02-19-1991 Council Minutes3bl APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON FEBRUARY 2B, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING 1991. ORANGE CALIFORNIA FEBRUARY 19, 1991 The City Council of the city of orange, California convened this 19th day of February, 1991 at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 300 E. Chacman Avenue. Oranqe. California. NOTE: The city Council met in a study Session at 2:00 p.m. in the Weimer Room to discuss the Administrative Building Space Plan. 3:00 P.M. SESSION 1. OPENING 1.1 PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 1.2 ROLL CALL PRESENT - steiner, Barrera, Coontz, spurgeon ABSENT - Mayor Beyer 1.3 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - None 1.4 PRESENTATIONS/ ANNOUNCEMENTS/INTRODUCTIONS 1.5 PROCLAMATIONS a. Theresa De La Cruz, accepted the proclamation for her organization of a rally in support of the troops in the Middle East. She indicated a tape of the rallies would be sent to the troops to let them know they were being supported at home. ( P2000.0)2.CONSENT CALENDAR TAPE 200 2.1 Declaration of City Clerk Marilyn J. Jensen declaring posting of City Council Agenda of a regular meeting of February 19,1991, at Orange civic Center, Main Library, New Police Facility at 1107 N. Batavia and the Eisenhower Park Bulletin Board; all of said locations being in the City of Orange and freely accessible to members of the public at least 72 hours before commencement of said regular meeting.ACTION: Accepted its retention as a Clerk.Declaration of Agenda Posting and authorized public record in the Office of the City 2.2 Request to approve escrow documents and related papers concerning the acquisition of a strip of land along santiago canyon Road from the Hurwitz Estate.ACTION:of city. Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf S4000.S.3. 7)Page 1 3b8 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 19, 1991 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 2.3 Request to appropriate an additional $2,533.00 to Account 4041-427601 (Printing and Binding) from Unappropriated Traffic safety Fund 250 to purchase Traffic citations. (C2500. K)ACTION: Approved.2.4 Request the City Council approve and authorize the award of Bid 901-41 to Flex Equipment, Inc. for furnishing and installing gymnasium equipment at the Police Facility in the amount of 27,627.03 and reject all other bids. Fund No.501-4051-781200- 2300. (A2100.0 A.1749) The following bids were received: Flex Equipment, Inc. Busybody, Inc. united Fitness Equipment Muscle Dynamics Physico, Inc.Paramount 27, 627.03 27, 399.94 27, 620.00 30, 801.32 28, 840.20 30,707.26 The equipment offered by Flex, Inc. is significantly superior to that of the lowest bidder. This difference in quality is enough to outweigh the additional cost of the Flex equipment.For further information, see Bid # 901-41 filed in the City Clerk's Office.)ACTION: Bid #901-41 was awarded to Flex Equipment, Inc., in the amount of $27, 627.00; all other bids were rejected.2.5 CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FROM:a. MERCURY INSURANCE for an alleged incident occurring on or about January 3, 1991.b. DANIEL MONTOYA for an alleged incident occurring on or about January 16, 1991.c. PETER WIRINSKY for an alleged incident occurring on or about September 20, 1990.d. WILLS ZENNIN ZAGWOLSKY for an alleged incident occuring on or about October 10, 1990.e. SALVADOR DIAZ for an alleged incident occurring on or about March 26, 1990.ACTION: Denied claims and referred to City Attorney and Adjuster.MOTION - steiner SECOND - Coontz AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Coontz, Spurgeon ABSENT - Mayor Beyer All items on the Consent Calendar were approved as recommended.END OF CONSENT CALENDAR 369 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 19, 1991 3.REPORTS FROM MAYOR BEYER TAPE 216 Confirm appointment of Carol Walters as the designated neighborhood contact regarding Chapman College issues. (S1200.0) MOTION - steiner SECOND - Coontz AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Coontz, Spurgeon ABSENT - Mayor Beyer Moved to confirm the appointment of Carol Walters as the designated neighborhood contact regarding Chapman College issues.4. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS - None 5.REPORTS FROM BOARDS. COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS TAPE 243 5.1 a.for First 4-91.The Management Audit Committee recommends the Council set Reading and subsequent adoption Purchasing Ordinance No.Councilwoman Coontz reported on behalf of the Management Audit Committee. In 1989, Ernst & Young, then Arthur Young, recommended that the City perform a detailed evaluation of the City's purchasing process. The City's PurChasing Ordinance, which was originally prepared and adopted in 1981 is out-of-date and no longer appropriate for the City's needs. With the assistance of the City Manager, the city Attorney and the Finance Department and the General services Department, a new draft Ordinance has been prepared. It meets a number of the important management objectives:1. That all contracts and purchases be properly documented.2. That proper financial "checks and balances" be in place to ensure against potential fraudulent practices.3. That proper budget controls be in place.4. That verification procedures be in place to ensure that goods and services are received.5. That the selection of vendors and service providers be as competitive as possible.6. That proper oversight be provided by the City Council and City Manager. 7. That proper records be kept for audit purposes.1 1 New Ordinance Procedures will maximize the competitive process in purchasing both commodities and services. A statement was added to this policy indicating that no contract for professional services shall be made when the professional serves as a public official or public employee with the City, as provided by law.The following ordinance was adopted:Page 3 370 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 19, 1991 5. BOARDS. COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS (Continued) ORDINANCE NO. 4- 91 An Ordinance of the Chapter 3.08 of the Purchasing System.City Council of the City of Orange Orange Municipal Code revising the C2500.J. 3) amending City' s MOTION - Coontz SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - steiner, Barrera, Coontz, Spurgeon ABSENT - Mayor Beyer That Ordinance No. 4-91 have first reading waived and same was set for second reading by the preceding vote.5.1 b. The Management Audit Committee recommended council approve Resolution No. 7761 which will approve administrative procedures for the selection of professional services. (C2500.J.3)RESOLUTION NO. 7761 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange authorizing the regulations to facilitate the administering of city contracts requiring services of consultants.MOTION - steiner SECOND - Coontz AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Coontz, Spurgeon ABSENT Mayor Beyer That Resolution No. 7761 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.5.2 The Council recommends that the following committees be disbanded: (C2500.D)Centennial commission Exemption Review Committee ( Paramedic User Fee)Fireworks Committee Southwest Neighborhood Preservation Resident Committee MOTION - spurgeon SECOND - Coontz AYES - steiner, Barrera, Coontz, Spurgeon ABSENT - Mayor Beyer Moved to disband the aforementioned committees.Page 4 371 6.ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS FEBRUARY 19, 1991 TAPE 424 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 6.1 Request approval for Staff to prepare a Request for Proposal to hire a Design Architect to design plans, specifications, and to administer the contract for the construction of (2) two gymnasiums at Hart Park and El Camino Park. Amount not to exceed 14% of estimated project cost. (C2500.M.4.9) The Director of Community Services introduced John Bates, a Consultant with John Bates Associates, Architecture & Land Planning, who presented the results of a Needs Assessment Study for the two proposed facilities. Council expressed concerns with security, especially with the Hart Park facility, and wanted this to be listed as a stated objective for the facility. Mr. Bates indicated the facilities would be vandalism- protected.The Director of Community services reported the size of the proposed facilities was increased from the original projected size of 15, 000 square feet to 18,000 square feet to allow the facilities to be mUlti-purpose recreational and to meet the needs of the community well into the future.Council expressed concern over the projected cost of 14%, feeling that the cost could be kept well under this amount. Mr. Bates indicated this would definitely be the maximum and hopefully, the cost would be well under this amount.Council questioned what the staffing plans were for the two facilities. The Director of Community Services indicated that the budget allows for two full-time maintenance people and they would plan to use part-time employees to work in the gymnasium itself.A total of $3.5 million has been budgeted for this project.Approximately $543,000 has been budgeted for this fiscal year to start the RFP architectural design process. There is a $l million shortfall. The gymnasiums could be phased in, however more financial planning is required. If the economic climate changes, there should be more money available for this project. The City Manager indicated they were also exploring Redevelopment funds in the Northwest area,which might be a solution to the shortfall.Council indicated substantial savings might be realized by going ahead with the project in the near future, in view of the present economic climate. Council feels the need in the community is very significant and the community expects the City to have these gymnasiums available. Council felt that we should go ahead with the design and if economic conditions preclude going forward with construction, the project could be put on hold for the future.Council commented that a gymnasium was planned for El Camino Park when it was first built 372 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 19, 1991 6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) MOTION - Coontz SECOND - steiner AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Coontz, Spurgeon ABSENT - Mayor Beyer Moved to have Staff prepare a Request for Proposal to hire a Design Architect and administer the contract for the construction of two gymnasiums at Hart Park and El Camino Park.7. REPORTS FROM CITY MANAGER - None 8.LEGAL AFFAIRS TAPE 1455 8.1 ORDINANCE NO. 3- 91 An Ordinance of the City Council of the city of Orange to amend those sections of the Municipal Code which pertain to the sale of alcoholic beverages. (A2500.0 Alcoholic Beverages)MOTION - steiner SECOND - spurgeon AYES - steiner, Barrera, Coontz, Spurgeon ABSENT - Mayor Beyer That Ordinance No. 3- 91 have second reading waived and be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.8.2 ORDINANCE NO 5-91 An Ordinance of the city Council of the city of Orange repealing and deleting Chapter 8.12 and section 15.32.080 of the orange Municipal Code and adding section 15.32. 015 prohibiting the manufacture, sale and use of state-approved safe and sane fireworks. (P1300.0.1)MOTION - Coontz SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Coontz, spurgeon ABSENT - Mayor Beyer That Ordinance No. 5-91 have second reading waived and be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.8.3 ORDINANCE NO. 6-91 An Ordinance of the city Council of the City of Orange adding Chapter 9.39 to the Orange Municipal code, establishing Local Regulation of Disturbing Parties. (A.2500.0 Parties)Page 6 T- 373 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 19, 1991 8. LEGAL AFFAIRS (Continued) MOTION - steiner SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Coontz, spurgeon ABSENT - Mayor Beyer That Ordinance No. 6- 91 have second reading waived and be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.8.4 ORDINANCE NO. 7-91 An Ordinance of the City Council of the city of Orange authorizing an Amendment to the Contract between the City Council of the city of Orange and the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System. (11200.0.7)MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - steiner AYES - steiner, Barrera, Coontz, spurgeon ABSENT - Mayor Beyer That Ordinance No. 7-91 have second reading waived and be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.8.5 RESOLUTION NO. 7757 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of orange amending Resolution No. 7614 relating to the wages, hours, and other conditions of employment for the classification of Purchasing Clerk.C2500.J.4.5)MOTION - Coontz SECOND - Barrera AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Coontz, Spurgeon ABSENT - Mayor Beyer That Resolution No. 7757 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.9. RECESS TO THE MEETING OF THE ORANGE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 10.ORAL PRESENTATIONS TAPE 1885 Carol Walters, 534 N. Shaffer st., complained that Chapman College has received guest permit parking passes from the City for the construction workers. The residents on Grand Street are experiencing problems with construction workers parking in this area. She does not feel the city should issue the guest parking passes. The Traffic Engineer was instructed by council to handle this problem. Page 7 r 374 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 19, 1991 10. ORAL PRESENTATIONS (Continued) Barbara DeNiro, 1118 E. Adams, reported to the Council that there was another accident at Cambridge and Adams, involving a bicyclist and an automobile. She feels this is a problem intersection which lacks adequate lighting. The offset intersection at wilson and Adams also needs stronger lighting. She also feels schools should be notified to have bicycle safety programs, because there are a lot of non-English speaking people at the school who are not aware of bicycle safety rules. Staff was instructed to check into the matter. COUNCIL RECESSED AT 4:25 P.M. The City council recessed to an Executive Session at 4:25 p.m. in order to meet with its Legal Counsel to discuss whether to initiate litigation based on existing facts and circumstances. The Council also discussed pending litigation, Peralta Hills Alliance vs. citv of Oranae, orange County Superior Court Case No. 63- 99-72.It was reported, no action was taken.The City Council adjourned at at 4:45 P.M. to a Joint Workstudy Session with the Planning commission on Thursday, February 21, 1991 at 8:30 a.m. in the Weimer Room to discuss the zoning Ordinance Revision.DUE TO AN EXPECTED LACK OF QUORUM, THERE WAS NO 7:00 P. M. SESSION.MARILYN J. JENSEN, CMC., CITY CLERK GENE BEYER MAYOR BY: ~4A t".lt; k........r CASSANDRA CATHCART, MC.DEPUTY CITY CLERK TEM BY: CON F IDE N T I A L MEMORANDUM TO: MARILYN J. JENSEN, CITY CLERK FROM: GENE R. MINSHEW, INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY DATE: FEBRUARY 19, 1991 SUBJECT: EXECUTIVE SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL AT REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 19. 1991. IN ORDER TO DISCUSS WHETHER TO INITIATE CER- TAIN LITIGATION. This Executive Session has been requested to discuss whether to initiate legal action against the County of Orange regarding the Master Property Tax Agreement. The urgency of this matter was not known at the time the city Council agenda for February 19, 1991, was prepared and issued. Word has been received that the Board of Supervisors is considering termination and renegotiating the agreement which has been in effect since 1980. The details of the background and recommendations are set forth in the city Manager's memorandum to the City Council, dated February 19, 1991, entitled "Master Property Tax Agreement." The urgency necessitating this Executive Session today is that one of the recommendations is to consider an action against the County. The matter needs immediate discussion because the financial consequences to the city may be severe if appropriate action is not taken at once, whether or not such action is filing a lawsuit. fA,w~ Gene R. Minshew Interim City Attorney GRM:ajj