10-12-1994 - Minutes TC � i . � 1 ��� '� '1�..�.-'_�INC`r�'7:�F,'flfli T CITY OF ORANGE CITY TRAFFIC COMIVIISSION Nlinutes of a Regular Meeting: October 12, 1994 Frt�-t�t�t��t�t�-�-t�-P�rt�-t�t�F�rt�l�t�wg�Giwq�'iwg�i�i��wg��i�iwgwq�i�i.�i ROLL CALL: Present - Commissioners: 7. Fortier, J. Gibson,F. Sciarra, B. Leming Absent - Commissioner: D. Yarger Present - Staff: B. Dennis, C. Glass, D. Allenbach, Capt. Walsh, Sgt. Gable, S. Trejo �-t�-?�-��-t�-F�-�t�-t�-t�-P�t�l�•t�-t�-F�-�-�iw�i�Gi�i�G'iwgwi�'iw`+�iwgwgwgwg�iwg�� L APPROVAL OF MINUTES CTC Minutes -July 13, 1994 and August 17, 1994. Minutes for the months of July and August were not available. CTC Minutes - September 14, 1994. RECOMI��NDATION: To APPROVE the CTC Mmutes of September 14, 1994, as published by the Recording Secretary. MOTION: B. Leming SECOND: J. Gibson AYES: Unanimous II. CONSENT CALENDAR There are no items scheduled on the Consent Calendar for this meeting. - 1 - IIL CONSIDERATION TTEMS � A. Request for the installation of a 'STOP' control device at the intersection of Dunton Ave. and Hartman St. Mr. Randy Caputo 23 8 E. Dunton Ave. Orange, CA 926b5 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Discussion on this item is as follows: Randy Caputo, 238 E. Dunton Ave. - His concern centers around motorist speed and that as they enter Dunton Ave. from Glassell St., since there are no �TOP's, they make the turn without taking time to see i�there are any other cars at the intersection. After some discussion between the speaker, staff and Commissioner's,Mr. Caputo does not agree wi�h staffs recommendation to install a '1-Way' STOP on Hartman St. at Dunton Ave. H'is feelings are that motorists on Dunton Ave. should be stopping. Yf the intersection fails to meet warrants for a STOP sign perhaps installing speed humps would reduce vehicle speed when coming to the intersection before entering or leaving the tract. Chcrirman Fortier closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commission,for a further discussion and motion. Commissioner Cribson -Expressed concern that eastbound motorists might not see the STOP sign that close to Glassell St. and it might increase the potential for rear-end accidents. Commissioner Lemins� - Indicated he did not feel the intersection indicated the need for a STOP sign from any direction. Perhaps installing some 'Children At Play' signs might accomplish the slowing of vehicles entering the intersection, but since the majority of these motorists aze area residents they should be aware of their neighborhood conditions. He further suggested that Mr. Caputo could make a request that his street be considered for the installation of speed humps,when the City Council has adopted the policy. Comr�rissioner Leming left the CTC meeting at 4:32 p.m.for a prior engage»rent. REC�IVIl��NDATION: That the CTC, by motion, DENY the request for the installation of a 'STOP' control device at the intersection of Dunton Ave. and Hartman St. MOTION: J. Fartier SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous -2 - , _ B. Request to remove the west side of the 400 block of N. Orange St. and the 100 block of E. Sycamore Ave. from the Neighborhood Parking Pernut Program- Area'A'. Mr.Niilt Galbraith Chief Campus Security Chapman University 333 N. Glassell St.� Orange, CA 92666 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Discussion on this item is as follows: M'ilt Galbraith,, Chief Campus Securit� - Curb-side parking is allowed on�streets that have immediate frontage to the campus. As the University owns and operates all of the properties on the 400 block of N. Orange St. this additional parking would be consistent with the geography of the campus perimeter. The Wellness Center at 100 E. Syca�nore Ave. has no on-street parking available for emergency vehicles, either through use of signage or red curb. Need for physician parking adjacent to the Wellness Center three afternoons a week to counsel and consult with students not requiring emergency services. Two area residents spoke in opposition to the request, as follows: � Carl Harnack, 490 N. Oran�e St. -Chapman University doesn't own my home, or my neighbors either. Since germit parking was implemented our neighborhood has been much more pleasant for its residents. It's easier to get in and out of our dnveways; there is less trash to pick up, there is convenient parking available for visitors, and I have felt more secure than before as there are less people loitering around cars at night. Carol Walters 534 N. Shaf�er St. - President of the Concerned Citizen's at Chapman Neighborhood. Chapman University is very good about bringing tra�c and problems into our Community before they solve the problem. He talked about 27 or so parking spaces on �range St. while they took about 10 to 15, maybe more, parking spaces off of their own parking lot on the west side of Center St. They put the bleachers there instead of putting the bleachers where it would not take their own parking. Why should our neighbors have to give up their parking space? I ask that you deriy this. Thank you. � Chairman Fortier closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commission for a further discussion and motion. - 3 - � Commissioner Sciarra-Mr. Chairman, my concern here is that the Parking Permit Program was initiated by the majority of the residents in the area. I think that in order to eliminate this particular block from the parking program that the University should have to go back and get a petition, and see if the residents of that block agree with such a request. Chairman Fortier-I think that would be an excellent suggestion. Also, I feel that there are 27 parking spaces and I understand why you want those spaces. However, I'm looking at each individual citizen that has a house and those 27 spaces to them might be worth a whole lot more than to Chapman University, especially if I'm living there and I can't have people come visit me or get out and park my car there for whatever reason. I think that is a hardship and the people in that area at one time voted overwhelmingly to have it. So, the only way I could vote for the removal of the permit parking would be through a petition circulated through the residents who say, "I don't want it anymore". Chuck Glass - The pernut parking program was implemented through a petition process, and accordingly removing the pernut parking from this block should also be done through the petition process. Should the University wish to pursue the petition process, we would cenairily be available to prepare the petition for them to circulate. However, not all of the homes on this block are owned by Chapman University and those residents have a right to park on the street adjacent � to their homes. Additionally, although the University does own some single-family residences on the block, some of which are off-campus offices, and some that are � utilized for student housing. The students living in those houses are also entitled to obtain parking permits for themselves, and their guests. RECOMMENDATION: To DENY the request to remove the west side of the 400 block of N. Orange St. and the 100 block of E. Sycamore Ave. from the Neighborhood Parking Permit Program-Area A. MOTION: 7. Gibson SECOND: 7. Fortier AYES: Unanimous C. Request for the installation of a '3-Way' STOP and a school crosswalk at the intersection of Palmyra Ave. and Lincoln St. Sue 41son,Principal Jeruufer Marsh Palmyra Elementary School 1509 E. Culver Ave. 1325 E. Palmyra Ave. Qrange, CA 92666 Orange, CA 9266b -4- Qral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Discussion on this item is as follows: Chairman Fortier - Advised the Commission that during a visit to the site, was of limited�sight distance across Lincoln St. toward Palmyra Ave. and Tustin St. He inquired what could be done to enhance pedestrian safety while using the crosswalk. Dave Allenbach - Pointed out to the Commission that during field investigation this sight distance problem was observed and remedial action, if the Conunission approved, could include the following: : 1. The resident at the northeast corner could trim the shrubbery in their front yard set-back area. 2. Repaint the crosswalk and red curb to provide channelization for pedestrian crossings. Commissioner Sciarra - Inquired that if these suggestions were implemented if that would alleviate the problem? Dave Allenbach - Indicated that considering the conditions existing at this off-set intersection the differences in street widths of the east and west legs of Palm3rra Ave.; the telephone pole at the corner and a large parkway tree 60 ft. east of the in�ersection and the extensive amount of shrubbery at the northeast corner, the appearance is one of less sight distance than what is, in fact, in existence. The actions suggested, if implemented, would enhance vision of the intersection for motorists. Chairman Fortier opened the public hearing. There were two speakers in favor of ihe request, their concerns were noted as shown below: Sue �Ison,Principal-Palmvra Elementar,y School Jennifer Marsh- 1509 E. Culver Ave. Concerns are centered around motorists speeding along Palmyra Ave; impaired sight distance at the intersection forces motorists to pull-out across the crosswalk in order to see on-coming tra�c; and that there have been 2 accidents in the last week due to impaired visibility, Chairman Fortier closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commission for,�'urther discussion and a motion. - 5 - � RECOI��IlVIENDATI�N: To accept the staffs recommendation to: A) DENY the request for the installation of a '3-Way' STOP control device at the intersection of Palmyra Ave. and Lincoln St. B) 1MPROVE the vision zone on� Palmyra Ave. by notify'�ng the property owner on the northeast corner to trim their shrubbery, and by trunming the City owned tree located in the parkway. C) APPROVE repainting of the crosswalk, red curbing, and any striping that may be required in the subject area. MOTION; J. Fortier SECOND: J. Gibson AYES: Unanimous D. Request to remove on-street parking from the east side of Santa Ana Canyon Rd. (also known as Santiago Blvd.) from Lincoln Ave./Nohl Ranch Rd. to the north city limits. City of Orange Traf�ic Engineering Division Oral presentation is based on the written report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion on this item. � RECOMI��NDATION: To APPROVE the request to remove on-street parking from the east side of Santa Ana Canyon Rd. (also known as Santiago Blvd.) from Lincoln Ave./Nohl Ranch Rd. to the north city limits. MOTION: J. Fortier SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous E, Request for the installation of a '3-Way' STOP control device at the intersection of Loma St. and Serrano Ave. City of Orange Tra.�ic Engineering Division Oral presentation is based on the written report, p�lease refer to your copy. There was no discussion on this item. - 6- RECONiA�NDATION: To APPROVE the request for a '3-Way' STOP control device at the intersection of Loma St. and Serrano Ave. MOTION: F. Sciarra SECOND: J. Fortier AYES: Unanimous F. Request for 'NO STOPPING ANY TIlNE' restrictions on the north side of Heim Ave. between Torres St. and Dunbar St., adjacent to St. Paul's Lutheran School. Mr. Bill Nasse 2598 N. Dunbar St. , Orange, CA 92665 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Discussion on this item is as follows: Mollie Haines 2583 N. Dunbar St. -Her concern is for the safety of the children. Ms. Haines indicated that she has seen some cars veer off of Heim Ave. leaving on-coming traf�c with two choices: A head-on collision with the children present or traffic going into the ditch. She further indicated that there is plenty of space in the parking lot where parents could pick up their children, but they're not. The parents are parking in a clearly 'NO PARKING' area that should be NO STOPPING AT ANY TIlV�'. Dave Allenbach - �nce the parents have dropped their children off in front of the school most of these people do actually pull in to the school parking lot to � make a U-turn. It is our opinion that if they could do this after they have picked up their children or dropped them off, they could probably do it before hand. Ronald Martin, 1985 N,_Shattuck St. -Indicated that the County did allow parking on the street approximately 3-years ago, and that they would put TTO PARI�Il�TG', so people could still load and unload. Mr. Martin, indicated that the parking lot holds approximately 44 vehicles and as long as they can open up the athletic field they were okay, however, the athletic field would not be available when it rains. Per Mr. Martin, feels that the City of Orange is trying to apply a double standard for this area indicating that the City allows people to park all night on other streets that are as narrow or narrower. He further indicated that he would like to see the City work with them on this problem and wanted to know what the feasibility is in getting the County to widen or restripe area? - 7 - " Chairman Fortier - Indicated that Mr. Martin, had alluded to parking of 3 or 4 years ago and wanted to know if the student population had, in fact, increased since then? He further indicated that the parking was not the problem but the dropping off of students by their parents. You have a number of parents who are dropping off the children in the street and then going in to your parking lot. So, it is not a situation of you don't have enough parking. Bernie Dennis - We have no problem in svggesting to �the County that the improvements be implemented on the south side of the street easterly of Orange Olive Rd. However, the County may elect to convert from T14 PARKING'to TTO STOPPING'. Commissioner Sciarra - Is there any reason why the parents aren't utilizing the parking lot to drop off the children? Deborah Mercier - Because we are at capacity at peak times. We are even using our playground area at the two peak times which are 8:00 - 8:15 a.m. and 3:00 - 3:15 p.m. and when it rains it is awful, there is a back up all the way out to Qrange Olive Rd., and it is a tremendous bottleneck. Chairman Fortier closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commission for further discussion and a motion. RECONIl��NDATION: That the CTC, by motion, RECOMMEND to the County of Orange that a 'NO STOPPING ANY TIlV1E' sign be installed, unless, they make the full improvements to Heim St. and APPROVE additional signage notifying the public of local schools in the area. MOTION: B, Leming SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous IV. ADMINISTRA'T�IVE REPORTS None. V. ORAL PRESENTATIONS Carl Harnack, 490 N. Orang�e St• - Requested red curb markings at both the 100 & 200 blocks east of Walnut Ave. at the corner of Orange St. Chairman Fortier - Informed Mr. Harnack, that the request must be submitted in written fonn for CTC processing and consideration. - 8 - r Carl Harnack -Requested that the Police Department provide enforcement at the ; STOP sign on 400 block of N. Orange St. Mr. Harnack, indicated that in a period of about 1-hour, he witnessed over 18 vehicles making illegal stops. . Captain Walsh - Indicated that the Police Department would observe the STOP on the i 400 block of N. Orange St. to see if there were any vehicles illegally running the stop. ' VI. ADJOURNMENT � Discussion of all today's Agenda items before the City Traffic Commission being complete, and there being no further requests for action under Oral Presentations, the Chairman hereby adjourns this session of the City Traffc Commission to it's next regular meeting. Today's City Traffic Committee meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m. , A. Next regular City Tra�c Commission meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 9, 1994. ; ; ; , � _ , i � � � - 9 - � ,