08-13-1997 - Minutes TC �,� _":_,';,` '`��:�� ;�� :: '-,�....e.-r�;�>::;� u.._ _- •-a•:;:,:�i'r CITY OF ORANGE �`��������`� CITY �RAFFIC COl��VVIIS�ION Minutes of a Regular Meeting: Au gust 13, 1997 I. OPEI�TING A. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c��c�c�c�c�c�sc�c�sc�c�c�c�sc�sc�c��c��c�c��c�sc�c�c�c��c�c�c�c� B. Roll Call Present- Commissioners: Yarger,Fort�er, Gibson, Sciarra Absent -Commissioners: Poutsma Present- Staff: Bahadori, Winthers, Glass, Allenbach, Then �. Sgt. J. �udson, OPD Absent - Staff; None c�3c�c�c�3c�3c�3c�gc�c�c�3c�c�3c�3c�c�3c�c�3c�3c�3c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�3c�c�c�3c�3c�3c�c�3c�3c�3c�sc�3c� C. Approval of Minutes * Meeting of June 11, 199? ACTION: Approve as published by the Recording Secretary. MOTION Yarger SECOND Fortier AYES Unanirnous d D. Items to be Continued or Withdrawn • None : , Minutes of a Regular 1Vieeting-citv Traffic Commission Augu�c 13, 199? Page 2 II. CONSENT CA.LENDAR A. Request for the installation of red curb markings for the driveways that service Califomia Elementa.ry School's office parking lot at 1080 N. California St. Chris Parker, Principal California Elementary School 1080 N. California St. ; Orange, CA 92867 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report,please refer to your copy. There was no discussion of this item. ACTION: Approve the installation of red curb on both sides of the driveway on California St. at the northerly end of California Elernentary School. MOTION: Yarger SECOND: Gibson � AYES: Unanimous B. Request for red curb markings on both sides of the Salar�a St. exit driveway that services the Orange Lakes Townhome complex.. � Juliet Macias _ Western Property Management 1800 E. Garry AWe., #108 Santa Ana, CA 92705 '� Oral presentation is based on the written staff report,p�ease refer ta your copy. There was no discussion of this item. . ACTION: Approve the instaliation of 30 feet of red curb markings on both sides of the drivevc�ay on Solana St. serving the Orange Lakes Townhome complex. MOTION: Yarger SEGOND� Gibson AYES. Unanimaus C. Request for installation of red curb markings adjac�nt to the driveway serving 1123 W. Alvarez Ave. Tom Wall 1123 W. Alvarez Ave. Orange, CA 92868 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report,please refer to your copy. There was no discussion of this item. � ACTION: Approve the installation of 20 feet of red curb markings on both sides of the s�bject driveway at 1123 W. Alvarez Ave. MOTIQN: Yarger SECOND: Gibson AYES: Unanimous � � Tape#CTC-97.02 of this Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714/7445536)in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Regular I�Ycetin�-Ci�Traffic Comrnission - Au_�_13, 1997 Page 3 D. Request for the installation of `NO_�ARKING ANYTIME' restriction on the east side of Batavia St. between Angus Ave. and Nicholas Ave. W. T. Fraemke � Truck Shop 739 N. Batavia St. 4range, CA 92868 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report,please refer to your copy. Due to a con,flict of interest Chairrnan Yarger excused himself from this item and Vice-Chairman Fortier opened the public hearing for the following discussian: Dick Kartozian, 6220 E. Shenandoah Ave. - We use the street for customer and employee parking and its very canvenient for the Truck Shop. I prefer to keep the parking available in front of my building. Vice-Cha�rman Fortier - How many spaces in front of yaur building would not want to lose? � Dick Kartozian -There are 5 spaces. Typicaliy 1-3 of those spaces are already taken by the time we arrive by the business directly behind us on Angus. They spill over and it impacts n�y neig�ibor as weil, on a busy day it impacts everyone in the neighborhood. Vice-Chatrman Fortier- So employees park there rather than customers, is that correct? . Dick Kar�ozian -Yes. � Vice-Chairman Fortier - I keep hearing about this motorhome, has that been a probiem for you too? Dick Kartozian -Nat for me personaliy, it is an eye-sore on that street. It's parked quite a ways narth from our building almost to Nicholas, but it's very visibie from the building next door. It looks as though it stays there 3-S days at a time and then it's moved across the street and then back again. Vice-Chairman Fortier - If the red curb is installed where the motorhome parks now I'rn wondering where h,e wili park the motorhome in the fi�ture. On�e we install red curb we don't want to com�back again for mare red curb in the futuxe. Dan't you have aff-streeC parking far your employees? Dick Kartozian - I do. They don't use it because at the beginning and end of the day, as most auto repair shops operate, those are.the busiest times of the day and it's needed for our customers who are delivering or picking-up their vehicles. We do park a couple of cars on Angus whenever there is a space available. W. T. Frormke, 739 N. Batavia St. - Volunteer to designate 4 parking spaces in my parking lot to be marked and made availabie for Mr. Kartozian's employee's parking to compensate for his loss of parking if you should decide to install the red curb. r Dick Kartozian - I appreciate the offer of the parking spaces but upon the completion of the term of his lease if he should leave then the next business would not be bound to share his parking lot. ... � � Tape#CTC-97.Q2 of this Traffic Coinmission meeting is available fot you=review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714/744-5536)in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Re�ular I��Ceting-City Traffic Commission - Augu.. 13.1997 I'age 4 Vice-Chairman Fortier closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commission for further discussion and a motion. Commissioner Sciarra - Marking the curbs red here will do nothing more than relocate that motorhome to another location so we wouldn't really have soived anything, and if the motorhome relocates to another area these businesses wouldn't need red curb at alt. ACTION. Approve the installation of `NQ PARKING ANYTIME' restriction on the east side of Batavia St. between Angus Ave. and Nichalas Ave. MOTION: Gibson SECOND: None Motion does not carry. ACTION: Deny the request for installation of red curb as requested. MQTIOI�T: Fartier SECOND: Sciarra AYES: Fortier, Sciarra , NOES: Gibson ABSTAIN: Yarger E. Request for the installation af red curb markings in front of the residence located at 507 S. Wrightwood St. David A. Lawrence 507 S. VVrightwood St.. � Orange, CA 92869-4949 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report,please refer to your copy. Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion: David Lawrence, 507 W. Wrightwood St. - My neighbor has 7 vehicles constantly at the home, 2 motorcycles and they choose to park in front of my house most of the time. This poses a hazard when entering and exiting my driveway. This neighbor has a 3-car garage and a 3-car driveway that eould accammodate most of their vehicles. My home is at the entrance into this tract from LaVeta Ave. and we get a lat of t�affic t�ecause of this. � Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commission for further discussian and a motion. ACTION: Approve the installation of 28 ft. of red curb markings on the north side of the driveway, and 10 ft. of red curb on the south side of the driveway at 507 W. Wrightwood St. MOTION: Yarger SECOND: Sciarra r AYES: Unanimous � Tape#CI'C-97.02 of this T=affic Commission meeting is avaiiable for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714/744-5536)in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Regular i.�eetin�-, Citv Traffic Commission - Aug��c 13, 1997 Page 5 F. Request for red curb markings at the northwest corner of Ryals Ln, and Bobwhite Way, in front of 226 N. Bobwhite Way. Richard Yarger 264 N. Bobwhite Way Orange, CA 92869 Oral presentation is based on the written sta,f�`'repor�,please refer ta your copy. Due to a conflict of in�erest Chairman Yarger excused himself from this item. Vice-Chairman Fortier assumed the Chair. There was no discussion of this request. ACTION: App�ove the installation of red curb markings around the knuckle curve adjacent to 226 N. Bobwhite Way, and 30 feet of red curb markings on Ryals Ln, MOTIQN: Gibson SECOND: Sciarra ABSTAII�I: Yarger AYES: Gibson, Fortier, Sciarra III. CONSIDERATION ITEMS A. Request far instailation of 240 feet of red curb markings on both si�es of Sycamore Ave. � easterIy of Etrn St. C. Lanny W�lson . Central Orange�obby Sox - 1442 E. �..incaln Ave., #331 Orange, CA 92865 Oral presentation is based on the written staf�`'report,please refer ta your copy. Chairman Yarger opened the pubZic hearing for the following discussion of this request: C. Lannv Wilson, 339 N. Wheatgrass St. - I submitted this proposai because there have been 2 accidents out there that were pretty rnessy and we have tournaments almost every other month. There are a lot of games played at these fields and a Iot of potential far chiidren to get hit when crossing the raadway between these two athletic fields. Because of the number of near-misses we thought a vision zone would be appropriate. I'm willing to compromise on the amount of red curb that is installed on a trial basis and if after a period of time everything continues to operate well we could make the 75 ft. viszon zone permanent, however, if it beeomes evident that more red curb markings were needed then it could be installed as necessary. I will be happy to provide you with a copy of our tournament schedule. Commissioner Gibson - The snack bar is rectangular on this map, can you tell me what the length of it is across the front? Lannv Wilson -It's about 75 feet. Al Pollack, 2141 N. Flower St., Santa Ana - I've been the President of the Central Orange Bobby Sox for about 15 years. I've been familiar with El Camino Park and its usage for many years. The concern I have is the El Camino side of the street. Field #1 .--. � Tape#CTC-97.02 of this Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recozding Secretary at(714/744-5536�in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Regnlar I��.;etin�-Citv Traffic Commission - Aug�. 13.1997 Page 6 along Main St. frontage is a mounded area where kids play a lot and kids tend to cross the street at this location. At the Little League field across the street, they tend to cross more . toward Elm St. coming to the snack bar and the restrooms, so I would like to see 75 ft. of red curb an the Sycamore side. I would like you to extend that "vehicle free" zone on the . El Camino side longer than you do across the street. Tha parking on the Orangewood side does not get a lot of use it should get more use, we will instruct our League parents to park along the Orangewood side and not to park on the Syeamore side, we wtll make an effort�a make sure peopl�e know about that. Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and returrced the item to the Commission for discussion and a mation. AC'I'ION: Deny request for 240 ft. of red curb on both sides of Sycamore Ave. A►pprove the instaltation of 75 feet of red curb markings on both sides of Sycamore Ave. in proximity to El Camino Park's maintenance building between Main St. anci Elm St., on a 6 month trial basis. MOTION; Yarger SECOND: Sciarra AYES: Unanimous IV. ADMI1vISTl�ATIVE REFORTS A. Review and approval of City wide "Residentiai NeighbQrhood Traffic Management �. Prograrn." Hamid Bahadori, City Traffic Engineer - This report has been prepared under the direction of the City Council in response to numerous compiaints from residential areas as related to traffic speed, volumes and accidents on residential streets. Most of these concerns ha�e their raots in issues beyond the controi of Traffic Engineers and City gavernm�nts, iC''s the urbanization of the areax the increase in trafC�c volumes, and changes in soeial trends. 7.'h�re's not really a whole lot that can be done regarding those issues. The City Council asked us to put a package together and presenting to them whatever is availabie has been tested with the advantages and disadvantages identif ed. Our report is a combination of these tra�c control methods creating a "tool box" to gi�e them whatever measures are avaiiable that other jurisdictions have experimented with successfully. I would like to focus yaur attention on the "Threshold" section of the report. We don't want these devices to get out of control and be placed all over the city indiscriminately because they may lose their effectiveness, and some of these devices are expensive to install (speed humps are $3000 each) and cities like Pasadena has 900 of these instatlations, we want to have some kind of control. The "Threshold" basically says that the street to be studied have to meet one of the criteria, either accident history, tra�c volume or speed. �-,. � Tape#CTG97.02 of this Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714/744-5536}in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Regular I�ieeting Citv Traffic Commission Augu„ 13,1997 Pa�e 7 ACCIDENT HIST�RY - Caltrans annually pubiished accident rate, so your expected accident rate for that kind of street has to be above what the expected accident rate is for other such streets in the State of California. VOLUMES - You have to have a minimum of 2,500 ADT otherwise although you may think you have exeessive volume we really don't think that is uncharacteristic of today's residentiai streets. Most residential streets fall below that limit but keep in mind tliat streets such as Culver, Almond, Orange, Grand alI qualify as residentiai streets. SFEED-The prima facie speed limit per State law is 25 MPH but it is ��realistic to expect the 85`� Percentile to be 25 MPH. Unscientific survey of the recent projects in the city, and the speec� survey data available we believe 33 IVIPH is pretty rnuch what you are experiencing on residential streets. Anything up to 33 MPH is typical and may not really warrant any speciat studies or special measures to bring it lower, anything above that w�ll probabiy justify a study. The 12 measures in the report show the advantages and disadvantages and costs of installation prepared by the Traffic Engineering Division and has been review by other departments namely, the Police Dept. which will have a significant rale in the success or failure vf these measures. Vice Chairman Fortier - 1'his is a variety of solutions at our disposal to solv� certain types of traffic problems that might oceur. Commissioner Sciarra -With a few exceptions aren't we a�ready using most of these? � Hamid Bahadori � We trasicaliy aren't daing any physical form of control these days. Upon your apgrovai v�P are planning on taking this to the City Council and ask the Council to adopt it through a Resolution. ACTION: Approve the report. Recommend approval by the City Council. M4TION: For�ie� SECOND; Sciarra � AYES: Unanimous V. ORAL PRESENTA7CIONS None. � r-„ � Tape#CTC-97A2 of this Traffic Comanission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording SecretaLy at(714/744-5536)in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. lYiinutes of�Re�ular Mleeting City Traffic Commission - Augus�13,1997 Pa�e 8 VI. ADJOi��]IVMENT After discussion of toclay's Agenda items of the Crty TraffiG Commission being concluded, and there being no further requests for action under Oral Presentatians, the Chairman adjourned this session of the City Tra�c Comrnission to it's next regula�meeting. The next regularly scheduled�meeting of the CTC is September 10, 1997. Respectfully submitted, Phyllis Ther� Recarding Secretary � City Traffic Commission TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DNISION DEPAI�TMENT OF PUBLIG WQRKS CIT7�OF ORANGE 3Q0 E. CHAPMAN AVE. ORANGE, cA 92866-1591 �HONE: (714) 744-553� FAx: (714) 744-6961 File Name: August Minutes [Disk#�20-Then] � .-�. � Tape#CTC-97.02 of this Traffic Commission meeting is available fo=your xeview. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714/744-5536�in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated.