11-09-1994 - Minutes TC CITY OF ORANGE ° r �� b � Y � � , CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION f,:� rat , :,,,.. AMEN DED Minutes of a Regular Meeting: November 9, 1994 ������������������������������������������ ROLL CALL: Present-Commissioners: D. Yarger,). Gibson, F. Sciarra Absent -Commissioners: J. Fortier, B. Leming Present-Staff: B. Dennis, C. Glass, D. Allenbach, Sgt. S. Gable, Officer). Gray, P. Then Absent -Staff: Capt. L. Walsh c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c:�c�c�c�c�c�c�cnc�c�c�c�c�c�c�cnc�c�cnc�cnc�c�c�c�c�c�c�s I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ■ Meeting of July 13, 1994 ■ Meeting of August 17, 1994 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE as published by the Recording Secretary. MOTION F. Sciarra SECOND ). Gibson AYES Unanimous II. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Request for the installation of a 'CARGo' loading zone on the east side of Citrus St. south of Chapman Ave., adjacent to 940 W. Chapman Ave. Gordon Higgins Higgins Furniture Co. 1481 N. Main St. Orange, CA 92667 RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by motion, APPROVE the request. MOTION D. Yarger SECON D F. Sciarra AYES Unanimous -t- Minutes of a Regular Meeting - November 9, 1994 - City Traffic Commission (C011t'd.) c�3c�c�3c�3c�3c�c�c�3c�c�3c�c�3c�c�3cagc�3c�c�3c�3c�3c�3c�c�3c�3c�3c�3cagc�c�3c�3c�3c�3c�3c�3c�3c�c�3c�3c�3c�3c�3c�3 1I I. CONSI DERATION CALEN DAR A. Request to reconsider the installation of the 'A!I-Way' STOP at the intersection of Calle Grande and Calle Baja. City Council Request City of Orange Oral presentation is based on the written staff request, please refer to your copy. Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion of this request: Those speaking in favor of the request were: � Taylor Reid -321 Calle Baja, Alec Ortlieb-243 Calle Baja H. C, Newsom-220 Calle Grande The residents cited their concerns were with the volume of traffic, speed of motorists and lack of sight distance of on-coming traffic. Those speaking in opposition to the request were: William Earnest- 138 Calle Alta Rollin Mahoney- 307 Calle Grande Their comments indicated that a STOP sign at this location would benefit only the seven (7) homeowner's along Calle Baja, while forcing the majoriry of the traffic using Calle Grande to STOP at a location on an "S" curve with a 13% downhill grade, which would dramatically increase the potential for rear-end collisions, and it would be difficult to see a STOP sign at this location. Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commission for further discussion and/or a motion. After some discussion regarding visibility of on-coming traffic at the intersection, the CTC recommended that the request be continued to it's next regular meeting. The CTC further directed staff to fook into ways to provide better visibility at the intersection. RECOMMENDATION: CONTINUE to the January 18, 1995 meeting. MOTION: ). Gibson SECON D: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous -�- Minutes of a Regular Meeting - November 9, 1994 - City Traffic Commission (COt1t�d.) c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�sc�sc�sc�c�c�sc�c�c�c�c�sc�sc�c�c�sc�c�c�c�ca�c�sc�c�c�c�sc�c�c�c�c�sc�c�c�c�c� B. Request for the installation of a '4-Way' STOP at the intersection of Cambridge St. and Maple Ave. Linda L. Nash 242 N. Cambridge St. Orange, CA 92666 Oral presentation is based on the written sta.ff report, please refer to your copy. Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion on this request: Those speaking in favor of the request were: Linda Nash -242 N. Cambridge St. SheiLa Low�erre -251 N. Cambridge St. � Mike Weyhrish -241 N. Cambridge St. M.�. Cretney -231 N. Cambridge St. The residents cited their concerns with the speed of motorists, difficulty accessing their driveway's, and numerous accidents at this location as well as it being unsafe for children and pets in the area. Those speaking in opposition of the request were: Kevin Allen -202 N. Cambridge St. Roy Gibson -213 N. Cambridge St. Bob McAulay -910 E. Maple Ave. The residents concern centered around the loss of on-street parking adjacent to their homes, increase of noise and air pollution associated with a '4-Way' STOP, and felt there was�more than enough STOP signs in the area already. Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commission for further discussion and/or a motion. _ RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by motion, DENY the request. MOTION: F. Sciarra SECON D: ). Gibson AYES: U nanimous C. Request for the installation of a '3-Way' STOP at the intersection of White Oak Ridge and Trails End. �ames L. Onak 221 N. Sweetwater Ln. Orange, CA 92669 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion of this item. RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by motion, DENY the request. MOTI�N: D. Yarger SECON D: �. Gibson AYES: U nan i mous -�- � Minutes of a Regu{ar Meeting - November 9, 1994 - City Traffic Commission (COt1t�d.) . c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�s c�c�c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�c�3 c�3 c�ca3 c�3 c�3 IV. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS None presented at this meeting. V. ORAL PRESENTATIONS Pau I DeCro ix 221 N. Main St. Orange, CA 92668 Express his concern with the recent fatal auto versus pedestrian accident at the intersection of Maple Ave. and Main St. Thinks this accident could have been avoided if the City had taken proper steps as they have known about the conditions at this intersection for a long ti me. VI. ADjOURNMENT Discussion of today's Agenda items for the CTC being complete, and there being no further requests for action under Oral Presentations, the Chairman adjourned this session of the City Traffic Commission at 4:55 p.m., to it's next regularly schedu{ed meeting. o Respectfully submitted, Phyllis Then Record i ng Secretary - City Traffic Commission TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS CITY OF ORANGE 300 E. CHAPMAN AVE. PHONE: (714) 744-5536 File Name: Nov-Min (Disk#8/B-Then) * Minutes were Amnend�d, see pg. 1, Section I: The Minutes of the October 12, 1994 Meeting were not Approved as shown: Changes were made on March 8, 1995. , By: ` �'�. F�/l.._ Phylli hen, Recording Secretary -a- .