08-12-1998 - Minutes TC `i::>:.:i
Minutes of a Regular Meeting: August 12, 1998
A. Flag Pledge
B. Roll Call:
Present - Commissioners: D. Yarger, J. Fortier, W. Poutsma, F. Sciarra
Present - Staff: H. Bahadori, W. Winthers, D. Allenbach, C. Glass,
Sgt. B. Green, P. Then
C. Approval Of Minutes:
RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE the CTC Minutes of June 10, 1998, as
published by the Recording Secretary.
MOTION: F. Sciarra
SECOND: W. Poutsma
AYES: Unanimous
D. Accept resignation of Dorothy ")o" Gibson from the City Traffic Commission
effective July 21, 1998.
E. Items To Be Continued or Withdrawn
None this meeting.
1. Request to change the private street name "Koll Center Drive" to "Orange Center
D ri ve".
Michael ). Palladino
Equity Office Properties Management
500 N. St. College Blvd., #1160
Orange, CA 92868
Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy.
There was no discussion of this request.
ACTION: Approve the request.
MOTION: D. Yarger
SECON D: J. Fortier
AYES: Unanimous
� Tape #CfC-98.06 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the
Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated.
Minutes of a Regular Meeting-City Traffic Commission - August 12, 1998 Page 2
2. Request for the installation of red curb markings for the driveways that service
1602/1440 E. Lincoln Ave. (Vons Center at Tustin/Lincoln).
Charles E. Williams �
s 2�459 N. Hearthside
4range CA 92865
Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy.
Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion of this
Fred Ramer, 3042 �heri, Orange - That area represents an entrance/exit to the Vons
Shopping Center at Lincoln and Tustin and when exiting fihat driveway when there
are 18 wheel trucks parked it creates a safety hazard as they block your view.
ACTION; Approve the request and install 320 ft. of the curb
frontage for "NO PARKING ANYTIME".
1vIOTION: D. Yarger
SECOND: V1/. Poutsma
AYES: Unanirnous
3. Request for fhe installation of speed humps on Shaffer St. :between Taft Ave. and
Meats Ave.
Anthony Dunn
1733 N. 5haffer St.
Orange, CA 92865
Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy.
There was no discussion on this item,
ACTION: 1. Receive and File staff report.
2. Direct staff prepare and mai f a petition to the
proponent for circulation within the neighborhood.
MOT10N: D. Yarger
SECOND: ). Fortier
AYES: Unanimous
��� Tape #CTG98.06 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the
Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice wouid be appreciated.
Minutes of a Regular Meeting-City Traffic Commission - August 12, 1998 Page 3
2. Request for the installation of speed humps on Townsend Ave. between Rosemere
St. and Crossgate St.
G reg & Mary Beth Marti n
s 4147 E. Townsend Ave. '
Orange, CA 92867
Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy.
There was no discussion on this item.
ACTION: Deny the request.
MOTION: ). Fortier
SECOND: F. Sciarra
AYES: Unanimous
3. Request for the removal of red curb markings in proximity to the driveway that
services 520 \N. Walnut Ave.
Debbie Rawitch
National Cap Manufaeturers, Inc. . �
535 W. Walnut Ave.
CJrange, CA 92868
Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, p/ease refer to your copy.
Chairrnan Yarger o�ened the pu�bli� hearing for the following discussion of this
� request:
Sue PerQnteau, 520 UV. Walnut Ave. - Cflu(d not distinguish remarks.as the
recording system does not pick up comments from the audience and the speaker
did not c�me forv�rard to the speakers podium. Chairman Yarger indicated the
speaker was in favor of the request.
Chairrnan Yarger closed the public hearing and returned the item to the
Cornmission for further discussion and a motion. ��
ACTION; Deny the req uest.
lv1QTION: F. Sciarra
SECON D: ). Fortier
AYES: Unanimous
�� Tape #CTG98:06 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available #or your review. Please contact the
Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated.
Minutes of a Regular Meeting-City Traffic Commission - Au�ust 12, 1998 � Page 4
4. Request for the installation of red curb markings on the west side of Nohl Canyon
Rd. south of Nohl Ranch Rd.
_ EUen Johnson
Orange Unified School District
726 W. Collins Ave.
Orange CA 92867
Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy.
There was no discussion from the public regarding this item.
Commissioner Poutsma - I spoke with Mrs. Trix, Principal at that school and she
said that with the addition of this painted curb it would really help her parking
situation during the arrival and dismissal hours.
ACTION: Approve the installation of 30 ft. of red curb markings
in front of 2894 �Johl Canyon Rd.
M�TION: J. Fortier
SECC�ND: W. Poutsma
AYES: Unanimous �
1. , Report on the feasibility of a City ordinance to prohibit parking on City parkways.
Hamid 8ahad:ori, City Traffi� Engineer reported to the Cammission that in response to a
request of the CTC a few months ago both Traffic Engineer, Police and the City Attorney's
staff ha� reviewed parking restrictions within the city owned parkways. Staff have no
objections to the proposed ordinance and the City Attprney's office has determined that
this issue falls within the purview and jurisdiction of local governments and we are not
pre-empted by local law. This proposed restriction could be a blanket restriction at all
times applying to all locations, or ifi could have certain exemptions.
One exemption could allow parking within the parkway only during street sweeping
hours: The City Attorney's office objects to such an exemption as vehicles parking within
� the city owned parkway areas diminish a motorists line of sight and therefore increased the
city's liability exposure.
Street sweeping operations is designed, within high density areas, with alternate weeks of
sweeping. You are allowed to park on side of the street when the opposite side is swept,
and the next week you switch. So parking problems in high density areas have been
taken into consideration.
��� Tape #CTG98.06 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the
Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be appreciated.
Minutes of a Regular Meeting-City Traffic Commission - August 12, 1998 Page 5
There is no clear definition of a "parkway", in the Vehicle Code, it comes through our
own Zoning Code. The intent of the ordinance is that any section of the public right-of-
way between the curb line or the edge of pavement in case we don't have a curb line, any
section of public right-of-way between edge of travel lane and the private ,boundary is
restri�ted�frorn parking. If there is a sidewalk it is already restricted by the Vehicle Code, if
ther� is no sidewalk the parking is restricted no matter whafi kind of area it is, if it is a
grassy area, dirt shoulder, whatever, you cannot park there. That �s the intent of the
ordinance that you cannot park �except on the pavement where it is allowed. There is no
uniform City standard of what a parkway is, these standards have changed over thE years.
Vehicle Code Secti�n 555 says that a sidewalk is "that portion of a highway other than the
roadway set apart by curbs, barriers, markings or other delineation for pedestrian travel."
� blanke� resolution of this nature has varied rami#ications that can no� be foreseen. That
is why it has to ga before the City Council and have two readings prior to approval. There
vvi11 be a lot of issues that will arise �t the Council hearing, some of those we can address
such as the implementation of this restriction or the adverse impacts of such a restriction
within the industrial area, Dep�nding on whom you ask maybe that's desirable, maybe
we don't want people to park in that area. Other people may have a completely different
apinion, then you gefi into distinctions and say you have the restriction in a residential area
but not in the industriaVcommercially zoned areas, then it becomes very confusing and
complicated and actually exposes the City to Iiability. �
�egregating the applicability of such an ordinance between comm�rcia) and residential
ar�as was also r�viewed. In the Old Towne district there are areas of mixed use. lt's
going to be difficult to distinguish between the two uses, it's not clear cut. We must have
some logic and r�a�on for adopting such a blank�t ordinance, if the r+eason is aesthetics
and we acl�nowledge that in the ordinance I think it can be su:pported; but if the reason for
the ordinance is traffic safety and improving sight distance then we cannot really
distinguish between the two uses.
The Police Dept. receives complaints on a weekly basis regarding veh�cles in the parkway
i n both residential and commercial ly zoned areas, i�'s ai I over the city.
It was determined that Traffic Engineering, the �ity Attorney and the Traffic Bureau of the
Police Dept. will work together and develop alternatives, as well the pros and cons of
each alternative and then return to the Commission either in September or October for
� Tape #CTG98.06 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your reUiew. Please contact che
Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated.
Minutes of a Regular Meeting-City Traffic Commission - August 12, 1998 Page 6
Sgt. Bob Green introduced our Interim Police Chief Andy Romero, and Lt. Art
Romo to all members of the Traffic Commission.
There were no other presentations either from the public or Commission.
After discussion of today's Agenda items of the City Traffic Commission was
conclud�ed, and as �here were no further r�equests for action �ander Oral
Presentations, the �hairman adjourned this session of the City Traffic Commission
at 4:15 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Traffic Commission will be
Wednesday- September 9, 1998.
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis Then
Record i ng Secretary
Traffic Engineering Division
RH: (714) 744-5536
�Ax: (714) 744-6961
� Tape #CTC-98.06 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the
Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated.