06-10-1992 - Minutes TC � ,�� ,,._ __�;� CITY OF ORANGE � r'T��` MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: TUNE 10. 1992 ROLL CALL:PRESENT - COMMISSIONERS: J. FORTIER, N. HOWER, BL. LEMING, ABSENT - COMMISSIONERS: D. YARGER, F. SCIARRA PRFSENT - STAFF: SGT. WEINSTEIN, C. GLASS, B. HERRICK D. ALLENBACH, P. THEN, ABSENT - STAFF: B. DEI�TNIS I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 13, 1992 Minutes not available for meeting, continue to next meeting. II. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Request for the installation of '2-HOUR PARKING'at 1214 N. Parker St. Winnie C. Battelle 13912 Duffield Ave. � LaMirada, CA 90638 RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by Motion, APPROVE the request. MOTION: B. LEMING SECOND: N. HOWER AYES: UNANIMOUS 2. Request for 'red curb'and 'green curb'markings in front of 838 N. Cypress St. Bapko Metal Fabricators, Inc. 838 N. Cypress Sf:� Orange, CA 92666- _ . RECOh�1ZENDATION: That the CTC, by Motion, APPROVE the request and install red curb markings on both sides of the driveway. � .� . >:. MOTION: N. HOWER SECOND: B. LEMING AYES: UNANIMOUS ,, 3. Request for �OVERNIGHT PARKING' restrictions on both sides of Virage St. between Spring St. and Walnut A�e. Prospect Elementary School 379 N. �irage St. �range, CA 92b69 � RECONII��NDATION: That the CTC, by Motion, APPROVE the request and post the area. for 'NO PARHING 10 P.M. - 6 A.M.' MOTION; J. FORTIER SECOND: N. HOWER AYES: UNANIMOUS III. CONSI�ER.ATT4N T�EMS A. Request for the implementation of a 'neighborJ�ood parking permit program' on both sides of the 500 block of i�. Orange St. John Aleceia 510 N. Orange St. Orange, +CA ��666 Oral �r�sentation is based on the written staff report, plea:s� refer to your copy. Chairman Fortier opened the publi�hearing for dis+cussion of this request, T'om �Ginder - �23 N. Orange St. - Since the �ast time we were here � have obtained some inforrnation about Are� A parking and as far as I can �tell-Area A has restrict�eccl parking completeiy around the areas by the c4�lege �n addition to the streets that abut the college there also restricted pazking around Orange High S:chool, but a1so.� blocks of Shaffer S�. that are not next to the college. The 500 blo�k of Orange St. is indeed much closer to the college than what is on Shaffer St. there is actually only one �c�t a{uvay from the college. � �disagree that there is not:a difference in parking when school is in session vs, ,when is out, I don't kno�v when these surveys were done, on two occasions during the month of May, and Y didn't bring this documentation with me, my wife and I took videos � of the south end o� the stre+et and there was no parking and there is evidence of students walking to their cars having come from class and so there is indication of students parking on that street. Every resident of that street has signed the petition requesting this and everyone has not only signed the petition but they are all in_favor of this. The permit parking in effect on Walnut Ave. adjacent to the college between Grand St. and the alley between Orange St. and Glassell St. is�virtually unused, the only tirne in the last month that I'�e seen cars �arked �here was in one instance'�uvhere the person on the�vest side of Giand St. was dropping someone off to their front door and xhe c�ther time was during a. Chapman +�ollege�:�radua�ion ceremonies wh�� ��pe�r�i�p��� was�ifted�d�if there is� issue on administration or rnaking parking availabie to the college I believe that block and a half would be . . an appropriate place for college student�rto be able xo park:__ _ � .,�. , � . . .w . >. � , r � Carol Walters - 534 N. Shaffer St. - When the new dorm was going up they told me the people on Orange St. immediately would get attention they would get their permit because�#1 we have a Specific Plan for Chapman College, they are su�posed to park in different areas. I took a survey af that, the City gave them i.emon St., it has 95 parking space, I surveyed it 3-4 times and only 5 peo}�le from the college park there. They have parlcing at the church on Walnut Ave. they had like 40 and like 6 that park there so if they're not parking where they are supposed to and the Mayor Gene Beyer went out and surveyed it too, so you �an take his word, where are these people parking? The staff is not in the neighborhood all the time them kids are parking in our neighborhood and when it is unfair when Grand St. I got it because of the high school the 400 block of N. Orange St. all them get it and these people are like boxed in. If Chapman were to make their people park where they're supposed to you wouldn't have as much problem but they do not do it I have record from the City Council and I think these people should have their parking immediately. You don't know what's going on unless you living there and the college h+�use that lives there they get parkir�g 5 ticket, it would l�ok.funny if they came up �iere every week-end or 3-4 times a week and get 30 parking space we would know they are having wild parties. � Commissio�ner Fortier - �Vhat's the big problem is it becayse you don't have room to park there is that what you are saying? Carol Walt.ers - Yeah because#l�e college is not making the kids go by the Specific Plan #l, they do park in our neighborhoa�, it gat so b�d in other areas that the kids were giving their guest permit, w�ich a guest permit is in fr�nt of your house, they vvas not using it in fronfi of their hoa�:se they was using it ir� front of+ev+erybody else's just so the kids --- they even went door to door t�►ing to buy parlang guest perrr�its it went from $�00 to �Sfl, they do have a problem and I hope you o.k. it. Commi�sioner Fo�tier - I beli�ve t�e g�est parking, how rnany extra permits can they get at any one time, ix's 30 isn't it? - Chuck Glass � Th�prograrr� is set up tha�f�r e�ery vehicle that is registered to�th�t addr�ss you get a permanent sticker so i��fami�y has 5 vehicles�d they show proof of registration �� that address they get 5 permanent stickers. In tl�,is �articular case with the college the students who in fact live at that address would have to come in and show �roof with a rental agreement an� for every student who lives fihere �ey would get � permanent �ticicer. 3'l�e a�dress gets 5 ann�al guest permits kept a the house and given out when #h+ey have visitor�; in add�tion to that for special events aur policy is to allnw up to 30 passes to be�i�ven out, and these are normally just for one�day, per residence. �Commissioner Fortier -And does that entitle them#o park anywhere within the restncted area? Chuck Glass - Yes it does. Commissioner Fortier - So you see it's not just in front of the residence that they live, they can park with xhose permits, anywhere within xhe restricted azea. : �arol Walters �Vell we had our address put on it for that purpose. But these people have the house next �ioor plus the�: have th� �ollege students that come to school park in �here because of the no : parlang, why should�they ,giv�e�up their�rights because Chapman College will,not go by their Specific . Plan that they wanted, i t�ink�ou should.allow this to go through. . ,�. , . >s, � � _ - - 3 John A�eceia - 510 N. Orange St. - I have seen our friends from the Traffic Bureau come by and take their surveys, unfortunately sometimes it's not always at the right time. I do have some pictures` .here of times when they have not been there and what the street looks like and how the kid� pazk also including �n the driveways and on the wheelchair exits at the corners blocking those also, The issue of the co�lege kids I rt�ay be wrong on this but when the college bought the house I believe it was �trictly for housing teachers,,by the a11ow they're not�allowed to have the students live there, we have not said anything but it +doesn't really matter to us they haven`t bothered me personally, I have heard some loud parties, if that becomes an issue I could find out if it is strictly for housing teachers or students but that was one of the issues when they bought the house. We have 100� signature including the kids living in the house everyone else around th�college has permit, if 100% of us want it I can`�understand why we can't have it. .Commissioner Leming - Since the lasr time this was on our meeting agenda I did hav� an opportunity to drive�rough there a number of times at varying tirnes of the day, it seemed to me that most of the parl�ing is at tl�e south end of the st.reet. I did notice what I presume to be a student walk across Walnut and get in :a car and drive off after lunch ane day, but the reality was that it d�dn't seem to me to be a serious problem. Th�other issue you keep mentioning the house that Chap�nan College ovvns, this is a Traffic Commission and v�re try to d�al. with traffic problems and alot of times these permit programs are merely requests to solve other types of problems that we can't solve. John A�eceia - That is not an every day occurrence but it does happen. i have not been able to park � in front of my house�oming home between 3 and 5 p.m. for lord �nows how long, I have to pull into �ae dr�veway, then afte� m�y wife gets home and after the kids clear out I have �o move h�re car and move m� tru�k back+ou� onto the street and put her's back into the driveway be�ause I leave at 4 a.m. Commissianer Lerning - �►s far as the student problem have you met with Chapman College and Dr� D�►t�, has there b�een any comm�nication between the�olleg�and yourselves? ,�ohn A�eceia - Ta �ny understanding it was a traffic problem of �ur street, it wasn't the colleg�'s problem now if I'm wrong about that fine�iuvill�go to v�hoever it is there and I wi11 tal�c to him. �ommissioner Le� - Unl+�ss it's absolutely necessary I'm opposed t� parking permit programs because it's just becoming wider and vvider and wider, we have them all ��rough tt�e city now, we've got them on the west end �f tov�n tl�e east end of town pretty so�n every neighborhood is going to come in here wanting one, we just had a request for�Chapman and Almond because they had a duplex acr4ss the street arid the residents can't park all �heir cars in the�driveway and have to use the street. From #he standpoint of we're a11 taxpayer's we pay �or these �treets and I can't tell you not to park in front of my house, my neighbor has 4 ar 5 cars and he parks in front of my house, but it's a public street, .Tohn A�eceia - I understand that but you're talking about someone that lives there as opposed to college kids that come for the day and then they�eave and they're back the next clay to park. It is our neighba�hood and�::we deal with the�ple that park in �ront of our houses �n the neighborhood well that's the way it geses but i�'s the outsiders that come in that makes it rough on us. . � . ; � � � �+ora�missioner :�Iower"��-I��+occa�ionally dnve through this area and I was there twice today, it >_ appeared to me today at �east �hat the::parking was spread evenly throughout tlie street. But again, there were about 15 cars which has�:fii�en�`�the average throughout the whole time we have looking at this issue, nobody was parked on�����Val�.ut which has been stated before. During school the concentra�ion has been on the south end sometimes but there have�never been more than 18 cars. Chairma�.n Fortier - When were these studies conducted? � . _� 4 Chuck Glass - We did some when school was in session and again after school had adjourned for the summer, the majority of the studies were performed in the latter part of April 1992; some were done du�ing Spring Break and some over a per�od of two week around April 20th. We looked at it again after graduation within the last two weeks. Chairman Fortier -VVhat were the results between the trvo times, basically? Chuck Glass - The first two suryeys were done during spring break and we totaled 16 vehicl�s on one and 18 on another, the next 6 surveys were performed during a time while school was in session and those results were 12, 14, 13, 17, 13 and 20; and the last survey was done after graduation and the total there was 13. Chairman Fortier - So you're telling me that regardless of whether school is in session or out of session the car count is basically consistent. . Chuck Glass - it seems fairly consistent, �'m sure it depends on exactly what time you might get there but we try to do �hese surveys ai varying times, Chairrnan Fortier- '�JVere you there bet�veen 3 and �p.m, at any time? Chuck G�ass - We have one survey during spring break at 5:20 p.m. �nd there were 18 vehicles reported which is th� :hig� end. We have anoth�r �ne at 2;15 p.r�. at a time when school was in sessian and there w�re 13 cars on the street. John A�eceia - Even though school is at spring break me�ans that they may not be holding classes but it does not mean that there are not functions going on at the school. _ :Cha.irman Fortier � Th+� numbers you are citing, �they do not meet the req�irements then of what � permit p�rking is all ab4ut, is that cone�ct�? Chuc�k Glass - T'he CT� est�blished a policy regar�ding permit parking and in order for a �ermit parlcing areas to be implem�r�ted that any identified parking in�rusion must represent over 50% of the parking utilization. In this partic�lar case this wouidn't hold true, another criteria is that more than 80% of the available on-street parking spaces must be occupied during the perceived problem times. As we have cited in our surveys we get somewhere around 1C-18 vehicles perha�s parked the street itseif will contain approximately 48 parked vehicles. Caro� Walters - I just w�nted to assure Comrnissi�ner Leming that �there have indeed been many, many meetings with Chapman College about their parking and I see you not wanting to keep putting parking lots all ower �ermit parking but you're tall�ing about these people are cornered in, even on Rose St. behind xhem so this is one street between Rose.and W`alnut that is already blocked. Tom Ginder - Based on a couple of things that have been discussed thus far today the first thing I �vant to say is that were Orange�t. is positioned in relation to the college is not extending what exists as Area A out fro�n the col�ege any further that it already is, xhis is not people further away from the college asking fo�r:y�perrnits this is people who �re actually closer to the r�llege asking for permit parking, so �uvhen the�comrnent was mad�that we keep extending the area we are actually closer to the college�than at�east two s�reet segments and probably 4 or 5. .Secondly, we all pay our city taxes and � we're all concerned about what p�ice we;pay and what service we get and this is a service that all of the residents of Orange St. think is a�pro�riate for our tax dollars to go to and.we are spending our money and efforts to get a problem alleviated which we are experiencing. .� r 5 In Area A only there are 25 long city blocks and 24 short segments on the east-west streets, we are talking about 1 more that is obviously closer to the problem that the residents are experiencing the problem and who feel this must be done. Lastly, I would like to know what we can do next? The last time we were here yQu sent staff out to do more surveys and you suggested we have the residen�s of the street get a petition and we have 100% sponsorship there and we have photographic evidence of traffic problem on oux street, unfortunately I did not bnng other evidence in a video tape format, this is a problem and we are not going to stop coming, this is our tax dollars. Chairman Fortier - If we do not vote in your favor y►ou may go to the City Council and make your appeal there, they may override anything we have to say. Tom Ginder- How can I get my video presenxed to the City Council? Chairman Fo�-tier- Correct me if I'm wrong, but they have a video machine that can be used. Ph, 11Y iS Then -'I'hat is correct, � Chairman Fortier - If w� do not vot+� �n your fa�or and you lcnow the date this will be on the Council's agenda you can r�quest they have a video monitor available for .you and that will be appropriate. Asst. +�itv Attornev Bab,I�errick - You might reference him to make his request for video �quipment through #he City Clerk's office as they w�uld be responsible for setting up whatever equipment is n�cessary. Tom Ginder - I appreclate your efforts, it's very frust�ating fQr me to have my tax dollars pay for over a dozen survey� and talking about a 5% increase in Area A �n the arnount of restricted parking if ther� �re other are�s �imilar to that then the�ercentage�f in�crease for xhe effort for what the city has � to put�nto this is re�at�vely sr��ll. Our �om�s t�at are t�ed at a rate:of$lUQ�000 to $200,�0()0 a year that's what is paying :for staff, that'� what is paying for our city governrnent and I really feel that you need t4 be responsive�u tliat. Commissioner �iower - It appears that so�e.of the problems they show in the photographs �could be resolved by other means i.e,, blocking dnveways and parlcing within the intersection. I would like �o add th�t the rest of us�ay tax�s too and it's not to�rovide private parking for local residents. Chairman For�t.ier - Closed the p�ublic hearing and �eturned the request to the Commission for a motion. RECONIlI�NDATION: That the CTC, by Motion, DENY the r�quest for a parking permit program on the 5�0 btock of N, Orange St., but I would like that fhis item be placed on the 7 p.m. agenda of the City Council meeting. h�lOTION: B. LEMING SECOND: J� FORTTER � ATi'ES: UN�NIMOUS . .,,.- _ . . � . . , ... � . . . . .� , >Y• . . . . , .K r 6 B. Request for the installation of 'LEFT TURN� lanes on Spring St. in proximity to El Modena High School. Gail Richards, Principal El Modena High Schoo� 3920 Spring St. Orange, CA 92666 Oral presentation is baseti on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Chairman Fortier opened the public hearing for the following discussion of this request. Joe Vine�as - 3907 E. Spring St. - It seems that once again OUD/El Modena H.S. have gone to the city to solve a problem that is inherently theirs without any forethought to the community it surrounds and supports it, especially by the taxes it pays. Last year it was �ar�cing regulation which the school would not adversely affect parking on Spring St. To date school officials informed school instructors not ta park on �he street a11 it did was move t.�e students yehicles around the blocks further into the neighborh4od because instructors currently �take up choice spots irr�mediately in front uf the school on Spring St. But the probl�em �oday is that the schoo� now requests a left-turn lane which by removing parking un Spring St. woul�d severely impact the resi�ents of the surrounding neighborhood� The schoal officials, �n a great�ack of foresight, seem to forget�hat the home owners are here 365 days of the year and herein lies the problems, v�here will we as residez�ts park, in our back�rea, well what if zhase of us w�ho lack spaee will the school have a special �pring St. �arking area on campus pr�ferably in front of the school? VVl�at about out wisitors where are they supposed to park, should we as tax payer� �tl hflmeowners �xpec� our visitors to park 2 blocks away? I don't think so. �urthermore, what will hap}�en to our neighborhood during f�ootball season, graduation and �i�ht � school? It's obvious tha� sc�ool officials have �ot done their homevvork or put any criti�al thought inxo this, it is my belief that school officials need to look into different ways �o work �ut t�eir problem. I suggest they study the use of on�-way entrances an:d exit� to the school that administrators to t.he school, in order to +do �better�ob be in fr�ont of the sch�ol before and after school. This might help some of the �robl�m5 with miscreants and the administra.tors could handle the problem at the school. This is done in other school c�istrict's�and worl�s very we11. Also, I would encourage the staff a�d students �o �carpool which is mandated by law. I went by �e school today and I did not see any carpoo� areas which they should �lready hav�. Also v�� could request the police department to have mota►r officers there every once and aw�hile giving citations to those students. But hopeful the school, �uvhich is only open 180 a year, could ponder these points and how it wouid adversely affect the relatianship between the school and the community residents who are there 365 days a year. Ronald Walsh - 3803 E. Spring St. - I oppo5e the parlang remo�al on Spring St. as it would force people xo park within �he neighborhood. The school and �he�'olice Dep. requested that the south side of Spring St. be restricted for 'NO PARKING' on a 24 hr. fias�s then it �vas recanted to 'NO PARKING' during schoo� hours and at that time the schoo� made a� promise that they would put an additional3-5 ft. ,�n top for the fence to keep kids frorr�jun�ping over them, this has never been done and now they are�ack for another parking restriction. �ne area they might consider is to put in additional STOP s�gns on Spring St. because wha� happens i� that,people�speed on that stretch of . roadway �rom Seranado on down a1lov�i�s �hem to build up their speed. I have a petition signed by all the xesidents of Spring St.-who oppose���he-'left-turn �ane installation. -` .� � .w . >, .� r 7 Kat.hleen Stone - 3735 E. Sprin� St. - if we have to park in the alley we have cinder-block walls that back into the alley and it's coming out blind, so if everyone is parking there you have the potential for accidents and also children are walking to and from school and as we are all in a hurry in the morning not every motorist is as careful as they should be so it really set's up the pot�ntial for accidents. Gail Richards, Principal EI Modena H.�. - When I wrote the letter requesting the C�'C to consider insta�ling a left-turn lane on Spring St. I want the residents here to know that I had no idea that it would mean the elimina�ion of parking on tlie resident's side of Spring St. because I don't think that is a good option. I think that collectively we could all agree that there is a real traffic problem in front of the high school, it looks to me that Spring St. is a very wide street and from my perspective it would be very helpful to me to limit parking on the school side of that street during the school day or maybe even until noon because when pulling �ut of our driveway's you cannot see onto that street in arder to merge into the oncoming traffic� If left-�urn lane into the school to try to bring some sense of order of what's happening wi�th students who are young energetic drivers is not the solution to the problem�ecause it's going to impact residents parking then realiy what I w+ould ask the CTC to do is to came aut with �s and look ax the traffic situation in front of EI Modena H.S. We've talked about a traffic �ignal at �orne point, we had 3 crosswalks going into two different directions, the city came out and looked�t that situ�tion with �rr�e and w�re�n.oved 1 of those crosswalks. But if you look at the way Prospect is split and goes up tc� Swidler there is a S'I'OP sign and the next intersection is uncon�rolled. There is�l sorts of crazin+ess out there, it's a v�ry wide street and peopie�re pulling in or�au�. Per�aps you could help me vvith oN��v�,Y signs in and out of the driveway so the traffic does flow in ane direction. �'here is reali�+ no hope that �the district is going to spend any money to raise the height of the fence to keep kids from jumping the fence, We've discussed several options of ho� �+�clear the scl�ool sid�Q�S�ring St. during the sc�ool da� so we may see to get in and out of the � lots, � Chairmar�Fortier-What woul�d be a g+�od time to observe the problerns you're having? Gail�tichards - Ar�y morn�g from'7:�� tQ $;�5 a.rn. Chaicman Fortier - �taff could we have a representative come out some morning around this time and ntaybe offer�orne help? Gail Richards - I ha�e a parent group that i:s very interested in one-way signs, or painting arrows on the�►avement and I would grea�ly appreciate any help you can give me. Dave Allenbach - We can meet with 1Virs. �tichards, I would also ask that we get a representative of the Police Dept. and residents as well �or a11 of us to meet. Perhaps the recommendation may be to contin�e this request until August then we can come back with additional staff report with solutions. Com�nissioner Leming - Do we want,to continue or do`we want to deny this request and then allow you to come back.,with sometlung different? � Chuck Glass - I�;�order to install left-turn lanes it would require sandblasting and re-striping the street, it's our esti�niate that to do that in fro�t of the school frontage would probably cost $10,000. _ , Right now I would say t`he funding is not even available for this. � Chairman Fortier- Mrs. Richards virha�t�oes you calendar look like for�riday morning? � .� . >,. Gail Richards -That's fine. � Chairman Fortier - School is going to be out next week, so if we're going to do some analyzing we . need to get on this right now. �` , $ Gail Richards - The last day of school for seniors is Friday and they make up the largest amount of students that drive to school. Chuck Glass - if tha�'s the last day maybe we ought to defer this until next school term. Asst. City Attorney Bob Herrick - Tt sounds as if Mrs. Richards is willing to withdraw the request that would save the necessity of residents fe�lir�g that they needed to show up at the City Council to deal with this. �hairman Fortier - I've got a solution to the whole thing, we're going to send the big boss out there Friday morning. He's away at another meeting right now but I'm going to ask Phyllis to make sure that Bernie comes out and I'11 try to be there also, it might be helpful to have OUD representative there as we1L �'hvllis Then - M�r. Dennis wi11 go. He wi11 be there at 7:45 a.rn, F�iday morning. Ghairman Fortier - At this time we will show, for the record, that the req�est has been withdrawn. C. Request for the instaliatio� of �4-�A�'S3'OP'�ontrols at the intersection af Sycamore Ave, and Leman St. Bertha �Gomez � 344 N. Lemon St. Orange, CA 92666 Oral prese.ntation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion�n this item. RECOMl1!�NDATION: That the CTC, by�Vlotion, DENY the request. MOTiON: B« �.EMING SECOND: N. HOWER A,YES; UNANi3VfOUS �V. ��ATIIPRESENTATIONS �'UBLIC PARTICIPATION - At this �ime members of the p�blic may address the City Traffic Commission regarding items of interest#o the pub�ic that are within the subject jurisdiction of the City Traffic Cornmissian. D. Carol Walters -`�3.4 N. Shaffer St. - I'd just like to know how do we go about getting a STOP sign in at Rose Ave. and �range St.'? The re�idents here would like a STOP sign because the kids are speeding through here. � �huck Glass-Essentially it would r€�ui��a v�ritten request to the CTC for that traffic control device and the reason for that installation,.;xhe..�rceived problem, etc. I would poi nt out that when we study it we have certain criteria and if it does not rneet that criteria we will firmly recommend the denial of installation �of STOP control devices. We also do not put STQP signs in relative to speed control, so if speed is the only issue it''�.starting off badly. � r � . Carol Walters - No it's kids, there are little kids in the neighborh��d playing. Chuck Glass - We review three elements: Traffic volumes; traffic accidents or accident history; and intersection� geometrics. If there isn't an accident history at that location it wouldn't meet that warrant, if you're looking for a 2-Way ST(JP that is considerably easier to warrant than an all-way STOP. All-Way STOP is the litera�ly the fu�st step before signalization. Carol �alters - Bemie told me that you don't like to put a STOP sign within a 1 block area of another STOP sign, is that true or do you do that sometimes? You have Glassell there with a STOP sign an Rose. � Chairman Fortier - We'll have to look into the intersection and have staff perform a traffic engineering study to see if the location meets any of the warrants for a STOP control installation. T�ere being no further oral presentations from the public, and no issues for discussion by e�th�r staff of the oth�r Commissi+�ners, Chairman F4rtier adjourned the meeting. �+espectfully submitted, �� ��YL-- �� Fhy " ' Then Rect�rding Secretary , Traffic Engineering Division `: ,�. . >,. ..� a lo