08-13-1991 Council Minutes148 APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON AUGUST 27, 1991. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING ORANGE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 13, 1991 The city Council of the city of Orange, day of August, 1991 at 3:00 p.m. in the Chapman Avenue. Oranqe. California. California convened this 13th Council Chambers, 300 E. 3:00 P.M. SESSION 1. OPENING 1.1 PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 1. 2 ROLL CALL PRESENT - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon ABSENT - None 1.3 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Meeting - July 16, 1991 MOTION - Coontz SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon ACTION: Approved.Regular Meeting - July 23, 1991 MOTION - steiner SECOND - Barrera AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon ACTION: Approved. Adjourned Regular Meeting - August 1, 1991 MOTION - Barrera SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon ACTION: Approved.1. 4 PRESENTATIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS/ INTRODUCTIONS C2500.N)Certificates of Appreciation for heroic action were presented to Shelby Yinger and Stephanie Kirk. 1.5 PROCLAMATIONS - None Page 1 149 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2.CONSENT CALENDAR AUGUST 13, 1991 TAPE 195 2.1 Declaration of City Clerk Marilyn J. Jensen declaring posting of city Council Agenda of a regular meeting of August 13, 1991, at Orange civic Center, Main Library, New Police Facility at 1107 N. Batavia and the Eisenhower Park Bulletin Board; all of said locations being in the City of Orange and freely accessible to members of the public at least 72 hours before commencement of said regular meeting. ACTION: Accepted Declaration of Agenda Posting and authorized its retention as a public record in the Office of the city Clerk. 2.2 Authorize the Mayor and Director of Finance to draw warrants on City Treasurer in payment of demands. ACTION: Approved. REMOVED AND HEARD SEPARATELY) 2.3 Request from Mr. Ed Dart, "The Hot Dogger", to amend the City Ordinance to allow outdoor food vending. (Continued from July 23, 1991.) (A2500.0 Mobile Food Handling) The City Clerk read a letter into the record from Lois Barke, 2022 Spruce. She expressed opposition to amending the ordinance. (Letter on file in city Clerk's office.) Council questioned the presence of the hot dog stand currently at the new facility. The Director of Community Development indicated the hot dog stand is there on a special 45 day permit for their grand opening, and is not being run by Mr. Dart's company. The following people spoke in favor of the amendment: Ed Dart, President of The Hot Dogger, 1011 W. Taft.They made the following points:He has met with Lois Barke and Barbara DeNiro and made some changes in his request in an attempt to address some of their concerns.They have put in a special note in their request to keep their stand 100 feet away from a church, school or park.Instead of asking for 75 feet clearance, this has been increased to 200 feet back, which eliminates almost all properties in Orange.It was noted that each cart must have an appropriate size trash can at their location. Businesses will get rid of the hot dog stands if they do not feel it is a benefit to their store.Page 2 150 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1991 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) The following people spoke in opposition: Barbara DeNiro, 1118 E. Adams.Bob Bennyhoff, 10642 Morada Drive.They made the following points:Information from the cities of Santa Ana and Garden Grove was submitted relating to how they handle this issue.It is not in the best interest of the public benefit to allow this in Orange. Mr. Dart is too non-specific suggesting non-residential private property, that being too encompassing.with the Mall business climate being so competitive and empty stores routine, it would not seem advisable to allow hot dog carts as an outside use in those areas, as he suggests.This cart has nothing to do with the business success of Home Depot.Mr. Dart's current proposal now appears to be allowed to operate in general within the City of Orange, rather than just the one cart at Home Depot, as was previously proposed.This should be a public hearing process with CUP, as other cities have proceeded in this manner, with annual review.Orange would be foolish to allow the hot dog stands without knowing where they are and what they are. Council indicated they had hoped for more complete input from Home Depot and the Chamber of Commerce on the subject. Mr.Dart indicated the regional headquarters leaves the decision on the hot dog stands up to the individual store managers.Councilwoman Coontz commented that pushcarts are already a problem in Orange. They are not allowed, but they come in on weekends. Code Enforcement makes them dump their merchandise. However, they restock and come right back. It wouldn't take long for the idea to proliferate that Orange looks favorably on push carts. Code Enforcement has more than they can handle already. Orange does not have the money to enforce something like this, which is not a great benefit to the City and could be a financial burden and more of a problem than a benefit.Councilman Spurgeon commented that Council should be very careful and have strict guidelines, without taking away the individuality of this city, which has always been prO-business. He is not in favor of pushcarts of any type.Mayor Pro Tem Barrera indicated he was also in support of a study on the ordinance amendment. Police reported that pushcarts are definitely a problem, but he has no problem with the stationary hot dog stands, as being proposed for Home Depot.Page 3 1 5 ~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1991 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) Councilwoman Coontz was not in favor of Council ordering another study, since a number of them are already in the works and they are still awaiting the results. These take a great deal of staff time, and she felt the other studies needed to be completed, before any new ones were ordered. MOTION - steiner SECOND - Barrera AYES - steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Spurgeon NOES - Coontz ACTION: Authorize the Community Development staff to initiate a study on amending the ordinance.Council would like Staff to develop the parameters for an ordinance amendment and bring it back to Council to see if it is consistent with Council' s intent for responsiveness to the community's concerns.2. 4 Request from Chapman College to close Glassell Street from Palm to Sycamore on Tuesday, September 10, 1991 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for an official ceremony changing the name to Chapman University. (S4000.S. 4)ACTION: Approved, subject to conditions of approval by Police and Public Works Department. 2.5 Request City Council to execute a contract with Hunsaker and Associates in the amount of $34,400 to complete design of curtain wall on Jamboree Road; Assessment District 86-1.Account No. 590- 5013-683300-3215 Assessment District Funds) (A2100.0 A.1829) ACTION: Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement on behalf of the City. 2.6 Approve authorization of agreement with M. Barbara Ramer to connect 8702 Palm Avenue in unincorporated County territory to City-owned sewer. (A2100.0 A. 1830)ACTION: Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City.2.7 Authorize the Library Director to close the Main Library from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon weekdays from Thursday, August 22 to Friday, August 30, 1991 for seismic reinforcement of bookshelves. (P2500.0. 6)ACTION: Removed from agenda.Page 152 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1991 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 2.8 Authorize and approve the award of Bid #901-58, Landscape Maintenance Services to Accurate Landscape & Maintenance corporation, Orange, CA, in the amount of $52, 920.Account No: 210-7023-424301 Landscape Maintenance-City Property) ( A2100.0 A.1831)ACTION: Approved.2.9 Authorize the award of Bid No. 912- 03 for construction of Water Well No. 23 to the low bidder, Beylik Drilling, Inc., of La Habra, in the amount of $ 213,000.00. Account No.601-8061-484101- 8115 (Well No. 23) (A2100.0 A.1832)ACTION: Approved.REMOVED AND HEARD SEPARATELY)2.10 Agreement between city of Orange and the orange Junior Chamber of Commerce to loan $1, 200.00 to the Orange Jaycees for the purpose of assisting in their participation in the Orange International Street Fair scheduled for August 30, 31 and September 1, 1991. Money to be loaned from Advertising and Promotion Account (Fund 235). (A2100.0 A.1833)Council questioned the advisability of loaning money to a non- profit organization, since this may set a precedent. The city Attorney reported this type of arrangement was legally permissable and their department had prepared the agreement.The Orange Jaycees were loaned money for the May Festival and there was a shortfall. They are now asking for a loan to raise money at a street fair booth. The money is owed to the group contracted for the parade. Council felt if the loan was approved, the operation of the May Festival should be reviewed.MOTION - Steiner SECOND - Coontz AYES - steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz NOES - Spurgeon ACTION: Approve and authorize Mayor and city Clerk to execute agreement. Council will review the May Festival to decide if it should be continued, combined with the Fourth of July activity, or take some other action.2.11 Authorize receipt of $35,000 in Federal Library Services and Construction Act Grant funds, administered by the U. S.Department of Education, for the purpose of establishing a Library Literacy Program and to allocate the funds to Activity 2001. (C2500. 153 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1991 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 2.12 A.CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FROM:C3200.0) 1. WALTER ADAMS for an alleged incident occurring on or about May 30, 1991. 2. DANIEL H. LEVINE for an alleged incident occurring on or about June 23, 1991. 3. DONNA THOMPSON for an alleged incident occurring on or about July 7, 1990. 4. MARY AND ROSS HAGER (X-Ref: J. Ognibene) for an alleged incident occurring on or about September 2, 1990.5. JO ANN GALl SKY for an alleged incident occurring on or about March 25, 1991.B. CLAIM FOR APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION TO PRESENT A LATE CLAIM:RIDGELINE COUNTRY CLUB AND DAVID FREIMANN, for Application for permission to Present a Late Claim for an alleged incident occurring on or about April 9, 1990.ACTION: Denied claims and denied Application for permission to Present a Late Claim. Referred to City Attorney and Adjuster.MOTION - Coontz SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon Items 2. 3 and 2.10 were removed and heard separately. All other items on the Consent Calendar were approved as recommended.END OF CONSENT CALENDAR 3. REPORTS FROM MAYOR BEYER - None 4.REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS TAPE 1488 Request from Councilman steiner for permission to leave the state for 30 davs.MOTION - Barrera SECOND - Coontz AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon Moved to approve Councilman steiner's request to leave the state for 30 days.Page 6 154 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1991 5.REPORTS FROM BOARDS. COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS TAPE 1513 5.1 Appointment of the followinq to the Recreational Trails Master Plan Committee: (OR1800.0.19.5) Nominated by: Mayor Pro Tem Barrera Mayor Beyer Councilman steiner Councilwoman Coontz Councilman Spurgeon Parks & Rec. Comm. Hiking/Walking Club -Mayor Beyer Council asked the term of the appointment. It is for the duration of the study, which is expected to be completed by Christmas, according to the Senior Planner, Advance Planning.Michael D. Hairston Mark D. Sandford Bob Siebert Frank Zanaboni, Jr.Mara Brandman Dennis Blake Bill Trapp MOTION - Barrera SECOND - Coontz AYES - steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon Moved to approve the above appointments to the Recreational Trails Master Plan Committee.5. 2 Accept with reqrets the resiqnation of Councilman Mike Spurqeon from the Solid Waste Manaqement Committee. and appoint Mavor pro tem Barrera to fill the unexpired term to expire November. 1992.OR1800.0.34)MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Coontz AYES - steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon 5.3 Report reqardinq the White House Conference on Librarv and Information Services bv deleqate Tom Saenz. Chairman of the Librarv Board of Trustees. (C2500.I.1)MOTION - Coontz SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon Moved to receive and file report.6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS - None 7. REPORTS FROM CITY MANAGER - None Page 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1991 1 55 8. LEGAL AFFAIRS 8.1 RESOLUTION NO. 7850 TAPE 1659 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange approving the reclassification of three positions in the Public Works Department effective July 1, 1991: (1) A Field Maintenance Worker I/II to Equipment Operator I (Position No. 204); (2) A Field Maintenance Worker 1/11 to Skilled Maintenance Worker (Position No. 784); and (3) A Field Maintenance Worker 1/11 to Skilled Maintenance Worker Position No. 215); approving the transfer of $9,449.00 from the Special Gas Tax Maintenance Fund to cover the increased salary and benefits cost; and directing Staff to amend the budget and the Position Control System to reflect these changes. (C2500.M) MOTION - Barrera SECOND - Coontz AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon That Resolution No. 7850 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.8.2 RESOLUTION NO. 7866 A Resolution of the City Council of the city of Orange finally accepting the completion of certain public work and improvement. Bid No. 901-38; Special Project 2944; Glassell street from Katella Avenue to Taft Avenue; Vernon Paving Company. (A2100.0 A.1774)MOTION - Coontz SECOND - Barrera AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon That Resolution No. 7866 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.8.3 RESOLUTION NO. 7867 A Resolution of the city Council of the city of Orange finally accepting the completion of certain public work and improvement Bid No. 901-36; Special Project 2934; Jewell Place, Lester Drive, Acacia Avenue and Lime Street; Inland Constructors. (A2100.0 A.1756)MOTION - steiner SECOND - Barrera AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon That Resolution No. 7867 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.Page 8 156 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1991 8. LEGAL AFFAIRS (Continued) 8.4 RESOLUTION NO. 7863 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange upholding Appeal No. 388 overruling the decision of the Planning commission of the City of Orange and denying Conditional Use Permit No. 1911-91 to allow PC-23-91. The establishment of a residential alcohol and drug rehabilitation facility within an existing building currently used as professional offices upon property situated on N.E. corner of Chapman Avenue and Grand Street (307 East Chapman). (A4000. 0 No. 388) MOTION - Coontz SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon That Resolution No. 7863 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote. 8.5 ORDINANCE NO. 16- 91 An Ordinance of the City council of the City of Orange prohibiting parking on designated portions of certain public streets during the hours from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. without a valid parking permit.A2500.0 Parking Permit Program)MOTION - Mayor Beyer SECOND - Barrera AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon That Ordinance No. 16-91 have second reading waived and be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.9. ORAL PRESENTATIONS TAPE 1698 Diana Silva, 2053 E. Orangegrove, addressed the Council regarding property in Old Towne, at 527 W. Culver. They are trying to sell the home and the sale is being held up because they put in aluminum windows, rather than wood. Council referred the matter to the Director of Community Development.Barbara DeNiro, 1118 E. Adams, asked if someone else could operate the hot dog stand if Council approves the use by The Hot Dogger. She indicated Mr. Dart is President of the Orange County Pushcart Association. The Director of Community Development reported this is a land use approval, so if Council approves the ordinance, Mr. Dart could sell his business to someone else, as long as they operate the business in the same way.Page 9 157 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1991 9. ORAL PRESENTATIONS (Continued) Ms. DeNiro also showed pictures to Council of trash on school grounds at Yorba and California Schools. She would like help from the Parks Department in keeping this area clean. She also showed them pictures of a new graffiti symbol, a rabbit, which she found at Lucky Market. The Mayor asked to take the pictures to the Schools Coordinating Committee, to see if they could help with the problem. The Mayor also asked the Police Chief to have the area patrolled on weekends. 10. RECESS TO THE MEETING OF THE ORANGE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. RECESS AND COUNCIL RECONVENED AT 7:00 P.M. MOTION - spurgeon SECOND - Barrera AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, coontz, Spurgeon Moved to recess at 4:20 p.m. to a closed session for the following purposes:a. To confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), to wit:Maver vs. Citv of Oranqe Orange County Superior Court Case No. 58 55 20.citv of Oranqe vs. Donald D. Greek (C3200.0 Greek)Orange county Superior Court Case No. 64 27 01 b. To confer with its attorney regarding potential litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (1).c. To consider and take possible action upon such other matters as are orally announced by the City Attorney, city Manager, or city Council prior to such recess, unless the motion to recess indicates any of the matters will not be considered in closed session.7:00 P. M. SESSION 11. INVOCATION - Mr. Richard Arhlen, a resident of orange.11. 1 PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG ll.2 ANNOUNCEMENTS - None 11.3 INTRODUCTIONS - None Page 10 158 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1991 11.4 PROCLAMATIONS - None 11. 5 PRESENTATIONS Police Lieutenant's badge was presented to Robert Gustafson by Mike Spurgeon for the City Council. Recessed to a brief reception in the Weimer Room.12. PUBLIC HEARINGS 12. 1 APPEAL NO. 389. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1913-91. PAUL FLOWERS: TAPE 2306 The public hearing on petition by Paul Flowers to appeal the decision of the Planning Commission on June 17, 1991, approving Conditional Use Permit 1913-91 to allow applicant, social Model Recovery Systems,Inc., to operate an adolescent residential alcohol treatment facility in the R-3 (Residential Multiple Family) zone, has been continued from the Julv 23. 1991 Council meetinq. The property is a rectangular-shaped 16,979 sq. ft. parcel of land located on the east side of Parker Street between Walnut Avenue and Parker Street (525 N.Parker st.). (A4000. 0 No. 389)NOTE: This project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act per CEQA guidelines, section 15301.THE PUBLIC HEARING REMAINS OPEN.THE APPELLANT STATES THE FOLLOWING REASONS FOR THE APPEAL: "This facility will interfere with a property owner's lawful right to quiet eniovrnent of their premises. Allowing this facility will cause deterioration of the neighboring property; not in the physical sense,but in the same manner as allowing any nonconforming structure or facility to be built in the middle of a family area. Regardless of the recovery program's assertion that it is their lawful right to put these facilities in R-3 zoning areas, it cannot be our lawmakers'intention to allow suffering of any kind to the neighboring properties. We ask the City council to deny this facility."The Manager of Current Planning reported Council continued this hearing in order to visit the site. All the Councilmembers have visited the site.Councilman steiner stated for the record that he was not present during the second public hearing on July 23rd with regard to this agenda item. The City Clerk provided a tape of that hearing, which he listened to and felt he was thoroughly familiar with the issues raised at the public hearing. He also visited the site and on that basis, the city Attorney has advised that he can participate in the deliberations and vote on this CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1991 15 9 12.PUBLIC HEARINGS:Continued) The following people spoke in opposition to the appeal: Bud Hayes, representing the Applicant, Social Model Recovery Systems, Inc.Barbara Gossett, State Community Care Licensing Representative.Julie Boynton, 3473, Benton Avenue, La Verne.Diane Thompson, 700 W. Walnut Avenue #14.John Callanan, 1809 E. Wilson.Ron Webb, 927 Somerset, Pomona. vicki James, 581 N. Cambridge.Ken Schmaling, 9141 Sharon Way, La Habra, Executive Director of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Defense of Orange County.Kate Tieman, 2013 Alabama #3, Huntington Beach.Chet Wilson, 1835 Camden Ave., Los Angeles.They made the following points:This facility is for non- dependents of the court, non- adjudicated minors of Juvenile Court. There is still licensure under Title 22,Division 6, California Code of Regulations. All group home licensing regulations will be in full force and effect.The facility will-be staffed by a half-time Clinical Director,full-time Program Director with years of experience in working with adolescents, 6 full-time clinical staff day and evenings, 2 awake staff members at night, as well as relief staff available as needed.All the staff are required by licensing to be trained in CPR and First Aid. There will be a consulting psychiatrist and medical doctor. They will be using Orange County Health Services for more serious medical problems.The Applicant talked to as many of the neighbors as possible.There are 132 residential properties within a 300 foot radius of the program. All but 26 of them were contacted. Signatures of 86 people were secured who are in support of the program and are not opposed to it being in their neighborhood.The Applicant indicated there is a section in the lease stating the lessee will obey all laws. They propose to amend the lease to specifically describe the 23 conditions attached to the Conditional Use Permit required by the City Council. This way, if the Applicant ever fails to correct a problem caused by a failure to meet a city condition, the owner can't end the lease. This should greatly increase community insurance that they will be good neighbors and will comply with the conditions as stated.A resident facility is valuable, since very often the young people need to be away from the home environment.The people this organization is proposing to serve currently fall between the cracks. There are programs for those ordered into treatment by the court, and those with insurance, but nothing for those with no insurance and no court order.Social Model Recovery Systems is very highly respected. Their facility in Los Angeles County is considered a national demonstration project.Page 12 160 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1991 12. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) The following people spoke in favor of the appeal: Paul Flowers, 533 N. Parker Street.Tony Diek, 1625 E. 17th Street #104, Santa Ana.They made the following point:They feel the project is too large for this piece of property.The following people also spoke:Barbara DeNiro, 1118 E. Adams.Council asked the status of the property should this organization leave the site and close down. The Director of Community Development reported the CUP is for the use itself, and not the specific provider. If there is another service provider who provides the same service as the package requested: ages of individuals, numbers of people, same types of licensing, a different provider could take over that CUP. Council asked if conditions could be attached saying that it would come back to the Council for a public hearing, should this happen. The City Attorney advised that in normal circumstances, the Conditional Use Permit runs with the land. However, if there is some consideration regarding the operator, or if Council wants it to run a certain length of time (as long as this Operator is running the facility) that would be legally permissable. The time limit of the CUP would be for as long as this organization operates the facility.The Applicant indicated he would be very willing to accept that condition.Questions were also raised regarding schooling and recreation. The Applicant indicated classrooms are on-site. Recreation is planned primarily for El Camino Park at hours that don't conflict with heavy park use or the school across the street. This program is paid for by $400, 000 of taxpayers' money. The school will be accredited either through the County Board of Education or the local school district.Council asked when the visitation hours would be, and where the visitors would park. The visitation hours are staggered, starting about 2: 00 p.m. Sunday through the evening. They have reached an agreement with the Mariposa Women's Center to use space at their facility near Town & Country for group visitation, if necessary.They also plan to pursue the use of the large parking lots directly behind the property, in the commercial electrical warehouse.However, the Applicant did note that State law requires a parent must be allowed to visit their child on demand. The patients will also have occasional passes to visit their families for the weekend.The Applicant was willing to add the voluntary condition of pursuing additional visitation parking through agreements with outside agencies, organizations or businesses.Page 13 161 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1991 12. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) Council's opinion was requested on the size of the facility in relation to the number of patients proposed to be housed at the site. The Applicant indicated that according to state mandates, they are not allowed to have more than two children per room. If this were an adult program, there could be almost twice as many people housed at the site. The State Representative confirmed this. The square footage required by law is 120 square feet for 2 children, 100 square feet for one child. Councilman steiner commented that he has directly been involved with cottages for abused children in this age range for 11 years. They had 22 children in a cottage of 4,400 square feet. The living area in the proposed facility is 5,012 square feet. Therefore, he did not feel it would be crowding the children. MAYOR BEYER CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. Councilman steiner commented the city of Orange has been very responsive to meeting a variety of social needs in the County of Orange, whether it is locating programs in our community for the homeless, the developmentally disabled, substance-addicted babies,the Queen Anne Home for abused children, or other kinds of individuals with special needs. This city has attempted to be compassionate and responsive to those groups.On the other hand, sometimes the Council is not able to be supportive, for a variety of reasons, as evidenced by the actions on July 23rd, when Council did not approve the Royer Mansion to be used to meet an important social need in our community. He felt it was very wise for Council to visit the site, rather than just looking at plans or written materials provided in the agenda. It also gave Council an opportunity to talk to Mr. Flowers directly with regard to his concerns. Councilman steiner felt the program was unique. Being voluntary in nature makes it very appealing, and it definitely serves an unmet need in the community.Whether the program is in Orange or another city, these kids are within our communities, and they need to be served. He was satisfied that sufficient controls are in place to ensure the integrity of the program through the licensure process. Obviously, if this program is not a good neighbor, this Conditional Use Permit will be pulled and the program will not remain in the community. He felt the location of the facility in an R-3 zone, with its very unique configuration,was not incompatible in terms of land use.Council discussed an administrative adjustment to allow the Applicant to keep an existing block wall and three trees which would have to come down to get 2-3 more feet for the parking. The Manager of Current Planning indicated one or two stalls would be lost and the cars would be required to back out onto Parker 162 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1991 12. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) MOTION SECOND AYES Coontz steiner Steiner,Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon Moved to deny the appeal on the basis that the Conditional Use Permit and the project do not appear to have a negative impact on the surrounding community.MOTION - Coontz SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon Moved for the approval of Conditional Use Permit 1913-91, subject to all the 22 conditions recommended in the Staff report and agreed to by the Planning Commission, with the addition of a condition requiring the physical use of the property in parallel with the Conditional Use Permit. In addition, a condition to accept the voluntary provision by Social Model Recovery Systems, Inc. to secure additional visitation parking through agreements with outside agencies, organizations or businesses.The City Attorney confirmed this sets the maximum length of time for the CUP to coincide with Social Model Recovery Systems, Inc.'s operation of the facility, which was voluntarily accepted by the Applicant.MOTION - steiner SECOND - Barrera AYES - steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Spurgeon NOES - Coontz Moved to approve an Administrative Adjustment with respect to on-site parking, with the intent of preserving the existing wall and landscaping, and to direct the Applicant to enter negotiation for the accommodation of an existing parking space off-site. 12.2 ZONE CHANGE 1136-91. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1906-91. DONALD HUNT AND DEAN EVANS: TAPE 4750 Time set for a public hearing on petition by Donald Hunt and Dean Evans to consider Zone Change 1136-91, to establish zoning classifications of C-1 ( Limited Commercial) and R-3 (Residential,MUlti-Family); and Conditional Use Permit 1906-91 to allow the construction and operation of a two-story self- storage facility within 70 feet of a single family (R-1) district. The project site contains 2.52 acres and is located north of Chapman Avenue, west of McPherson Road within the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of- way.Z1500.0 No. 1136-91)NOTE: Negative Declaration 1381- 91 has 163 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1991 12. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) The Manager of Current Planning reported the Planning Commission has reviewed the project. As a zone change, it comes to the Council for a decision. The City of Orange has not zoned railroad property. Because the railroad use is now abandoned, the Applicant is requesting that zoning be placed on the property consistent with the adjacent property. The C-1 zoning is consistent with the property along Chapman, and the R-3 is more consistent with the residential uses further north. The proposal will include 70,000 square feet of mini-storage warehouse.There is a gas line easement running down the edge of the property.This limits the ability to do extensive grading on the site. It also requires that no buildings be built over it.The project site is somewhat higher in elevation than the residential uses to the west. This creates a grade differential between the proposed use and the backyards of the residential properties. The Planning commission suggested the Applicant put in a retaining wall and redo the walls of the neighborhood, cutting them down and providing a planter area in the 3-foot separation.MAYOR BEYER OPENED THE PUBLIC HEARING.Bruce Jordan, 15375 Barranca Parkway # 5106, Irvine, representing the Applicant, indicated they agree with all conditions of Staff and the Planning Commission, except one. The new wall configuration will reduce a structural deficiency that presently exists from when the pipelines were put in and the fill was put on top. A drainage problem will also be solved by putting in this wall.About 10 days ago, a letter was sent to the 13 affected homeowners who back up to the property. Two people called in favor of the project, one indicated he had discussed it with several other neighbors, who were also supportive.There will be fire access. The buildings are to be constructed of non-combustible materials. The exteriors will be stucco. The residents will not be able to see the storage buildings. There will be 600 units, ranging from 5 by 5 feet to 10 by 30 feet. The Applicant has approximately 60 facilities in Southern California.The Applicant requests modifying Condition #37 in the CUP to a 7 1/2 foot setback. The Planning commission wanted 10 feet; the Applicant originally proposed 5 feet. It will appear as a fence at that location. This site has been encumbered by easements and is quite narrow, so they would like to use as much of it as possible.There will be a Resident Manager on-site.from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The Resident driveways and internal space is monitored The facility will be open Manager is able to view 164 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1991 12. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) The following people spoke in favor of the project: Jeannie Franco, 215 N. Malena Dr.Kris Peterson, 141 N. Malena Dr.They made the following points:There are homeless people living in this area, and others who loiter there. This problem should be corrected by the project.Property owners will have more usable land with the proposed grading at the property line.It was asked if apartments could be built there in the future,should this property be zoned R-3.Mr. Peterson asked if his lot would cause a problem, since his fence juts out to the property line. The Applicant indicated there is an encroachment onto railroad property of one foot; the new wall would correct that.The Manager of Current Planning commented there was little likelihood that apartments could be built according to R-3 standards at this site, with the narrowness of the lot and the gas line easements.However, technically this would be allowed by the R-3 zoning.Council asked if anything could be done to guarantee apartments could not be built on this property at some future date. Council asked the City Attorney if the Applicant could be required to file a deed restriction, to prevent it from going into an apartment-type situation. This City Attorney indicated this would have to be voluntary on the part of the Applicant.MAYOR BEYER CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING.Council asked Mr. Jordan about a deed restriction. He indicated they would have no problem in voluntarily entering into a deed restriction regarding future development. However, he did point out to the Council that the improvements for this project are so substantial, it would not be economically viable to tear them down for another use.MOTION - Barrera SECOND - Mayor Beyer AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon Moved to accept the findings of the Environmental Review Board and file Negative Declaration 1381-91. MOTION Barrera SECOND - Coontz AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, spurgeon Moved to approve Zone change 1136- 91 as outlined in Planning Commission Resolution No. PC-20- 91, including the deed restriction to which the Applicant has voluntarily agreed.Page 17 165 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1991 12. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) MOTION - Barrera SECOND - Steiner AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon Moved to approve Conditional Use Permit 1906-91 as outlined in Planning Commission Resolution No. PC-21-91, with a change on Condition #37 to make the setback 7 1/2 feet. 13. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT 13.1 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPEAL NO. 2721. APPEAL NO. 3-91: TAPE 2-30 The appeal of a decision made by the Design Review Board to deny plans and improvements made to an existing single-family residence located in the Old Towne District at 231 N. Center street, Robert Brian and Peggy Kirk. (A4000.0 ORB No. 3-91)The Director of Community Development reported that in 1987, a CUP was approved allowing a second story room addition to the single family residence. After approval of that CUP, a building permit was issued and construction was begun. The homeowner has progressed with the completion of the construction during that time. There have been several inspections by the Building Division. However, it was discovered recently that some of the construction was different than originally approved with the CUP.After review by the Building and Planning Divisions of the changes,it was determined the changes should be reviewed by the Design Review Board. The ORB found the changes were not consistent with the Old Towne standards.Councilwoman Coontz commented that the problem was created by inspections. The Applicant was not following the recommendations of the ORB. However, after the inspections the homeowner was allowed to continue with the work. There was not proper diligence in comparing the physical construction with the plan. This problem has since been corrected in that department.Council called on the Senior Historic Planner for his input. He indicated he had spent a great deal of time with the owners in trying to resolve the problem. He feels they have arrived at a compromise on the design, which is acceptable to the owners. The modifications being proposed would fit with the balance left on the project and would be acceptable to the homeowner. The homeowner confirmed his acceptance of 166 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1991 13. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT (Continued) The following people spoke: John Volkoff, 365 N. Cleveland Alice Clark, 205 N. pine st.They made the following points:There is a fundamental problem of owner's rights to his property,guaranteed under the Constitution.MOTION - Coontz SECOND - Barrera AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon Moved to uphold Appeal No. 3- 91 and put the design and building solutions in the hands of the Senior Historic Planner, with the recommendations as illustrated to Council. Council hoped there would be great diligence on the part of the Planning and Building Department to make sure this type of problem does not occur again.14. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS - None 15. ORAL PRESENTATIONS - None 16. ADJOURNMENT MOTION - Mayor Beyer SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon Moved to adjourn at 9:40 p.m.MARILYN J. ENSE, C'lSY-, CITY C ERK Page 19