11-16-2005 DRC MinutesCITY OF ORANGE
November 16, 2005
Committee Members Present: Jon Califf
Donnie Dewees
Craig Wheeler
Joe Woollett
Staff in Attendance: Leslie Aranda Roseberry, Planning Manager
Anne E. Fox, Contract Staff Planner
Christine Kelly, Contract Project Planner
Howard Morris, Landscape Coordinator
Committee Member Absent: None
Administrative Session - 5:00 P.M.
Regular Session - 5:30 P.M.
It was requested that Item No. Two go first since the sign consultant for Item No. One was held
up in traffic. Chairman Califf agreed to hear Agenda Item No. Two, DRC No. 3985-05.
City of Orange -Design Review Committee
Meeting Minutes for November 16, 2005
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A request for approval for landscaping, the exhaust shafts, elevator tower, and public
entrances/walkways to the subterranean parking structure; and the final design of the
scoreboard and other project signing.
Immediately south of Walnut Avenue, east of Orange Street, west of Center Street on the
main campus of Chapman University
Staff Contact: Christine Kelly, Contract Staff Planner
DRC Action: Final Determination
Ms. Christine Kelly, Contract Staff Planner, noted this Item was originally before the Committee
in May 'O5. She continued, at that time, it was recommended for approval to the Community
Development Director. She stated it was conditioned to come back with what was before the
Committee this evening. She noted there was additional information on the scoreboard sign
which will be two-sided as well as additional fencing information with details on the board
before the Committee. She stated the Staff's recommendation was for approval on this item.
She then provided a reading of the Staff Report to the Committee.
Mr. Mark Hickner, EDAW, Project Manager spoke on behalf of Chapman University. He
explained that EDAW was responsible for the Entitlement Planning and the Landscape
Architecture for the project. He wanted to address four items to the Committee, the first being
planting and irrigation, scoreboard and signage, design of the architectural treatments, which
include the vent shafts and the entrance to the garage, and lastly, the lighting. He explained there
were four exhaust shafts. He stated there was a change from the optional glass block to brick
that will punch out at a different level since the light going down to the tunnel was miniscule.
He also mentioned the stainless steel and the metal grate for the elevator. He continued that the
size of the exhaust shafts is dependent upon the air ventilation requirements needed to circulate
the air in the parking garage which makes this fixed. What they tried to do was to make the
larger elements as an architectural statement that would blend in with the architecture of the
other buildings. He said this is why they used the Chapman Brook Mix. He stated the existing
scoreboard was 20 feet by 10 feet tall, and the new one would be 25 feet by 14%2 feet tall. He
went on to say the actual posts would be taller so the total sign would be a maximum height of
34 feet so it could be seen clearly by everyone in the stands as well as the other side of the field.
He stated the distance from Walnut to the sign is 594 feet so it is very deep into the campus and
is located approximately where the old sign was. He also explained there was a double row of
trees along Walnut that would screen it from Walnut. He went on to say on one side, there was a
scoreboard, and on the other side was an electronic message board which will face the main
portion of the campus. He referenced the example of an existing scoreboard using the same
dimensions that they had shown to the Committee. He said the dimensions of the actual
scoreboard were preset by Deltronics.
Mr. Kris Olsen, Chapman University, stated there were small changes that could be made to the
sign, but in concept would be the same.
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Ms. Kelly mentioned that the project was conditioned that the sign could not exceed a height of
34 feet.
Mr. Woollett asked how this condition was derived.
Ms. Kelly replied that she had asked the university to provide a height they would be
comfortable with. She said there had been some discussion between her and the university what
they could present to the DRC to give them an idea of what the maximum height would be.
Mr. Wheeler asked if the countdown timer was required by football rules to be a separate part of
the sign.
Mr. Olsen replied yes, it should be clear to see. He added this was also shown on the exhaust
shaft; one for one side, and one for the other side.
Mr. Woollett asked if the exhaust shafts were open on the top.
Mr. Hickner responded yes, but there would be a grill to cover them.
Mr. Woollett mentioned that this would allow a lot of light to go through these shafts.
Mr. Hickner agreed, and added that this was why the glass block did not add substantially to this
and would not add light to the parking structure. He also said it would also be painted white to
maximize the reflection of the light.
Mr. Olsen added on the north end of the parking structure inside the fence line, there was two
slots 60 foot long grating, five feet wide to allow natural air venting and also to bring light in.
He stated on the second floor at mid-level, this grating would allow the light and air to go down
to the basement.
Chair Califf asked where the fans were located, below the shaft or were they ducted to the shaft.
Mr. Olsen answered the fan rooms were adjacent to the base of the shafts.
Mr. Hickner explained the fencing along Walnut Avenue. He said they were proposing the
fencing to be 12 feet high, wrought iron with the Chapman logo with gates if needed. He stated
the majority of the fencing would be eight feet tall to keep people from jumping over the fence as
well as to prevent the ball from going over the fence. Their major concern was Walnut,
especially with the football field being shifted to the north.
Mr. Olsen explained the reason the field shifted north was to get alignment with the center of the
stadium which is Phase Two. He continued that this is also a current problem since many
different sports are played in that area. Presently, there is a shabby six foot high fence, and were
hoping to rectify some of the issues of balls flying over the fence onto Walnut by having the new
12 foot high fence.
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Ms. Kelly mentioned that the university would have to process a variance or an administrative
adjustment to the City.
Mr. Olsen stated that their specific plan did not address athletic fields, but spoke of fences, in
Mr. Wheeler asked if there would be a screen mesh or canvas on the new fence as they had on
the old fence so one could not look through it.
Mr. Olsen stated it would be open, but there was thick landscaping that would make it semi-
visible through it. He said that OTPA thought it would be aesthetically better to have a vista
where you could see the campus through the fence along Walnut. He continued that their coach
would have preferred a screened fence, but the President and Trustees agreed with the idea of
having this open with a vista.
Mr. Matt Duram, Landscape Architect, explained that on the Walnut side, they planned on
having an Evergreen vine on the fencing with some openings. He believed this would satisfy
both parties. He also explained there would be shrubs, and ground cover with back drop trees
that go along the edge with parkway trees along Walnut.
Mr. Olsen mentioned this was quite a change than what is presently there. He said there was
curb, six foot of sidewalk, fence, field whereas what will be is curb, six feet of parkway with
trees, sidewalk, another six feet of planting, then the fence.
Mr. Duram stated that originally the trees were Canary Island Pines, but were changed to
Tristanias which were used throughout the campus.
Chair Califf mentioned this tree would not block the low down view, but is a very nice tree.
Mr. Duram explained the landscaping plan along Walnut, that included some pines found on
other parts of the campus to provide screening. He mentioned that they would replace what was
originally there before so there would be the new scoreboard with the Aleppo and Canary Island
Pine Mix. He explained there would be low shrubs to accommodate temporary bleachers during
football season. He continued that the same materials and elements would be used on the east
gateway as the south gateway. He referenced a fire lane access going through using the same
materials found on other portions of the campus. He said they were keeping all the existing
trees; which are Evergreen Pears and Bottle Trees, and wanted to keep this intact on the south
side as well. He further explained there would be a new Plaza with a grand staircase to the
parking structure with the elevator and shaft and next to it an accent tree that would be up lit at
night, seating around there, steps down to the Fitness Room, and an accessible ramp going down
to the Fitness Room. He stated there would be low seat walls and planters at the Events Plaza
which would have seasonal color in them along with a cascading vine going over the side as you
go down the ramp. He said there was room for a potential art piece in there.
Mr. Woollett and Chair Califf asked what the functionality of the entrance to the Events Plaza
was now and in the next phase.
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Mr. Olsen explained entrance would be called `Victory Way', and would be the main entrance to
the games. The pre-Events Plaza would be used for prior activities to the game, and would also
be used during half time. He said this plaza was secondary, and depending whether the event
was smaller, it could become the entrance. He further explained the use of the walkway would
be for the students who live on campus for an easier entrance to the campus.
Mr. Hickner provided a signage and lighting handout to the Committee already included in last
spring's packet.
Mr. Duram presented the lighting program to the Committee. He described the lighting along
Walnut. He said there would be the city-standard streetlights, (the Acorns with the big Old
Towne tall ones on the corners). He added the Events Plaza would have potential lighting for
artwork (to be determined) with the future Phase, there will be adjacent lighting as well. The
accent trees will also be lit. The east gateway where the campus pilasters are will have a light in
them. The Palms will also be up lit. The existing light fixture will be reused and relocating two
of them due to the construction.
Mr. Woollett mentioned that the Palms would grow very tall.
Mr. Duram stated they would grow to about 35 feet.
Mr. Olsen replied these were the same type of Palms used on the south gateway and the main
university drive gateway.
Ms. Kelly wanted it entered that the applicant would be adding or replacing a directional kiosk or
sign in that area.
Mr. Olsen stated this was correct, and the existing campus directory might be removed, but
would be replaced to its original location.
Mr. Wheeler asked if there was going to be lighting on the panther statue.
Mr. Olsen replied yes, and that currently there is an in-ground lighting fixture that has been fixed
and is now lit.
Ms. Kelly wanted it brought to the attention of the Committee that there were four Conditions of
Approval that Staff had recommended; One was the plant spacing would be triangular in areas,
but would be modified to reflect the actual ground conditions. (This was something that had
come up in the south area.) Two was to provide a final list and location of the seasonal plants.
This is required by the Master Landscape Plan.)
Mr. Woollett brought up the comment of the deciduous plants in the report.
Ms. Kelly. answered this had to do with the spacing and triangular areas; the alley of the
deciduous trees.
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Mr. Olsen replied that the deciduous trees in the plan were on the main north and south
promenades as well as next to the chapel. He continued that when they build Phase Two of the
Aquatic Complex as they extend the promenade up to Walnut, the deciduous Liquid Ambers will
be in triangular formation, and he believed this is what this was referred to in the report.
Mr. Hickner explained the Master Landscape Plan was approved before they had finalized the
overall Campus Plan, and now they know exactly what they want. He added the Master
Landscape Plan allows them to add different plant materials.
Mr. Woollett stated the deciduous tree being used on campus is the Liquid Amber.
Ms. Kelly continued with the Third Condition, which was the proposed height of the scoreboard
shall not exceed 34 feet. This was an agreed upon number that Chapman University could live
with it.
Mr. Woollett asked what type of tree was along just north of the art form, and if they were
existing trees.
Mr. Duram answered they were Evergreen Pear Trees, and yes they were existing trees along the
patio with the Bottle Trees that wrap around the buildings.
Ms. Kelly mentioned that it became complicated when imposing a Master Landscape Plan over
existing conditions along with interfacing with new conditions, but were able to get all the
X01"' information from the applicant.
Mr. Olsen stated the trees that are removed that no longer fit the campus pallet are placed in the
front yards of the university homes due to many of the trees that have died, and need to have
some replacement landscaping.
Mr. Olsen pointed out that the 20-foot fire lane in the promenade would be rectified.
Ms. Kelly stated this also impacted where they placed their seating, and moved the seating more
towards the Plaza since there was a fire lane in the promenade.
Mr. Woollett asked if parking was still possible when they placed the temporary seating on the
east side.
Mr. Olsen replied no, and typically they would lose a portion of the parking.
Mr. Jeff Frankel, OTPA. He mentioned the different heights of the fencing on the Plan.
Mr. Olsen explained as they go around the field, the fence is eight foot along the south side, and
Center Street. Then, it is 12 feet as it goes along Walnut, and would transition down to 10 feet
along the new athletic stadium.
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Mr. Frankel asked what the view would be from Walnut as far as the scoreboard, and the
stadium, i.e., what would the resident's view be once the vegetation matures.
Mr. Olsen replied that there would be a limited view, but might be able to see the reader board.
Mr. Wheeler asked what the height of the current scoreboard was.
Mr. Olsen answered that the current scoreboard was gone, and was not sure how high it was. He
also mentioned the Tristanias would get very tall and eventually block the view.
Mr. Wheeler pointed out he was happy to see that the university had brought a bit of the memory
of the old stadium into the entrance to the garage.
Mr. Olsen stated that some of this would be brought into the stadium itself. He mentioned he
had taken photos of the old stadium, and submitted it to the Library.
Mr. Hickner also talked about the textural analysis being done with an 11 x 17 booklet filled with
photographs of the old stadium. He said this would be a part of the Athletic Complex
presentation to the DRC.
Mr. Frankel asked when the university anticipated the completion of the parking structure, and
when students would be able to use it.
Mr. Olsen responded that based on their schedule presently, it would be September or sooner.
He hoped, at that point, if they have all their approvals, they could begin immediately with the
Stadium project. He added this would create approximately 900 new spaces.
Mr. Frankel said he hoped this would take away some of the student parking from the
surrounding streets.
Chair Califf stated the structure was closer than the street parking.
Mr. Olsen explained that since this structure was in the heart of the campus, he believed these
spaces would be closer to the classes, etc.
There was general discussion about the parking along with the problems the surrounding areas
had with the street parking.
Mr. Woollett moved that DRC No. 3985-05, Chapman University be approved with Conditions
One through Five as listed in the Report and also the Design Review Committee in accordance
with Findings One and Two in the Report. He added Item Five of the Recommendations to
include the Landscape Assessment District Coordinates.
Mr. Howard Morns explained that it was in accordance with what the inspection and plan notes
were. He said he received the Irrigation Schematic, but he didn't receive the Irrigation Plan. He
told the applicant to make sure to inform the City.
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SECOND:Craig Wheeler
AYES:Jon Califf, Donnie Dewees, Craig Wheeler, Joe Woollett
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A request to establish a comprehensive master sign program for an existing commercial
center recently approved for a facade remodel.
Property is located at 428 - 622 West Katella Avenue
Staff Contact: Anne E. Fox, Contract Staff Planner
DRC Action: Final Determination
Chair Califf stated that although the Staff Planner was not available, the signs themselves fell
within the City Standards as far as location and area.
Mr. Ken Rinker commented on the fact the sign program was an integral part of the Metro Court
Remodel. He further stated what they tried to do was look at what existed today, were careful of
structural integrity issues with the concrete tilt up nature of the building, and to incorporate the
rest of the design of the remodel with the signage they were putting in architectural and color
schemes. He pointed out that although there was a mismatch of the signage, they were
attempting to get a consistent sign program, and he felt they had come up with a comprehensive
Mr. Ron Underwood added the sign program amplified what they did with the renovation on the
buildings. They wanted to create something that was visually appealing.
Chair Califf asked what mechanism they had in place to re-do the signs.
Mr. Rinker stated they were bound by leases, but many of the leases were coming due. He
continued they would make it contingent on the renewal or for a new tenant, they would have to
adhere to the Metro Court Sign Program, which has been reviewed by the City of Orange,
approved and in accordance with the City of Orange Code and Regulation. He said it would be
consistent within the park, and that every tenant would be treated the same.
Chair Califf asked if this meant as the leases became due over the next one to two years, they
would be required to change their signs, and Mr. Rinker stated yes.
Mr. Woollett mentioned that in order to do some of the upgrades on the building, some of the
signs would have to be removed. What was the applicant's plan for this?
Mr. Rinker replied that he would attempt to incentivize the tenants to change the signs as well as
executed some of the leases, and made it a requirement for sign changes. He said any tenants
that had a renewal within the past six months had a contingency in the lease. He also stated there
were quite a few coming due in '06, and his guess is after the remodel, more than half the signs
would be changed.
Mr. Underwood stated one significant thing was Mr. Rinker had already gone through the
process of hooking up all the different sign locations to a house meter that Rinker Company
would be paying for itself, and would not be part of the lease. He said this was a significant
expense, especially in the case of the Channel letter signs throughout the property which cost
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over $1,000 to draw power for each one. He explained they were helping the tenants to produce
an agreeable circumstance.
Mr. Rinker pointed out there were other incentives they were giving to their tenants as well.
Mr. Woollett mentioned he did not see anything that linked the colors to the existing scheme, and
wanted to be sure this was in the document.
Mr. Wheeler asked if there was any information on the construction of the signs.
Mr. Batt explained the existing signs were made of aluminum, .090 gauge aluminum, and the
expectation was to make the remodels upgrades of the same type of material. He further
explained that presently there was a remodel process going through the City which this was a
part, and depending on what the final result is of how the building facades are to be treated, they
intend to mimic that in the treatment on the outside canisters.
Mr. Wheeler also asked about the thickness of the freestanding signs.
Mr. Batt said he thought the thickness was 10 inches. He asked what thickness the Committee
wanted to see.
Mr. Wheeler replied that they should be at least 24 inches thick.
Mr. Underwood added that they could make them even thicker, perhaps 30 inches.
Mr. Wheeler stated he was concerned there was no color or type restrictions on the signs.
Mr. Batt replied that this was standard as long as they stayed with the white background. He
added that a variance in colors is common these days. He also mentioned in order to give their
tenants commercial value and to entice tenants to move into their park, and stay there, they can't
offer them a sign where they can't color it they way they want.
Mr. Wheeler made a motion to approve DRC 3988-05, Metro Court Sign Program with the
following conditions; Conditions One, Two and Three from the Staff Report. Condition Four
that the freestanding signs 2A and 2B be a minimum of 30 inches in depth at the largest point.
SECOND: Chair Califf
AYES: Jon Califf, Donnie Dewees, Craig Wheeler, Joe Woollett
NOES: None
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Mr. Woollett made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.
SECOND: Craig Wheeler
AYES: Jon Califf, Donnie Dewees, Craig Wheeler, Joe Woollett
NOES: None
Meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm.