05-08-1991 - Minutes TC "3
Date of Meeting: May 8, 1991
ROLL CALL: PRESENT - Commissioners: D. Yarger� F. Sciarra, J. Fortier
Staff: B. Dennis, B. Herrick, C. Glass,
D. Allenbach, R. Gardner, S. Trejo
ABSENT - Commissioners: N. Hower, B. Leming
Staff: P. Then
1. Request for the installation of 'Red Curb' markings at 1117 & 1127 w. Primrose Ave.
Mr. Orion Dix
1127 W. Primrose Ave.
�range, CA. 92668
Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy.
MOTION: F. Sciarra
SECOND: J. Fortier
AYES: Ursanim�us
A. Request for the installation of '4--Way S7.�OP' controls at the intersection of
Cambridge St. and Maple Ave.
James B. Hebin
166 N. Cambridge St.
Orange, CA. 92666
Oral presentation was basecl on the written staff report, please refer to your copy.
Chairman Yarger - If I understand it correctly, staff would like to discuss this item
at the next meeting after Chuck has had a chance to speak with the Edison Co. and do
same realignment if possible.
Chuck Glass - Mr. Chairman, we are suggssting a two part recommendation; one to deny
the request for the '4-Way STOP' at this time; and secondly to approve some additional
signing and pavement markings in the area on a 6 months trail basis. During that
period of time it would be our intent to explore physical improvement of the northwest
corner and to implement any improvement, and determine any problems with either costs
or difficulties witn Southern California Edison as far as relocation. We would then
come ba.ck and advise the Commission of what problems or progress we were having.
RECOMMENDATION: Deny the request and go on a 6 month trial basis of restriping and
resigning, and also at that time look into the possibly of redesigning the curb site.
MOTION: D. Yarger
SECOND: J. Fortier
AYES: Unanitnous
B. Request the establishment of 'Bus Stops' on Lewis Sts north of Chapman Avea
Manjit Pahar
OCTD Stops & Zones
P.O. Box 3005
Garden Grove, CA. 92642-3005
Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy.
Chairman Yarger - We have three people in the audience who would like to speak on this
issue. If you would you please come forwarc7, one at a time, and state your name ancl
Adrienne Bean - 141 N. Lewis St., #6 - T would lil�e to bring to your attention that I
do not oppose the Taco Bell traffic stop, but I do feel that it coulcl be a traffic
hazard. The traffic turning off of Compton Ave. either north or south would have no
visibility in this case. I don't oppose it 100 percent, but I do oppose moving that
'Bus Stop' in front of the 129 & 141 N. Lewis acldress mostly due to noise, pollution
and loitering.
I am opposed to Mr. A1lenbach's second recommendation for a southbound 'Bus Route'
being in front of Kaiser. It is extremely noisy there and we don't need anymore noise.
Chairman Yarger - Dave, do we have anything from the Orange County Transit Dis�rict
regarding their schedule?
Dave Allenbach - No, Mr. Chairman we don't, as you know this is an experimental Bus
Chairman Yarger - It seems to me that with of all the people coming to the hospital,
Kaiser Permanente, that it would certainly be a good location for a bus stop.
Bernie Dennis - The way the plan is proposed the noise will probably impact the mobile
home park on the east side of Lewis St.
Kevin Brewer - 141 N. Lewis, #1 - I do not oppose the location of the northbound 'Bus
Stop' between the Taco Bell driveways� however, I do oppose the northbound 'Bus Stop'
directly in front of the 129 & 141 N. Lewis St. It is my opinion that it would
definitely increase the noise factor for the residents living in the apartment complex.
Also, there is currently no sidewalk availability or handicapped access. When it rains
it turns the front area of our apartment into a mess.
I have no strong opinion one way or the other as far as °Bus Route' goes. It is to
everybody's advantage to have a 'Bus Route' and I �m sure OCTD is not certain as to how
ma.ny people will ride the bus. I think the members of the Com�nission clearly
understand my feelings.
Is there any other proposal to locate the northbound 'Bus Stc�p' at any other location
besides the Taco Bell driveway?
Chairman Yarger - No.
Mary Kranz - 141 N. Lewis St., #4 - I don't have anything else to add, I think what I
wanted to say has been already been said. Thank you.
MOTION: J. Fortier
SECOND: F. Sciarra
AYES: Unanimous
C. Review and approval of draft policy and procedures for the implementation of
'Neighborhoa3 Parking P+ermit Program' areas.
Traffic Engineering Divisian
City of Orange
300 E. Chapman Ave.
Orange, CA. 92666
Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy.
RECOMMENDATION: Discussion on this �.tem to be continued and acloptecl on the next City
Traffic Commission meeting.
MOTION: D. Yarger
SECOND: J. Fortier
AYES: Unanimous
Chairman Yarger - We are going to adjourn this meeting to June 12, 1991. I make the
motion that we accept the adjournment.
MOTION: D. Yarger
SECOND: J. Fortier
AYES: Unanimous
Respectfully submitted, .
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Sally R. Trejo
Recording Secretary �