03-09-1988 - Minutes TC CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C(.�lMISSION Date of Meeting: March 9, 1988 ROLL CALL: PRESEN'I' - Commissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann, D. Turner� D. Smith Staff: g, Dennis� G. Minshew, Lt. Leintz, C. Glass D. Kuan, D. Allenbach, P. Th�n ABSENT - Commissioners: p, Yarger 5taf f: None � MOTION �TSENT CALENDAR 1. Installation of a driveway vision zone at the intersection of Lincoln Ave. and Cottonwood �t. Frances A. Youngqua.st 26C2 Cottonwood St., #11 Oranc�e, CA 92665 �ION D. Turner SECC�iID D. S�ii.th RECOMMENDP,'�IC)�T: P�PPROVE AYES Unanimmous 2. Installation of a 'No Stopping At Any Tinne' zone on the w�st side okf Hew�s St. north of Bond Ave. Traffic Engin�ring Division, MC7rI01lT D. Turner City of Orange SEC�ivD D. Smith AY�S Unanimous RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE 3. Installation of pav�ment legend 'Do Not Block Int�rsection' at: �. Katella Ave./Sacramento St. B. Orange-Olive Rd./White Cap 1KO�TIO�T D. �.'urner SECOND D. Smith RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AYES Unanimous CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC l'�OPR+�IISSIO�T Date of Meeting: March 9� 1988 MOTION COL�SIDEEtATION ITELd1.S A. Installation of a northbound dual left turn lane on Batavia St. south of Lincoln Ave. Bob & Linda Hatche� 9129 W. Tioga Pass Rd. Orange� CA 92665 Bob Hatcher - Eastbound gravel trucks waiting to turn into R.J. Noble caus� a blind intersection a� you can see around these truck�� when the intersection i� clear the traffic is comming at you at a very fast pace. Dual left turn . At one tim� there was some king of turn lane there an.d in the morning there are about 12 to 20 cars .backed up to make the turn. Bernie Dennis - We are not trybng to pa�ss you over to another agency. The comr�ents you have made pretty much agreee wi�th our study. We could signalize � the intersection with either a 6-phase or 3-phase signal which takes care of� Batavia but not Lincoln. Modification runs from $12,500 for 3-phase sign�.l to about $25,OOQ for the city share of a 6-phase signal: It was sugge�ted to have the city take over these two int�rsection maintenance and control. , Maintenance costs are $2�200 each year. W� can send our findings to the County for signal moda.fication and any warranted striping changes. Additionally� we �an find out how the County would view control by the City. If this control comes to the City we would take the lead role in any modification �Tans for that intersection. : This locatican is. not on the 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan, and it would be about 18-20 months before any work could be done on this intersection. We would have to process a new agreement for the m�intenance responsibility � and controlling interest of this intersection from the County. W� wil]. ask for all three things to be done coneurrently. REC�I�IMENDAT I ON: Nfl�O�.�IATE WITH THE C'OUNTY OF ORANGE FnR MP�INITII�TANCE RESPO�SIBILITY, CO�.vTROLLIl�G INTERFST OF THE INT,�ECTIC�T OF BATAVIA ST. AT LINGOLN AVE., AND Pa2.EPARE SIGNAL/STRIPI1�iG MODIFICATIO�LV PLANS AT THIS LOCATIO�iT. MO'TION G. Sha.w ��p�D D. Turner AYES Unanimous f{ t.`�.; ..:,; � CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC CXx�IISSIt7�T Date of Meeting: March 9� 1988 MOTION C�ONSIDERATION ITEMS . B. In�tallat�.on of a protected left turn phase westbound L�ncoln Ave. at Batavia St. Bob & Linda Hatch�r 9129 W. Tioga Pass Rd. Orange� CA 92665 RECOMMENDATION: SAME AS ITEM A. MO�TIO�I G. Shaw S�d D. Turner AYES Unanimous . C. Adjournment -��°