RES-9148 Vacating a Portion of Locust AvenueRESOLUTION NO. 9148 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORANGE SUMMARILY VACATING A PORTION OF LOCUST AVENUE EAST OF HIGHLAND AND WEST OF THE 55 FREEWAY AND A PORTION OF THE ADJOINING ALLEY. WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to vacate that portion of Locust Avenue between Highland and the 55 Freeway and approximately 106 feet of the alley adjoining to the north and south; and WHEREAS, the City Council intends to reserve and except from such vacation existing easements for public utility purposes; and WHEREAS, this summary vacation of streets is conducted pursuant to Division 9, Part 3, Chapter 4 ofthe Streets and Highways Code, Sections 8330~ ~.; and WHEREAS, the portions of street to be vacated are specifically described in the attached legal description and map; and WHEREAS, the vacation meets all of the requirements for summary vacation under said Code. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Orange declares as follows: 1. That this summary vacation is made pursuant to Division 9, Part 3, Chapter 4 of the Streets and Highways Code, Section 8330 m~. 2. That the streets to be summarily vacated are an approximately 14,607 square foot portion of Locust Avenue and the adjoining alley, located east of Highland Street and west of the 55 Freeway, as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and depicted in Exhibit "B", which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. That the streets to be summarily vacated lie within property under one ownership and do not continue through such ownership or end touching the property of another. 4. That the City reserves and excepts from such summary vacation all existing easements for public utility purposes and any right necessary to maintain, operate, replace, remove or renew such public utilities or other public improvements underlying the subject street. 5. That the streets to be summarily vacated are unnecessary for present or prospective public use. 6. That prior to recording this Resolution, the owner of the adjacent property shall have closed Locust Avenue at Highland Street and installed removable locked posts in the alley at the east end of Locust Avenue according to a site plan approved by the City. Furthermore, prior to recording this Resolution, the owner of the adjacent property shall have made arrangements to either remove the existing Locust A venue street light or connect the street light to the property owner's own electric meter, satisfactory evidence of which shall be presented to the City. 7. That from and after the date this Resolution is recorded the streets vacated shall no longer constitute public streets. 8. That the City Clerk is directed to cause a certified copy of this Resolution to be recorded in the offIce of the Orange County Recorder. ADOPTED this 27th day ofJuly, 1999. ATTEST:L 7 City Clerk of the I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Orange at a regular meeting thereof held on the 27th day of July, 1999, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: MURPHY, SLATER, COONTZ, SPURGEON, ALVAREZ NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE Reso.No. 9148 2 MEB I I I' 1\ I 1)1 I 1. ----/I ______-'_: oJ' I *r-- - - - AI:. l. EY - ",r i-----l--------r---"'tr ' \~I I 1I II \ I I ! 115 i 16 I 17 1\ I I I I I~\'I I I I I I I I IA-O" 23' 32"E-o I ( T.P.O.B., IA-7615.00:I I L-52.13 IIilIil \ r I I N 89"10'36"E 186.37' 1m " LOCUST Z lD z. I,. j I I I I III I I I I I II20 I 19 18, t'rN B5"17'~ 7"E I I ' 20.00' RAO.I ~l .& ~ \ \ I I , ' \ L - I - - d\CITY OF ORANGE EXHIBIT B LOCUST AVENUE VACATION MAP)AVENUE I N B9" 10'36"E 189. 77' I IA- O" 2~' 30"A-7615.00'L~. 27' ALLEY 5' EASE. FOR TELEPHONE, TELEGRAPH AND COIofMUNICATION STRUCTURES GRANTED TO PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO.PER BK. 6022, PAGE 997, OFFICIAL REC.NOTE: DATA SHOWN HEREON IS RECORD OR CALCULATED FROII RECORD PER TR.NO. 3754, II. II. 154 / 30, 31.I I I N ll6"32'57"E 20. 00' RAO. o N lI6"OS'2! 5"E o CD C!s 0,l8 ID oLiI U Ul j I 1. 52 CITY OF ORANGE EXHIBIT "A" LOCUSt AVENUE VACATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION OSE PORTIONS OF LOCUST AVENUE AND mE ADJOlNING ALLEY DlmE CllY OF ORANGE,COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON MAP OF TRACI' NO. 3754, FILED DlBOOK154, PAGES 30 AND 31 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS., Dl mE DmCE OF mE COUNTYRECORDEROFSAIDCOUNTY, BEING MORE PARTICULARLYDESCRlBED AS FOLLOWS: GlNNlNG AT mE WES'lERLY 'lERMlNUS OF lHAT CERTAIN COURsE DlmE SOUlHERLY L1NEOFLOT1.5 OF SAID TRACI' NO. 3754, SHOWN AS "NORm 89"1O':W EAST 48..50 FEET" ON SAID MAP;CE ALONG mE SOUTHERLY LlNES OF LOTS 15, 16 AND 17 OF SAID TRACI' NO. 3754, NOR890I0~36" EAST 186.3tFEET TO mE SOUlHEAST CORNER. OF SAID LOT 17; THENCE NORTHERLYALONGACURVEc::QNCAVE EASTERLy DlmE EASTERLy LINE OF SAID LOT 17, HAVING ACEN11RALANGLEOF \)049'43" AND A RADIUS OF 7615 FEET, FROM A RADIAL L1NE WHICH BEARSSOUlH86"09'2S" WEST, THROUGH A CENlRAL ANGLE OF 0"23'32. AN ARC IBNGlH OF 52.13 FEET;CE ALONG A RADIAL L1NE OF SAID CURVE, NORm ll6"32'S7" EAST 20.00 FEET TO A POINT DlACURVECONCAVEEASTERLYDlmEEASTERLyLINEOFSAIDTRACI' NO. 3754, HAVING ARADUlSOF7595.00 FEET AND BEING CONCEN'IlUC WITH LAST-MENTIONED CURVE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0101"10" AN ARC LENGlHOF166.07 FEET; "THENCE ALONG mE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF A RADIAL LINE OF SAIDCURVE,SOtmlllS"I7'47" WEST 20.00 FEET TO A POINT Dl A CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLy, HAVINGAruBOF761.5.00 FEET AND BEING CONCEN'IlUC WITH LAST MENTIONED CURVE, DlmEEASTERLYLINEOFLOT18OFSAIDTRACI' NO. 3754; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAIDCURVE,TIJROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF0"24'30" AN ARC LENGlH OF 54.27 FEET TO mENOR1HEASTCORNEROFSAIDLOT18, THENCE ALONG mE NORmERLY LINES OF LOTS 18, 19 AND 20 OFSAIDCI' NO. 3754, SOUIH 89"10'36" WEST 189.77 FEET; THENCE NORm 00049'24" WEST 60.00 FEETTODtUEPOINT OFBEGINN1NG.CONTAINING 14,607 SQUARE FEET OF LAND, MORE OR LESS.PREPARED BY MADOLE AND ASSOCIATES, DlC.WILLIAM ROARO JASSO P .L.S. 4756 EXP: 9130199 N. 573.. 1600 SEPT. ~i, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION RECOHOING REOUESTEO BY: ANO WHEN RECORDED MAil TO: 3J~~ ON? (cA 1:(~~,-Recoraea in the ~ounty Of orange, california GaryL. GranvIlle, Clerk/Recorder 11111111111111111111111111111111 1111I 11111 1111111111 111111111111' No Fee 19990565441 11:02am 08/03/99 005 20021827 20 18 R28 6 6.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY TITLE: OF DOCUMENT:THIS PAGE ADDED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE FOR RECORDING INFORMATION Additional recording lee applies)0 059. TiTLE PAGE (R7/95)II r1 it/'/ I; Y' I~