10-09-1996 - Minutes TC CITY OF ORANGE CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting: October 9, 1996 �����?�?������?��?����+��'i�'i�'i�f',�'i�'i�'i�;i�'►�'i�'i�G'i�'i�i�'i�'i�;i�fi�fi�'i I. OPENING A. Pledge of Allegiance To The Flag B. ROLL CALL: � Present- Commissioners: D. Yarger, J. Fortier, J. Gibson Absent- Commissioner: F. Sciarra Present- Staff: H. Bahadori, C. Glass, D. Allenbach, S. Trejo, Sgt. J. Hudson Absent - Staff: W. Winthers C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REcoMMEtvnAT�oN: To APPxovE the CTC Minutes of September 11, 1996, as published by the Recording Secretary. MoT1oN: D. Yarger SECOND: 7. Gibson AYEs: Unanimous II. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Request for 50 ft. of red curb markings on both sides of the driveway for the County Health Care facility at 1111 N. Cambridge Street. John Saavedra, LCSW County of Orange Health Care Agency 1111 N. Cambridge St. Orange, CA 92868 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion on this item RECOMMENDATION: TO APPROVE the I'eqUOSt. � MoTtoN: D. Yarger SECOND: 7. Fortier AYEs: Unanimous �� ' Tape#CTC-96.10 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSIC PAGE 2 B. Request for the installation of red curb markings at three (3) driveways located in front of the apartments at 650 and 666 N. Glassell Street. P. J. Daniels, Manager 650 N. Glassell St., #1 Orange, CA 92865 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion on this item RECOMMENDATION: To APPROVE the request. MoT�oN: D. Yarger SECOND: J. Fortier A�s: Unanimous C. Request for a driveway vision zone at the exit driveway for Chapman Hills Elementary School parking lot, located at 170 N. Handy Creek Road. Traffic Engineering Division CITY OF ORANGE Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion on this item RECOMMENDATION: TO APPROVE the TeqUeSt. MoT�o1v: D. Yarger SECOND: 7. Fortier AYEs: Unanimous III. CONSIDERATION ITEMS A. Evaluation of the intersection of Main Street and Maple Avenue. Traffic Engineering Division CITY OF ORANGE Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion: There was 1 sneaker on this issue: � Tape#CTC-96.10 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSIC PAGE 3 Susan Belenardo�Princi�al, Portola Middle School - The concern with the crossing at Main and Maple is that we have approximately 900 students at Portola Middle School, and another 900 at Sycamore. There is some concern about the safety of the children, as well as anyone else, who may be crossing that intersection. They may not even see the cars coming, and the cars may not see them in the intersection because of the way the road curves at that point in time. Ideally, we would like to see something that would control the traffic. If there wasn't a crosswalk they might not feel so safe and may be more careful. However, the fact that it is marked as a crossing, they feel that if they are in there they're protected, and they're not. C'ommissioner Fortier - I've sat over there and what you say is somewhat true. Yet, I wonder if we took the crosswalk away if we would be making it more hazardous to the kids in the long run. Hamid Bahadori - In view of the new information shared by the staff and the Commission, I would like to request that you direct us to re-evaluate this intersection and discuss it further with the school. Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commissioner for further discussion and/or a motion. RECOMMENDATION: To RE-EVULATE the intersection of Main Street and Maple Avenue. MoT�oN: J. Fortier SEcoND: J. Gibson AYES: Unanimous B. Request to adopt a policy and procedures to process street name change requests. Traffic Engineering Division CITY OF ORANGE Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion on this item RECOMMENDATION: To ADOPT a policy and procedures. This motion does include going to the City Council with a recommendation for the Application and Implementation fee of$250. MoT�oN: J. Fortier SEco1vD: D. Yarger AYEs: Unanimous ��� Tape#CTC-96.10 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSIC, PAGE 4 C. Request to establish a speed zone on Crawford Canyon Road between San Juan Drive and Creekside Avenue. Traffic Engineering Division CITY OF ORANGE Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion on this item RECOMMENDATION: To APPROVE the request. MoT�oN: D. Yarger SEcorrD: J. Gibson AYEs: Unanimous IV. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Chairman Yar� - The appointment of Joe Fortier to the CTC was announced by City Council on September 24, 1996. Hamid Bahadori - As you know now, Mr. Fortier is replacing the seat that was vacated by Mr. Leming. We still have one vacant seat that has been advertised, and the City Clerk is in the process of recruitment. We anticipate that appointment to be announced in the 2nd meeting, which is October 22, 1996. We are doing our best to make sure that we will have a full Commission for our November meeting. Also, your decision on Shaffer Street has been appealed to the City Council. It will be agendized on the Consideration Calendar for their November 12"', meeting. V. ORAL PRESENTATIONS Carole Walters - 534 N. Shaffer St.. Orange - I was going down Palm and a car went sideways to miss me. When we came in front of you, there was only one Traffic Commissioner that voted for the people in that area and that was Jo Gibson. I really recommend a `4-Way' STOP or something be done, it's awful that we have to wait until Chapman brings in more traffic so that the Traffic Commission and City Council will do something that the people of Orange need, and they have needed it for a long time. Also, neighbors are concerned about the cars parked out in the bike lane on Cambridge near P. J. Mead's, when they shouldn't be. People are very concerned and we would like to see something done there, like tickets. F =� r �-_� r`=______ Tape#CTC-96.10 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. CIT'Y TRAFFIC COMMISSIC PAGE 5 Socorro Baca - 313 N. Center St.. Orange - About 2 weeks ago there was an accident there. With your permission I would like to show you pictures. This picture will show a tree and if you will notice there are some toys there, a car went and turned around there and smashed into the fence, it knocked part of the house down, part of the foundation. A few minutes before, where you see those toys, there were children playing there. There was a 5 and 2 '/z year old but the Mother called them in and then the accident happened. Another thing that I noticed is the STOP sign at Glassell and Palm. The cars go lickety-split because they know that they have 4 blocks, and they gain speed, before they get to Shaffer and Palm. They're going pretty fast. There is a 30 MPH zone but near the intersection of Shaffer and Palm, the traffic has got to be stopped. They don't follow the traffic signs or the speed limits. Also, Chapman has a lot of students on foot that cross that intersection. If you are there in the mornings to watch them, we need some protection for the pedestrians there. There is none really. Even if it's just the white lines painted across. Like I said, every time I cross that street, I do say a prayer because I'm not sure if I'm going to make it. Sometimes it's real easy to cross, it isn't like that all the time, but at peak hours it is sometimes hazardous to cross whether on foot or vehicle. David M San Roman- 279 N. Center, Oran� - A `4-Way' STOP, I think, would not only slow down the traffic but everybody needs to see. We don't want a stop light there, that would be a big expense but a `4-Way' STOP... I don't think it would really take a lot of effort to resolve this problem. That's just my opinion. D R Dewald - 272 N. Center St.. Orange - There seems to be a clear profile of how these accidents occur. It appears that the predominant number of guilty parties are those that do not live in the area, for example: Chapman students, they probably still have their mind on their classes when they get in their car and they start driving but the same scenario - slow down, thinking that, that other car is going to stop and then out they come. Bill Ricigliano - 5610 E. Patria Ct.. Oran� - I would like know if we could get study where my STOP sign is to put a `3-Way' STOP in at Patria and Cerritos. I don't want to hear about traffic flow, I really don't care about traffic flow. I don't want to hear liability, I really don't care. It's my life, it's my kids, it's my dog's, it's the people in my tract. Chairman Yarger- Just write a letter requesting us to do a study on it and to have it placed on our Agenda. � ' Tape#CTC-96.10 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSIG PAGE 6 Hamid Bahadori - Mr. Chairman, we have looked at the intersection of Patria and Crawford Canyon. Patria serves 10 homes. The traffic volume is not going to meet a `3-Way' STOP and the sight distance, Mr. Allenbach has looked at it, we do have some ways of mitigating that problem. You did not have a sight distance problem, sir, according to the standards. However, if the Commission wishes and if you direct us, we will put it back on your Agenda with the condition that we receive a letter from Mr. Ricigliano. If the letter comes just raising the issue, we will respond at the staff level because this is such an obvious case. We usually do not put cases like this on the Commission Agenda except if directed by the Commission. So, if you wish to hear this case next month, if you direct us,we will bring it back for you. Bill Ricigliano - Someone told me that you already did a study on the STOP sign. What you guys told me was that it doesn't warrant a STOP sign because of 10 homes. Well, I walked over that hill and I counted the homes over there at the STOP sign and there are 15 homes. So, I'll write the letter but I don't want to.... C'hairman Yarger- We can't talk about it right now, all we can do is sit and listen to you. We can't discuss it. We can't take any action whatsoever. Bill Ricigliano - I've been putting up with this for eight months, and the Sergeant will tell you, all I have been doing is chasing my tail and I'm tired of chasing my tail. I'll write a letter and see what you guys say but in the letter it will state, very plainly, that I want to be in on your study. I want to know how you guys come up with these great numbers, you guys come up with, saying a STOP sign is not warranted here. C'ommission Fortier - Mr. Ricigliano, I would like to see that if this letter does come through that maybe we direct the Engineering staff to get together with the writer of the letter and explain maybe to his satisfaction why something is not done. It seems like he does not know why this is happening and maybe a phone call or something like that. I would like to make sure that he is satisfied why certain things have happened. Chairman Yar�er - Is there anybody else in the audience that has an oral presentation? Ruth A�uilar- 1329 S Ross Santa Ana-Item IUPage 3 Ruth Aguilar- We requested 50 ft. and I spoke to Mr. Allenbach earlier before the meeting and he said that we were going to get 30 ft. So, I want a clarification on that, if possible. -� � Tape#CTC-96.10 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSIC PAGE 7 Dave Allenbach - When I had spoken with Ms. Aguilar on the phone, I had indicated that typically we put 30 ft. of red curb adjacent to a driveway with this type of request. After I spoke with her, I did go out and do my field review. I found that it was more logical given that fact that we have some existing red curb for the crosswalk north of your facility. There would not have been enough room, in my opinion, to put in 30 ft. and leave a legal parking space so we took that off, and because your angle of sight distance coming out of the driveway looking to the south is more acute. We also felt that the request for the 50 ft. had the merit for both sides of the driveway, so we recommended that it be approved. Ruth A�uilar- I really appreciate it. Thank you. VI. ADJOURNMENT Discussion of all today's Agenda items before the City Traffic Commission being complete, and there being no further requests for action under Oral Presentations, the Chairman hereby adjourns this session of the City Traffic Coinmission to it's next regular meeting. The next scheduled meeting of the City Traffic Commission will � be held on Novemberl3, 1996. Respectfully submitted CITY OF ORANGE �. . i;,}l�C v Sally R. Tre�o Recording Secretary City Traffic Commission ' Tape#CTC-96.10 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated.