01-13-1993 - Minutes TC �..:+ `.
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Minutes of a Regular Meeting: January 13, 1993
ROLL CALL: Present - Commissioners: D. Yarger, J. Fortier, B. Leming
N. Hower, F. Sciarra
Present - Staff: B. Dennis, B. Herrick, Lt. E. Tunstall
C. Glass, D. Allenbach, P. Then
Election of CHAIRMAN
D/CK YARGER was the only nominee for this position.
MOTION: F. Sciarra
SECOND: J. Fortier
AYES: Unanimous
JOE FORT/ER was the only nominee for this position.
MOTION: F. Sciarra
SECOND: D. Yarger
AYES: Unanimous
October 14, 1992 - APPROVE as published by Recording Secretary.
MOTION: D. Yarger
SECOND: F. Sciarra
AYES: Unanimous
November 4, 1992 - Meeting canceled, no minutes.
1 . Request for red curb markings at 512 E. Kateila Ave., adjacent to Ozzie's
Stephen Paliska
Professional Parking Services, Inc.
1100 Main St., #D-2
Irvine, CA 92714
Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your
copy. There was no discussion on this item.
RECOiViiViEiVDA�'iOiV: �hat the C�C, by iiiiotion, APPROiiE the request.
MOTION: D. Yarger
SECOND: N. Hower
AYES: Unanimous
2. Request for the installation of a driveway vision zone on Trenton Ave.
westerly of the residence at 1482 N. Grand St.
Deborah Rivet
1482 N. Grand St.
Orange, CA 92667
Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your
copy. There was no discussion on this item.
RECOMMENDATIQN: That the CTC, by Motion, APPROVE the request.
MOTION: D. Yarger
SECOND: N. Hower
AYES: Unanimous
3. Request for the installation of a cargo loading zone at 1449 W. Braden Ct.
G. David Tayco
County of Orange - Social Services
1055 N. Main St., #700
Santa Ana, CA 92701-3616
Oral presentation was based on the written staff report, please refer to your
copy. There was no discussion on this item.
RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by Motion, APPROVE the request.
MOTION: D. Yarger
SECOND: N. Hower
AYES: Unanimous
A. Request for the installation of a '4-Way STOP' at the intersection of Rancho
Santiago Blvd. and Bond Ave.
Larry Pore
647 N. Ranchroad Dr.
Orange, CA 92669
The applicant has request that this item be continued to the 2-10-93
meeting. -
RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by Motion, CONTINUE the request
until the February 10, 1993 meeting.
MOTION: D. Yarger
SECOND: N. Hower
AYES: Unanimous
B. Request for an exemption to the '2 Hr.' /imited time parking restrictions in
front of 561 N. Pine St.
Mr. Edward C. Keswick
561 N. Pine St.
Orange, CA 92667
Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your
copy. Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following
Mickey Kawick, 554 N. Pine St. - The addendum to the Agenda is
apparently a misrepresentation of what we originally intended. The
intention of our request wa� t� �r�vid� parking perrr�it� f�r the re�ident� of
N. Pine St. in order prevent people who live there from receiving parking
violations. This has been a problem lately and a number of the residents
that need the street for parking have received citations. I have a letter here
from Clarence Altisti, 584 N. Pine St. as have a number of other residents.
We want to request that we get a permit allowing us to park in excess of
the 2 hours, if that is not possible we would like to have the 2 hour limit
Commissioner Yaraer - If I understand you correctly they are either looking
for a 2 Hr. parking permit or to remove the parking limitation altogether.
Mickey Kawick - According to your Traffic Engineering staff there is no
provision in the law that allows for a 'more than 2 Hr. parking permit'; is
that correct?
Vice-Chairman Fortier - That is correct.
Mickey Kawick - Then we would like to have the 2 Hr. parking limit
Bernie Dennis - This particular 2 Hr. parking limit, as well as a number of
others in the area, were installed over a 4-5 year period at the request of
residents on each of the streets involved, Pine St. being no exception. The
signs were installed principally to avoid long-term parking by the high
school. Mr. Kawick indicates that parking problem no longer exists. If that
be the case, and the applicant wishes the 2 Hr. parking limit signs be
removed, we have to remove it in exactly the same we instafled it; and that
is through the petition process involving the people on both sides of your
street. We had to advise the people before it went in so everyone knew,
now we have to do this to advise them it will be removed, and make sure
that they concur.
Vice-Chairman Fortier - If the 2 Hr. parking is removed does this not
preclude that the high school kids will be back parking on your street?
Mickey Kawick - They probably will. The only problem now is that people
cannot park in front of their own homes and sometimes that necessary,
especially when you have family members over for a few days. During
Christmas this really was a problem.
Bernie Dennis - I believe that those signs should read, and correct me if I'm
wrong, and maybe this is the problem:
Commissioner Hower - Some of the signs indicate 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. School
Days Only. Not all the signs are the same, this is probably the difficulty.
Bernie Dennis - See that would solve your weekend and holiday problems, it
would continue to give you a problem from 8 a.m to 4 p.m. but, frankly,
most people are working then anyway and they could use the driveways.
You might want to consider having us re-sign your block appropriately and
see how that works before you take the action of removing it, I think you're
going to have trouble if you remove it.
Edward Keswick, 571 N. Pine St. - My wife initiated this request. I think
you've heard the problem that we have, the students are still parking down
on the end of the block next to Walnut and they dump all their trash there
every afternoon; of course we're not bothered because we're at the middle
of the block. There are 3 families on the block that have people who work
at night and they sleep during the days; 2 of them have 3 cars and they
park 2 in the driveway leaving 1 on the street and that's been the reason
they have received tickets.
What would you suggest, we were thinking about the permit parking like
they have around Chapman University.
Bernie Dennis - 1 just spoke with the previous speaker and what I would
suggest you all do, is let the department verify and if necessary update the
existing signs, make sure we are still talking about 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on
school days only. Now, if you want to apply for the parking permit
program, we'll be more than happy to give you the information that will
allow you to proceed on along that request. But let's get one issue
resolved at a time, let's start out with the signing and then we'll set you up
with what you have to do for parking p`ermits.
Edward Keswick - Are those the only alternatives we have, either remove
the 2 hour parking or have the permit parking program for each resident?
Bernie Dennis - Neither the CVC nor our Ordinance allows us to grant
permits for a limited parking sign. In other words, if the sign says '2 Hr.
Parking' we can't say this only applies to non-residents. So the options are
to keep the 2 Hr, in effect on school days only within the time limits,
remove it entirely, or remove it entirely and go for the parking permit
program. So you're hedging your bet by keeping your 2 hour parking up to
date with the school day only signing, that way you have that to fall back
on if for, whatever reason the parking permit program were denied, which it
may well be, we don't know. This would cover you both ways.
Chairman Yarrc,�er - Closed the public hearing and returns the item to the -
Commissions for their further discussion, and or a motion.
����IVIMENDATION: That the CTC, by Motion, ��Nl( the request, and
update the current signage to read:
2 Hour Limited Parking
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
School Days Only
MOTION: B. Leming
SECOND: J. Fortier
AYES: Unanimous
C. Request for the installation of a traffic signa/ at the intersection of Canyon
View Ave. and Handy Creek Road.
Kathy Kessler, Principal Cheryl Vaughan
Chapman Hills School 7928 E. Timberland Ave.
170 N. Handy Creek Rd. Orange, CA 92669
Orange, CA 92669
Dave Allenbach - This request comes from the local elementary school as
well as an area resident. Staff has conducted a brief study and based on
accident history and traffic volume, this intersection would probably not
warrant the installation of a traffic signal. However, we are dealing with a
horizontal and vertical curve on Canyon View Ave. as well as plant material
and a rather large SCE power vault which is in the public right-of-way,
westerly of the subject intersection, which is causing a sight distance
problem. There is, in our opinion, based on this circumstance we are
recommending a traffic signal be approved for installation at this
intersection. The funding for this signal would be through the Assessment
District in the area.
Chairman Yaraer, after finding there would be no speakers in the audience
for this request returned the item to the Commissioners for their discussion.
Commissioner Leminq - Are the funds available now for this installation, or
would that require an increase in the assessment?
Bernie Dennis - The funds are available, principally through interest. Again
one of the benefit of an Assessment District is that the people benefiting
from the device are, in effect, paying for it. This is principally to serve the
residential area on the south side of Canyon View and they are involved in
the assessment district and we have a number of options but a signal is
probably the best option available us in the sense of the effect we want to
achieve in compatibility to the neighborhood. I don't think we want to get
in here and start modifying the riding and hiking trail and the landscaping
that goes along with it.
RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by Motion, APPROVE the request,
with funds available through the Assessment District within the area.
MOTION: D. Yarger
SECOND: J. Fortier
AYES: Unanimous
D. Request for the installation of a cargo loading zone, pedestrian f/ashers and
a crossing guard on Fletcher Ave. at American Way.
Madelon Alpert, Principal
Fletcher Elementary School
515 W. Fletcher Ave. �
Orange, CA 92665
Dave Allenbach - Pursuant to the request staff performed a pedestrian count
at this location during the morning school arrival, and the afternoon school
departure times. During the a.m. we counted 39 students crossing Fletcher
at American Way. During the afternoon we counted 15 students crossing in
the opposite way. However, I would like to point out that at all times each
of these children were accompanied across Fletcher Ave. by an adult.
There is absolutely no reason for a child to be walking on the south side of
Fletcher Ave. as there is no sidewalk in place and no level landing area at
the intersection for someone to stand while waiting for traffic to clear.
What is happening is the parents of the area drive to school and parking on
the south side of the street and then walking their children across Fletcher
to the school in the crosswalk. The north side of the crosswalk ends in a
drive approach for the school parking lot. There have been no auto vs. ped
accidents or fatalities in the crosswalk in the last 3 year period. It is our
recommendation that not only should the request for the flashers and
crossing guard be denied, but we also recommend that the crosswalk be
The other part of this request was to extend the existing 'cargo' loading
zone from in front of the school westerly to 161 ft. to the parking lot which
is at the west end of the school's property. We do not have a problem with
this, however, the proper markings should actually be 'white curb' for
passenger loading and unloading. We would recommend that this portion of
the request be approved.
Chairman Yaraer - Having determined that there are no speakers from the
audience to this issue asks the Commissioners if they wish further
discussion or would like to make a motion.
RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by Motion, DENY the request for
pedestrian flashers and a crossing guard. He It is further recommended to
remove the crosswalk and painting all curbing white from the driveway back
161 ft. with the passenger loading zone, and that all existing yellow curb
markings be re-painted white.
MOTION: D. Yarger
SECOND: B. Leming
AYES: Unanimous
Bernie Dennis - Would the CTC entertain a motion directing staff to
communicate with the School District advising them that these sort of
requests should be processed through the School District member of the
CTC, Mr. Fortier? They seem to be derelict in this regard.
RECOMMENDATION: That staff contact the School District having them
process all CTC request through their CTC representative, Joe Fortier.
MOTION: J. Fortier
SECOND: N. Hower
AYES: Unanimous
Nothing to report.
Next regular CTC meeting is scheduled for February 10, 1993.
Nothing reported from any member of the public, or any Traffic
Discussion of all today's Agenda items before the City Traffic Commission
being complete, and there being no further requests for action under Oral
Presentations, it was moved to adjourn this session of the CTC to it's next
regular meeting.
M4TION: D. Yarger
SECOND: N. Hower
AYES: Unanimous
Respectfully submitted,
'A i �
Phyllis Then
Recording Secretary
City Traffic Commission
Traffic Engineering Division