03-08-1995 - Minutes TC �
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Minutes of a Regular Meeting: March 8, 1995
A. Piedge Of Ailegiance To The Fiag
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Present - Commissioners: D. Yarger, J. Fortier, J. Gibson, B. Leming,
F. Sciarra
Present - Staff: B. Dennis, Capt. Walsh, C. Glass, D. Allenbach,
P. Then
• Meeting of: October 12, 1994
• Meeting of: November 9, 1994 - Amended
• Meeting of: January 18, 1995 - Amended
RECOMMENDATION: Approve as published by the Recording Secretary
MOTION - F. Sciarra
SECOND - J. Gibson
AYES - Unanimous
A. Evaluation of the intersection of Main St. and Mapte Ave.
RECOMMENDATION: Continue until the April 12, 1995, CTC
MOTION - D. Yarger
SECOND - J. Gibson
AYES - Unanimous
• Minutes of � Reauto �Jleetin� - Cifir Traffic Commission - fVoorCh $. 1995 (Cont'd 1
There are no Consent Calendar on the March 8, 1995 Agenda.
A. Evaluation of the intersection of Main St. �nd Maple Ave.
Traffic Engineering Division
RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by motion, CQNTINUE this item until
the April 12, 1995 CTC meeting.
MOTION - D. Yarger
SECOND - J. Gibson
AYES - Unanimous
B. Request #or the instaliation of a '3-Way' ST�P control at the intersection of
, Roxbury Ave. and Springfield St.
Keystone Pacific Property Management, Inc.
41 QO Newport�Place, Suite #350
i�ewport Beach, CA 92660
Ora! presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your
copy. There was no discussian on this item.
RECOMMENDATtON: That the CTC, by motion, DENY the request.
MOTION - D. Yarger
SECOND - J. Fortier
� AYES - Unanimous
C. Request for the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Walnut
Ave. �nd Rancho Sa�tiago Blvd. �
Mr. Bob TunstaU
101 Civic Center� Plaza
Santa Ana, GA 92701
Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your
copy. Chairman Yarger opened the public fiearing fo� the following
discussion of this request.
There were two speakers in favor of the request, their concerns are as
° Minutes of e Re�ular �Jleetin� - Citv Traffic Commission - March 8, 1995 tCont'd.)
, �
D. J. Ferris, Asst. Principal Santiago Middte School, 515 N. Rancho Santiago
Blvd. - I spend part of every day at this intersection, 873 kids with one
access in and out. We have approx. 150-204 cars picking up kids on a day-
to-day basis plus our staff inembers, there are 3 busses, an ice cream truck,
a few EI Modena H.S. students cruising by; it is a mad-house for about half .
an hour. If we were to have an emergency our access in and out would be
difficult especially between 2:45 - 3:15 p.m. Due to the liability involved I
have been instructed n�to go out there and help kids cross the street, but 1
do monitor their crossing �ctivity. Providing the additional lane for right-turn
only would be great, marked crosswalks would be great, a 'NO PARKING
DURING SCHOOL HOURS' zone would also be great.
Commissioner Fortier - It's not a car problem but a �Cid problem, the sporadic
way they cross the street. if we put a Crossing Guard there to keep the
kids up on the curb, let the cars go through �nd then stop for the kids to
� cross. That would stop most of the problem.
Terri Sargeant, 137 N. Cobbtestone - Striping is needed on UNalnut since
there is none out there right now. Perhaps you could leave the door open
for future traffic counts to see what will happen after the opening of Loma
St., as the vehicles use that as a by-pass what the vehicle count will
continue to be. There are things the School District could do, increased bus
fees (S 180 per child/annually) would cut-down on bus passengers, increases
pedestrians and drivers, and as Santiago becomes a Charter School in 1995
it also opens the doors to inter-district enrollment, and the traffic counts may
get even warse. It might be more feasible i# you put 'NO STOPPING DURING
5CNo0� HouaS' atong Walnut so you do not impact residents of the cul-de-
Chairman Yarger c%sed the public hearing and returned the item to the
Commrssion for further discussion and/or a motion.
Commissioner Leming - On the issue Of 'NO PARKING DURING SCHOOL HOURS'
along Walnut, I would assume that most of the parking that is there during
school hours when children are being picked up or dropped off are parents
waiting #or kids, and if you remove parking from Walnut where will they wait
for their kids?
Dave Allenbach,- It appeared to be very short term #he parents pull in there :
and wait long enough to pick up their kids and then they leave. During the
. course of the school day both side�s of Walnut are virtually un-parked and t
believe the only people in the school parking lot are the faculty and
administrators. We had noticed that many parents v�rere parking along
Rancho Santiago in the bike lane while #hey were waiting for school to end
so they could avoid crossing the intersection �es much ras possible. If we
extend the �NO PARKING' the amount of on-street parking on Rancho 5antiago
may increase. I don't think this problem will go eway, 1 think it will just
filter somewhere else and since you have a bike lane there are a number of
children riding home in the afternoon and now instead of using the bike lane
they're out in the travel lane for quite a distance.
° Minutes of a Reaular nlleetin� - Citv Traffic Commission - March 8, 1995 (Cont'd.)
Commissioner Leming - 1 think it's been policy that we've only assigned
Crossing Guards at efementary schools, wouid we have a probiem there?
We've had other requests for guards at other middle schools and we've
turned them down.
Bemie D�nnis - If we have someone out there as a crossing guard, in this
particular case, contrary to the normal appiication of guards we're going to
use him principally to control the pedestrian crossing activities. You saw
the videos we prepared f�r you and I believe what has happened in the area
is that the pedestrian sctivity is actually leading to a raumber of vehicle
violations. 1A/e think #hat the guard would be used to group the kids and
crass them over in a scramble system where a{I directions of traffic stops at
one time and everyone moves across, or in #he �onventional manner. This
individual is going to be more than the crossing guard you would n�rmally
associate with an elementary school. If we're better able to regulate the
traffic at Walnut and Rancho Santiago we might find an increase use of
parents picking their children up at the school site rather #han the street
because I think they will feel that they aren't "t�apped; once they're on the
school grounds they can get in and out on Walnut with some degree of
safety. it is different because we've never recommended a guard for this
particular kind of application, we recognize that there is a problem, we're
hard pressed to justify or recommend an �$O,Q00 traffic signal for a two
hour a day problerr� �end we aren't for sure with the width of the streets and
the number of students th�t a signal really would work. YVe think the right
turn conflicts would be significant, we aren't sure that the kids would
fiteraliy allow the signal to work correctly, and this seems to be the best
solution#or this problem.
Commissioner Sciarra - !f 'NO PARKING DURING SCHOOL HOURS' were installed
on Walnut would push traffic onto streets in surrounding neighborhoods,
how many cars are we talking about and where would they be pushed to?
Dave Allenbach - 874 vehocles were counted in the morning and 710 cars
were counted in the afternoon. Approximately 300 of those cars in the
afternoon were entering the schoot from Walnut and they turned around and
came right back out again, 1 would assume those 300 cars would be parking
along Walnut. 1f we removed the parking completely through there it would
have to go somewhere else. There are two adjoining shart cul-de-sacs but I
think for the most pa`rt it would filter out through the neighborhood.
Commissioner Sciarra - If we put a right-turn lane in wouldn't that impede
the traffic?
Dave �Ilenbach - At this time we already have 144 fit. of 'NO PARKING' zone
and I think that's long enough given the stacking distances we have there to
accommodate the cars that are making the moves to keep the area clear and
I think would work through efficiently. We could remove the parking
provisionally and if we had a problem later on down the line we could
� reinstate it.
' Minutes of a Reaular ��leetina - Citv Traffir Commission - March 8. 1995 (Cont'd.l
Bernie Dennis - If you remove the parking from the north side of Walnut
which is actuafly self serving in the sense that it could provide an additional
lane you're going to force the pick-up of kids to occur either on the school
site which is the most desirable thing, or they're going to turn off on the side
strset and wait for them, which is what we would prefer � to have
happen. �
Commissioner Leming - I think alot of people don't want to go into the
school site because they have to go in, turn around come back and you have
300 cars you have to fight. Most of them are stopping out on Rancho
Santiago and they're waiting there and allowing their children to walk out to
them. If you remove parking from Walnut you're going to force more of
them onto Rancho Santiago.
Bernie Dennis - If you wish we coU(d remove sufficient parking along Walnut,
maybe back to the first cross•street, to get an adequate right-turn lane and
still feave some area at the east end of the street on the north side for the
pick-up and drop-off of kids. 250 ft. of right turn lane would be sufficient
and again I think that with the control at the intersection it's going to
encourage people to pick up their kids on the school site.
RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by motion, DENY #he request for a
traffic signal, but that we APPROVE the instaltation of the extra
crosswalks, assign the crossing guard to help expedite traffic and police the
students flow across the intersections, and see how that would work, plus
install the right turn lane with the removal of 250 ft. of on-street parking
from Walnut Ave.
MOTION - J. Fortier
SECOND - F. Sciarra
AYES - Unanimous
D. Request for '3-Hour' parking in the S. OranBe St. Municipal Parking Lot.
John R. Robertson, Chief of Police
REGOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by motion, CONTINUE the request for
discussion of the problems between the Police and the Antique Dealers
MOTION - J. Fortier
SECOND - F. Sciarra
AYES - Unanimous
' Minutes of a Reaular �.�eetina - Citv Traffic Commission - Marvh 8, 1995 ICont'd 1
E. Request for the instatlation of a '3-Way` STOP at the intersection of Loma
St. and Lexington Ave. -
Edmond Goodding
5522 E. Lexington Ave.
Orange, CA 92667
Ora/report was based on the written staff report, p/ease �efer to your copy.
There was no discussion on this item.
RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by motion, DENY the request.
MOTION - D. Yarger
SECOND ' - J. Gibson
AYES - Unanimous
F. Installation of an 'All-Way' STOP control at the intersection of Walnut Ave.
and Lincoln St.
Beatrice Kight-Herbst
1435 E. Walnut Ave.
Orange, CA 92667
Oral presentation is based on written staff report, please refer to your copy.
Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion of
this request.
There was �ne $aeaker i� favor of the 'AI1-Way' STOP control, her concerns
are as follows:
8eatrice Kight-Merbst, .7435 E. Walnut Ave. - There have been 10 accidents
in the last 7%z years, its because of the speed. The street is posted for 25
MPH but your study indicates the average speed at 28-35 MPH. I'm not
pleased with the idea of increased noise and pollution from a STC3R sign at
my corner but 1'm more concerned with reducing the accidents as well as
the safety of pedestrians that are crossing Walnut Ave. at various times of
the day.
Chairman Yarger c%sed the public hearing and returned the item to the
Commission for further d�scussion and/or a motion.
Commissioner Fortier�- 1 recognize the residents concerns however, this is a
secondary arterial roadway and one of the problems we have is in expediting
traffic through the city, if we put in a STOP sign everywhere we were asked
we would never get traffic moving, From what I hear the intersection
doesn't meet the minimum warrants; and STOP signs are not designed for
reducing speeds.
RECOMMENDATI01�: That the CTC, by motion, DENY the request.
MOTION - B. Leming
SECOND - J. Gibson
AYES - Unanimous
' _ Minutes of a Res�ular ��leetina - Citv Traffic Commission - March 8, 1995 tCont'd 1
' G. Request for 'NO PARKING AT ANY TIME' restrictions on both sides of Taft Ave.
between Main St. and 6atavia St. for the installation of marked bike lanes
only on Taft Ave. between Main St. and Batavia St.; and on Batavia St.
between Taft Ave. and Lincoin Ave.
Orange County Flood Control District
County of Orange - Environmental Management Agency �
P. 0. 8ox 4048
Santa Ana, CA 92702-4048
Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, p/ease refer to your
cop y. Chairman Yarger opened the pu6/ic hearing for the follo wing
discussion of this item.
There was 1 speakers oonosing the request, his concerns are as follows:
Todd Deshter, 17 33 1N. T�ft Ave. - 1'm requesting the on-street parking
remain on Taft Ave. until such time as heavy vehicle snd bike traffic requires
the creation of 'BIKE ONLY' lane. I contacted the County of Orange and I
talked to Amid Lomi who submitted the original request to the City for the
detouring and he indicated he did not request any parking removal either
during the detour or later. In fact he recommended against any parking
removal. He said the bike #raffic on the river tr�il during business hours is
very light and wouldn't warrant that, �and that heavier bike traffic occurred
on weekends where there is littfe or no business parking on the street. He
further indicated that the County Traffic Standards allow for a joint use,
parking is aUowed with a bike lane where there exists a 12 ft. wide lane
along the curb, that is 8 ft. for the parked car, and 4 ft. for the bike lane.
On Taft Ave. there is 24 ft. between the curb and the dotted line which
leaves 12 ft. for the parking lane and 12 ft. for the #2 travel lane; and he
says that is ample width for a joint use and especially if the parking is light.
For example Cambridge has a bike lane and allows parking which is a
narrower street than Taft Ave. Currently our customers use parking on Taft
Ave. for picking up and dropping off cars, for insurance adjusters who seem
always to arrive at the same time can easily find parking on the street. We
do have a front parking lot yet street parking is very convenient for our
customers during certain peak hours. Two of the six businesses affected do
not have front parking lats and this might result in their customers coming
over to park in our lot.
There were 2 speake`rs in favor of the request, their concerns are as follows:
Ignacio Ochoa, Traffic Engineer for County of Orange, 300 N. Flower St.,
S.A. - i'm here to answer any questions you may have on this item. The
County did originally propose the sh�red use parking and bike lane, however,
given the bike only lane option, it is aur opinion that 'BIKE ONLY' option is
safer and is a better facility #or bicyclist, it gets rid of a lot of potential for
� Minutes of a Re�ular ��leetina - Citv Traffic Commission - March 8 1995 lCont'd )
� Don Harvey, Exec. Director of O.C. Bicycle Coalition, f 30 S. Glassell St. -
The issue of the usage of the bike trail on Taft Ave. is not well measured
during business hours. The usage during the summer is very heavy and
much of it is children who do not have business hour limitations, we have
spent some time observing users of Moon Park in Costa Mesa just south of
the 405 Fwy, and we have seen typically fairly large groups of children .
taking trips down that way. We feel that having bicyclists next to parked
cars is a littte risky, experienced cyclists go wide about 4-5 ft. from the car
so not to be hit by doors opening, at times bicyclists are in the travel lanes
to maneuver around parked cars.
Chairtnan Yarger - Is this bike route proposed as permanent or temporary? If
it's permanent why would you want children �exposed to heavily traveled
streets once the river trail is finished and is re-opened wouldn't you want to
move them back to that safer area?
Don Harvey - Bicycling on the city street is safer than on the use of trails.
That may not be widely understood but the best reference on this subject is
John Forrester's book "Effective Cvclinv_; in which he gives a figure of 2.6
rnore accidents on trails than on roads. The reason is that on trails there is a
wide mix of speeds, trails tend to attract people �vho are less capable, and
the rules of the road aren't well understood, so if you come down a trail you
can't rely on people coming the other way for sure ta stay to your left,
people wander eround.
Bernie Dennis - When the work in #he Santa Ana River is complete that trail
wi(I indeed be re-opened. Under #hat circumstance the city detour trail
becomes secondary in nature. -"T'he reason i# is being suggested that it be
retained really is two-fold:
1) Because it is a part of the IVlaster Plan of Bicyci� Trails which may or
'may -�t�t be approved. t# it isn't approved in alt likel�hood it will be
�emov�ed in total, or in part.
2) Though perhaps not a major consideration we're going to invest several
� thousand dollars to make this work. If the trail proves to be effective
after the river tr�il is opened then given the expenditure of funds to make
it workable we should probably save it. If, on the other hand, it's not
effective and it doesn't fit into the ultimate Master Plan and there are
other problems, then it should be removed.
You could, today, �pprove this for the detour only and when the hearings
relative #o #he Master Ptan of Bike Trails cam�s up, and they will come
before the Traffic Commission, you certa�nly would have your �nput at that
�oint in time whether it be this or the rest of #he system which is quite
�xtensive. .
Commissioner Sciarra - Isn't there eny way Mr. Deshler can improve his on-
site parking facility to accommodate the loss of on-street parking he might
Todd Deshter - The building� was built in 1976, and it's not that close to the
street. It is quite adequate and convenient most flf the time it's during the
peak hours when it's just very nice to have the on-street parking available.
The lot accommodates between 30-35 vehicles.
` Minutes of a Recula� ��eetin� - Citv Traffic Commission - March 8, 1995 tCont'd 1
' Commissioner Sciarra - The problem we have is the e�reme liability involved
with cars parked on the street and with children going around the cars
getting hit by doors opening, etc.
Todd Deshler - If I may suggest that you remove the parking �nly after a
bic�rcle count has been done on Taft and at the time that the bikeway is
approved and later on down the road, it seems premature at this time to
permanently close off the parking on Taft based on the extreme light usage.
Commissioner Gibson - I appreciate Mr. Deshler's concerns, however, being
well acquainted with hazards of the river bike trail once bicyclists are off the ,
trail #or the summer they might possibly find Taft Ave. much more to their
satisfaction as a safer route between Taft and Lincoln, and I think it would
be a service to bicyclists and commuters who want to use that trail to create
this alternate route as a permanent feature.
Commissioner Leming - Could staff refresh +�ur memory as to how many
� vehicles were found to be parked on this segment of Taft Ave.?
Doug Keys - There are 3 vehicles that are continually parked on the west
side of Mr. Desh{er's western driveway, a van and two other vehicles. My
guess is that given our repeated trips out there and seeing the exact same
cars I would guess that its employees parking out #here. Relative to the
other uses in the area we did not observe, at any flther time, any other
vehicles parked along Taft. We went o�t in the morning at 9:00 a.m., at
11:00 a.m. and also at 2:00 p.m. to get a variety of times to see if there
v�ras a di#ference in parking usage.
RECOMME�tDAT10N: That the CTC, by motion, APPROVE the request.
MOTION - F. Sciar.ra
SECOND - J. Gibson
AYES - Fortier, Gibson, Leming, Sciarra
NOES - D. Yarger
Nothing to report.
Richard G. ,�impson - 2448 Love Ln., Orange, CA 92665
1 came down to spe�k to what i #hought was going to be on the agenda which was
the consideration of installing a traffic signa! at Orange-Olive Rd. and Heim Ave.,
and evidently that will be on next month's �agenda.
� My fellow residents of Fellows Dr. �re asking the city to correct the striping on
Orange-Olive Rd. so we coutd have turn pocket, or at �east a continuous left turn
iane to tum into. At present,or since Orange-0live Rd. was resurfaced and they
striped a turn lane for Heim, we have been in the precarious position of sitting in a
fast lane of traffic waiting to turn into a private street; and 2 weeks ago I was hit
while waiting to turn into that street.
` _ Minutes of a Reaular ..�eetina - Citv Traffic Commission - Ma��n 8 1995 (Cont'd 1
For many years we've had a severe probfem making left turns out of Heim Ave.
" onto Orange-0live Rd. due to the fact that the County island to the south of Heim
and we have very poor visibility. To make a left turn you have to go past a
crosswalk and many times I have to pull out, back up and make a few gyrations in
order to turn left.
Bernie Dennis - Do we have any trouble takin8 the parking off the east side of that
street if we needed it in order to stripe that in7 Unless we have to get involved �
with some kind of parking removal there really is no need for Mr. Simpson to come
back as we handle this type of stuff in-house. We can let you know probably the
first of next week.
2. Vem Rasmussen - 16311 Fellows Dr., Orange 92665
Back on 11-30-94, ! sent a letter to the County regarding the need for a
traffic signal ant the intersection Orange-Olive Rd. snd Heim Ave. From
east to Lincoln only Heim goes through to Tustin St. There is dire need for
a traffic signal to be installed at this location.
Bernie Dennis - This request is on the Agenda #or #he �►pril 12, a 995 City --
Traffic Commission meeting and you will receive a notice in the mail.
Discussion of today's Agenda items for the City Traffic Gommission being
complete, and there being no further requests for action under Oral Presentation, at
5:15 p.m. the Chairman adjourned this session of the CTC to it's next regular
meeting. �
The nsxt regularly scheduled meeting of the City Traffic Commission will be held on �
1Nednesday -Apri1 12, '1995. _
Respectfulfy submitted,
_ � ��
Phy ' Then
Recording Secretary :
City Traffic Commission
o�,NGE, c,4UFORt�w 92666-1591
PHONE: (714)7445636
FAX: (714)7446961
File Name: Mar-Min (Disk�`8/6-Then)