09-09-1998 - Minutes TC � �:: �>:, �;;.>:;::;,::;. � :=,.,rt��s�x:�,�c� CITY OF ORANGE CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting: September 9, 1998 ���1�����.�?�I�?�?�?�t�?�l�?��?�?�?��'i�'i�'i�'i�'i�'i�i�i�',�',�',�,�'i�',�'i�'►�'i�'►�',�'i I. OPENING A. Pledge of Allegiance To The Flag B. ROLL CALL: Present-Commissioners: D. Yarger,F. Sciarra, W. Poutsma Absent- Commissioners: J.Fortier Present- Staff: W. Winthers, Sgt. B. Green, C. Glass, S.Trejo Absent- Staff: H. Bahadori,D. Allenbach, P. Then C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of August 12, 1998, City Traffic Commission meeting were not available. D. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN: None this month. II. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Request for the installation of red curb markings on both sides of the driveway that service the business located at 292 N. Main St. Skip Heirington Skip's Nail&Hair Salon 292 N. Main St. Orange, CA 92868 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion on this item. RECOMMENDATION: To APPPROVE the request and install 60 feet of red curb markings on the east side of the driveway, and 20 feet of red curb markings on the west side of the driveway. MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous Tape#CTC-98.07 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the � ���= Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. �--= CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting September 9, 1998 Pa�e 2 of 3 2. Request for the instailation of red curb markings in front of 33U4 E.Meadowridge Rd. Christina Kahler � — Action Property Management Summit V�ew Homeowner's Association 701 S.Parker St.,#1600 Orange, CA 92868 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please �e,fer to your copy. There was no discussion on this item.. REC�MMENDATION: Ta DE1vY the request for the insta.11ation of red curb markings in front of 33U4 E.Meadowridge Rd. 1VIOTION: D.Yaxger SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous III. CONSIDER.ATION ITEMS 1. Request to change the posted speed iimit on Metropolitan Drive from 40 MPH to � 3 U MPH. Txaffic Engineering Division ' CITY OF+ORANGE Or�l presentation is based o�z the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was no discussion on this item.. RECOMMENDATION: To APPPROVE the request to change the posted speed limit on Metropolitan Drive from 40 MPH to 30 MPH. MOTION; D.Yarger ' SECOND: W.Poutsma AYES: Unanimous IV. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS None this month. V. ORAL PRESENTATIONS None this month. Tape#CTC-98.07 of this City Tr�c Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting September 9 1998 � PaQe 3 of 3 VI. ADJOI;fRNMENT Discussion of all today's Agenda items before the City Traffic Commission being complete, -y ar3d there being no further requests for action under Oral Presentations, Chairman Yarger hereby adjourned this session of the City Traffic Commission at 3:40 p.m.. The next regulaxly scheduled meeting of the City Traffic Commission will be October 14, 1998. Respectfully submitted, CITY OF ORANGE �. � Sally R. Trejo Recording Secretary � Traffic Engineering Division I Tape#CTC-98.07 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretaxy at(714)744-5535 in this regard,sorne advance notice would be appreciated.