01-22-1991 Council MinutesAPPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON FEBRUARY CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING l2, 1991. ORANGE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 22, 1991 335 The City Counci1 of the city of Orange, California convened this 22nd day of January, 1991 at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 300 E. Chacman Avenue. Oranae. California. 1. OPENING Mayor Beyer recognized the pro-troop demonstration that was held in the Orange Plaza on Monday, January 21, 1991 that was organized by Mrs. De la Cruz. Hundreds of peop1e attended in suppport of our servicemen and servicewomen in the Persian Gulf.1.1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 1.2 ROLL CALL PRESENT - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon ABSENT - None 1. 3 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Meeting - January 8, 1991 MOTION - Steiner SECOND - Barrera AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon ACTION: Approved.1.4 PRESENTATIONS/ ANNOUNCEMENTS/INTRODUCTIONS - None 1.5 PROCLAMATIONS - None 2.CONSENT CALENDAR TAPE 75 2.1 Declaration of City Clerk Marilyn J. Jensen declaring posting of City Council Agenda of a regular meeting of January 22,1991, at the City of Orange, Main Library, the Eisenhower Park Bulletin Board, and the New Police Facility at 1107 N. Batavia,all of said locations being in the city of Orange and freely accessible to members of the public at least 72 hours before commencement of said regular meeting.ACTION: Accepted Declaration of Agenda posting and authorized its retention as a public record in the Office of the City Clerk.2.2 Authorize Mayor and Director of Finance to draw warrants on City Treasurer in payment of demands.ACTION: Approved payment.Page 1 336 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2.CONSENT CALENDAR JANUARY 22, 1991 Continued) 2.3 Authorize transfer to 100- 6033-471302 reader/printer.of $4,000.00 from Account #100-6033-427800 for the purchase of a 16mm film C2500.G)ACTION: Approved.2.4 Request City Council approve waiver of sixty day notice to the County of Orange to enter into a lease for space in an existing office building at 625 The City Drive South for Administrative Offices. (Refer to Item #8.3, Page 8). ( A2l00.0. A.1678)ACTION: Approved.2.5 Request by the Orange Coin & Stamp Club for approval to use the City of orange, California Coat of Arms and Logo for the purpose of producing an envelope using the Sister Cities theme in conjunction with Orange, Australia. (OR1800. 014.3)ACTION: Approved.2.6 Request City Council reject all proposals received 1/3/91 on Bid #901-28, for the Installation of Street Name signs.B4100.0 #901- 28)ACTION: Rejected all proposals received.2.7 Request Parking Avenue.City Council approve installation Anytime' signs on Featherhill Dr.Fund No: 250-5032-427100 of red curb or 'No in proximity to Meats S4000.S.3.1)ACTION: Approved.2.8 Request City Council approve relocation of the OCTD Bus stop from the north leg of Main Street at the Walnut Avenue/orangewood Avenue intersection to the south leg.Funding by OCTD. (S4000.S.3.1)ACTION: Approved.2.9 Request City Council approve installation curb/ bus loading zone on the west side of of Palmyra Avenue.of a painted red Lincoln Street north S4000.S.3.l)ACTION: Denied.2.10 Request City Council approve installation of 'No Parking -Friday 7-11 A.M. street Sweeping' signs on Marywood Drive between Villa Real Drive and Meadow Grove Road. Funding No: 250-5032- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 22, 1991 337 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 2.11 Request city Council approve installation of a STOP sign on Crawford Canyon Road at Creekside Avenue. (S4000.0.S.3.3) ACTION: Denied. 2.12 Request the city Council approve installation of 'Ped Xing' signs or pavement markers on White Oak Ridge at the westerly end of santiago Hills Park. Funding No: 250- 5032-427100.S4000.0.S. 3.3) ACTION: Approved.2.13 Request authorization of City Council for either Fire Chief or Fire Training Director to sign annually a Hold Harmless Agreement covering Orange Fire Department's use of the Anaheim Stadium parking lots for driver training purposes.A2100.0. A.174l)ACTION: Approved and authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City.2.14 Request that the city Council accept the revision of the TSIP fees, per section 15.41.040 of Chapter 14.41 of the orange Municipal Code. ( A2500.0)ACTION: Received and filed report.2.15 Authorize agreement with law firm of McCuthen, Doyle & Enersen to handle litigation in the matter of Thrifty oil Company vs the City of Orange in an amount not to exceed $20, 000.00.A2100.0. A.1742)ACTION: Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of City.MOTION - Barrera SECOND - Coontz AYES - steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, spurgeon All items on the Consent Calendar were approved as recommended.END OF CONSENT CALENDAR 3. REPORTS FROM MAYOR BEYER - None Page 3 I 3 3 a CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 22, 1991 4.REPORTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS TAPE 100 4.1 Recort from Councilwoman Coontz on Consideration of the Rezoninq of the Santiaao Creek within the citv Limits to Recreation Ocen Soace and Excloration of Potential Uses. (Report on file in the city Clerk's office.) (C2500.D) Councilwoman Coontz reported that in recent months, several projects in the area of the santiago Creek have raised the issue of how the city of Orange should be dealing with developments along the creek from the standpoint of maintaining and enhancing the waterway as a flood-control facility, as well as a scenic and recreational amenity.There appear to be significant opportunities along the creek for recreational use, such as a golf course, high-activity parks, trails,etc., that should be explored before the opportunity is eliminated by encroachment of other land uses. There are existing land-fill issues in this area that need to be addressed as well. Also, there are several large parcels owned by the county within this reach that are not designated for a specific purpose on the General Plan.The question of the design of the creek bed as a flood-control facility, whether as an improved or open channel (or other alternative designs) needs to be addressed on a comprehensive basis for the overall length of the creek within Orange. Different proposals have been submitted to the Council in the past. The design concept utilized for the creek as a flood-control facility directly impacts the scenic/recreational value of the creek area, as well as the ability to preserve the natural habitat.Although a County Regional Trail is shown on the City and county General Plans for the Santiago Creek, the precise location of this trail in relation to existing and planned development and topographic changes has not been determined. This trail alignment will have to be integrated into the comprehensive trails planning soon to be undertaken in a separate study. This matter has already been discussed and acted upon.The last anticipated creek issue is related to the gravel pits recently purchased by the orange county Water District as water recharge basins, with possible secondary use as recreation facilities. Although these gravel pits are shown as open space uses on the city General Plan, a more specific plan of uses along the creek, including recreational facilities, would provide a more complete picture of the area when reviewing future development proposals for adjacent properties. In the past, the Council has looked at the creek on the basis of applications that have been made,all of which have been different, with different ideas as to how to manage and integrate the creek.It is important that a comprehensive study of the creek area be undertaken soon, since is the last significant open-space area within the city and its character depends so heavily on future planning 3)1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 22, 1991 4. REPORTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS (Continued) As far as the impact on the budget is concerned, staff has indicated that part of the ultimate recommendation on a program to address the issues may include the hiring of a consultant or consultants. MOTION - Coontz SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon Moved to direct Community Development, with the assistance of Public Works and Parks and Recreation staff, to prepare a report addressing a method for determining appropriate zoning and land uses for the general area of the Santiago Creek within City limits.5.REPORTS FROM BOARDS. COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS TAPE 245 Mayor Beyer reported that boards, committees and commissions are currently being reviewed. Council will be looking at possible new appointments. These recommendations will be brought before Council for approval in the near future.6.ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS TAPE 260 6.1 Request adoption of Resolution Nos. 7744 and 7745, Solid Waste Facilities Approval/Siting Resolutions (Pursuant to AB2296) in compliance with the Orange County Local Task Force.The Director of Public Works reported the following resolutions were made to fill a gap between when the County Solid Waste Management Plan is not in effect and A.B. 939 comes in. There are two types of facilities that could fall through the gap: those that are transfer facilities and those that recycle more than 15% of their materials,which then fall into a different category because they are designated as recycling facilities. Staff recommends these resolutions be adopted in order to be in compliance with A.B. 2296.RESOLUTION NO. 7744 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange specifying the process for approving and siting in Orange County solid waste facilities reusing or recycling less than 15% of material received and serving more than one jurisdiction. (OC1300.0)MOTION - Barrera SECOND - Coontz AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor, Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon That Resolution No. 7744 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote. Page 5 340 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 22, 1991 6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) RESOLUTION NO. 7745 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of orange specifying the process for approving and siting in Orange county solid waste facilities reusing or recycling less than 15% of material received and serving only one jurisdiction. (OC1300.0) MOTION - Coontz SECOND - steiner AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, spurgeon That Resolution No. 7745 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.6.2 Recort from Finance Decartment on the 1990-91 Budaet file in the City Clerk's office.)Copy on TAPE 330 C2500.J. 1.1)The Assistant City Manager reported that last June at budget time,the Council asked Staff to come back at mid-year in January and give a status report on the budget. Since that time, the recession has affected city revenues. At this time, the Director of Finance estimates the sales tax and other general purpose revenues will be down about $3.7 million from that projected last July for the current fiscal year.Some funds have been transferred from the Capital Projects accounts back into operations and some prior year carryover funds have been disencumbered. Nothing has been done to reduce the appropriations to the operating departments this year. The programs approved by Council last June for the current fiscal year are still in place and will go forward.The Finance Director will report back to Council after March l5th,when sales tax figures for the Christmas season have been received,with a more accurate picture on how the city will end the fiscal year. MOTION - Beyer SECOND - Barrera AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon Moved that the City Council confirm, through June 30, 1991, the city Manager's recommendations to defer filling and remove from appropriations 43 new positions and associated costs shown on Attachment A of report from City Manager.Page 6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 22, 1991 341 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) MOTION - Beyer SECOND - steiner AYES - steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, spurgeon Moved to authorize the City Manager to approve departmental requests to defer filling existing vacant positions in exchange for filling any of the 43 deferred positions provided the total number of authorized departmental positions and budget authority is within revised appropriations levels. MOTION - Beyer SECOND - Barrera AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon Moved to direct the Finance Department to make appropriation adjustments for the carry-over and CIP projects shown on Attachments Band C. (See File Copy.) MOTION - Beyer SECOND - Coontz AYES - steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon Moved to direct the Finance Department to make the fund transfers shown on Attachment D. (See File Copy.)7. REPORTS FROM CITY MANAGER - None 8.LEGAL AFFAIRS TAPE 553 8.1 RESOLUTION NO. 7742 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange approving the reclassification of one Engineering Technician II position (Range 377: $ 2338-$2998) in the Traffic Division of the Public Works Department to the classification of Assistant Engineer (Range 432: 3076-$3944): and further, directing staff to amend the position Control System and the budget to reflect the reclassification range.C2500 .M.12)MOTION - Coontz SECOND - spurgeon AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, coontz, Spurgeon That Resolution No. 7742 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.Page 7 3~L CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 22, 1991 8. LEGAL AFFAIRS (Continued) 8.2 RESOLUTION NO. 7743 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange providing continuation of benefits to the dependents of City employees who are involuntarily called to active duty with U.S. Armed Forces during the crisis in the Middle East. (C2500.J.4) MOTION - Barrera SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon That Resolution No. 7743 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.8.3 RESOLUTION NO. 7746 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange approving a waiver of Notification by County of Orange of Intent to Lease for County Administrative Offices at 625 The city Drive South pursuant to Government Code section 25351(d). (Refer to Item 2.4, Page 3)A2100.0.A. 1678)MOTION - Steiner SECOND - Barrera AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon That Resolution No. 7746 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote. 8.4 RESOLUTION NO. 7747 A Resolution of the City Council of the city of orange upholding the recommendation of the Planning Commission of the City of Orange granting a Conditional Use Permit to allow creation of a lot without direct access to public streets and an Administrative Adjustment to allow creation of nine lots with lot widths less than minimum required upon property situated on the north side of Via Escola, 2000 feet east of Meats Avenue. Conditional Use Permit 1884-90,Administrative Adjustment 90-20, Applicant: Tracy Development.T4000.0 #13984)MOTION - Barrera SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Steiner, Barrera, coontz, Spurgeon NOES - Mayor Beyer That Resolution No. 7747 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.Page 8 I I CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 22, 1991 343 8. LEGAL AFFAIRS (Continued) 8.5 RESOLUTION NO. 7748 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of orange upholding the recommendation of the Planning commission of the city of orange approving the subdivision of property situated on the north side of Via Escola, 2000 feet east of Meats Avenue. Tentative Tract 13984, Applicant: Tracy Development. (T4000.0 #13984) MOTION - Coontz SECOND - Barrera AYES - steiner, Barrera, Coontz, spurgeon NOES - Mayor Beyer That Resolution No. 7748 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.8.6 RESOLUTION NO. 7749 A Resolution of the City Council of the city of orange denying Appeal and upholding the recommendation of the Planning Commission of the city of Orange denying a Conditional Use Permit to allow conversion of a 4-unit apartment building to a Board and Care facility for 22 developmentally disabled persons upon property situated on the south side of Fairway Drive at the intersection with Fashion Park Street.Appeal No. 381, Conditional Use Permit 1849-90, Applicant: Diane Glenn. (C3300. 0 C.U.P. 1849-90)Councilman steiner wanted to would be without prejudice.so noted.make sure that if this was denied, it Legal Counsel assured him that this was MOTION - steiner SECOND - Barrera AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon That Resolution No. 7749 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.8.7 RESOLUTION NO. 7750 A Resolution of the city Council of the City of Orange upholding recommendation of the Planning Commission of the City of Orange granting a Conditional Use Permit to allow an accessory second use in the R-1-6 District upon property situated at the southwest corner of walnut Avenue/ Newport Freeway crossing, addressed as 2234 E. Walnut Avenue. Conditional Use Permit 1881-90, Applicants: Boonchoo &Sengdao Vongruksuki. (C3300.0 C.U.P. 1881-90) Page 9 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 22, 1991 8. LEGAL AFFAIRS (Continued) MOTION - Barrera SECOND - Steiner AYES - steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon That Resolution No. 7750 as introduced be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.9. RECESS TO THE MEETING OF THE ORANGE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 10. ORAL PRESENTATIONS - None THE CITY COUNCIL RECESSED AT 3:35 P.M. AND RECONVENED AT 7:00 P.M.MOTION - Mayor Beyer SECOND - Barrera AYES - steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, spurgeon Moved to recess at 3:35 P. M. to an Executive Session and excuse the City Clerk and/or her designee pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6 in order to meet with its Legal Counsel to discuss the following pending litigation: Cesena vs. citv of Oranqe. Oranae Countv Sucerior Court Case #563453; and to discuss Labor Relations.7:00 P.M.SESSION TAPE 935 11. INVOCATION - Pastor Orlando Barela, One Way Outreach Church 11.1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 11.2 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Beyer announced the Council met in Executive Session to discuss pending litigation in the case of Cesena vs. citv of Oranae and Labor Relations. No action was taken.11.3 PRESENTATIONS - None 12. PUBLIC HEARINGS 12. 1 APPEAL NO 382. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1883- 90. COUNCILWOMAN COONTZ: TAPE lOl5 (A4000.0 #382)Time set for a public hearing on petition by Councilwoman Coontz to appeal the decision of the Planning commission of December 19, 1990 to approve Conditional Use Permit 1883-90, (Max and Penny Hall,Applicants) to allow the placement of a small detached commercial building placed in the parking lot of an existing retail commercial business (Standard Brands Paint).Page 10 345. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 22, 1991 12. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) The project is zoned C-TR (Commercial - Tustin Street Redevelopment District) and is on a rectangular-shaped parcel, approximately 1. 63 acres in size, located on the west side of Tustin Street between Taft Avenue and Chestnut Avenue (1650 N. Tustin street).NOTE: This project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines, section 15303.REASON FOR APPEAL:THE APPELLANT STATES THE FOLLOWING REASONS FOR APPEAL:I believe that the unique character of this project merits review by the city Council."MAYOR BEYER OPENED THE PUBLIC HEARING.The Manager of Community Development reported the Applicant proposes to construct a 24-hour video kiosk at the subject site. At the Planning Commission hearing, a number of concerns were raised, both by the Commissioners and by the adjacent neighborhood.These concerns included the availability of adult- only videos, lack of landscaping around the proposed kiosk, awkward proximity to the existing parking stalls, excessive parking lot lighting bothering the residential neighbors and concern the use would encourage a bad element to congregate more than they already do in the darkened parking area.The commission, after consideration of all these items, added a number of conditions to those recommended by staff, including addition of another parking stall, landscaping. lighting in the video kiosk area only. exclusion of X or NC-17 rated films at the kiosk and prohibiting direct display of videos from Tustin Street. The Planning Commission approved the C.U.P. on a 3-2 vote.The following people spoke in opposition to Appeal No. 382:Rudy Figueroa, Videomatic Kiosk Corporation, 2002 Locust street,ontario Harold Brown, President, Videomatic Kiosk Corporation, 2002 Locust Street, ontario Max Hall, 6002 Yorktown Circle.Paul Reisch, 19661 parkview Terrace, Yorba Linda, 346 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 22, 1991 12. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) They made the following points: They have had no problems with break-ins in two years at their existing locations.Videomatic does not allow X-rated movies, they are a family-oriented video store. It is written into the franchise agreement.They are agreeable to adding a clause in the conditions precluding the rental of non-rated adult movies.Standard Brands is willing to put up a fence and/ or lighting to keep people from congregating in the area.Videomatic being there might prevent problems in the area with lighting around the kiosk.Police Sergeant Green reviewed the police logs for the Standard Brands address for the past four years. During that period, there were approximately 8-12 calls resulting from complaints by the residential neighbors backing up to this address. He has heard of no specific problems with video stores in general.The following people spoke in favor of Appeal No. 382:Charles and Joan Emje, 1552 E. Concord Avenue Jeff Fronk, 1551 E. Concord Avenue. Their concerns were as follows:Cars could come and go through that parking lot at all hours of the night escalating a noise problem that is already there.They feel their property value would decrease even further than it already has since Standard Brands has been there.Lack of lighting in the parking lot area which attracts a bad element using the area for drinking and wild parties. They feel this problem would escalate with the addition of the video kiosk.Lack of lighting could cause robberies around the kiosk and the robbers would probably hop the fence into their yards to get away.The Council expressed the following concerns:Video movies which are not rated and are in a different category might be available for rental.The same problems encountered in the past with businesses that are detrimental to the surrounding residences because there is no buffer between them.THERE BEING NO FURTHER SPEAKERS, MAYOR BEYER CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING.MOTION SECOND AYES NOES Coontz Beyer Mayor Beyer, Coontz Steiner, Barrera, Spurgeon Moved to uphold Appeal No. 382 and deny Conditional Use Permit 1883-90. Motion was defeated. Page 341 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 22, 1991 12. PUBLIC HEARINGS - (Continued)MOTION - steiner SECOND - spurgeon AYES - steiner, Barrera, spurgeon NOES - Mayor Beyer, Coontz Moved to deny the appeal and uphold Conditional Use Permit #1883-90 with all terms and conditions imposed by the Planning commission,with Staff being directed to work with Standard Brands on mitigation of the lighting issues, the access to the property, the denial of non-rated or X- rated movies and the limitation of operation hours not including midnight to 6:00 A.M.MINUTE ORDER MAYOR BEYER: "My first vote was predicated not only on some of the concerns that were brought up about lighting activities,but also related to the service station across the street from Firestone, which has been a noise problem with people drinking in that area, too. That was part of my thinking on my vote."13. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT 13.1 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD # 2640. APPEAL #01-91:TAPE 3790 A4000. 0 #1-91) The Appeal of a Design Review Board Decision endorsing the design of a 3-Story group home proposed within the Old Towne District in a Recommendation to the Planning Commission regarding Conditional Use Permit No. 1890. MOTION SECOND AYES Mayor Beyer steiner Steiner, Barrera,Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon Moved to continue the Design Review Board appeal until the Planning Commission has taken action on their public hearing application.The city Clerk reported to the Council that over ninety letters and phone calls were received on this appeal. All were in favor of establishment of the mission. Copies of the letters are on file in the City Clerk's office.community Development Department will promptly address the procedural issues revolving around the Design Review Board status and return with a recommended solution within approximately 30 days.Page 13 j 'f : CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 22, 1991 13. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT (Continued) 13.2 ResDonse to reouest Old Towne sDecific Plan. from Old Towne preservation Association for Continued from 10/9/90 and 1/15/91) TAPE 4170 (C2300.I) This item was originally a request to the City Council on October 9, 1990 by Mr. Boice of the Old Towne Preservation Association. On that date, a request was made to look into the possibility of preparing a specific plan for the entire Old Towne area. community Development Director responded that staff is in the process of doing a comprehensive update to the entire Zoning Code. Many of the issues in question are items which are included in that comprehensive update. Staff has met with representatives of the Old Towne Preservation Association and concluded that what Old Towne was attempting to accomplish was to consolidate all of the zoning standards, design guidelines and development criteria into a single document, to put the wording of the guidelines and standards into more precise language and to create a clear separation with the standards of the past, not necessarily to create new standards, but to put them in more clear terms and raise the consciousness of the community that they do in fact exist. The Community Development Department has not been working on a specific plan, but looking more in terms of more traditional zoning districts and unique overlay districts for the Old Towne area. However, staff is not excluding the possibility of a specific plan. There are some downsides to specific plans for that large an area. Other specific plans already exist in the area: one for Chapman college and another for the Depot area which is forthcoming. Specific Plans are always difficult for people to understand. Staff feels it would be in the City's best interest to continue on the course we have set and to review the matter again at a later date. Speaking in favor of a specific plan for Old Towne: Dale Ron, 350 N. Harwood, Old Towne Orange Gloria Boice, 143 N. pine Street MOTION - Beyer SECOND - Coontz AYES - steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, spurgeon Moved to direct Community Development Staff to continue with its efforts to update Zoning Standards, Design Guidelines and Development criteria for the Old Towne area to accomplish the stated objectives of the Council and community and continue to pursue the idea of a specific plan, giving Council some idea of what a specific plan would include.Page 14 349 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 22, 1991 14. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS - None 15. ORAL PRESENTATIONS TAPE 5315 Gloria Boice, 143 N. Pine Street gave Councilmembers a copy of a letter mailed to the City Attorney's office on November 14. Legal Counsel was directed to respond to Mrs. Boice's letter within the next week.Carol Walters, 534 N. Shaffer Street, is concerned about the crosswalk in front of city Hall at Center and Chapman which is not well- lit. The City Traffic Engineer indicated that the lighting in the area in question is Old Towne street lighting. This problem was brought to the attention of the Old Towne Steering Committee at their January meeting. Staff recommended installing conventional street lights on the arterial streets of Chapman and Glassell and continuing with the pole-top mounted lights in the residential areas where there is less traffic.Valerie Miller, 1979 N. Lincoln street, reminded Council members that leaders have a responsibility not to propulgate stereotypes or labels. She took offense at a newspaper article on the Orange Plaza demonstration in support of the troops in the Persian Gulf. The article quoted one of the Council members and she felt it intimated that people who protest the war are Unamerican. Council stated the demonstration was in support of the troops, and not in support of the war.16. ADJOURNMENT MOTION - Mayor Beyer SECOND - Barrera AYES - Steiner, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Spurgeon Moved to adjourn at 9:17 P.M.J7L.tI.. k-r /,4->/1) ~44'~MARILYN J(jJE , MC.,CITY CLE 'Page 15