03-12-1997 - Minutes TC CITY QF O1�:ANGE CITY TRAFFIC COI��VIISSIC�N Minutes of a Regular Meeting: March 12, 1997 c�sc�sc�cr�c�c�c�c�c�sc�c�c�c�sc�c�c�c�c�c�sc�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�c�sc�scr��c�c� ROLL CALL: Present- Commissioners: Yarger, Fortier, Gibson, Poutsma, Sciarra Absent - Commissioners: None Present - Staff: Bahadori, Winthers, Glass, Allenbach, Then Absent - Staff: Sgt. J. Hudson, OPD c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 C�3 ca3 ca3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�s c�3 c�3 C�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 Cag c�3 c�3 Cc�33 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 C�3 c�3 c�3 c�3 I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES • Meeting of March 12, 1997 Recommendation: Approve as published by Recording Secretary. MQTION:Yarger SECOND:Fortier AYES: Unanimous II. C�NSENT CALENDAR A. Request for a driveway vision zone at the Chapman University Parking Lot driveway on Center St. Lt. Perry Thomas, Campus Safety Chapman University 333 N, Glassell St. Orange, CA 92866 Oral presentation is based on the written sta,f,�'report, please refer to your copy. Chairman �'arger opened the public hearing for the following discussion of this request: Minutes of a Re�ular Meeting-Citv Traffic Commission - March 12, 1997 Pagg 2 Milt Galbraith, Chief of Campus Safety-Chapman University - The parking hardship we have right now will not be seriously impacted by virtue that the Orange St. Parking Lot will be opening within a day or two, and we will have an additional 200 spaces available to students and faculty. This request is more of a safety factor, RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request. MOTI4N:Yarger SECOND:Gibson AYES: Unanimous III. CONSIDERATION ITEMS A. Request for the removal of on-street parking from both sides of Collins Ave. �n proximity to Handy St. for the installation of protected left-turn lanes. Traffic Engineering Division CITY OF ORANGE Oral presentation is based on the written sta,f,�'report, please refer to your copy. Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion of this requesx: Mark Levy, 2441 E. Collins Ave. - Oppose the request. Collins has never been wide enough for parking anyway. I don't consider Collins to be a secondary arterial street, its residentially developed. The volume of traffic has been allowed to increase and people are using Collins as a by-pass route which has increased since the streets in E. Orange have opened. We're not servicing the community's needs, we have traffic coming in from other cities. I'm on the corner of Collins/Handy and there is no parking on Handy St. at all, and now you want to remove parking from Collins as well. We avoid parking on Collins because we don't have safe lane widths to allow on-street parking. I think you should revert Collins to one lane in each direction, with a nice bike lane, and a11ow on- street parking and install the signal. I'm losing my parking so someone from Anaheim Hills, Corona can get to work; they could use Fast Trak and they're building a lot of alternative routes out there a11 the way down to Mission Viejo from the SR-91 Fwy. r� � Tape#CTC-97.02 of this Traffic Comrnission meeting is aoailable for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714/744-553G)in this regaxd,some advance notice would be appreciated. Minntes of a Regular Meeting-City Traffic Commission - March 12,1997 Pa�e 3 Maggie Duerr, 2537 E. Collins Ave. - Oppose the request. I live on the northwest corner of Collins/Handy. On the west side there is no access to driveways for people living on Collins all of those driveways are accessed from an alternate street. Could you still put in the turn lane and move the entire easement over so you don't have to remove the on-street parking from the east side of the street? It makes it difficult when you have 3 cars in your driveway if someone is coming to see you they have to park on an alternate street somewhere else. Dave Allenbach, Traffic Engineering Division - We did look at that. This area of Collins is only 55 ft. wide. In order to shift the striping to the south side of the street it would require a minimum of 64 ft. which is a standard secondary arterial street width. That would maintain minimum lane widths we would need on the south side of the street and allow wide enough travel lane pn the north side (westbound direction) to provide a safe travel lane and a11ow on-street parking. The street is not physically wide enough to do that. Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Cornmission for final discussion and/or a motion. Vice Chairman Fortier - If you look at the current traffic situation at this intersection its clear that a traffic signal is needed, its dangerous when children are crossing with those `4-Way' STOP's even with a Crossing Guard. Commissioner Gibson - What is the City's position about installing the signal without the protected left-turn phasing? Dave Allenbach, Traffic Engineering Division - We would not signalize unless we have the protected left-turn lane. The reason is two-fold. We have a safety issue, its always safer to have a left-turning vehicle out of the moving traffic lane while they are waiting for cross-traffic to clear to complete their turn. This helps to reduce the incidents of left-turn vs. through traffic aecidents and also rea.r-end type accidents. The other rea.son �s a matter of efficiency. It is more efficient to have a stopped vehicle out of the moving traffic lane so we can move the traffic through the intersection on the green phase. Commissioner Sciarra, - Do you have any on-street parking at all? Mark Levy - There is parking 15 ft. back from the STOP sign. Rest of his comments are unintelligible as his response was from the audience and not from the microphone. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request. MOTION:Fortier SECOND:Gibson AYES: Unanimous �-. � Tape#CTC-97.02 of this Traffic Commission meeting is available£or your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714/744-553G)in this regard,some advanee notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Regular Meeting-City Traffic Commission March iG 1997 Page 4 B. Tustin St. and Taft-Briardale Ave. east-west through traffic grohibition, six month report. Traffic Engineering Division CITY OF ORANGE Oral presentation is based on the written staf�`'report, please refer to your copy. Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion of this request: There were 8 speakers in favor of making the turn restrictions permanent. Their concerns are as follows: Thong Bui, 1528 E. Briardale Ave. Vera Mater, 1774 N. Lincoln St. Jack McElroy, 1796 N. Lincoln St. Ronald Drynan, 1761 N. Lincoln St. Pam Hunt, 1795 N. Lincoln St. Tom Mason, 1723 N. Lincoln St. Paul Hackmann, 1502 E. Briardale Ave. 7an Jaswell, 1874 N. Shattuck Pl. Inconvenience is minor compared to safety benefits. Peace and quite have been restored to our neighborhood and we can now get in and out of our driveways. Only 6% of traffic going thru neighborhood was going to the shopping centers and the slow down of the economy in the last two years is more likely the reason for a drop in their business and not accessibility rnto the shopping centers. We are no longer a thoroughfare for traffic from cities east and west of us. The restrictions ar� working very well. Thexe are two driveways into those centers for their customers they just need to be educated on how to get their customers into their lots. There has been an increase in safety to the school aged children that walk to school along Briardale, there's less traffic on the residential streets so its safer for � them. With the exception of Sunny Smith and Marty's Bar there has been a tremendous turn-over of shops in those two retain centers. People from Villa Park can get to Tustin 5t. from streets other than Taft Ave. such as Meats Ave. for those people who want to make a right turn from Tustin into the retail center. Police, Fire and the Street Departments don't want the street closed because of safety features, � � Tape#CTC-97.02 of this Traffic Comrnission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the ' �tecording Secretary at(714/744-5536)in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Regular Meeting-Cit,y Traffic Commission - March 1Z, 1997 P�gg 5 There were 5 speakers opposing the prohibition of through east-west traffic. Their concerns are as follows: Rene' Berger, Property Manager for Clock Tower Center 10540 Talbert Ave. #120, Fountain Valley W. J. Choi, Karate Studio - 1800 N. Tustin St. Mike Tighe, Sunny Smith's - 1814 N. Tustin St. Mrs. Fayna, 4 Seasons Caf� - 1800 N. Tustin St. Beroz Viaji, Clock Tower Dry Cleaners - 1762 N. Tustin St. Key value to a strip center like this is its signalized intersection and accessibility, this detracts from its value. Why can't you install a K-rail across the street on the other side of the driveway of the center and thereby not allowing any traffic into the neighborhood? We didn't have any advance natice of the proposed prohibition before we moved into the retail center. Our customers cannot get in and out of the center easily from Tustin St., we are all losing 25% of our business because of these prohibitions, We would like you to re-open the street for east-west through traff'ic. Chairman Yarger elosed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commission for final discussion and/or a motion, Vice Chairman Fortier - It seem obvious we have two veins of interest here the residents who have been impacted and what we have done has been highly instrumental in creating a nice neighborhood for them; we have some business people who terribly impacted by vvhat we have done. I don't know of a solution that will make both sides happy. To say 75% of your business is being lost because your customers can't come down Taft seems to be somewhat of an exaggeration to me. Y think in the last 6 months business has been down because the economy in our area is down. Chairman Yarger - There was a study done years ago that indicated Tustin St. is one of the busiest streets in the United States. Commissioner Sciarra - If I were going to the retail center on Taft/Briardale knowing that I couldn't gef in as easily from Taft I certainly would use Mea.ts or Katella in order to get to Tustin and then I could access the retain center from their driveways on Tustin St. Commissioner Gibson - I use some of those businesses on the south side of � Briardale. Its not an easy parking lot to access but I still shop there. If someone truly wants to patronize those businesses they will find a route that enable them to do so. I think it may be appropriate for the business owner to lend a hand helping their patrons re-lea•rn �ow to drive this intersection. �� Tape#CTC-97.02 of dus Traffic Coinmission meeting is available for you=review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714/744-5536)in this regazd,some advance notice would be appreciated. Minutes of a Regular Meeting-Citv Traffic Commission - March 12, 1997 Pa�� RECOMMENDATION: Approv� the request and make the east-west through traffic prohibition permanent. MOTION: Gibson SECOND: Fortier AYES: Fortier, Gibson, Poutsma, Sciarra ABSTAIN: Yarger Hamid Bahadori, City Traffic Engineer - I want to advise everyone in the audience that this matter will be automatically placed on the Agenda for the City Council. It has been scheduled to be presented at the April 8, 1997 City Cauncil meeting and will be heard at the 7:00 p.m. session. Chairman Yarger - To the business owners I would suggest that if you have a representa.tive, I would suggest that you drop a letter to the Traffic Engineering Division let us dig in a little deeper with other departments such as Fire, Police and Sanitation about some other strategy that would bring the business back into that center. C. Request to adopt updated STOP control warrants for residential streets. Traffic Engineering Division CITY �F ORANGE OraZ presentation is based on the written sta,f�`'report, please refer to your copy. 7'here was no discussion on this request: RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the updated STOP control warrants. MOTION:Yarger SECOND:Sciarra AYES: Unanimous IV. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS None. V. ORAL PRESENTATIONS None. � � Tape#CTG-97.02 of this Tra�c Commission meeting is available foz your review. Please contact the Recordin$Secretary at(714/744-5536)in this regard,some advance ndtice would be appreciated. �Viinutes of a Regular Meeting- City Traffic Commission - March 1�, 1997 Page 7 VI. ADJOUF:NMENT After discussion nf today's Agenda items of the City Traffic Commission being concluded, and there being no further requests for action under Oral Presentations, the Chairman adjourned this session of the City Traffic Commission to it's next regular meeting. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the CTC is April�9, 1997. Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Phyllis Then Recording Secretary City Traffic Commission TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ORQIVGE 30O E. CHAPMAN AVE. ORANGE, cA 928b6-1591 PHONE:(714) 744-5536 FAx: (714) 744-6961 File Narne: March Minutes (Disk#18/A-Then) sC's � Tape#CTC-97:02 of this Traffic Commission meeting is available for you=review. Please contact the Recoxding Secretary at(714/744-5536)in this regard,some advance norice would be appreciated.