05-12-1999 - Minutes TC V/i ?S:
CITY OF ORANGE ::�:��-��
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Mirrutes of a Regular Meeting: May 12, 1999
A. Flag Pledge
B. Roi l Cal l:
Present-Commissioners: D. Yarger,J. Fortier, F. Petronella, W. Poutsrna, F. Sciarra
Present-Staff: H. Bahadori,Sgt. Bob Green,C. G lass, D. Allenbach,
P. Then
Absent: W. Winthers
C. �lpproval of Minutess
Aprif 14, 1999� Minutes not available at this time.
Q. Items To Be Continuecl�r Withdrawn
�1one this meeting. ,
1 o Re�uest for the installation of red curb markings in front of the finro driveways that service
1005 V1✓. Hoover Ave.
)ef Dunne
1005 W. Hoover Ave.
Orange CA 92867
�ra!presentation is based on th.e written s#aff report, please refer to your copy. There was
no discussion o�'this r�quest.
�CTION: Approve the installation of red curb or� the east side of both driveways, per
. prepared site sketch.
MOTION: D. Yarger
SECON D: F. Petronella
AYESo l.�nanimous
� Tape�CTC 99.03 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is availabie for your review. Please contact the
Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regarc,�some advance notice would be appreciated.
�1�Printed on Recycled Paper
Minutes of a Regular Meetit�g-City Traffic Commission-May 12, 1999 Page 2
II. C�NSENT CALENDAR (Continued) �
2e Request for removal of the existing "2-Hour" parking restriction on the 100 block of
N. Shattuck PI. .
� Dan Slater ��m)ohnson
1535 E. Chapman Aue. 1519 E. Chapman Ave.
Orange CA 92866 Orange CA 92866
Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy. There was
no discussion of this request.
ACTION: Approve the removal of the existing NZ-Hour" parking restriction on the 100
block of N. Shattu�k PI.
MOTION: D. Yarger
SECOND: f. 'Petronella
AYES: Unan�mous
1 o Report and �-ecommendations from Fire Chief Bonacker on the citywide speed hump .
City Council
Ora!pr+esenfi��ion is based on the w�it�e�n staff report,please refer to your copy. There was
no discussion o�'this itemo
ACTION: Continue the moratorium on processing and installing speed humps, and
receive the Fire Chief's report at the August 1999 City Traffic Commission
meeti ng.
MOTI�N: D.Yarger
SECOND: J. Fortier �
AYES: UnanimoWs
� Tape#CTC 99.03 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the
Recording Secretary at(714) 744553b in tfiis regard,some advance notice would be appreciated.
�Printed on Recycled Paper
Minutes of a Regular Meeting-City Traffic Commission-May 12, 1999 PaRe 3
`2. Request to reduce the truck weight limit on Chapman Avenue between Tustin St. and
Batavia St. to 13,000 pounds.
City Council .
Oral presentation is based on the written staff repor�, please refer to your copy. Chairman
Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion:
Dan Hickman, 611 W. Chapman Ave. -There are a lot of these trucks coming through the
area and they don't belong here. There are people living on the street, I know you think
it's all commercial but it's not. These trucks come through at night and it's hard to sleepo
There is a manhole in front of my .business and every t�me a truck hits the cover it make a
lot of noise. I support this, let's get these trucks out of here. Could you impose a time
iimit say between the hours of i 0:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. that trucks are not allowed to go
through here.
Kathleen Clift, 6722 Horseshoe Rd. - Our family owns Villa Park Trucking and we have �
been involved in the citrus business in Orange County for many years. As we understand
it you aren't going to stop any of the trucks that have an origin or destination within this
area, so we hav� no problem with that. We wouldn't support a weight restriction. As you
have said earlier most of the trucks coming through the downtown have a legitimate reason
to be there. �
Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commission for
final discussion and a rnotion. .
Chairman Yarger-With approximately 80°l0 of the trucks legally traveling through the area
I think it would be a waste of time and taxpayer's money to try to enforce a weight
restriction. The City doesn't have that many motor officers on duty, and since we have a
� limited number of motor officers in the City of t�range anyway, we would have to stop
every truck going down Chapman Ave. between Tustin St. and Batavia St., and verifying if
they have business within the downtown district. Stopping trucks traveling down
Chapman Ave. from )0 pm to 7 am in the evening a !ot of the 1aw enforcement staff is
reduced as far as men on the street, and there are no motor offi�ers on �he street at night
and they are #he flnes that enforce most of the traffic problems that we have. 1 think this
jnr�ould be opening a can o�worms trying to pi�k a f�w people out that don't have leg',timate
� business on the street versus stopping all the trucks, holding the trucks up during the day,
� wasting our money and plus, we've have no�1ace to send the trucks.anyway. If we direct
them to a truck route street we have to send them clear up to Katella Ave. or down to
� � 17''' Street in Santa Ana. The only other street is Walnut and Maple which are secondary
streets and we sure can't send them down one of those streets, they are not constructed to
hold trucks and those have greater concentration o# resitlentiai land use, so ! c�ppose this
Vice Chairman Fortier - Has any study been performed to see how many trucks come
through at night, and why would they? . � : �
� Tape#CTC 99.03 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the
Recording Secretary at(7i4) 7445536 in this regar.d,some advance notice would be appre�iated.
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Minutes of a Regular Meeting-City Traffic Commission-May 12, 1999 Pa�e 4
Dave Allenbach, Asst. Engineer - The consultant did �he study primarily between the
business hours which are 7:30 a.m. an�! 5:00 p.m. There are going to be trucks that travel
the arterials in the evening. I presume there are some businesses that are open 24 hours a �
day and perhaps those may be the only time they can receive their shipments or haul their
product out. The number of trucks overall during the late hours is very negligible,
�pr�ebably only a few.
Hamid Bahadori, City Traffic Engineer - The �nly reason we did not conduct the study
during the evening hours is that we need to record the vehicle license plate a#
TustinlChapman and Batavia/Chapman to determine if they make a stop or .if they are just
going through. During the nighttime its next to impossible to get a clear reading c�f license
plates so the study is not going to be as reliable as how many have legitimate business and
how many are just traveling through, that's why we only counted during the day.
Vice Chairman Fortier-Since 80% of the trucks basically would be exempt#rom the weight
restriction, and 1 would think most of the trucks going tl�rough at night would have some
delivery destination in this area, because with light traffic � don't see them using Chapman
as a short-cut from anywhere because the freeways would be �nride open at night. I don't
see that helping someone who.have a prob.lem in the middle of the night with the noise of
trucks because 80% of the trucks have legitimate business and can be in th.e area legally, so
I clon't see that reducing any noise problern.
ACTION: Recommend that the Ciiy �ouncil deny a 13,fl00 pound weight limit on .
Chapman Ave. between Tustin St.and Batavia St.
" MOTION: D. Yarger
SECON D: F. Sciarra
AYES: U nan i mous
None this month.
None this month.
After discussion of today's Agenda items of the City Traffic Commission was concfuded, and as
there were no further requests for action under Ora1 Presentations, the Chairrnan adjourned this
session of the City Traffic Commission at 4:45 p.m. �
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Traffic Commission will be Wednesday
-)une 9, 1999.
� Tape#CTC 99.03 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is avaii�ble for your review. Please contact the
Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,some advance n�tice wo�ld be appreciated.
�Printed on Recycled Pape�
Minutes of a Regular Meeting-City Traffic Commission-May 12, 1999 Pa�e S
�espe�ifully submitted,
Phyl I is Then -
R�co�i n�Secretary
Traffie Engineering Division
ORAP9GE CA 9286b
PH: (714) 744-553b -
�AX: (714) 744-6961
� Tape#CTG99.03 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review. Please contact the �
Recording Secretary at{714) 744-5536 in this regard,some advance notice would be appreciated.
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