04-15-1998 - Minutes TC �<:_ ����.��.�5 CITY OF ORANGE `�,' `t��`�.';�,�,`"' CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Minut�s of a Regular Meeting: April 15, 1998 ?��?����?�����?���?�?�?�?���?��i�'i4Gi�'i�'i�6i�'.�'i�'i�'iAG',4Gi�'i�'i�GiAGi�'i�'i�'i I. OPENING A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG B. ROLL CALL: Present- Commissioners: D. Yarger, F. Sciarra, J. Gibson, W. Poutsma Absent - Commissioners: J. Fortier Present- Staf£ H. Bahadori,C. Glass, D. Allenbach, S. Trejo, Sgt. B. Green Absent - Staff: W. Winthers C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: RECOMMENDATION: To APPRovE the CTC Minutes of March 11, 1998, as published by the Recording Secretary provided the following corrections are made: l. ORAL PRESENTATIONS- (Page 4/Item� The following subject should read as follows: V. ORAL PRESENTATIONS Vice Chairman Fortier indicated that he and Commissioner Poutsma would be out of town the week of April 6-10"', and it was agreed by all Commissioner's that the April CTC meeting would be postponed one week. 2. ADJOURNMENT- (Page 4/Item Vn The last sentence of the paragraph should read as follows: The next regularly scheduled meeting of the CTC will be Wednesday - April 15, 1998. MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous Tape#CTC-98.04 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting A�ril 15 1998 Page 2 of 7 _ ` D. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN: a) CONSIDERATION ITEMS -(Page 4/Item A) s Request to remove on-street parking from both sides of Glassell St. adjacent to its intersection with Sycamore Ave., to facilitate left-turn channelization for the praposed traffic signal installation at the intersection G�assell St. and Sycamore Ave. Robert D. 1VTickeison P,�.Box 9�2 Orange,�A 9�865-6932 b) CONSIDERATION ITEMS-(Page 5/Item B) Request to establish "1 Hour" parking on both sides of Glassell St. between Palm Ave.and Walnut Ave. Roy Freitas Ray's Barber Shop 446 N.Glasseli St. Orange,CA 92866 ' II. CON5ENT CALENDAR 1. Request to extend the existing red curb markings in front of 2031 W. Palmyra Ave. to the westerly property line. George Daniel 2431 W.Palmyra Ave. Orange,CA 92868 Oral presentation is based on the written sta,ff' Neport, please �efer to your copy. Chairman Yarger opened the public hea�ing for the following c�iscussion: Geor�e Daniel,2031 W.Palmvra Ave. - In Favor of red curb markings. Note: 1VIr. Daniel submitted a copy of his original request to the CTC with five additional signatures on it. He also allowed the CTC to keep two pictures of the area being cansidered for red curb markings, Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commissioners for further discussion and/or a motion. , Tape#CTC-98.04 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the � - Recording Secretary at(714)744-553b in t�is regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting April 15 1998 Pa�e 3 of 7 RE�OMMENDATION: To APPROVE the request and install an additional 22 feet of red curb markings in front of 2031 W. Palmyra Ave.,per the attached site s�Cetch. s - MOTION: F. Sciarra SECOND: �. Gibson AYES: Unanimous III. CONSIDERATION ITEMS A. Request to remove on-street parking from both sides of Glassell St. adjacent to its intersection wi�th Sycamore Ave., to facilitate left-turn channelization for the proposed traffic signal installation at the intersection of Giassell St. and Syc�more Ave, Robert D.Mickelson P.O.Box 932 Orange,CA 92865-6932 Dral presentcztion is based on the written staff report, please refe� to your copy. Chairman Yarger opened the p�blic hearing for the following discussion: Robert Mickelson, Consultant for Chapman Universitv - In Favor of on-street parking removal. Al McC?uilkin,Chapman Universitv-In Favor of on-street parking removal. Lea Brow�,Lea's Hair Salon-Opposed to removal of on-street parking. Jerry Brown,�ea's Ha�r Salon-Opposed to removal of on-street parking. Raymond Freitas,Rav's Barber Shop- Opposed to removal of on-street parking. Carole Walter�, 5�4 N.Shaffer St.-Undecided,would like to hear from the affected area residents before CTC gives their recommendation is on this item. Barbara DeNiro,1118 E.Adams St.-Undecided, wanted to know if the parking structure was gaing to be paid parking and if the parking problem would only be pushed-out further onto Glassell St. Eu�ene Wellsfrv,44 i thru 471 N. Glassell St. -Undecided,wanted to know exactly how� much of�lassell St.would be affected on the west side of the street. , Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commissioners for further discussion and/or a motion. Tape#CTC-98.04 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secret�y at(714)744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Reguiar Meeting Aprii 15 1998 �'age 4 of 7 RECOMMENDATION: To CONTINUE this request to remove on-street parking from both sides of Glassell St. adjacent to its intersection with Sycamore AvE., to facilitate left-turn channelization for the proposed traffic signal installation at the intersection of � Glassell St. and Sycamore Ave.. This item is to be agendized to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Traffic Commission. MOTION: D.Yarger SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous B. Request t+o establish "1-Hour" parking on both sides of Glassell St. between Palm Ave. and Walnuti Ave. Roy Freitas Ray's Barber Shop ' 446 N. Glassell St. Orange,CA 92866 David Allenbach of the Traffic .Engineering staff made a request to have this item resched�led to the next regularly schedule meeting o�'the CTC. There was no discussion ,from the audience on this item. Chairman .�'arger closed the public hearing and ' r�turned the item to the Commissioners for further discussion and/or a motion. RECQMIVIENDATION: To CoNTINUE the request to establish "1-Hour" parking on both sides of Glassell St. between Palm Ave. and Walnut Ave., and to have this item agendized to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Traffic Commission. MOTION: D.Yarger SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous C. Request for installation of an 'All-Way' STOP control device at the intersection of Palmyra Ave. and Glassell St. Virginia Robbins 301 S.Glassell St.,#103 Orange, CA 92866 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. Chairman Yarger opened t�ie public hearing for the following discussion: Mary H. Henderson,301 S. Glassell St.,Apt. #224-In Favor of the `All-Way' STOP. Carole Walters, 534 N. Shaffer St.-In Favor of the `All-Way' STOP. Tape#CTC-98.04 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. CITY TR.AFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting April 15 1998 Page 5 of 7 Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and retu�ned the item to the Commissioners for further discussion andlor a motion. - -� RECOMMENDATTONS: 1. To DENY,at this time,the request for an 'Ail-Way' STOP control at the intersection of Palmyra Ave. and Glasseli St. 2. To APPROVE the removal of the STOP bars on Glassell St. adjacent to the crosswalk and the installation of'CROSS TRA�'FIC�OES NOT STOP' signs on Palmyra Ave. 3. To APPROVE that we revisit this request in six months to determine whether this is creating the effect we hoped it would, and if not, to then revisit the item on a future City Traffic Commission Agenda. MOTION: J. Gibson SECOND: D.Yarger AYES: Unanimous D. Installation of green curb parking restrictions on Cambridge St. between Almond Ave. , and Chapman Ave. and relocation of the bike lane from Cambridge St.to Shaffer St. � City CounGil CITY OF ORANGE Oral presentation is based on the �vritten staff repor�t, please refer to your copy. Chairman Ycxrger opened the public hearing,f'or the following discussion: Richard Carlson, 159 S,Cambrid�e St.-Opposed to�nstallation of green curb parking. Barbara DeNiro,1118E.Adams St.-Opposed to installation of green curb parking. Carole Walters, 534 N. Shaffer St.-Opposed to installation of green curb parking. Gary. Meserve,, 153 S. Cambrid�e St. - In Favor of green curb parking with added stipulations. Ro�er Young,219 S. Cambrid�e St.-In Favor of green curb parking. Chairman Yarger closed the public hea�ing and returned the item to the Commissioners for furthe�^discussion and/or a motion. Tape#CTC-98.04 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated. CITY TR.AFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting April 15 1998 Page_6_of 7 RECOMMENDATION: 1. To DENY the relocation of the existing bike lane from Cambridge St.to Shaffer St. y 2. To DENY the implementation of green curb parking restrictions on Cambridge St. between Aimond Ave. and Chapman Ave. MOTION: D.Larger SECOND: 7. Gibson AYES: Unanimous IV. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Hamid Bahadori, Citv Traffic En�ineer - About 2 months ago, you brought two issues to the attention of staff, one was #he parking of recreational vehicles on city streets and the other was parking on city owned parkways. Just a 30-second briefing, it is still under discussion between Traffic Engineering, the Police Department, and the City Attorney's office. There are issues of State law pre-empting locals doxng certain things and certain definitions defined already by State law that we have to look i�to. I believe that we can get them all resolved and come back to you next month. Thank you. � V. ORAL PRESENTATIONS Bea Ve�a, 486 N. Olive St. - I live on 01ive St. between Sycamore and Walnut. I feel that Glassell is getting a iot of consideration, and we are not. We are accommodating parking for people from the adult education on Kilford School, then�ve get them from Chapman, and now that they're working,ali the vUcarkers go to park in front of our house. Then,�ve're getting it from the students because v�e have the students parking there too. So, I think, we need some kind of consideration because it's really been terrible. Lemon St., it's a highway. The trucks lined-up, and now the bus is rerouted from Glassell,it turns on Walnut up to Lemon. So, I think, we need some permit parking or some help. We've been to Chapman College meetings, and they just ignore us, it's getting awfully hard to be good neighbors with them because,I think,that we're getting more than the business people there on Glassell. Then all the noise, none of us really come and complains, but I guess I'm the most vocal one around there. Then we ha.ve a lo�of apartments too, besides the two schools. So, maybe you can help us do something,at least permit parking. Thank you. VI. ADJOURNMENT Discussion of all today's Agenda items before the City Traffic Commission being complete, and there being no further requests for action under Oral Presentations, the Chairman hereby adjourns this session of the City Traffic Commission to it's next regular meeting. Tape#CTC-98.04 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,some advar�ce notice would be appreciated. CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting April 15 1998 _ Pa�e 7 of 7 The next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Traffic Commission will be held on Wednesday-May 13, 1998. Respectfully submitted, �ITY OF ORANGE �.� . � Sally R. Trejo Recoxding Secretary Traffic Engineering Division City of Orange Department of Public Works Traffic Engineering Division � 3 OU E.Chapman Ave. Orange,CA 928C� PHONE; (714)744-5536 FAX: (714)"744-6961 � Tape#CTC-98.04 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated.