01-18-1995 - Minutes TC (<;;i;i ( I:"'.>a � J.a'�� CITY OF ORANGE � ' �, , ��� CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION AMEN DED Minutes of a Regular Meeting: )anuary 18, 1995 ������������������������������������������ ROLL CALL: Present-Commissioners: D. Yarger,J. Fortier,J. Gibson, F. Sciarra Absent -Commissioners: B. Leming Present-Staff: B. Dennis, C. Glass, D. Allenbach, P. Then Officer Kalvin Van Gorder, Officer)eff Gray Absent -Staff: Capt. L. Walsh c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�sc�c�sc�c�sc�c�sc�sc�c�c�c�c�c�c�sc�c�sc�c�c�c�c�sc�c�sc�c�c�c�c�sc�c� I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES • Meeting of November 9, 1994 Minutes are not available at this time. II. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Request for parking restrictions on the west side of Santa Ana Canyon Rd. in front of 2854 and 2860 N. Santa Ana Canyon Rd. City of Orange Traffic Engineering Division RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by motion, APPROVE the request. MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous B. Request for the installation of an interim '3-Way' STOP control device at the intersection of Loma St. and Via Escola. Ciry of Orange Traffic Engineering Division RECOMMENDATION: That the CTC, by motion, APPROVE the request. MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous _ Minutes of a Regular rvteeting - City Traffic Commission - )anuary 18, 1995 (Cont'd.) iil. CONSIDERATION CALENDAR A. Reconsideration of the installation of a '3-Way' STOP at the intersection of Calle Grande and Calle Baja. City Counci I Req uest City of Orange Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your �opy. � Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion of this request: There were three individuals speaking in favor of the request as follows: Donna Hanson-337 Calle Grande, Orange 92669 Taylor Reid -321 Calle Baja, Orange 92669 Cliff Nelski -301 Calle Grande, Orange 92669 They have difficulty turning into the street due to the speed of the on-coming traffic. Four mailboxes were demolished by a traffic accident, and all 4 residents had experienced similar events in the past. This intersection is an acknowledged safety problem and if something isn't done and an accident occurs the city would be liable. There is a wide variety of t�affic through here with gardeners, UPS, delivery trucks, pool people, and none of the residents are willing to cooperate by slowing down. There were no speakers opposing the request. Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commission for finaf discussion and/or a motion. Chairman Fortier - Is there no way to open that site any better so people can pull out of there and see the STOP sign� Dave Allenbach, Asst. Traffic Engineer - The corner lot and the curve itself is a 200 ft. radius curve. Moving the STOP bar forward so you could acquire that 150 ft. of sight distance would require the installation of a diverter that wouJd move northbound traffic away from the stopped vehicle on Calle Grande. In essence this would take that 200 ft. radius curve, which is at a minimum, and make it a sub-standard curve, but also point eastbound vehicles toward the opposite curb. Removing the shrubbery on the corner property because of the way the property is configured would practically denude this person's back yard. They have a swimming pool in their back yard and furthermore there is a wrought iron fence that runs right along the back of sidewalk, if you're stopped at the STC�P bar, the way that you�'re supposed to be, we feel that even with the shrubbery removed you're looking back up the hill at such an acute angle that the wrought � iron fence actually becomes a wall, and we'd be right back where we started from again. We have looked at a number of options, and in our opinion, the best thing to do would be to install the '3-Way' STOP. Commissioner Fortier - Based on staff's field review and study and the safety factors involved to the area residents, I will make the motion that we approve the installation of the '3-Way' STOP sign at this intersection. MOTION -). Fortier SECON D -). Gibson � AYES - Unanimous _2_ � Minutes of a Regula. .�teeting - City Traffic Commission - �a��uary 18, 1995 (Cont'd.) B. Request for the installation of an 'All-Way' STOP control at the intersections of Walnut Ave. and California St. and at Walnut Ave. and Maplewood St. Mr. &Mrs. L. Cudd i hee 1212 E. Walnut Ave. , Orange, CA 92668 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. , Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion of this request: There were seven (7� speakers in fa�or of the request, their comments were as fol lows Antonia Monzon- 1275 E. Walnut Ave., Orange 92668 Bea Herbst- 1435 E. Walnut Ave., Orange 92668 Rueben Fisher- 1527 E. Walnut Ave. #4, Orange 92668 Laban Cuddihee- 1212 E. Walnut Ave., Orange 92668 Vic Wesling- 1209 E. Walnut Ave., Orange 92668 Viviane Cuddihee- 1212 E. Walnut Ave., Orange 92668 Kenneth Staggs -505 N. Waverly St., Orange 92668 Beverly Johnson -909 E. Walnut Ave., Orange 92666 Support the installation of the STOP signs not only to control speeds but because of safety of the children attending the school nearby. Pedestrians cannot go across the street because there are no sidewalks and because of the speed they don't feel safe trying to cross the street. People have alot of difficulty pulling in or out of driveway's because of the speed of the motorists. There are no crosswalks nearby, they are located % mile away in each direction, at Tustin St, to the east, and Cambridge St. to the west. Maybe STOP signs should be designed as a speed deterrent, we need something there on a permanent basis because the police cannot be out there all the time to issue speeding citations. The high school cross-country track team uses Walnut and as they are running along sometimes they cross the street and when you get between 15-30 kids trying cross the street it can be interesting. We are concerned with the amount of traffic going through Walnut with the two schools and three churches and the children who actually live on the street. Bea Herbst- 1435 E.Walnut Ave., Orange-There have been 9 traffic accidents at the intersection of Walnut Ave. and Lincoln St. since I've lived here. The problem on Walnut Ave. is spe�ding motorists and there is nothing there to stop them, you cannot have police out there all the time for controlling speed, but if they were out there to write citations for ignoring the STOP sign they could also write them up for speed at the same time. The corner of Lincoln and Walnut definitely needs an 'All-Way' STOP installed. Bernie Dennis, City Traffic Engineer - If I may remind the Commission, the intersection of Walnut Ave. and Lincoln St. is not agendized and the Brown Act prohibits you from taking any action other than listening to testimony. If the speaker wishes to make a written request we can certainly agendize her request for a future meeting. -3- - - . . . :, , . . . , � _ Minutes of a Regular Meeting - City Traffic Commission - )anuary 18, 1995 tCont'd.) A lengthy discussion ensued between Ms. Bea Herbst, members of the Commission, and staff relative to the merits of the installation of STOP signs. The speaker expressed her concerns to be cernered around speed, accident history, traffic volume, and traffic using residential streets to avoid Tustin Ave. to utilize the new signal at Cambridge/Collins. Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commission for fina!discussion and/or a rr�otion. Commissioner Sciarra - I travel Walnut myself and there are speeders there, I personally don't feel that putting a STOP sign there is gaing to stop the speeder's. They will come to a screeching halt and then they will take off at the same speed as when they got there. Putting in a STOP sign now would actually cause a bottleneck for eastbound motorist going to Tustin, I really can't see where a STOP sign will solve the problem brought to us today, and I would have to deny that request on that basis. Commissioner Fortier - If this request is denied I would really like to see something to help with that speeding, I can tell by these people's comments that they are really upset and that there is a very real problem, they are not here because it's a frivolous suggestion. Chairman Yarger- Kalvin, do you have any idea how often we have a motor in the area� Officer Kalvin Van Gorder, Orange Police Dept. Traffic Bureau - I've worked it myself and traffic at time does go through there. I can put this on the 'Special Operations Log' which is a log passed out to the traffic officers and rnake them aware of the fact that there is a problem there and we'll get an officer there a little rnore often than we have now. There are 3 motors that work this district. Commissioner Gibson - Is it possible for the Police to do to their own survey and for us to make an evaluation from that information� Officer Van Gorder - We use the same survey that Traffic Engineering does, and that's is what we testify to when we go to Traffic Court. Commissioner Gibson -1 appreciate the residents prdblem very much but I concur that STOP signs are not the appropriate solution at this time. It was mentioned that a traffic signal in+creases the traffic on that particular street and I think that would possibly happen with a STOP sign on Walnut and California, you would find people making short-cuts to get to a controlled intersection so I don't believe that's the appropriate measure at this time. Commissioner Sciarra - If we can have this location placed on the 'Special Operations List' for increased police enforcement I will go ahead and make the recommendation that we deny the request for the installation of an 'All-Way' STOP at the intersections of Walnut/California and Walnut/Maplewood. MOTION -F. Sciarra SECON D -�. Fortier AYES -Unanimous �4- . ___ r Minutes of a Regular ��leeting - City Traffic Commission - )���uary 18, 1995 (Cont'd.) . C. Request for the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Chapman Ave. and Eckhoff St. Lee Shau National Exploration Service, Inc. 2050 W. Chapman Ave. Orange, CA 92668 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. � There was no discussion from the floor on this request. Commissioner Fortier - Since it doesn't meet any of the warrants I feel we should deny the request. MOTION -�. Fortier SECON D -F. Sciarra AYES - Unanimous D. Request for an 'All-Way' STOP control at the intersection of Walnut Ave. and Emerald St. Tim Sudbrink 1149 W. Walnut Ave. Orange, CA 92668 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion of this request. Tim Sudbrink, 1149 W. Walnut Ave. - The speeders on that street are out of control, it's mostly after the evening hours, from 8 p.m. through midnight when we have speeders. During the day we have alot of commercial trucks taking Walnut as a short-cut from Batavia �to Main St. and we think a STOP sign here would pretty much take care of the commercial trucks. They are coming out of the industrial area towards the freeways, that's how the commercial trucks are going• Dave Allenbach, Asst. Traffic Engineer - If these are Iarge trucks over the legal weight limit, I could point out that Walnut Ave. is not part of the city approved truck route system and these trucks just by being there are in violation. We can send our Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Detail out to monitor the location and issue citations. Chairman Yarger - If you could call us with company names on the trucks that using Walnut we can r�elay that information to the Police Dept. for follow-up. Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing of this item and returned the item to the Commission for final discussion and/or a motion. Commissioner Sciarra - You've got the same situation here as on Walnut/California, it's an enforcement issue. I'd have to make the motion that we deny the request for the installation of an 'All-Way' STOP sign at the intersection of Walnut/Emerald. : MOTI�N -F. Sciarra SECON D - D. Yarger � AYES - Unanimous _5_ f �_. _ � Minutes of a Regular ,vleeting - City Traffic Commission - )anuary 18, 1995 (Cont'd.) . IV. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS None. V. ORAL PRESENTATIONS None. VI. ADJOURNMENT Discussion of today's Agenda items for the City Traffic Commission being complete, and there being no further requests for action under Oral Presentations, the Chairman hereby adjourns this session of the CTC to it's next regular meeting at 4:45 p.m. The next regufarly scheduled meeting of the City Traffic Commission will be held on Wednesday-February 8, 1995. Respectfuf ly submitted, Phyllis Then Record i ng Secretary City Traffic Commission TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS CITY OF ORANGE 300 E. CHAPMAN AVE. �RANGE, CALIFORNIA 9266G-1591 PHON�: (714) 744-5536 FAx: (714) 744-6961 File Name: Jan-Min (Disk#8✓B-Then) Minutes were Amended, see pg. 4, last paragraph: The word lost was changed to List. Changes were made on March 8, 1995. , � B : �\�'�. �'�_.._ Y Phyllis n, Recording Secretary r -6_