1997-09-03 Final DRC MinutesCity of Orange
Design Review Board
for Wednesday, September 3, 1997
Board Members Present: Tim McCormack
Steven McHarris
Steve Prothero (Chair)
Robert Reilly*
("Arrived at approximately 6:20 p.m.)
Board Members Absent: Rick Cavecche
Staff in Attendance: Chuck Lau, Associate Planner
Administrative Session - 4: 30 P.M.
The board met for an administrative session beginning at 4:30 P.M. The meeting adjourned at
approximately 10:00 P.M.
Regular Session - S: 00 P.M.
Steven Prothero opened the meeting and asked whether the board members had any comments or
revisions to the minutes of August 6, 1997, and August 20, 1997.
A motion was made by Steve McHarris to approve the minutes of August 6. 1997, and August
20, i 997 as submitted.
SECOND: Tnia McCor~lack
AYES: Tim McCormack, Steven Mcl~arris, Steve Prothero
NULS: done
ABSENT: Rick Cavecche, Robert Reilly
City of Orc~n~ge -Design Review Board
Meeting Minutes for September 3, 1997
Page 2
(1) DRB No. 3235
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Grochow
325 N. Harwood Street
James & R. Nell Manos
• New 2 story second dwelling unit and
demolition of an existing carport
• R-2-6 (Residential -Duplex) District, Old
Mr. Tom Grochow, owner of the property, presented the project to the DRB. The proposal is to
demolish the existing detached garage and constrrlet a new second dwelling unit over a 3 car garage
at the rear of the property. The intent is match the architecture of the existing house, which is a
small, single story bungalow built in 1910. The plans have been revised several times, after meeting
with City planning staff. There have been discussions on redesigning the project to a one and one-
half story structure rather than a two story structure. The project is scheduled for Planning
Commission hearing on October 6, 1997.
The board finds the following:
• The building's large footprint area results in minimal rear and side yard setbacks.
• Based on the floor plan layout, this is considered a two story structure, although it appears that
an attempt has been made to soften the second story portion of the building.
• Although not a pure architectural style, the new structure somewhat matches the existing front
• 'The large size of the building creates excessive bulls and amass that is not compatible with the
surrounding neighborhood.
• Due to the 2 story design and minimal setback of the building, the issue of privacy for the
adjoining properties is a concern.
Mr. Grochow stated that there are six (6) houses on the block that are as high or higher than the
proposed structure. There are eight (8) properties that also have second dwelling units in the back.
f1t least five (5) of those are 2-story structures.
T11e board stated that a positive recommendation cannot be made with the project at its present form.
The board offered to continue the project for substantial plan modifications. The board suggested the
following changes:
• Reduce overall size of building and increase setback from property lines. Maintain roof eave
overhang as shown on plan.
• The existing front house is Bungalow style. More attention should be given to details such as
window type, column design, and gable end treatment to better match the existing house.
• Driveway along south side should be narrowed to 3 ft. wide pavement strips rather than the 6 ft.
shown on plans. This would allow a 3 ft. wide landscaping strip.
• Pavement at the rear driveway area should be setback at least 5 ft. from the edge of the existing
• Provide double hung wood windows through out to match existing.
• Add window at the front entrance to the new unit for visibility.
• Delete trellis patio at reax of building. (Building setback problems)
City of Ora~zge -Design Review 13oc~~-~l
Meeting Minutes for September 3, 1997
Page 3
Mr. Grochow declined continuance of the project and opted for the board's recommendation so he
can move forward to the Planning Commission.
MOTION by Steve Prothero to recommend denial of this project to the Planning Commission, based
on the above stated findings.
SECOND: Tim McCormack
AYES: Tim McCormack, Steven McHarris, Steve Prothero
NOES: None
ABSENT: Rick Cavecche, Robert Reilly
City of Or~an~ge -Design Review 13oa~°d
Meeting Minutes for September 3, 1997
Page 4
(2) DRB No. 3237
Community Services Department
Handy Park - 2143 E. Oakmont Avenue
Meyer & Associates
• Improvements for a public park to include a
new activity building, snack bar, restrooms,
and picnic shelters.
• R-1 (Residential -Single Family) District
The project was presented by Tess Garcia, Community Services staff, and Randy Meyer,
Landscape Architect. This is an existing public park with several ball fields and restroom
facilities. The proposal is to add a snack bar, activity building, and a trellis picnic area. The
existing landscaping would be enhanced by replacing the damaged plants and adding some new
planting materials. This item was continued from July 9, 1997 for more detailed plans and a
better explanation of the overall scope of the project.
The DRB expressed concern with the large mechanical equipment enclosure on top of the
activity building. The screen walls are overwhelming and seem to severely distract the
architecture of the building. The DRB suggest that other alternatives be looked at to mitigate
this problem. Perhaps it can be ground momited instead, or maybe it can be mounted lower on
the building so that it is less obtrusive. The DRB also suggested that the split face blocks have
more of a color contrast to give the building a more pleasing appearance. As for the snack bar,
Mr. McCormack suggested that a wider counter be provided at the service window to allow for a
more efficient operation.
Mr. Meyer explained that the mechanical equipment is roof mounted to prevent public access
and vandalism. Due to budget constraints, the equipment cannot be relocated without incurring
substantial cost increase. As for the split face blocks, the different colors would have to be
special ordered, this in turn would become a cost issue unless he can find a manufacture that
already have these colors in stock. The counter area for the snack bar cannot be widened
because the service window is recessed from building face. The landscaping plans can be
submitted for the next meeting.
MOTION by Tim McCormack to continue this item to the next meeting for fiirther review of the
following items:
1. Submit landscaping plans.
2. The issue of the mechanical equipment for the activity building needs to be further studied.
Suggest ground mounted, or lower it so that it is less obtrusive.
3. Submit finish material and color samples.
SECOND: Steve I'rothero
A.yES: Tni~ McC`ormaclc, Steven McHanis, Steve Prothero. Robert Reilly
NOES: None
ABSENT: Rick Cavecche
City of Orange -Design Review Bourd
Meeting Minutes,for September 3, 1997
Pcz~e 5
(3) DRB No. 3245
Santiago Hills Auto Spa
SWC Chapman Avenue & Jamboree Rd
KHR Associates
• Proposed new automotive service station,
car wash, mini-market, and tube facility
• PC (Planned Community) District
The project was presented by John Dilauro, Architect, and Nassar Nobust, owner. The proposal
is to construct an automotive service station with full service car wash, and Tube/oil change
facility. The project is located within the Albertson's shopping center at the southwest corner of
Chapman Avenue and Jamboree Road. This is a recommendation to the Planning Commission.
The DRB asked how this project would impact the existing landscaping, especially along the
area where it cuts into the existing slopes, and how it all ties together. The proposed plant
palette needs to better blend in with the rest of the center. The board also raised concerns with
the views of the building from the street elevation. The overall concept is acceptable, however,
more refinement and details are needed.
MOTION by Steve Prothero to reconm~end approval of this project to the Planning Commission
subject to the following conditions:
1. Chapman and Jamboree elevations should be further studied with emphasis on the scale of
the tower elements.
2. Pump island canopy should be further studied. Suggest a canopy that incorporates trellis
elements that are used throughout the project.
3. Landscaping plans should be further developed to interface with the existing landscaping of
the shopping center.
4. Landscaping concept should have more of a Mediterranean theme.
5. Submit signage plans to DRB
6. Prior to issuance of building permits, final site, building and landscape plans shall be
reviewed and approved by the DRB.
SECOND: Steve McHarris
AYIJS: Tim McCoi7izack, Steven McHanis, Steve Prothero, Robert Reilly
NOLS~ No1e
ABSENT: Riclc Cavecche
City of Orange -Design Revieti~ f3ocrrd
Meetir7~g Minutes for September 3, 1997
Page 6
(4) DRB No. 3247
Todai Restaurant
2203 Orange Mall
Hiroaka-Ko & Associates
• Proposed restaurant expansion at the Mall
of Orange
• C-TR (Commercial -Tustin Street
Redevelopment) District
The project was presented by Yoon Ko -Project Architect, and Barbara Toth for the Mall of
Orange. This is a new Japanese buffet style restaurant that is moving into the former El Torito
Restaurant. Approximately 2,500 sq.ft. is being added to increase its overall size to 9,000 sq.ft.
A new low wal] is added along the front to match the existing restaurant (Red Robin) on the
opposite side of the mall entrance.
The DRB raised concerns with addition of the new awning. What type of material, and is it
translucent? What about signage? The board also asked if the grease interceptor can be
relocated to the back of the restaurant? Another issue is the location of the colonnades. The
plans shows only a 3 ft. distance behind the colonanades, and a 4 ft wide pedestrian sidewalk.
The DRB also suggested that a 5 ft. wide landscape planter be added at flze north end of the
building to help screen the new handicap ramp.
MOTION by Steve Prothero to approve the project on a conceptual basis, subject to submittal of
final plans to incorporate the following:
1. Submit material and color sample including awning fabric and storefront glass.
2. Relocate grease interceptor from the landscaping area out to the drive aisle. (underground).
3. Recommend that the colonnades be moved back to provide additional pedestrian sidewallc
width, and that the planter edge be moved up to the back of the colonnades.
4. Provide a minimum 5 ft. wide landscape planter at the north cnd of the building to help
screen the new handicap access ramp. Clarify how the handicap access ramp transitions to
the sidewallc.
5. Submit signage plans.
SECOND: Tim McCormack
AYES: Tim McCormack, Steven McHarris, Steve Prothero, Robert Reilly
NOES: None
ABSENT: Rich Cavecche
City of Orange -Design Review Boarcl
Meeting Minutes for Septem~be~° 3, 1997
Page 7
(5) DRB No. 3248
Danny K's Billiards & Sportsbar
1098 N. Main Street
Bellflower Neon Sign Company
• New freestanding sign and relocation of an
existing wall sign
• M-2 (Industrial) District
The project was presented by Earl Thompson -Bellflower Neon Sign Company. The proposal is
to re-face an existing wall sign and relocate it from the east building elevation to the west
building elevation, and to construct a new 15 ft high freestanding sign along Main Street.
MOTION by Robert Reilly to approve this project subject to the following conditions:
1. Provide an opaque background, including the reader board.
2. Perimeter neon Lo be set into a channel on the outside.
3. Address numbers shall be illuminated.
SECOND: Tim McCormack
AYES: Tim McCormack, Steven McHarris, Steve Prothero, Robert Reilly
NOhS: None
ABSF,NT: Rick Cavecche
City of Orurzge -Design Review Boarcl
lldeeting Minutes for September 3, 1997
Pugs 8
Discussion item:
61 DRB No. 3249
Mills Corporation
Former City Shopping Center complex
Elbasani & Logan Architects
• Preliminary design concept of the Mills
Shopping Center Complex
• C-2 (General Business) District
Preview of conceptual design of the new Mills shopping center at the former The City Shopping
Center site.
No action was taken as this is only a discussion item.