02-10-1988 - Minutes TC CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY Z�FFIC QOI►'Il�IISSIdiJ Date of Meeting: February 10, 1988 ROLL CALL: PRESENT - Com�nissioners: G. Shaw, D. Yarger� M. Baumann� D. Turner Staff: B. Dennisf G. Minshew, Lt. Leintz, D. Kuan D. Allenbach, P. Then ABSENT - Commissioners: D. Smith Staff: None � MOTION C�0�.3SENT CALII�DAR 1. Installation of a driveway vision zone at 2369 N. Batavia St. Rachel Sandeval 2369 N. Batavia S�. Orange, CA 92665 �I� �•��� � SEC�.JD D. Turner RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AY�S Unan�mo�us 2. Installation of a 'No Parking Zone' (red curb) in front of the mailbox at 845 W. Grove Ave. , Bettye P. Fraser J. Fraser & Assoc. 845 w. Grove Ave. �I� �• ��n S�CO�TD D. Turner RECOMMENDATION: APPRONE AYFS Unan�.mous 3. Installation of a 'No Parking Zone' (red curb) at the southeast corner of Shaffer St. and Katella Ave. (Juana & Maria Restaurant). Traffic Engineering Division City of Orange �I� M• ��� S�D D. Turner RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AYES Unanimous OONSIDERATIaN IT�S A. Installation of a 4-V�ay STOP control device at the intersection of Glassell St. and Palmyra Ave. Karen A. Ruelke Mp►rlp� D. Yarger 139 W. Palmyra Ave. SHpp�,JD D. Turner Orange, CA 92666 Avr�S Unanimous RECOMMENDATION: DE�.JY 4�-WAY S'.�OP but install Warning Flashers. CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C�OP+Il�IISSIQN Date of Meeting: February 10, 1988 � MOTION �SIDF�RATIOiLJJ ITEMS B. Installation of a 3-Way STOP control device at the intersection of Southern Ave. and Pacif�.c St. Elizabeth Murray 501 W. Southern Ave. � Orang�, CA 92665 MO►�IaN D. Tur�er gg„�p�D M. Batu[iann RECOMMENDP.TION: APPROVE AYE.S Unani�ous C. Removal of on-street parking from the east side of Orange-Olive Rd. from Lincoln Ave. to Hei� Ave. for the installation of a continuous left turn . lane. Traffic Engineering Division � City of Orange �I� M' �`� SEC�ID D. Turn�r RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AYES Unanimous De Present the schedule of events and study parameters for the Parker St. traffic diversion study. Traffic Engineering Division � City. of Orange Study costs/man. hours i.nvolved� and what we could find out from the study. You can expect if any diversions are implemerited they will 'increase traffic on Batavia dramatically. What mitigation measures would be less dramatic and less costly than a st�dy? � RECOMMENDATION: C�l'rINUE 1 MCJNTH - MO�ION . D. Yarger � g� G. Sha.w AYF'S Unan�mous E. Reduce the existing 4 Way STOP's at Waltnut Ave. and Lemon St. to 3 Way STOP controls. Traffic Engineering Division City of Orange.. . MO�IOiJ � G. Shaw S� . , D. Yarger RECOMMENDATION: DF1tiY AYES Unan�.mous � �• __. -- - - � . __ ----�-- -..,v .��,_�-�,.-�.�-�-�-_ - --- - .-..:. _ -..._. ..-- - -- - - - - -- - CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TR�FIC OOMMISSION Date of Meeting: February 10, 1988 MOTION C�NSIDERATIOiN ITEMS F. Revie� �the propo.sed adclition to the Orange Municipa:l. Code regarding a new Ordinance to establish the 'Intersection vision Zone Program.' Traffic Engineering Division City of Orange MOTI�T G. Shaw SE(�ND . D. Yarger RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AYFS Unan,imous G. Adjournment . . - �. k _�_ _ " ,, .�b':.. :�. � . . . . . . '. . .. . �