06-09-1993 - Minutes TC ���..
Date ofMeeting: June 9, 1993
Not Available at this time.
1. Request for the installation of 'red curb markings' on both sides of the driveway
located at 938/1010 W. Barkley Ave.
Robert Eckstein
1012 W. Barkley Ave.
Orange, CA 92667
RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by motion, APPROVE the request.
MOTION: D. Yarger
SECOND: J. Fortier
AYES: Unanimous
� €
Chairman Yar� - Due to the number of people in the audience present to address the
crossing gxrard issue, we will go ahead and hear item #B first and then return to the
crossr'ng guard request.
B. Request for the installation of a 'turn diverter' on River Ave. at Grand St.
Lorna DeShane
205 E. River Ave. `
Orange, CA 92666
Oral p��esentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy.
Chairrnan Yarger opened fhe public hearir7g for the following disczrssion of this request.
Lorna Deshane - 205 E. River Ave. - There have been so many people driving the wrong
way. The nei�hborhood will donate planting materials and we will maintain the
landscaping that is installed.
Mario Corona - 609 S. Orange St. - We need this installed as soon as possible before
summer because of evening sports events at Hart Park.
RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by motion, APPROVE the request.
MOTION: J. Fortier .
SECOND: F. Sciarra
AYES: Unanimous
A. Request for the 'removal of crossing guards' at various school crosswalks city-
Lt. Ed Tunstall
Orange Police Dept. - Traffic Bureau
City of Orange
O�°aX presej7tatior7 is based oj� the written staff report,please refer to your copy.
Chairman Yar�er- We first heard this request last month and requested additional survey's
be conducted by staf� In the recorded survey's we have come up with only four (4)
intersections that we are going to discuss removing the crossing guards, all other assigned
crossing guards will remain at their posts. The ones we will discuss are:
l. Cambridge St. at Meats Ave. �
2. Chapman Ave. at Lewis St. ;
3. Taft Ave. at Shaffer St. �
4. Hoover Ave. at Wanda Rd. �
If any members of the audience are here to discuss the crossing guards at these 4
intersections, we would like to hear your comments; however, if you are concerned with
any other crossing guard locations please be advised that we are not going to recommend
their removal.
Commissioner Fortier - I would like to thank staff for their work on this issue. I have
talked to all the school principals and crossing guards involved in this report and have
made personal observations and I concur with staff and commend them for revising this
list for the safety of the school kids crossing activities.
Chairman Yarger - I have one correction to note. Last month we talked about three (3)
locations that we supported the removal of the crossing guard, they were:
l. Chapman Ave. at Esplanade St.
2. Chapman Ave. at Hewes St.
3. Chapman Ave. at Rancho Santiago Blvd.
These three locations are mainly used by junior high school students and there is less need
for a crossing guard to channel their activities, as these older children are better able to
safely cross the street without a guard. Clzrrirnzan Yar,�er openecl the public Iiearing for
the following discussion:
Teri Sargent - 137 N. Cobblestone St. - I have just talked to Lt. Tunstall this morning
about the 3 guards that affect Chapman Hills Elementary School, which is where my child
attends school and I sure would like to know the status because we've lost a crossing
guard in the last 3 weeks, I thought never to return at Newport and Canyon View. We
have received notices from the school Principal saying "good luck, tell your kids to be
careful because we're not getting that guard back." Now I hear that we are, so where is
our guard?
Lt. Tunstall, OPD - That guard has either been out sick or on vacation, but they will be
back on a permanent basis next year.
Lois Bark - 322 Spruce - I would like clarification to take back to my school. On the
original list what will happen as far as your recommendation to the City Council, will we
need to arrange for parents to attend that Council meeting?
_ Chairman Yar�er -Last month we recommended the removal of crossing guards from the
intersections of
1. Chapman Ave. at Esplanade St.
2. Chapman Ave. at Hewes St.
3. Chapman Ave. at Rancho Santiago Blvd.
After further study staff has advised us that additional intersections that do not meet the
warrants for crossing guards are:
l. Cambridge St. at Meats Ave.
2. Chapman Ave. at Lewis St.
3. Taft Ave. at Shaffer St.
We've discussed Hoover Ave. at Wanda Rd. and we're going to discuss it further, but we
will probably put it ba.ck on the list to keep that crossing guard. Basically, from the
original list there are only 6 locations we are recommending that crossing guards be
Lois Bark - I just wanted to tell you we appreciate you keeping the guards at Main/Palm
and Main/Batavia.
Bernie Dennis - On two of the latter signals: Cambridge St. at Meats Ave. and Taft Ave.
at Shaffer St.; please be aware that we have just signalized those two intersections, so any
children that may have to cross here will have the benefit of these signals to assist them.
Commissioner Lemin� - In response to Lois' guestion, the original request was initiated by
the Police Department, when our recommendation goes to the Council will it pertain only
to those warrants we are recommending removal of the crossing guard or is that complete
list going to go through and then our recommendations?
Bernie Dennis - I would foresee the Police Dept. list going, and our recommendations
Vickie Maxfield - 1782 N. Hart St. - Do elementary school children use any of these 3
intersections in your recommendation for guard removal? No matter how much money
the city may save by not having a crossing guard at these 3 locations, if even one child is
hit by a car when crossing the street the city is liable. There was obviously a reason why
a guard was assigned to these locations to begin with they were put there for a reason.
Commissioner Lemin� - I think we should go ahead and hear staf�s latest findings. We
are not reviewing this just to save the city some money, the student's safety is our primary
concern. However, we do have a responsibility to the city to see what warrants a
crossing guard in the first place, and if the intersection no longer meets the warrants
perhaps we should take some action and remove the crossing guard.
Chairman Yarger - Closed the public hearing at this point and returned the item to the
Commission for further discussion and a motion.
Bernie Dennis -Relative to when this item is to be considered you may want to include in
your recommendation, basically, what I indicated earlier or at least in a note to the City
Council from the City Traffic Commission, that if the possibility of removing more than
the recommended 6 guards is going to be considered then this issue should be heard at a
7:00 p.m. Session of the City Council in an open hearing. If, on the other hand, it would
seem that it will be the 6 that are referenced then it should be a Consent Calendar item to
be heard at 3:00 p.m. session; based on�nput from our audience.
You may also need to make a distinct finding on#4 (Hoover Ave. at Wanda Rd.).
Commissioner Lemin� - We discussed the other 3 locations last month and determined
that we had no elementary school children crossing the street at:
l. Chapman Ave. at Esplanade St. _
2. Chapman Ave. at Hewes St.
3. Chapman Ave. at Rancho Santiago Blvd.
So those 3 were recommended for removal at the May meeting. Today we are discussing
staf�s evaluation of the remaining guard locations that we had questions about and the
only ones that came back and do not meet the city's crossing guard warrants as of now,
l. Cambridge St. at Meats Ave.
2. Chapman Ave. at Lewis St.
3. Taft Ave. at Shaffer St.
4. Hoover Ave. at Wanda Rd.
I believe Cambridge/Meats and Taft/Shaffer have just been signalized so in essence if we
remove those guards we're not leaving the children un-protected. When it comes to
Hoover/Wanda, that is a mid-block crossing location and it was put in at the time the
School District closed Katella school and it was because those kids were now going to
have to cross Wanda Rd. to go to Villa Park School, since that was put in for that very �
reason and they aren't going to put kids back at Katella School I don't see any reason to
remove that crossing guard at this point. The other 3 locations are logical and do not
meet the crossing guard warrants so I would recommend that the crossing guards be
rernoved from the first 3 locations.
REC�MMENDATION: The crossing guard assigned at Hoover Ave. and Wanda Rd.
be retained to assist with crossing activities of elementary school age children, even
though it doesn't meet warrants.
MOTION: B. Leming
SECOND: J. Fortier
AYES: LJnanimous
RECOMMENDATTON: That crossing guards assigned to the following locations be
removed as the locations fail to meet the crossing guard warrants: _
{1) Cambrid�e St./Meats Ave.,
(2) Chapman Ave./Lewis St.; and
(3) Taft Ave./Shaffer St.
AMENDMENT: We notify the af�ected school principals that the crossing guards will
be remaved from these locations. (Proposed by J. Fortier)
MOTION: B. Leming
SECOND: F. Sciarra �
AYES: Unanimous
RECOMMENDAT�ON: That if our recommendations is not shared by the City
Council, that the item be placed on a 7:00 p.m. Session to be considered at an advertised
hearing. _
MOTION: J. Fortier
SECOND: B. Leming
Chairman ,Yarger - Would there automatically be any notices sent out for an evening
Phyllis Then -No sir.
Bernie Dennis - If this becomes a public hearing item at a 7:00 Agenda Session, then yes,
they will be noticed by the City Clerk's o-f�ice, and it would extend the date this item would
be considered. If it's a Consent Calendar item she normally is able to turn those around in
2 weeks or so. We will caucus the City Council and find out generally what their attitude
is and we'll play it from there.
Commissioner Fortier - If this doesn't come down as we are hoping would you please
notify me so I might contact some school principal's.
AYES: Unanimous
1. Westerly on Collins at Wanda where the signal is located where it starts out as two lanes
and drops down to one lane, do we have any more information on the request to remove
the parking and make that 2lanes?
Bernie Dennis - I've talked to the City of Villa Park and they seem to amenable to taking
the parking off the north side of Collins Ave. easterly of V�anda Rd., I will see them again.
You have to take the parking of� the north side to bring the channelization back into
balance, because it's a sub-standard street.
.V. ADJ4URNMENT - 4:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis Then
Recording Secretary
File Name: June