12-10-1997 - Minutes TC `� i:?: { �� ` , .:�,vr:; ..,-r,,-� CITY OF ORANGE CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSI�N Minutes of a Regular Meeting: December 10. 1997 C�Sc�Sc�3CrSc�SC�3C�Sc�3c�3c�Sc�3c�SC�3c�3C�3C�3c7Sc�3c�3C�3c�3c�Sc�Sc�Sc�3c�3C�3c�3c�3C�3c�3c�3c�S I. OPENING A. Pledge of Allegiance To The Ftag B. Roll Call: Present- Commissioners: D. Yarger, J. Fortier,J. Gibson, W. Poutsma, F. Sciarra Absent - Commissioners: None Present - Staff: H. Bahadori, D. Allenbach, W. Winthers, C. Glass, P. Then, Sgt. Bob Green C. Approval Of Minutes RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE the CTC Minutes of 10-8-97 and 1i-12-97, as published by the Recording Secretary. MOTION: J. Fortier SECOND: D. Yarger AYES: Unanimous D. Items to be Continued or Withdrawn None this meeting. II. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Request for the remaval of red curb markings on Fletcher Ave. adjacent to Fletcher Elementary School. Michael Christensen, Construction Coordinator Orange Unified School District 1401 N. Handy St. Orange, CA 92865 Ora/presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion of this item. ACTION: Approve the removal of red curb markings on Fletcher Ave. adjacent to Fletcher Elementary School. MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: J. Gibson AYES: Unanimous �° Tape #CTC-97.08 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Reaular Mee����a-City Tra�c Commission December 10, 1997- Page 2 2. Request to lengthen the existing red curb markings adjacent to the office building at 640, 630 S. Glasseil St. Margaret Collins � 660 S. Gfassel I St., #111 Orange, CA 92866 Ora/presentation is based;on the written staff report,p/ease refer to your copy. There was no discussion of this item. ACTtON: Approve the request to instat! an additionai 58 ft. of red curb adjacent to the offrce building, per the site sketch. MOTTON: D. Yarger SECOND: J. Gibson AYES: Unanimous 3. Request to remove the red �curb markings in front of 409 S. Hili St. which was approved by the CT`C at the i0-8-97 meeting. � Lupe Hurtado 18696 Vine St., #A Orange, CA 92869 Dra/ presentatian r`s based on t/ae written staff report, please refer to you� copy. � Chairman Yarge�-operred the pc�b/ic hearing for the fo//awing discussion of this item: Lu�e Hurtadof 409 S. Hill St. - Orange - I just bought the place and observed a probfem with peopie parking on this site and I couldn't park in front of my own place. I found out that one af the neighbors bui�t a triplex instead of a single-dv�efling home, and he has two parking stal�s but he has six cars and it's creating a problem. Code Enforcement is going ta came out and put a stop ta th�s, I'm going to request a `handicapped'parking stall ta be installed. N�act door there ar� 3-� families living there wha are "ille�als" with about 4-5 cars so I noticed there are about 7-8 e�ra cars tl�at shouldn`t be there. Th�n I asked myself why should the City have to instalt red curb when the Code Enforcement staff can take care of the problem by getting rid of the people that aren't supposed ta be there. I don't know how the neighbor got permits to build a triplex when he only had space far two cars. Chairman Yarger c%sed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commission for further discussion and a motion. ACTION: Approve the applicants request not to install the red curb. � MOTION: J. Gibson SECOND: J. Fortier AYES: Unanimous �N Tape #CTC-97.08 of this City Tra�c Commission meeting is avaiiable for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Reqular MeeL���q-Citv Traffic Commission December 10, 1997- Page 3 Hamid Bahadori� City Traffic Engineer - The initial request the CTC acted on in October 1997, was not based on safety reasons and this dri�eway does not have any safety issues associated with it, therefore allowing parking adjacent to the driveway will not create any safety related issues, in staff's opinion and according to the Commission's findings. ,4. Request for �NO PARI�NG ANYTIME' restriCtions be implemented on both sides of Glassell S�. between Palm Ave. and Sycamore Ave. John Biggs Arnel Development for Chapman University Ora/presentation is based on the w�itt-en staff�eport, p/ease refer to your copy. There was no discussion ofthis item. ACTION: Approve the request for `NO PARIQNG ANYTIME' restrictions on both sides of Glassell St. between Pa�m Ave. and Sycamore Ave. MQTTQN: D. Yarger SECOND: �. Gibson AYES: Unanimous . �, 5. Request for red curb markings adjacent to the driveway that services 2341 N. Pacific St. Debbie Knox E.P.E. Packaging, Inc. � 2341 N. Pacific Sfi. Orange� CA 92865 . Ora/presentatian is bas�v'on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion of this item. ACTION: Approve the request to 'rnstalf 20 �. of red curb markings on both sides of the three driveways that service 2341 N. Pacifrc St. MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: J. Gibson AYES: Unanimous � �N Tape #CTC-97.08 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Reqular Mee�.,�g-City Traffic Commission December 10, 1997- Pa.qe 4 III. CONSIDERATION ITEMS A. Request for the installation of an `All-Way' STOP control at the intersection of Palmyra Ave. and Lincoln St. Jef Kahl 1515 E. Palmyra Ave. Orange, CA 92865 , � Ora/ presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. . Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the fo/%wing discussion Carl Rosberg, 1506 E. Palmyra Ave. - Opposed to the instailation of the STOP sign. I'm on the south side of Palmyra and my driveway and the driveway at 1501 E. Palmyra would enter i�to the intersection between the two STOP signs on Palmyra which would make it impossible for us to exit in the morning and evenings. 25 MPH is painted on the pavement and signs are posted on each s'rde of the street, and I don't see any problem � with traffic at any time during the day. Chairman Yarger c%sed the pub/ic hearing and returned the item to the Commission for further discussian and a motian. ACTION: DENY the request, for the installation of an `Alf-Way` ST4P control at the intersection of Palmyra Ave. and Lincoln St. MOTION: F. Sciarra . SECOND: W. Poutsma . AYES: Unanimous B. Request for the installation of an 'Al1-Way' STOP control at the intersection of Meadowgrove Rd. and Marywood Ln. Keith Nyssen ' 3543 Cunningham Ct. Orange, CA 98267 . Ora/presentation is based on the written staff report, p/ease r-efe�to your copy. There was no discussion on this item. ACTION: DENY the request for the installation of an.`All-Way' STOP control at the intersection of Meadowgrove Rd. and Marywood Ln. � MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous �° Tape #CTC-97.08 of this City TrafFc Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a ReQular Meetma-City Traffic Commission December 10, 1997- Page 5 C. Request to change the street name Handy Creek Road to`�Aspen Street". Ed Kissee, Principal Chapman Hilis Elementary School 170 N. Handy Creek Rd. Orange, CA 92869 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion on this item. ACTION: i. Approve the request. 2. Make street name change effective at the end of the school year. MOTION: F. Sciarra , SECOND: W. Poutsma AYES: Unanimous D. Request for a crossing guard on Fletcher Ave. at American Vllay. Tracey Nunez 226 W. Brookshi�re Ave. . Orange, C� 9�865 � Ora/ presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy Chairman Yarger opened the pub/ic hearing for the fo!lowing discussion of this item. Tracey Nunez� 226 Vlf. Brookshire Ave. - The ofd crosswalk ended in a staff driveway and moving that crosswalk reatly he�ped, they painted sQme red curb which keeps people from parking �n areas obstrucfiing view of the st�eefi by people in the crosswalk. I think a crossing guard wi�f really help us trernendou�ly. Chairman Yarger c%sed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commission for further discussion and a motion. ACTION: APPROVE the request for the piacement of a school crossing guard on Fletcher Ave. at American Way, and recommend that the City Council approve the same. MOTION: J. Fortier � SECOND: J. Gibson AYES: Unanimous �� Tape #CTC-97.08 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. , Minutes of a ReQular Mee�, a -City Traffic Commission December 10, 1997 Page 6 E. Request for the implementation of a `NE�GHBORHOOD PARi�NG PERMiT PROGRAM' on both sides of Cambridge St. between Chapman Ave. and Almond Ave. Richard Carison 159 S. Cambridge St. Orange, CA 92866 Oral presentation is based on the writ`t�en staff report, please refer to your copy, Chairman Yarger opened the pub/ic hearing for the fol%wing disc�ssion of this item. Hamid Bahadorif City Traffic Engineer - I wanted to advise the Commission that P.J, Mead's has entered into an agreement with `Naptime` (tenants o�' building at the SEC of Chapman/Cambridge} leas'rng ten (10) stalls within their parking fot. Gary Meserve� 153 S. Cambridge St - In favor of permit parking program. Did not receive notice of today's meeting. Cambridge is a very busy street and being that is a � residential street there has been a fot of overflow park�ng within the residentia! zones from afl the businesses on Chapman and Cambridge. Most of the people who five here don't park on the street because they don`t want to get their mirrors torn off. Traffic has increased i0-15% over tast year, and the morr�ing and afternvon peak hours the traffic on this street is pretty solr`d aumper-to-bumper, making it �ifficuft ta get in and out of the driveways. This parking problem is going to increase. Dan Slater, owner of 128 S. Cambridge St - Oppased to perm'rt parl�ing program. I fe�l this is the wrong thing to do on this one block I betieve the intent af permit parking � is effective when cars park for an extended period of t�me or overnight, here cars are -- parked for a fairly short period of time �/z to 1 hr., and there are already restrictions on the street with regard to the bike lane and street sweeping. Dale Newcomb, Emanuel Lutheran Church, 820 E Chapman Ave. - Opposed to permit parking program. Many times tor funerals and weddings held at our church we need the parking on Cambridge, limited as it is now with the red markings� ta he[p with some of our parking needs. If they are going to be cited far parking there during that time it wauld be very aduerse to us. The s'rgns insta{led at the business and church property were installed 1 �h year ago so tf�at's really not an issue. Gary Me�d Sr., 133-135 S. Cambridge St - Opposed to permit parking program. �Ile purchased the Old Cambridge Market in 1991 and I've appeared before you 6-7 times since then concerning problems with parking on Cambridge. We recently entered into an agreement with `Naptime' who is a tenant of the building at the SEC of Chapman/Cambridge. That parking lot was closed off for about 3 years. We currently rent 10 parking stalls in this park�ng lot for a two (2) year period, with no o�tion to renew, it's somewhat tenuous inasmuch as last month we received notification from the owner of the building that there would possibly be a foreclosure so we were not sure if we would continue to have 10 parking spaces or not. Our customers are now using those parking spaces and are not parking on the street. We are dependent upon �p Tape #CTC-97.08 of this City Traf�ic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Reaular Meetina -City Traffic Commission � December 10, �997- Page 7 parking on CambridgeF�we have survived even though last year 6 parking spaces were removed, 3 spaces were removed for the instailation of a `RIGHT TURN ONLY' lane and 2 spaces across the street determined to be "unusable" because cars possibly blocking traffic. , Gary Mead 1r., 143 S. Cambridge St. - Opposed to permit parking program. I purchased this property one year ago and I experience no probfem getting in and out of the residence, the only prdblem is the volume of traffic on the street which is just like most major streets. Chairman Yarger c%sed the pub/ic hearing and returned the item to the Corr�mission for further discussion and a mation. Hamid Bahadorit City Traffic Engineer - Regarding Mr. Meserve nat receiving notificafiion of this meeting I want to assure you that was an inadvertent omission and all notifications were mailed and as you can see some of the other area residents � received notification and are present. We apologize to Mr. Meserve for that omission and I'm gfad he found out about th� meeting through other notification efforts. As you enter your deliberatian 'tf you approve the request the program �as to go to the City Council for final approval. However, �f you deny the requ�st staff wifi not take any further action unless somebody appeals the decisian of the City T�affic Commission within fifi�e�n (15) days. Chairman Yarger - From what I have heard I don't see how perm�t parking is going to ����� � � increase tfle fiow of traffic on Cambridge St. during the busy hours w�ich. is what I heard is the reason this is being requested. I don't believe permit parking has ever helped traffic flow. Commissioner Sciarra - We have quite a bit of permit parking now and it causes problems. I don't see any reason for it here. Co�rrimissioner Fortier - I understand �ha� if yau are a resident or if yau have business within the area you may get a permanent parkFng tag plus 5-6 guest tags? Dave Allenbach, Traffic EnQineering Division - That's right you get one permanent decal for each vehicle registered to your address plus 7 visitor passes per household. Commissioner Fortier - Realistically the Mead's could get 8 parking permits and if he had a friend there it's 16; that would take care of the whole street. On that premise alone I don't see how permit parking is going to alleviate existing parking problems. { Commissioner Gibson - I believe there would be a problem with parking enforcement with these "guest" parking passes so I agree the permit parking program would not be appropriate at this time. �� Tape #CTC-97.08 of this City 7raffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording SeEretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Reqular Meetinq-City Traffic Commissian December i0, 1997- Page 8 ACTION: DENY the request for the impfementation of a �NQGHBORHOOD PARIQNG PERMIT PROGRAM' on both sides of Cambridge St. between Chapman Ave. and Aimond Ave. � MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: CJnanimous IV. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS There are no Administrative Reports this month. V. ORAL PRESENTATION There were na Ora! Presentations made at this meeting. VI. AD�OUFtNMENT Af�er discussion of all Agenda items of the City Traffic Commission was concluded, and tf�ere being na further requests for action under Oral Presentations, ehairman Yarger moved for the adjournment of this session of the City Traffic Commissior� to it's next regular meeting.: The ne7ct regularly schedu(ed meeting of the CTC wi�l be Wednesday - __._ � Februar}f 11, f948. Respectfully submitted, cm oF o�►N�E Phyllis�"hen Recording Secretar� Traffic Engineering Divis�on � CIFY OF ORANGE , DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION 3OO E. CHAPMAN AVE. ORANGE, CA 92866 PH: (714) 744-5536 FAx: (714) 744-6961 � �� Tape #CTC-97.08 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at (714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice wou{d be appreciated.