05-11-1988 - Minutes TC � CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � CITY Z�FFIC OQNY�+IISSIQJ Date of Meeting: Mav 11, 1988 ROLL CALL: PRESENT - Commissioners: G. Shaw, D. �arger, D. Turner, D. Smith Staff: Lt. Leintz, C. Glass, D. Allenbach, P. Then ABSENT - Commissioners: M. Baumann Staff: B. Dennis, G. Minshew � MOTION Approval of April 13, 1988 Minutes � M(nION D. Yarger S�C�OND D. Smith D. Turner abstained•from this vote due to absence gYE.S Unanimn»� of the April 13, 1988 meeting. CJQNSENT CALENDAR l. Installation of a 30 Minute parking stall at 312 N. Glassell St. (west side) Dick Dun 312 N. Glassell St. Orange, CA 92666 RECONIlI�EENUATION: AP�kOVE MOTION D. Turner S�OOND D. Smith AYES Unani mrn�� 2. Installation of a driveway vision zone at 344 .N. Glassell St. Ruth VanAcker 344 N. Glassell St. Orange, CA 92666 M(7rION D. Turner S�OONd D. Smith AYES U�.ni mrn�� 3. Installation of a driveway vision zone at 2325 N. Ba.tavia St. Jerry Bolt 19051 Mesa Dr. Villa Park, CA 92667 RECOMl1�ENDATION: APPROVE MO�ION D. Turn.er SDC�C�ID D. �ith AYE.S Unan���� CITY OF �RANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAI�'FIC C70NY��IISSION . Date of Meeting: May 11, 1988 MOTION CJ�NSIDEftATION IT�S A. Prohibition of commercial vehicle parking in the city industrial area. Traffic Engineering Division City of Orange C. Glass - The city does not have any vacant land suitable for a truck stop, so the city would have to buy som for parking lots and it is staff's feeling that we shouldn't get involved in such a program. Permits would not help any of the issues that we are trying to approach with the parking restrictiqp.s. Santa Ana prohibits any trucks over 3 tons to park on any public street for over two hours. . R. Rhoades - Overnight parking: I really don't feel it will work because if you allow them to park overnight how are you going to enforce it? If you pa.y a samll find for parking violations truckers will just ignore them - but if you make it a large fine they will pay attention. Roy Leru - Trucks have built this city and the city is for everybody, not just developers. For street sweeping you post the street and one day a week you park somewhere else. Truckers do pay their tickets because if you are stopped by the police and they run your license they will arrest you if you have warrants, also when you renew your license the DMV checks the computer. Dale Payne - Our company is required to provide on-site parking and we feel� that trucks using streets are being subsidized by the city. D. Yarger - There is alot of space between the railroad station and couldn't we negotiate for use of overnight truck parking? If you charge a fee for the pa,rking you could take care of the upkeep. D. Allenbach - This protion of Walnut is not on the �truck route system. D. Yar�er - This driveway going out to Chapman could be designated as a entrance and exit. MO�ION - D. Turner: l. Pr�ohibit al1 on-street parkin.g by these commercial vehicles. 2. That the City Council, on approva.l of the previaus motion seek out 9ome propertp for parking and truckers could gark their vehicles. Look at the p�r�operty on Qza.pm�a.n at �alnut which is owned bp the railro�a�d and negotiate an agrec�ent for this use. ti- CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRA.FFIC OON�Il�IISSI0�1 �ate of Meeting: �a.p 11, 1988 M4TION MOrrION D. Turner S�OND G. S�aw NO D. Smith AYES G. S�haw D. Yarger D. Turner B. Parker St. traffic study. No Discussion MO�ION - Contin.ue. Hold a Neighborhood Workshop Meeting to advise and get input from as manp of the a.r�a residents as possible. MOrrION G. Shaw S�OOND � D. Z`urner AYES Un�n��us