05-13-1998 - Minutes TC , ,::;� �--�,.
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CITY OF 4RANGE �,�.��������
Minutes of a Regular Meeting: , Mav 13, 1998
A. Pledge of AI(egiance To The Flag
B. Roll Cati: �
Present- Commissioners: D. Yarger,�. Fortier,J. Gibson, F. Sciarra �
Absent -Commissioners: W. Poutsma
Present- Staff: H. Bahadori, D. Allenbach,C. Glass, P. Then, Sgt. Bob Green
W. Wint�ers
G Approval Qf M�nutes
RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE the CTC Minutes of April 15, 1998, as published
by tt�e Recording Secretary. � ,
MOTION: F. Sciarra
� SECQMD: � J. Gibson �
AYES: Unanimous
D. Items to be Continued or Withdrawn -
None this meeting.
, There were no Consent Items at this meeting.
�• Tape #CTC-98.04 of this City Traf�'ic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please
contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be
� Minutes of a Regular Meetina-Citx Traffic Commission Mav 13, i998-Paae 2
A. Request for the instailation of STOP controis and painted crosswalks at the intersections
of Highiand S�/Quincy Ave., Highland St./Monroe Ave., and High{and St./Locust Ave.
Barry Cotde
�P.�. Box 31i
Tustin, CA 92681 .�
Ord/presentatron is 6�ase�d on tfie wrrtten staf�`r�rt,please refe�iz�you�capy.
T1`�ere was no discussion of this item. `
1. Approve the installa�on of an `A11-Way' STOP control at the intersection of
Highland St./Quincy Ave. with 40:ft. of red curb on tt�e northeast comer for the
schoot bus stop.
2. Approve pain�ng marked pedestrian crossings on ali legs of Highland St. and
Quincy Ave.
3. Approve the installation of'Two-Way'STOP contro( for east and westbound Monroe
and Locust Aves. at High(�nd St.
MOTION: D.Yarger .
SECOND: 3. Gibson
AYES: Ur�an'rmous
. B. Request bo remave one on-stre�t parking space on the south side of Ct�apman Ave. east
. of Lemon St� and to move ifie STOP bar in the westbound !eft-tum tane 10 f�. east of �
it's existing position.
Bil1 Batory, Facility Maintenance Dept.
554 S. Main St.
4range, CA 92863-1584
Oral p�esentat�on is b�as�d on the wntten staf�`rep�ort,p/ease refer to you�copy.
There was no discussian of this item.
ACTION: Approve the remova( of the on-street parking space on the south side of
Chapman Ave. east of Lemon St. and paint a STOP bar 5 f�. easterly of it's
present location.
MOTION: D. Yarger
SECOND: ]. Fortier �
AYES: Unanimous �
� Tape #CTC-98.04 of this City Traf�ic Commission meeting.is available for your review. Please
contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be
Minutes of a Rea�lar Meet��,�-Citv Traf�'ic Commission May 1�, i998 Paoe 3
C. Request to remove on-street par-Id�g from both sides of Glassell St. adjacent to it's -
intersecction with Sycamore Ave. to facititate lef�-tum channelization for, the proposed
� traffic signai instailation at the intersecaon of Giassel( St. and Sycamore Ave. ['This item
� i�eon�nued from the April CTC meeeting.]
Robert D. Micketson on bef�alf of:
Chapman University
P.O. 6ox 932 .
Orange, CA 92865-6932 �
Ora/pre.sentat�on is base,d on tfie w�tten statJ`'rep�ort,p/ease�efe�tn your copy,
Chairman Yarger oprene�d the public hearing fnr the fn//owing discussion of this item:
�arole Walters f 534 N. Shaffer St - I'm concemed if you remove a lot af the parking off
because it wili hurt the businesses in this area. One ent'rty should not be able to have �
this much impact on the other businesses in the area.
�hairman Yarger-The reason behrnd this request is safety. You may have seen other
traffic signals in town that don't have protected i�ft-tum fanes and on-street parking �s
stil! atiowed, if somebody tnes #�r tur-n �e�the prs behind them cannot move until the
motorists finishes h�s tum and this creates a traffc back up� I.,�oaking at the map of
businesses affected it appears that the Hair Saion and Papa Hassan`s Caf� across the
street are the oniy businesses, that we know of, affected by this removat of on-street �
parking. I asked Chapman University to come back this month with resutts of their
. contacts with these businesses ow�ers if the University woutd�be able to assfst them in
replacing this loss of on-sb ee�parki�g, �
Rov Freitas, 1108 E Rose Ave. -I think the distanoes listed are backwards,the 200 ft. is
actually on the east side of the street and 140 f�, is on the west side of Giasself S� We
have a driveway that ends ctoser on the west side than it does on t�e east side. �
Dave Alienbach, Asst. Traff�c Engineer - No the distances are 204 f�. c�n the west side
and 14Q f� on th� east side of Glasseli St. The park'rng restriction wifl end at your
southerly property iine so your`1-H:r.'parking is not affected by this.
Ga�r Brahm. Vice-President Finance for Chapman Universit,r - We appreciate the
bus�nesses owners situation and wii! try to accommodate them.
Bob Mickelson f P.O Box 932 - We had discussed the possibil�ty of supp{�ing 9 annual
parking passes within the new parking structure at the same rate the students pay
[$50/this year and projected next year at $60] to the businesses that would lose their .
on-street parking with the installation of this tum lane. This pass will allow them to
park on campus aii year so we could provide that bo any �f the businesses that wouid
need to replace parking. Evenings and weekends of course the campus is basically
closed and there is no enforcement of parking restrictions, incfuding the converted
homes on the west side of the str-eet and the main campus parking fot.
� Tape #CTG98.04 of this City Traf�ic Commission mee�ng is availabie for your review. Piease
contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be �
� lmutes of a ular MeebnQ Grtv Traffic Comm�ssion Mav?�- ?998-PaQe 4
�hairman Yarger - As I understar�d it you will make these parking passes available to
the business owners at the same price that students pay, between $5�-$60 a year, per
Bob Mickelson -�nce the construction is over the parking structure is open �here will be
__some surplus parking avaiiable�o the general pubiic at$.50 per hour. Once the regular
'customers became aware of this then I'm sure they will utilize i�
�hairman YarQer-I'd sure like bo get a $60 parking space,I'm paYing $150 annualiy for
additionai parking for rny business, personally I think it's a very fair price per Year.
�ce-Chairman Fortier- How do the affected businesses feei about this?
Bob Mickelson -The protestors at the last meeeting were, primarily, from the hair salon
and we think we can work something out with them.
RoY Fre'�tas - Right now we`re having problems with alf the construction crews using all
the availabie on-street parking in the area and my customers cannot find any parking,
at all; my cusfiomers call me and say they drove around the block 4 times they can't get
to me and now they`re home,where da we park? Before we leave this meeting today I
was hop+ng we coutd get th�'i Hour parking impiemented bo atleviate thi�problem. �
Bob Mickeison -In a week�nd a ha{f that should be resolved, schooi wili be out, and al!
the construction workers can park on campus.
Carofe Watters-I think, knowing Chapman University, that �f they say they're going to
give the businesses pa�-king for $.50 or whatever, I'd like to see that in writing before
, you accept it because Chapman University is known � say one thing and then go out
and do a�other. Sa I think you need to have this agreement in wri�ng so the pubiic and .
businesses have record of under what conditions you approve this request. If you
� don�within a month or two it will be forgotten.
Chairrnan Yarger- Realisticaily it's none of our business what deal Chapman University
makes with the business owner, that has nathing �o do with our Agenda, that is
something they volunteered�that is not something we can control. All we can do is if a
man comes forward an� telfs us something untit a man prQves his man is no good I
have to accept his word. �
Ray Freitas - When you say that 9 spaces will be removed does �at rnean that
Chaprnan will give us 9 spaees in their lot? .
�hairman Yaryer - I have to tell you something, on-street parking does not belon has
anyone. It is not an extension of your property. Anyone dnv�ng down the street
the right tp park there, regardless of where they are going, so to assume that on-street
. parking is your parking is wrong. As to how many spaces Chapman University js willing
fio make available is something you should discuss w�th them direcdy.
Ther�being no furffier public testimony Chairman Yar�er c%sed t�ie public hearing and
retume�d t�ie item to the Tra�c Commission fn�furttier discussion and a motion.
�� Tape #CTC-98.04 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. P{ease
contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536.in this regard, some advance notice would be
�linutes of a Reoular Meetinc�-City Traffic Commission Mav 13, 1998-Paae 5
1. Approve the parking restriction 200 f�. and 140 f�. on the west side and east side of
Glassell St., respectively, north of S�rcamore Ave. �
2. Delay the implementation unt�l the Chapman University Law School parking
structure is oomplete.
� -MOTION: F. Sciarra
SECOND: J. Fortier ,
AYES: Unanimous
� •
D. Request to establish 1 Hour" parking on both sides of Glasseil St. between Palm Ave.
and Wal�ut Ave. [This item is continued from the April CTC meeting.]
Roy Freitas �
446 N. Glasseil St.
Orange, CA 92866 �
Ora/presentation is bas�d on the written staf�`�eport,p/ease�efer to you�copy. � �
Chairman Yar�er opene+d tfie pub/ic hearing fr�r the fn//owing discussion of this item;
Richard Dur�n.� 312 N. Glassell St. - I wautd Iike ta keep the"30 Minute"parking.
Roy Freitas, 1108 E. Rose Ave. - I wouid I�ke to keep the "30 Minute" parking. I
support the"1 Hau�"parking, but there are a !ot af apartments in the area and I would �
like to see this"1 Hour"park�ng only during the business hours. �
A1 Sandoval� 462 N. G[asseli St. - I support the "i Hour" parking. I constan�y have a
� problem with cars parked in front a#' rr�� business for 2-3 days, and it afifects m�r
Dave Alienbachj Asst. Traffic En iq neer - I think the typical posting for that type of
restriction is during business hours from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
Chairman Yarger - Do we have filexrbilit� in this? Could we post it from 8:00 a.m. to
6:00 p.m.?
Chainnan Yarger c%s�a't�ie pub/ic hearing and�etumec���e item tn the Commission fo�
further discussion and a motron. �
Approve"1 Hour"parking limit for the remainder of parking on both sides of Glasself
St. from 9:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday. (Sycamore - Walnut availabie area
tefit over af�er the parking restrictions approved in Item #C above. West side of
- Glasseil St. from 200 f�. to Walnut; East side from 400 ft. northerty to Wainut.)
Retain"30 Minute"parking in that area south of Sycamore Ave. to Paim Ave.
MOTI�N: J. Fortier
SECOND: F. Sciarra
AYES: Unanimous
�• Tape #CTG98.04 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Pfease
contact the Recording Secretary at(714}744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be
�linutes of a Reaular Meeting CitX Traffic Commission Mav 13 1998-PaQe 6
There were no Administrative Reports this meeting.
�arole w,�iters, 534 N. Shaffer° St. - I'm upset because Chapman Universit� wiil.charge
businesses $60 per year, which rnight be cheap, but the City of Orange gave the University
the $32.5 Million to build it. That is what'upsets me because what you did whe� you
approved this but the resident doesn� reaily have any guarantee how much they w�ll have
to pay for parking. We can teave this meeting and then the University cou{d end up
charging them more. The City have given the University something, money, and the
citizens of tfie City aren't getting anything�in retum� they should give the residents of that
area maybe�10 fee parking spaces or something, but they shauld get some type of return
because the University is impacting the residents and businesses in this area.
Af�er discussion of ait Agenda items of the City Traffic Cc�mmissian was concluded, and
there being no further requests for action under Ora[ Presentatians, Chairman Yarger
moved for the adjournment of this session of the City Traffic Commission to it's ne�ct .
regular me�ting. The next reguiarly scheduled mee�ing of the CTC wiN be Wednesday-
, .7une 9,�998.
Respectfully submitted, �
Phyliis Then ,
Recording Secretary
Traffic Engineering Division
ORANGE, cA 92866
PH: (714) 744-5536
Fi4x: (714) 744-6961
�M Tape #CTC-98.04 of this City Tra�ic Commission meeting is avaiiable for your review. Please
. contact the Recording Secretary at(714) 744-5536 in this regard, some advance notice would be