08-09-1989 - Minutes TC CITY OF ORANGE � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC �iISSION Date of Meeting: August 9, 1989 ROLL CALL: PRESENT - Commissioners: D• Yarger, �. Baumann, J. Fortier F. Sciarra, B. Leming - � Staff: B. Dennis, R. H�rrick, Lt. Leintz, C. Glass D. Allenbach, P. Th�n . ABSENT - Commissioners: None Staff: Nane . MOTION Appraval of �Iune 21, 1989 Minutes MOTION D. Yarger . S�C70NI.1 . ... , F. �ciarra . AYES Unanimnus OONSENT CALENDAR ' ` 1. Request for the removal of existing red cu�b and the installatian of. a Loadina Zone on Lawson i�day far the Tishman Buildira. Anne E. Gardner � Tishma.n Corp. 1100 To�,m & Country Rd. Orange, CA 91266� - � , RECO�rEI�TDAT I ON: APPROVE ON A T�IPOR ARY BASI S �. �;equest for tne installation of 'No Parking Tuesday 7-11 AM' on both sides of the 2000 block af tiY. Maple L�ve. for street sweeping purposes. _ Elinor Ernst 202�3 �1, l�aple Ave. Orange, CA �92667 . � M(�TION D. Yarger S�CJOi� M. Bauma.nn REC01��1MENT'AT ION: APP�OVE AYES , .Una.ni.�o►us �. Request �or the installation of 'No Parking I��onday 7-11 ANI' on both sides of the 1400 block of N. Cannan St. for street sweeping purpc,ses. Eugu2ne Hansen 1420 N. Cannon St. . Orange, CA 920�9 REC011-�VIENDATION: APPi�OVE R�iOTION D. Yarger S�CJOND ' M. Ba.umann AY�S Una�imous CITY OF ORANGE MINUTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC OOr'Ily1ISSI0�l �ate of Meeting: August 9., 1989 � MO`i`ION � (JONSENT CALI�NDAR (Cont'd.) , 4. Request for the installation of 'No Parking Anytime' . rest�ictions at 867 N. Lincoln St. Fae Sutton 867 N. Lincoln St. Orange, CA 92667 Heard Sep�rrately - 17iscussion Follo�s: . . � Fae Sutton - People from the medical center park in front of my home and they ! are there from 7 AP�I to 10 PM. I would like to keep this. �arking restricted to residents and not. the businesses. People can't get into my driveway. I ; Jerry Smith - Its a mess. I have talked ta everyone at the medical center �i about getting the parking at the church which has a big parking lot. We would i like to have a Neighborhood. Parking Permit Program. Frank Sciarra - If we take this parking off. won't this just move it over to • the neighbors? � Chuck Glass - We can initiage a petition for `No Parking' on street sweeping days. . Bernie Dennis We could have the applicant circulate a petition for the street sweeping restrictions, but this area doesn't quality for the parking permit pro��cam. . . RECONIMENDA�ION: APP�OVE DRIVE'�AY VISION ZONE � MOTION D. Yarger S�CJOND J. Fortier ' AY� U113ni mnus 5�. Request for the installation of 'P10 Parking Wednesday 7-11 A141' on boths sides of �airbairn St. between Bixby Ave. and Skywood St. for street sweeping purposes. Lyle Packard 3024 N. Fairbairn St. � Orange, CA 92665 Heard Separately - Discussion Follows: David Malone - I have 4 adults� in my home going to and from school, working nights, etc. and I don't think it would work very well. Dick Yarger - Ho�,� would you recommend your street be s�vept? navic� n,T�.lo.�e - C',�ul� vou change the scveepin� hau�s to 8 AM instead of 7 �'�? CITY OF ORANGE MIIWTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC COr�9ISSIUN Qate of Meeting: August 9, 1989 MOTION ' OONSENT C�LENDAR (Cont'd.) . Susan Haf f ley - �ilhere would the signs be posted? I don't want a sign in front of my home. I have talked to alot of my neighbors too. Chuck Glass - They axe posted at th� beginning of the street for e�.ch entr� direction. REC0147MENDATION: APP�OVE MOTION J. Fortier S�OOND F. Sciarra AYES Un�ni mni�� � � 6. Request for the installation of 'No Parking Monday 7-11 AM' on both sides of � " Spring Ave. between Esplanade St. and Swidler St. for street sweeping I purposes. � , 1 � � R. A. ti�alsh 3803 E. Spring Ave. Orange, CA 92669 RECOMMENDATION: APP�VE �ION D. Yarger .. � S�OO�ID M. Batut�.nn AYES Un�n_i__mrn�� CJONSIDII3ATION IT�S , A. Request for the consideration of adopt�.ng a 24-Hour parking limit for certain types o� recreational vehicles in residential areas within the City. John Ca.lcara, Jr. 1528 E. Sunvie� Dr. . Orange, CA 92665 . � . John Ca,lcara - Villa Park ha.s no overnight parking, 24 hours in Placentia, ?2 hours in Yorba �Linda. I believe the city allo��vs 72 hours and its lack of enforcer�ent is not fair to the citizens. Ber.nie Dennis - In the City of Orange its illegal to park any vehicle of any type for over 72 hours. A number of years aga we heard this issue, at that time we were unsuccessful in passing an ordinance. If we ux�dertake public �iearings they are very sensitive. In many areas there are no areas to store these vehicles. Are there sufficient commercial areas to take up what we would be displacing is one issue that has to be conside�ed, Many times a storage area is used by another transportation vehicle. V1e would have to have an advertised formal public hearing, from about 3 to 5 before the CTC and about 3 hearings before the City Councilo r CITY OF ORANGE MINUTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C0�4yfISSION �ate of Meeting: August 9, 1989 MOTIQN � � C)ONSID�ATION IT�S (Cont'd.) � Bill Leming - Vdhat do you do on complaints? Lt. Leintz - �'Je respond to complaints and we ma.rk the tir�s and try to get � back in 72 hours and we have impounded alot of motorhomes. I don`t know if you are aware of .this but personally but you can go out and move a car and put one mile on the odometer and they ca.n. then park the same vehicle in the � same place. - Dick Yaxger - Can we try to have OPD increase efforts in this area and see if this wi?1 resolve the issue without going thru the �public hearing process. � RECONIMIl�IDATION: DENY - INCREASE POLICE FIIV��OR�EbdF�NT MO�TION i D. Yarger � S�OOND � M. Ba.umann AYES i Un�_�us B. Request to install 'Customer Parking Only' around the southeast corner of Cypress St. and Sycamore Ave. George Perez Island Products VJholesale Nuts Co. 3913 N. Cypress St. Orange, CA 92667 No discussion on this item. �� RECON,�IENDAT ION: D�Y . �ION D. Yarger S�OOND J. Fortier _ � AYES Una.nimous C. Request for consideration of a trial street closure of Adams Ave. at Lincoln .St. Audrey P�Iillis 1007 E. Adams Ave. Orange, CA 92667 , Audrey I��illis - I ma.de this request in an attempt to come up with a solution to our problem and get�some test data. . Joe Fo�tier - Isn't this a ma.jor arterial into the neighborhood.? I think its wrong to consider closing a street that is an access point. Dick Yarger - The Fire Dept. would oppose closure due to emergency vehicles need of access. r CITY OF ORANGE MTNUTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC CONi�MISSIOiN Oate of Meeting: August 9, 1989 MOT30N C�ONSIDE6ATION IZ�d(S (Cont'd.) . Diana Conger - There are alot of people who go thru the area to get around � Tustin/Katella. It would be a little inconvenient to me and some of the residents but �ve would do it. � . Bill Leming - I think you are asking us to get into a neighborhood preservation program and the City Council �has already discussed that. I recommend that we receive and file this report. Barbara DeNiro - You could install signs similar to the ones to prohibit left , turns for eastbound Adams at Tustin, or you could install delineators. � I RECOMMENDATION: �CEIVE & FIL� R�QUEST. . MO�ION ° B. L�ming ' � SEOpND I D. Yarger . AYES � UnAnimnus . , D. Request for the installation of 'No �Parking Anytime' restrictions at. 600 N. � Batavia St. John ti"Thite . Hydro-Scape Products, Inc. 601 N. Batavia St. Orange, CA 92667 Don HoltY�e - There is not enough pa,rking to begin with. As far as vision way are concerned this southbound traffic and I have photos and the sight problem cames from the trees in the parkway. � Norman Kruse - I think it would be a good idea to increase the vision�zone north of the driveway. V�hat other measures� could you sugges�? Trees need trimming. You could install. a mirror across the street from the driveway. Increase a�eas o� red curb. � Dick Yarger - M�.ybe we could suggest to remove the trees altogether. Lt. Leintz - I have no idea of .accidents in this area. Chuck Glass - �"Je have no recorded accidents. RECOMMENDAT I ON: APP�OVE. INCREASE RED C�JI�B TO 25 FT. AND PRUNE TRE�- M(7rION D. Yarger S�OOND F. �ciarra AYES IIn�n��us n CITY OF ORANGE MINUTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C�0�4N1ISSIOiN oate of Meeting: August 9, 1989 � MOTION OpNSIDEEiATION.IT�S (Cont'd.) . E: Request to permanently close Avenida Palmar at Crawford Ca.nyon Rd. Rick Fannin ' 5244 Avenida Palma,r � Orange, CA 92669 . Ruben Lucero - This is a wrong layout of the stre�et and I don't kno�v when you did your counts. If you look at that map people are trying to come from the condos. There is no line. on the street. Put an electric gate and we will p�,y for it and ;ive everybody in the Fire/Police De�t. a gate opener. in in a centerl�ne thou h it does � � Bernie Dennis - We have no problem putt g g I increa�e usage, ; Mary Ballard - Speeds are so high and they loose control and hit something. 1 + I : Bonnie l�ikolett - Would it be possible to put a barrier to stop thru traffic at �'h.ora and Avenida Palmar, or speed bwmps? Bernie Dennis - If we put in diverters on Avenida Palmar you would have to turn right onto TY�ora. � Bonnie Mikolett - ti'�ould it be possible to put in a barrier at the county � line? Its traffic going to the condos in the morning/evening hours that is . causing the problem. Tim Hoffs - I have lived here 2 years and I am against a closure. People in the conds really axe the pr.oblem but they don't realize they are still going 65 MPH but we need to �et police in the axea as much as possible. Is i� possible to put in some STOP signs at Aveinda Palmar? Linda Becker - We can't get in ancl out of our driveway beca.use the cars are going so fast. Bill Leming - Please address 3-way STOP at Thora and Avenda Palmar. Bernie Dennis - ti1le. don't really Yiave any reluctance to install STOP signs. It would act as a�t�r mechanism to same extent. You change noise levels 100%. 800 cars a day which is acceptable for your type of street and they will all ha.ve to stop and then start up again. �'de will have to install red curb to allow sight distance of the sign. There are some things we can do without diverters (in-house). I would ask that this issue be continued for 30 days. Russell Davis - I have noticed. the speeds, it�really a serious problem. As you go past Thora downhill the street gets narro�ver because of the cars parked on the street. I would ask that you also look into this issue. � CITY OF ORANGE MINUTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C�ONP4ISSION 9ate of Meeting: August 9, 19�9 MOTION QONSIDII�ATION ITII�S (Cbnt`.a) . REC;ON;MENDATION: �ON'rINUE 30 DgYS , MO�ION B. L�eming . . S�C70ND D. Yarger AYES Una n.imous F. Request for the insallation� of a painted crosswalk at the intersectian of Taf t Ave. and Loma. St. � Mr. � Mrs. Dan Lyding . 6241 Shenandoah Ave. Orange, CA 92667 � o disc i � � N uss on on this item. I RECOI��iIENDATION: APP�OVE INS'�ALS.,ATION OF A PAINT� G`l�SS�AI,g ON TF� SOUTH L�G � OF L+OMA ST. ( I MO�I4N D. Yarger S�OOND F, Sciarra AYES • Un�,ni mr�a�:� G. Request for a speed limit reduction on Orange-0live R;d. and the installation of ca.ution lights in proximi.ty ta.the .Olive Heights Elementary School site. � Rose Lamb�e � 321 Archer St. Anaheim, CA 92804 No discussion on this item. RECOMMENDATION: DENY MOTION J. Fortier � S�ND F. Sciarra. . � AYES Unan.imoaas H. AD�TOURNMENT 5:36 P�