE 53 Ft. � C�JRB AYES Un_�.ninrn�� UON�IDERATION ITIIIdS .�. Installation of a 'One-Hour Parking' zone at 1800-1802 N. Glassell St. � Jene C. `9ilson � Wilson Family Living, Inc. 1774 N. Glassell St. Orange, CA 92665 No discussion on this item. MO�TION D. �,irner SF�OOND M. Ba.wnann RECOMMENDATION: APPI�OVE AYES U�n���G $. Request to prohibit left turn egress from proposed "A" St. in the Crawford Hills development to Chapman Ave. City Planning Commission City of Orange biscussion Herman Kimmel, Traffic Engineer - We based. this study on the posted speed. We determined peak volues would be 160 cars a day turning east between 8 AM and 5 PM. .67 units per hour on that street and the others would use Crawford Canyon Rd. and the signal at Chapman. This way cars will have to go up to Crawford Canyon Rd. and make a U-turn at the sin�al and go back again. Gene Shaw - �Ve allow left turns at the Orange Hills Restaurant because they are turning downhill and they have better sight distance and its easier than left turns uphill. REC�OMMENDATION: APP�OVE MO�ION M. Ba.um�a.nn. S�OOND D. Tu.rner � AYES Unani.maus `' , f. � CITY OF ORANGE �K' �r MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC OOr�Il�IISSI�1 �ate of Meeting: August 10, 1988 MOTION ODNSIDII3ATION IT�!!S OONTINUID C. �+equest to .cul-de-sac Parker St, at Culver Ave. or Palmyra Ave. Robert Hutcheson 355 S. Parker St. Orange, CA 92668 Discussion Robert Hutcheson, 355 S. Parker St. - I agree with your conclusions except for input fram the neighborhood, you should exclude those people tha,t didn't come to the meetings and count the ones that did attend as 100� of the neighborhood. Hobart Smith 725 W. La,Veta Ave. #1 - I submit a petition of people who do � , � not want you to adopt Alternative #1. We feel tha.t north-south traffic on :Parker St. is not an improved access point to our facility. Vern Love, 336 S. Parker St. - The medical center doesn't have their kids playing of Parker St. , we need some kind of diversion on Parker. I believe thes� streets are designed to to carry less traffic than it does at this time and with the new development planned south of the freeway in the near future it will not be able to hold all the new traffic. I think Alternative #1 is the best way to go. . Howard Williams, 705 W. La.Veta Ave. - We were not notified of the first meeting. Alot of people going to our office are disabled and it ma.y be alot more difficult for ther�. Charlie tiViles, 1330 Dana Pl. - If I lived in the area I wouldn't want to have anything in the way to cut off emergency services. Anything you do inhibits the flow of traffic. I am against Alternative #1. Mic�iael Johnson� 451 S. Parker St. - I have built a wall around the front yard to keep our kids out of the street and I am extremely fearful of this heavy traffic. Brandon Curtin, 340 S, Parker St. - There is a problem and something ha.s to be done. This is a residential neighborhood and the peak hour traffic is just awful. The traffic moves at an excessive high speed and poses a danger to residents. As Main Place develops and other new developments go in this traffic will only get worse. The ma.jarity of the traffic is freeway oriented as well as going to the new office-professional developments in the area. Adam Smith, 419 S. Parker St. - I ha.ve noticed more traf f ic since the new buildings in Town & Country and the new buildings over by St. Joseph's ha.ve gone in. �" � J �l CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING _ CITY TRAFFIC COr9�fISSION ►ate of M�eting: August 10, 1988 MOTION UONSIDII�ATION I7.'IIk�S UONTINUID Paulette Smith, 140 S. Ba.tavia St. - We ha.ve our fair shaxe of traffic too. I think the reason people use Paxker is beca,use of the signal at Ba.tavia: Bernie Dennis - Parker St. is being used beca.use of the lack of ca.pacity on th� arterial streets adjacent to Parker {Ba,tavia, LaVeta and Main) all contribute to Parker being used. We are reviewing an EIR for the widening of La.Veta as a new project, with enhanced intersections at La.Veta/Glassell and La.Veta/Main. �ION 1. Deny cul-de-sac. 2. T�y Alternative 1 to 'Prohibit north-south traffic on Parker St. at - - LaVeta Ave., ' on a one year trial basis. t I SEIOOND M. Baurrrann AY� - Unani mr�a�s D. Installation of 'All Way STOP' signs on Wanda Rd. between Collins Ave. and Ka�e.11a Ave. G7iarles F, Kimbell � 1174 Wanda Rd. , Orange, C� � 92667 No c�iscussion on this item. MOFrION D. Turner � S�CXJND M. Baumra.nn R�711�lMEiVDATION; DENY AYES Un�n��� �. Installation of 'No Stopping Aytime-Tow Away' restrictions �on Wanda Rd. be�ween Katella Ave. and Collins Ave. Traffic Engineering Division City of �range D3.�CLiSS10II bonald Belcheck, 942 Wanda - I am opposed t� the no parking on Wanda. We need the pa.rking from Monroe east, especially because of the games at Kelly StadiUm. Terry O1son, 1082 Wanda - I am opposed to removing the pa.rking on Wanda because we can't get out of our driveways and I don't know where to park my cax. :' ' f � �` CITY OF ORANGE MINUTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C�ONIlyISSICI�I ate of Meeting: �ugust 10, 1988 � MOTION C�ONSIDE'EiATION IT�1S UON'rINUID � Carl Delinda, 1060 Wa.nda - I am opposed to removing the parking on Wanda. � � I am in favor of the left-tu�n lane but not with the pa.rking removal. I am concerned with the safety� issue of having to park one or two blocks away at Monroe if you take pa.rking away from Wanda. Scott Finley, 1070 Wanda - I did sign a petition for a left-turn lane and parking removal, but after listening to this information I think Villa Park should mal�e some concessions. Jim Harnett, 942 Wanda - I am opposed to pa.rking removal on Wanda. Royal Fitzpatrick, 2901 Quincy - I am in favor of keeping parking on Wanda. When this becomes a 4-way street I am afraid I won't be able to get out on = Wanda from Quincy. i RECOMII�NDATON: DENY MOTION D. Yarger SE100ND D. Turner AYF� Unani mm�� F. �,equest to remove both sides of the 200 block of N. Shaffer St. from the 'Neighborhood Parking Permit Program' Area A (Chapman College). Renee Holte Cahill . 280 N. Shaffer St. � Orange, Cg 92666 Discussion Renee Ca�iill - Most o� us that have signed the petition are worrie+d that � there will be alot of cars parked there. We are tired of off-hour Police enforcement, they come at 6 AM. REODMME�NllATION: APP�VE MO�ION M. Ba.um�rm . S�C�ID D. Turner AYES Unani mrn��