06-15-1994 - Minutes TC , ::.
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� CITY OF ORANGE ��`�`��r��:�r��`='�'
Minutes of a Regular Meeting: June 15. 1994
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ROLL CALL: Present- Commissioners: D. Yarger,F. Sciarra,B.Leming,
7. Gibson
Absent- Commissioners: 7. Fortier
Present- Staff: B. Dennis, C. Glass,D. Allenbach,
J. Gray, S. Trejo
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Chairman Yarger - You have the Minutes in front of you from the May l lth, meeting.
Do we have any additions or deletions from the minutes of last month?
Commissioner Gibson - Yes, on the top of page 30 between paragraph one and the
recommendation, part of the last sentence of the recommendation is based on the question
I asked in which a response was made by Mr. Dennis and Lt. Tunstall. These are not
reflected in the minutes. I would like the minutes to reflect this question and response.
Commissioner Gibson-Within the intent of the 'No Parking'
restriction time included would the restriction 'No Stopping'
during those times facilitatetheintent forthosewhothinkthat
they aren't parking when they jump out for a cup of coffee?
Bernie Dennis - The vehicle code of the State of California
separates out a'No Parking' zone and a `No Stopping' zone.
Basically, you can stop in a `No Parking' zone to perform
certain kinds of business or activities. You cannot park or
stop in a`No Stopping'zone. So, I think that this is an issue
that if the Commission approves our request relative to
reinstating the bike trails, that we probably would address
with the Police Department to see which they preferred.
Commissioner Gibson-Thank you.
Chairman Yar�er-Any other questions?
NOTE: There was no response on the tape from Lt. Tunstall.
RECONIlv�NDATION: That the May Minutes be APPROVED as corrected by
Commissioner Gibson.
MOTION: B. Leming �
SECOND: F. Sciarra
AYES: Unanimous
There are no Consent Items scheduled for this meeting.
A. Request far the installation of a '3-Way STOP' control device at the intersection of
Meredith St. and Regency Ave.
Kimberly Onishi, Cornmunity Manager � �
Keystane Pacific Property Management
4IOQ Newport Place, Suite 350
Newport Beach, C�4 92b60
Oral presentation is based an the wriffen staff report, please refer to your copy.
Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion of this request.
Kimberl,Y Onishi-I represent the Homeowner's Association. On behalf of the Association,
we are requesting the installatiQn of the 3 V�'aX STOP for safety reasans. I have been
contacted on �several occasions that there have been some near miss accidents on the
street. Most of wl�ich I believe are �hen the cars tend to spe�d right thraugh� that
intersection. It is not a no�rmal intersection in that it kind of curves around, so there ar�
some blind spots. We have modifie� the landscaping in hopes to come ta a reasonable
. conclusion but we would still like to request a 3-Way STOP.
Katie Costanzo, 2727 N. Lon,�hurst St. - � am Baard h�Iernber of the Betmont Estates
Homeowner's C'ommunity A.ssociation. I'have lived in the tract for almost 2 1/2 years and
in the last couple af manths the corner has got better because of the change in landscape.
But, the people especiall�workers going through the area in large trucks want to get the
.� morMentum up, going up the lvll, and I have been almost hit multiple t�mes, Neighbors and
friends have b�en just about hit mu�tiple times.
T agree with aIl your calculatians, I happen to be an Engineer, and I realize that the
. stopping distance should be within the realm of the amaunt room ther� but when you get
one person goi�g above the 28 - 29 MPI� a11 it takes is speeding... trying to get their
momentum up with every truck and your gaing to have a majar accident. And with the
number of people living in the area that da have kids and drive througli there with their
kids, it won't be a prett� sight, I hope that you change the recommendation and ga for a
3-V�ay STOP. Thank you.
Commissioner�emin� -The last time we loaked at this we had a Homeowner who would
be mostly impacted by this recommendation if we were to approve it. He lives directly
across where the STOP sign and red curb would go. Have you had any conversation with
the Homeowner?
-2- .
. Katie Gostanzo -No. I ha�e talked to another neighbor who's daughter carpools with me
and my understanding from them is this other neighbor, the one that does not want the
3-Way STOP, does like to have lots of guests over and his problem with the red striping
is that he will lose more parking area. And, the other side of the street already has
'No Parking' on it. �
CanI add one more comment? The area is not posted with a25 MPH zone. It might be that
that's what it's supposed to be, it's a residential, but it is not posted.
Chairman Yarger-Is it posted now? 1 .
Dave Allenbach - This is a residential street. It %s a prima facie 25 MPH. We typically
do r�ot post residential streets.
Scot� I,id�a�d - 430� ]E. Rege�cv Ave. - The �sibility has greatly increased since the
removal of the vegetation. My wife and I have both made the�rounds to check iti out over
. the last month, I just�vant to reiterate the whole reason for th� initial request and that is
the near rnisses that have been reported and the primary cause of that is because people
are running the STOP sign and speeding up and down Regency Ave:. I would request that
we start enforcing the existing STOF sign. I've got a couple of calls to Ed Tunstall to
� request that enforcement be made. Let's see how that warks before we do a perrnanent.
� STQP sign situatian. �'hat's all I reatly have to say without reiterating w�at I have said the
last three months_ Thank you.
Ghairman Yarger closed the public hearing and refurrted the item ta the Corrimission for
� a firral discussion and/or mofion.
Chairrnan Yar�,er - Of�icer Gray is there any chance of maybe, I know that we don't have
that rnany motors,but putting somebody out there at those particular times and see what it
looks like?
O�cer Grav-No problem.
Commissioner Lemin� , This motion has been to us a n�mber of times, I had quite a few
reservations about putting the STC�P sign there inasmuch if we can get th� visivn zone.
The STOP sign is used for speed control or whatever issues you want to talk about...
it's probably not the best way to do it. We need more enforcement out there and hopefully
if Orange P.D. could be a little more visible aut in th�new area, especially when there is a
lot af construction going on. But, I will go ahead and make the motion to deny the
request and let's�see if we can get some more enforcement out there and if that has an
' impact.
Chairman Yar�er-Would you like to add in that the�issociation keep the ground cover in
the same condition as they have it now as to�keep the visibility the way it is?
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� Commissioner Lemin�-Yes,Mr. Chairman, thank you.
RECOlVIlVIENDATION: (1) DENY the request for the installation of a
'3-Way STOP' control device at the intersection of Meredith St. and Regency Ave.
(2) APPROVE that a letter be written ta the Hameo�vner's Assaciation, Keystone Pacific
Property Management, informing them that the motion had been denied and that they
. should maintain the existing landscaping at it`s: present condition, to not add any plant
material in�the area or allow any plant material to grow to such a way that it would inhibit
the sight distance. �
MOTION: B.Leming :
SECOND: F. 5ciarra �
AYES: Unanimous
B. Request for red curb markings at various locations on both sides of Cambridge St.
. between Chapman Ave. and Almond Ave.
City of Orange
. Traf�ic Engineering Division
3 00 E. Ghapman Av�.
O�ange, C� 92666
Oral presentation is based on the written report, please refer to your copy.
Chairman Yarger apened the public hearing,for the following discussion of this report.
Gene Somers 1539 E.. Candlewood Ave. -�was concerned about the cutout on the north
side of the restaurant to the drivewa�of the lawyers office.
Chairman Yarger-Yes,that is definitely going to be red curb. �
Gene Somers-Thanl�you.
Chairman Yarger closed the public�earing and returned the item ta the Commission for
a final discussion and/or motion.
REC411�MENDATION: . To 1�PPR�V� the red curb markings at various locations
on both sides of Cambridge St. between Chapman Ave. and Almond Ave, as shown an the
� schematic, �
-MOTION: B. Leming
SECOND: 7. Gibson .
AYES: Unanimous
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C. Request for a warning flasher on Canyon View Ave. easterly of Knights Bridge St. �
Supervisor Gaddi Vasquez
County of Orange Board of Supervisors .
101 Civic Center Plaza �
Santa Ana, CA 9270I-4001
Oral presentation is based on the wriften report, please refer to your copy.
Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion of this report.
There was no one in the audience who wished to speak on this item.
Chairman Yarger elosed the public hearing ancl returned the ifem to the Commission for
a final discussion ancUar mofion.
Commissioner Lemin� - I have questions af staff, first of all in the recommendation of
budget impact T assurne that is$3,OQ0 and $3,500 not$3 and$3,500. �
. Dave Allenbach - That is�correct, it is a typo. We estirnate the cost of installation to be
between $3,000 and $3,500. �
Commiss%oner Lemin� - The other question would be, since we only have one reported.
accident out there, is there any v�ay of knowing whether a flasher.would have had any
impac�on tha�?
. Dave Allenbach - In this pa.rticular case it's hard to tell... The driver ran a red light
and ther�,is no guaranxee of course that they will heed the warning flasher. They didn't�
� appar�ntly heed t�e warning sign that is there. But, this is a me�.ns for the City.to provide
a Iittle more positive enforcement or if you will, advanced warning that the motorist is
coming up on a signatized intersection.
Commissioner G'ibson - The agenda implies under budget impac� that funds are available,
however, funds have not been available at this time for other flasher requests which the
Cauneil has apgraved. Can you clarify the expense of the other flashers?
Dave Allenbach - Yes, Commissioner Gibson, that is another typo in the report. Like the �
other flashers that had been approved recently.,, if this one is approved it will go on a
priori�y list and as funds become available in the next fiscal year then we will instal�.
Bernie Dennis - The fund source of#250 in the report is an.error. We no longer use
general funds far that installation of any kind. Basically, what would happen is if this
� shoutd be approved by this Commission and subsequently approved by the City Council,
the City Council would be advised of the funding opportunities and that would be limited
probably to the#Z85 fund which is Transportation Impact Fees for East Orange.
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Commissioner Lemin� - Again, we have had this issue before us a few months ago and I
still have a problem with it for a number of reasons. First, I'm not so sure that flasher
would have any impact fln the people coming down that hill because like anything else
after it's been there for awhile,you don't even notice it. -
My impression would be that I saw the flasher, and now I`m thinking of the light at
Chapmari Ave. and� Canyon View, not the entrance ta that tract and I think that's a
� problem. If somebody is�unning that red light, I don't think that they expect a light there.
Second, we do have a light that you can see coming dawn that hill on Canyon View and
it's one of those off-setting 1'ights that is high on the pole sirriilar to the one on Meats Ave.
now. Thirty-five hundred dollars doesn't�seem like a lot of money but in these times you
just wonder... How would you prioritize that? Whieh flash are yau going to put in first?
Didn't we have a request for the one on Collins Ave,?
Bernie Dennis - There is a list of three projects right naw that are, so to speak, wanting
for funding. We have the flasher at the California St.lCollins Ave. crossv�alk which
I personally feel is of great importance. W� have the warning flasher at
Collins Ave./Prospect St. easterly of Roberto St. wluch has its own identified problem,
we discussed at the Traf�ic Commission meeting, and if this is approved it would be#3.
Again, probably the only fund source available, the anly nan-�ommitted fund source
available for these installations wi11 be through the TSTP. The TSIP program provides a
certain amount of mone�r oM an annual basis for "operationat type improvements" but as
� far as part of a general fund money, I don't see that happervE�g. On a slim passibility that
M or Measure I11 money could be available or surplus money from projects that
the funding c4uld be totally expended. But, to say we have a pot af money sitting in the
back room with flasher written across it is not the case.
Commissioner Sciana - Mr. Chairrnan, I have two things �that kind of bother me on this,
First, I have tra�eled that road before and � have had no prablem naticing that Iight there
myself. Second, loaking at the record of 1 accident in 3 yeazs, my estimation is that it just
doesn't warrant a flashing light at that location. I find it very di�cult to lend my approval
ta such a praposal.
� Chairman Yar�- I personally agree with you two gentlem�n. � travel that area alsa and
because somebady hits a car pulling out where the traffic Iigh� is... it has got to be an
almast freak accident. I�'s absolute speed�ng and I don't thir�k that anything would have
slowed the gentleman down.
RECONIlV�NDATION: To DENY the request far a warning flasher on Canyon View
easterly of Knights Bridge St.
� MOTION: B. Leming
SECOND: F. Sciarra �
AYES: Unanimous
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Bernie Dennis - Although, the Commission does not agendize items, does not take any
form of actian, I should advise you that at the next meeting two issues will be addressed:
1. The request from the residents of the City of Orange to prohibit certain turn moves
into the central entry to the Ra1ph's Shopping Center on Santiago Canyon Blvd.
You addressed this item and took a stance ori it la5t manth, however, the
. City Cauncil has recommended that it be returned ta you along with the results �
� . of twQ ancillary studies that Vil�a Park had asked us to conduct. This will indeed
� be agendi2ed for the July meeting.
2. Issue#2.will be a revistt to the Center St./Falm Ave., 4-Way STOP issue. Both of �
these items will involved newer supplemental information.
Carol Walters,.534 N. Shaf�er St. -�p at Chapman General Hospitat they are doing a lot
of work in their parking lot, really messin�ug that area to get into the hospital. So, you
can't turn left, to get into the driveway, ta get to th�e Health Insurance in the back. You
have to go an upa you can't make a U�turn, so you have �ta go down �nd turn in on
sameone's driveway.
� � To the Policeman that's here nov�, "Can't-tihey take that U-turn and cover it up until the
problem is tal�en care of at Chapman Hospital?t' Because that is nerve racking to have to
pult into sameone`s drivewa.y �.nd pu11 bac� out because af '1`3�o U turn" and it's
Chapman General Hospital that is making the mess.
Chairman Yar�er - Am I understanding you correctly, what your saying is that if you are
going easter.ly on Chaprnan Ave. and when you cQme to the traffic Iight at Yorba St.
which has a Ieft hand turn movement,�ou cannot turn into that driveway?
Carol_Walters-No,you go pass th�re beeause you can't turn in there now, and go over ta
ehapman Haspital. Their parkzng lot �s all blocked off, so when yau came out and go
passed the Yorba light there is a littte road that goes over to the side you mayb�pull in but
you can't because they have little things up in the middl� of the street. So, you go to the
next street and it has 'No TJ-turn' but yet everyQne has to go in, turn in someone's
. drivewa�y and turn back out and then go down. It Iooks.like it`s a lot of extra stuf�and
maybe they cover the U turn until that problem at Chapman Hospital has taken care of it.
Because that is running into people`s driveway and I know they don'� like it either, they
have been camplaining.
-7- .
Bernie Dennis - Ms. Walters, actually the entry to the hospital is not closed out.
� What you see, and they ha�en't done a real good job of it, is the work that they are doing
in the front part of the parking lot. If you make your normal left turn into the major
driveway, as you normally would do, and go pass the emergency entrance you will find an
access from the new driveway straight through the signal.
Carol Walters-You have to go behind th�hospital.
Bernie Dennis - You go behind. As far as removing the left-turn, that's the catch 22.�
� Some folks out there have requested that we post policemen out there on a 24-Hour basis
to keep that from happening.
� Carol Walters - Why don't you put a sign up and tell the people that you can go back
there? Because we pulled in there and asked a worker, "Where can we get back,in there?"
"You can't, you got to go up the street." So, why don't the hospital put a little note up
there. �
� Bernie Dennis - I haven't been�here in about 3 weeks, I don't know if you r.emember, but
the original sign was 'DRIVEWAY CLOSED' and we goti pandemoniunl. Let me take a
�ook at the signing, tl�ey're pretty cooperative about that. But, you can indeed get through
and we much rather you do that than try to da a U turn on Chapman Ave.
Commissioner Lemin�-I believe that is a temparary situation anyway.
Bemie Dennis-Yes.
E. Next regular City Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled foz 7uly 13, I994. �
Discussion of all today's Agenda items b�fore the City Traffic Commission being
complete, and there being no further requests for action under Ora1 Presentations, it
has been moved to adjourn this session of the �TC to it's next regular meeting.� Today''s
� City Trafftc Committee meeting adjourned at 4:0�8 p,m. �
MOTION: D. Yarger �
SECOND: B. Leming �
�YES: Unanimous ,
Respectfully submitted, . .
� ,
Sally R. Trejo
Recording Secretary
Traffic Engineering Di�ision � �
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