08-09-1995 - Minutes TC . � E_ � �� � C ITY O F 4 RAN G E ������� .. ��. .� CITY TRAFFIC C4MMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting: Auqust 9, 1995 I. OPENING A. Pledge of Allegiance To The Flag ������-�-�v�-��-s���������-�-s�-�-v�-�����-��-�v�-�-�-�-�-tio-��-�-w- B. ROLL CALL: Present- Commissioners: D. Yarger, J. Gibson, F. Sciarra Absent - Commissioners: J. Fortier, B. Leming Present- Staff: B. Dennis, C. Glass, D. Allenbach, W. Winthers, Capt. L. Walsh, Sgt. S. Gable, Officer J. Gray, P. Then ��������-�-��,��-�-�v�-����-�v��tiv-��-�-tio-�-�-�-�-��-�-�-�-tic-�e-�- C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ♦ Correction to May 1995 Minutes, are to be available for the Sept. meeting. D. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN None. II. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Request for '30 Minute' limited time parking on the west side of Grand St. south of Chapman Ave. Community Services Department CITY OF ORANGE RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE MOTION: _ Yarger SECOND: Gibson AYES: Unanimous fd Tape #CTC-95.08 of this Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at (714/744-5536) in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. . z . Minutes of a Reaular Meetinq -Citv Traffic Commission -Au4ust 9. 1995 B. Request for the installation of 'NO PARKtNG AT ANY TIME' restrictions on both � sides of Qld Camp Rd. north of Canyon View Ave. Traffic Engineering Division � CITY OF ORANGE RECOMMENDATIO�N: APPROVE . MOTION: Sciarra SECOND: Gibson AYES: Gibson, Sciarra NOES: Yarger III. CONSIDERATION ITEMS � A. Establishment a 'speed zone' on Via Escola between Loma St. and Meats Ave. Traffic Engineering Division CITY OF ORANGE Ora/pr�sentation is based on the written staff report, p/ease r�fer to your copy. There was no discussion on this r�quest. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE MOTION: Sciarra SECOND: Gibson AYES: Unanimous B. Request for the installation of a 'continuous left-#urn' lane on Eckhoff St. between Orangewood Ave. and Collins Ave. Scott Simpson 840 N. Eckhoff St. Orange, CA 92668 Ora/pr�sentafion is based on the-written staff r�port, p/ease r�fer to your copy. Ther� was no discussion on this r�quest. RECOMMENDATION: APPR4VE MOTION: Yarger SECOND: Sciarra AYES: Unanimous � Tape #CTC-95.08 of this Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at (714/744-5536) in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. . � Minutes of a Repular MeetinQ -Citv Traffic Commission -Auqust 9, 1995 , � C. Request for a 'median break' on Jamboree Rd. south of Chapman Ave, to provide left-turn access into the Albertson's Shopping Center. Diane Jones 8502 E. Chapman Ave., #B-6 Orange, CA 92669 Oral pr�sentation pr�sented by Chuck Glass, there was no written staff r�port. Chairman Yarg►er opened the public hearing for the following discussion. Speaking in favor of the median break were: Diane Jones, 8502 E. Chapman A�ve. (Mail Boxes, Etc.) Scott Dunkleman, 8502 E. Chapman Ave. (MacDonald's) Ann Popal, 8504 E. Chapman (G & C) Michael Dreebin, 8505 E. Chapman Ave. (Taco Bell) Yvette Gaspar, 8440 E. Chapman Ave. (Albertson's) Jim McMannas, 8500 E. Chapman Ave. (Dry Cleaners) There was no speakers opposing the median break. Chairman Yarger c/osed the public hearing and r�tumed the item to the Commission for final discussion and/or a motion. It was the consensus of the Commission that the street could not safely accommodate the installation of a median break at this location. The volume of daily traffic and the vehicular speeds combined would generate greater potential for rear-end and left-turn accidents and the potential liability to the City would be enormous, and certainly the safety of the motorists is our primary concem. RECOMMENDATION: DENY MOTION: Gibson SECOND: Yarger AYES: Unanimous D. Request for a cub-side "handicapped" parking stall in front of the apartment building located at 241 N. Oak St. _ Mrs. W. P. Rogers 241 N. Oak St., #H Orange, CA 92667 Oral pr�senfation is based on the wrrtten staff r�port, p/ease r�fer to your copy. Ther� was no discussion on this r�quest. RECOMMENDATION: DENY MC�TION: Yarger SECOND: Gibson AYES: Unanimous '�d Tape#CTC-95.08 of this Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at (714/744-5536) in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. � _ 4 Minutes of a ReQular Meetinq -Citv Tra�c Commission -AuQust 9, 1995 . . E. Request for 'red curb' markings at the intersection of Washington Ave. and Wayfield St. Mrs. Audrey DeHart � 180 S, Park Ln., #6 Qrange, CA 92669 Oral presentation is based on the written staff r�port, please refer to your copy. Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion. Those speakin� in favor of the request were: Audrey DeHart, 180 S. Park Ln. #6 Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and r�tur»ed the item to �he Commission for final r�marks and/or a mo#ion. RECOMMENDATIQN: APPROVE the installation of red curb markings at the intersection of Washington Ave. and Wayfield St. MOTION: Sciarra SECOND: Gibson � AYES: Unanimous F. Request to remove the pedestrian crosswalk at the intersection of Walnut Ave. and Hamlin St. Traffic Engineering Division city of orange Qra/pr�esentation is based on the written sfaff r�port, please r�efer to your copy. There was no discussion on this request. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE MOTION: Yarger SECOND: Gibson � AYES: Unanimous IV. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Bemie Dennis reported that conceming the proposed changes to the CTC review process that each item the Commission appraves will be transposed into a Traffic Commission Resolution, and that would require the Chairman of the Commission's signature, and the Secretary of the Commission's signature to make it effective and the facility could be implemented at that time. � Tape#CTC-95.08 of this Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714/744-5536) in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. _ � 5 � Minutes of a ReQular Meetinq -Citv Traffic Commission-AuQust 9. 1995 V. ORAL PRESENTATION � None VI. ADJOURNMENT Discussion of today's Agenda items for the CTC being complete, and there being no further requests for action under Oral Presentations, The Chairman adjoumed this session of the CTC. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the CTC wii! be heid on September 13, 1995. Respectfully submitted, Phyllis Then Recording Secretary Gity Traffic Commission TRAFF.IC ENGINEERING DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - CITY OF ORANGE 300 E. CHAPMAN AVE. ORANGE, CA 92666-1591 PHONE:714/744-5536 F�Uc: 714/744-6961 � File Name: 8-95.CTC (Disk#12/6-Then) '� Tape#CTC-95.08 of this Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at (714/744-5536) in this regard, some advance notice wauld be appreciated. ;