04-12-1989 - Minutes TC , CITY OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAl� MEETING CITY TRAFFIC CONIl�RISSION Date of Meeting: April 12, 1989 � ROLL CALL: PRESENT - Com�nissioners: D. Ya.rger, L�. Turner, M. Bauma.nn - F. Sciarra, J. Fortier - Staff: B. Dennis, C. Glass, Lt. L�intz, D. Allenbach, P. Then ABSENT - Commissioners: Staff: G. Minshew � MOTION Approv�.l of March 8, 198� Minutes MC7TION �. Ba,wr�,n�. ��00�3I) D. Turner Audi�nce 15 A�E►S Una.ni�o� C�O�S�T CAL�1DAl� 1. Request for the installation of a pa�senger lo�.din� zone at 161 S. Orange St. Reverend �,ee Truman First United Methodist Church l�l S. Orange St. Orange, CA 92666 No discussion on this item. RECON�MMENDATION: A1PPR�VE I►�TI01� D, Yarger SIDOOND J. Forti�r� - AY�,S Unanimous 2. Request for the installation of a driveway vision zon� at 855 N. Lemon St. Bob Hungerschafe�c Lemon Tree Homeowners Assoc. 855 N. Leman St. , #3 Orange, CA 92667-6658 No discussion on this item. RECONIMENDATION: .APPROVE �ION D. Ya.rr�er �EK�OND J. For�tier AY�S Unanimous CI'I`Y OF �RANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C,'OPM9ISSION �ate of Meeting: AT�ril_ 12, 1989 MOTION - C�ON�II�iT CALENDAR (Continued) . 3. Request for the installation of red curb and a '30 Minute�Parking Zone' at 1859 N. Glassell St. � � Verna Lawson 1559 N. Glass�ll St. Orange, CA 92665 Verna La.wson - I realize the Police can't enforce 30 minute parking, but if its marked it may discourage people from parking there over 2 hours. RECOMMENDAT ION: APPR�OVE � �I�dT'ION D. Yarger S�OND �. Ba.nm�nn AYES Unanimo�tas � I 4. Requ�st for 'No Stopping Anytime' restrictions on Limcoln Ave. app�oaching � Glassell St. I S. W. Holcomb Traffic Engineering Division 149 E. Lincoln Ave. City of Orange Orange, CA 92665 � Leonard Becker - I'm not trying to resist this change but I v�ould li�� permission to change my two driveways so they would not interf�re with the prapas�e�.� lane change. :I would need . to move a sign ,on my praperty, but P�anning .Dept. said it �would no� meet the current codes. If' I ha.d to get a . new sign it would cost about $10-$12,000. I could save up to 7 parking • spaces by moving th�s driveway. � _ Bernie Dennis - The Traffic Commission does not ap�arove the moving af driveways. Please bring a sk�tch stc� us and we will meet with you and the Planning Dept. about your driveways and any recommendations about changing � the �ign. RECOMMENDATION: AP�OVE �OT'ION D. Yaxger � S�JND D. Turn.�er AYES Unanimous 5. Request for the approval of two adult school crossing guards at Chapman Hills Elementa�y School. Kathy Kessler, Principal Cha.pman Hil1s Elementary School 1200 N. Cannon ST. � Orange, CA 92�69 �ION D. Yaxg�r No �.iscussion on this item. SE�JOI�D J. For�ier �,ECOMMENL�AT I4N; APPR�O� AYES Una�ai�us CITY OF ORANGE MINUTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C.'ONiMISSION �ate of Meeting: April 12, 19�9 � MOTION �ONSIDEE�ATIO�T IT� � A. Request for traffic arid noise mitigation measures in praximity to E. Hillside Ave. and Santiago Blvd. �,obert G. Toth 2800 E. Hillside Ave. Orange, CA 92669 � RECOMMENDATION: Applicant ha.s requested. this item be continued. until the �a.y 10, 1�89 meeting. � M(�.CION D. Ya.rger SF�OOND F. Sciarra AYES Unanim�us � . , B. Request for the extension of an interseetion visi�n _zane at the northeast � corner of Almond Ave. and Center St. Traffic Engineerin.g Division City of Orange No discussi�n on this item. RECOMMENDATION: .APPRJOVE .. Ad�TIO1�T D. Turner � _. . S�OOND �'. Sciaxra . , � �AYES Unanimous C. Request for the installation of A11-Way STOP cant�ol devices at the � - intersection of Palmyra Ave. and California St. Gordon Mitchell, Principal Palmyra Elementary SchooT . 1325 �E. Palmyra Ave. � Or�,nge, CA 92�66 Gordon Mitchell - Four g�arents have spoken with me about c�.rs that have almost failed to stop. The crosswalk is directly across from the office and - I am concerned with the safety issue. We have lengthened the red zone, put the load�.ng zone on Lincoln St. Doug Lawrence - This is not the first time I have come before you about ST4P's on Palmyra. People t�cavel th�.t street from about 45-50 MPH. We tri�d to get additional Police enforcement in the area. (Reads from correspond�nce with OPD.) I don't know how ta �olv� this but if you ca.n slc�w th.e people down it will help. Last time y�au suggested additional enforcement effort be m�.de and it looks like they can't do i�. I arr� a little tired of listenting to the naise of cars accelerating and deacce�.��ati�.g from the STOP sign at Ca.mbridge/Palmyra. � CITY OF ORANGE . MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC CONI�7ISSIaN �ate of Meeting: April 12, 1989 � MOTION OONSIDERATION ITE�S (Continued.) , Dick Y�.rger - I am going to ask �Lt. Leintz to respo�.d to this. But a STOP sign �.s not designed to slow traf f ic. The only are.a tl�e STOP �ign would slow would be right at the sign, but then you Yiave the noise associated with the �TOP sign. Doug Lawrence - A bad spot is at Lincoln/Palmyra because there is a blind area. I have a hard time gettin� in and ou.t of my driveway. I live at the 2nd hous� from the corne� and people don't know that I am not turning at the intersection an�. if people are speeding it a.s alot of liability. If the Court's won't p�^osecute citations under the 85th p�rcentile I think. the City � should prepare a letter� asking them why they don`t. If the posted speed limit is 25 MPH and �ou are going 26 MPH you should be cited, and it �hould b� upheld in C.ourt. . ► RECOMMENDATION: DENY request for ST�OP sign. � RECOMI�ENDATION: .Ask the City C�uncil to consider having th� City Attorney write a letter to the Municipal Court requesting clarifiea.tion of #he enforcea.bilitg of 25 �.PH or prima, facie speed limit. � MO�TION F. Sciarra S�OOND D. Turner AYES Unaaaimous D. Request for the installation �.and/or modification of various traffic and pedestrian control devi�es on Spring St. in proximi.ty to El Modena High - S�hoal. Gai,l Seal, Principal El Modena High School 3920 Spring St. Orange, CA 92669-3599 Matt Baumann - Will we be notifying the schools about these changes if they are approved so they may educate their student body? - T3ernie Dennis - We can contact both schools abaut the changes. C I`I'Y OF ORANGE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C,'ONIlMISSION �ate of Meeting: April 12, 1989 MOTION (70NSID�EiATION ITF�S (Continued) . RECOMMENDATION: 1. APPI�O�TE the installation of additional 'No Parking' restriction.s on the south side of Spring St. between the student parking lot and the south leg of Esplanade St. 2. APPR+OVE the removal of the crosswalk on the east leg of Spring St. at Seranado St. . 3. "DIIVY the request for the installata:on of a flashing yellaw warning b�acon. � � 11�qTION F. Sciar�ca S�OOND � D. Turn.er d�YE�S i Unanirm� E. Request far the implementation of� �, neighborhood parking permit prQg�am for the 300 block of N. Olive St. Annette Barker 304 N. Olive St. Orange, CA 92666 - No discussion on this item. � REG'OMMENDATION: APPROVE request but delay inst,allation un.til mid June. � . MOT'ION D. Yarger S�(70ND D. Turn.er AYES Unanimous F. Request for the installation of time limit parking and/or 'No Parking 3 AM to 6 AM' rest�i�tians on both sides of Manzanita St. , from Katella Ave. to . its northerly terminus. Patricia Fraser, President Rod Fraser Enterprises, Inc. . 1320 N. Manzan'ita St. Orange, CA 92667 No discussion on this item. �,ECOMMENDATION: APP�OVE and in�lude 'Tow Away' on the signs. MCyTION D. Yaxger S�ND F. �ciarra AYES Unan i�us CITY OF ORANGE MINUTE� OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC C'OP'II�IISSI�1 � �ate of Meeting: A�ril 12, 1989 MOTION (�ON�IDII�A�ION ITE�S (Continued) G. �tequest for the installation of 'No Stapping Anytime' restrictions on the west si.de of Wanda Rd.,� between Hoover Av�. and Quincy Ave. Traffic Engineering Division City of Orang� Rud.y Jantz - It seems that evergr time we turn around we hear about Villa Park, and they seem to h.ave alot of impact o� ti�� City of Orang�. I think it would be best ta remove the extension and offer two lanes in each direction. Bernie Dennis - If it is your intent to modify anything we may want to continu� this for one month. ;. Scott - If you do take parking away -it�will affect 59 residences, � it will devalu.e the real estart�by�0-J�5%Q. If--ther�—is�,o on�str-ee-t parl�ing it will be extremely h�,rd to get in �.nd out of the driveways. Tr�.ffic goes very fa,st in this area. I think you should have a STOP at - Lincoln/Wa�.c�a and no turn pockets. Tom Crawford - I conducted the tu.rn counts for the r�sidents. We think you should rer��ove the southerly turn pocket and continue to �,llow us to retain on-street parking. I did not see more th.an two cars waiting to turn into Hoover. ..�. . � . Dick Yarger - These all seem to be morning counts, did you da any P�I � counts? _ Tom Crawfor� - No I di�n't. Bernie Dennis - Being very objec�ive, to retain parking on the street we can onl�r provide a single barrel left turn lane. The problem is that the , transition a� island is predicated on the speed cri�teria and w� have to b� abl� to transitiQn the traffic back into a 2/4/2 lane street. Sally Kimbell - Try to think about nc� lef t turns onto Hoover from Wand.a. ' If we put a STOP sign in at Lincoln it would eliminate our problem. We have been impacted greatly by the people in Villa Park. RECOMMENDATI�N: Continue to �a.y 10, 19�9. Notify residents an Hoover and. perform a count of turns into Hoover and Lincoln. Consider the imp�.cts to surroun.ding streets if you restrict any l�ft tu.rns at thes� two locations. A�OTION D. Ya.�ger S�OND J. Fortie� AYES Unanimous H. Adjournment 5:45 P�