03-13-1991 - Minutes TC �; . �. .�,. J C1TY OF ORANGF . � MINUTES DF WORK STUD Y SESS/ON CI T Y TRA FFI� COMMISSION TRA NSPDR TA Tl4N PLA NNING COMMIT TEE Date of Meeting: March 13. 1991 ROLL CALL - PRESENT: � : CTC - D. Yarger, J. Fortier, N. Hower, B. Leming, F. Sciarra TPC: B. Earnest, J. Aust CITY PLANNING COMMISSI4N: C. Masters, Don Scott, R. Bosch CITY STAFF: PLANNtNG DEPT. - J. McGee, D. Ryan, J. Godlewski, J. Murphy REDEVELOPMENT - B. Yamasaki, D. Correa, V. Pritchard PUBLIC WORKS - G. Johnson, B. VonSchimmelmann, B. Dennis, C. Glass, D. Allenbach, R. Gardner, Pv Then CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE - B. Herrick . GUEST: Tim Lattimer, P & D Technologies, 1nc. I. CTC MEETING IS ADJOURNED, DUE TD LACK OF AGENDA ITEMS, TO A W�RK STUDY SESSION TO BE HELD !N CONFERENCE ROOM C BETWEEN THE CtTY TRAFFIC COMMISSIQN (CTC) AND THE TRANSPORTATION PLANNING C�MMITTEE (TPC1. A joint meeting was heid by the City Traffic Commission and the Transportation Planning Committee, along `�vith various staff members of city departments, to hear a present�tion by Tim Lattimer of P & D Technologies, Inc., cansultant retained by the city to perform the widening study and E.I.R. preparation on the �: LaVeta Ave./Main St./W. Chapman Ave. wideni�g project. Chairrnan Yarger - Called the meeting �o order at 3:40 p.m. � Bernie Dennis - In October 1986, the City of Orange � awarded a contract to Don Greek & Assoc. to develop alignments along � LaVeta Ave. from Cambridge St. to the 57 Fv►ry.; on Main St. fr�m � Town & Country Rd. to Colli�s Ave.; and on Chapman Ave. from Main St. to the 57 �wy. The idea of these alternative alignmen� � analysis were to find that alignment for widening that would best fit the street - �ection template that was provided; basically that template was, based on traffic studies that had been conducted, to provide LaVeta Ave. (from Cambridge St. westerly approximately to . Parker St.� a 4-lane secandary arterial highway with !eft-turn tanes. - From Parker St. to the 57 Fwy. traffic demand dictated that the street section be increased from a 4-lane facility to a fi-lane facility. On Main St. the template called for a 6 la�e facility literally from Town & Country Rd. northerly to Walnut/Orangegrove Ave. W. Chapman was to be a 6-lane facility literally the entire length from Chapman to the 57 Fwy. He was also to consider that along this alignment two specific locations were identified as critical intersections; Main/LaVeta and Chapman/Main. A critica! intersection actually is a super widened section to provide additional capacity. In this case that additional capacity was one additional left-turn 1ane, a right-turn lane, and a � merge lane - about a 10 lane cross-secteon. This work was completed by Mr. Greek and about January 1988, the alignments that he presented at that time represented what he felt, and what staff concurred to be, the most practical way of achieving these particular three sections. In November 1988, a contract was awarded to P & D Technologies to do the construction level environmentaf assessment of these three roa�waysa As this work progressed there were certain sections of the overall pro�ect that staff felt merited special attention: 1. The possibility of an alignment or extension of Lawson Way . over the Rt. 22 freeway to connect back tq LaVeta. This was � subsequently removed from the parent E!R to be considered as a separate project on its own merit. � 2. A second specific location was the Main St. crossing of the 22 Fwy. (i.e., the bridge job�. What has transpired in regard to those two sub-projects is that pretty extensive studies conducted by P & D in conjunction with Caltrans indicated that this overcrossing would not, at this point in time, be economically or technically feasible. -2- d� i' "Technica//y" is somewhat af a misnomer inasmuch as the overcrossing and the reconfigured ramp connections would resuit in a reduced design speed perhaps less than the State would be wiliing to accept. In respect to the Main St. bridge widening, that_work is under way and the project study repor# . � for the. widening will be submitted to Caltrans. We had a bridge review meeting with Gaftrans engineers and in a(I likelihood, also predicated on OCUTT funding grant, that work will begin later this year, hopefully in July or Septembere What . will result will be a 6-lane �bridge facility with the wide�ting � occurring on the east side of the roadway. Because this particular section is in the Santa AnalOrange JPA, the City af Santa Ana will act as the lead agency. 3. Perhaps the most recent of events to transpire in regard to this particular study was the direction from the Mayor last year to consider an alternative alignment of Main St. The initial alignment showed a "take" principally off the west side of the roadway. The Mayor and members of the Council were interested in seeing the rarnificatians of an alignment .that would take the majority o# th� right-of-way between generally Almond & Stewart off the east side of the street. - Basically that's where we �re to date �nd if you have no questions I will turn you over to Tim Lattimer and he will brief you on how the � EIR is progressing and what he has determined. Tim Lattimer of P & D Technologies - We started out in the summer of 1989, and put the Notice of Preparation out and had two scoping meeting here in the city. The turn-out at those meetings was relatively light but the people who did show up had some concerns related to the potential displacement of residences and businesses in the study area; what the impacts might be relative to traffic, especially as concerning neighborhood intrusion, other issues they were concerned about were noise and air quality We prepared a preliminary DRAFT EIR and submitted that for staff review and we received staff's comments and are in the process of revising the document for circulation prior to the public review. - We're at the stage now where we are probably a couple of weeks away from finishing those revisions and getting it back to staff's hands for one last "look-see" to make sure they're satisfied with the -3- � ; , � � � changes they wanted to see have been made, and we expect that - . during the month of April this will be released for public circulation for � a 45-day public review period. If we assume that we are released by { mid-April the review period would end at the end of May and conceivahly we would have the comments we would receive addressed. during the month of June, at wh�ch time public hearings might begin either in June or July. Some of the preliminary conclusions we have come up with will be discussed today, in the EIR we've been looking at the "worst case scenario" the road widening and landscaping pursuant to adopted landscape.design guidelines. � Description of the various amount of right-of-way "takes" that would be required for the widening; both firom the original concept and the revised concept for LaVeta/Main/W. Chapman followed. Bernie Dennis - We're looking at S20 million in work and there is no way, realistically that we could do all the work at one time. As the EIR progresses and hopefully is approved, the Dept. of Public Works will develop an improvements schedule, our emphasis will be on certain rather critical areas: A high priority area is the intersection of Glassell and LaVeta. We would envision a possible project that went from Shaffer St. over to Lemon St.; a widening of Glassell 5t. up to Culver Ave. We are already progressing �work-wise at the intersection of Main/LaVeta; the southwest corner of Chapman and Main has been done; we recently acquired right-of-way on the southwest corner of Stewart/Main which is a very key location. We probably have a tendency to move in segments, principally on our funding abilities. Gary Johnson City Eng�ineer - We're projecting some Redev�lopment funds, maybe cooperative funding either FAU �federal funding} or AHFP (Arterial Highway Financing Program) which allocates gas tax � revenues to the city from the county who �both receive their share of gas tax monies and the Prop. 111 revenues. We anticipate these 3 streets would be eligible for that type of funding but Redevelopment . probably would share the bulk of �costs. The time frame on this � widening �rvould be in the range of 4 to 7 years because we would have to work on segments that would be meaningful; some are easier to do than others such as Chapman from a standpoint of disruption and impact on structures and businesses, but at this point in time Chapman Ave. isn't the most urgent as far as traffic demands. -4- � i TABLE 3-21 POST-201 Q ROADWAY LINK YOLUMES AND OPERATIONS Capacity, V C, L4S Roadway and Segment ADT Without Pro ject W ith Project LA YETA AYENUE Flower to Main 45,000 37,500 56,300 1.20 F � 0.80 C/D . � Main to Batavia 40,000 � 37,500 _ 5b,3�0 � 1.07 � 0.71 B/C � Batavia to Glassell 29,000 37,500 37,500 0.77 C 0.77 C Glassell to Cambridge 34,000 18,250 37,500 1.64 F � 0.80 C/D MAIN STREET � Collins to Walnut 23,400 37,500 36,300 0.61 B 0.41 A Walnut to Chapman 40,000 37,500 56,300 1.07 F 0.71 B/C - Chapman to La Veta 51,000 37,500 56,300 1.36 � 0.91 D/E La Veta to SR-22 � 48,000 37,500 Sb,300 1.28 F 0.85 D CHAPMAN AVENUE Flower to Main 36,000 37,500 56,300 1.49 F � 0.99 E GLASSELL STREET n/o La Veta 24,000 19,000 37,500 . 1.26 F O.b4 B s jo La Veta , 31,000 37,500 . 56,300 0.83D 0.55A - � Source: For post-z010 volumes and capacities, Austin-Foust Associates (City of Uran�e Generai Plan Traffi� Analysis, November 1988); for VjC and LOS calculations, P&D Technologies. t '� . -6- _