08-04-2004 DRC MinutesCITY OF ORANGE
August 4, 2004
Committee Members Present: Jon Califf (Chair)
Craig Wheeler
Joe Woollett
Donnie Dewees
Staff in Attendance: Leslie Aranda Roseberry, Planning Manager
Dan Ryan, Senior Historic Planner
Committee Member Absent: None
Administrative Session - 5:00 P.M.
The committee met for an administrative session beginning at 5:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned
at 6:35 p.m.
Regular Session - 5:30 P.M.
City of Orange -Design Review Committee
Meeting Minutes for August 4, 2004
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Proposal to add 247 sq. ft. bedroom, 567 sq. ft. garage extension, 1,575 sq. ft. workshop,
and 640 sq. ft. accessory second unit to the rear of an existing residence.
866 S. Woodbury Drive
Staff Contact: Chuck Lau, Associate Planner
DRC Action: Final determination
Approved on Consent Calendar
A motion was made by Committee Member Craig Wheeler to approve the project as submitted.
SECOND: Joe Woollett
AYES: Jon Califf, Donnie Dewees, Craig Wheeler, and Joe Woollett
NOES: None
City of Orange -Design Review Committee
Meeting Minutes for August 4, 2004
Page 3
Proposal to add a detached lanai and attached patio cover to the existing residence.
515 E. Maple Avenue (Old Towne Orange Historic District)
Staff Contact: Daniel Ryan, Senior Planner, Historic Preservation
DRC Action: Final determination
Item Continued from DRC June 16, and July 21, 2004 meetings).
The project overview was given by Daniel Ryan, Senior Planner. The DRC asked at the July 21St
meeting that the applicant add detailed notes on the materials and finishes to be used on the
project plans when the project comes back for final action at this meeting.
The Committee Members reviewed the new materials. Craig Wheeler noted that at the previous
meeting, one of the concerns of the Committee was that the new trellis match the existing trellis
under the bar.
Committee Chair Jon Califf asked if there was any public comment on the item. There was
A motion was made by Committee Member Joe Woollett to approve the project subject to the
recommendations made in the Staff Report.
SECOND: Craig Wheeler
AYES: Jon Califf, Donnie Dewees, Craig Wheeler, and Joe Woollett
NOES: None
City of Orange -Design Review Committee
Meeting Minutes for August 4, 2004
Page 4
3. DRC No. 3926-04 -LAURA FARKAS
Proposal to construct a dwelling unit and three-car garage.
1010 W. Almond Avenue
Staff Contact: Christopher Carnes, Senior Planner
DRC Action: Final determination
Christopher Carnes, Senior Planner, gave the project overview. Jon Califf recused himself from
the discussion as he is involved in the project.
The project involves a second dwelling unit added behind an existing residence. The property is
located outside of the Old Towne Historic District. The zoning allows second units on lots (it is
R-2 zoning). The proposal is to demolish an existing garage and build a new 2-car garage and a
new 2-story dwelling unit in the back. He noted that this was not an accessory second unit, and
therefore is not required by the City's Infill Residential Design guidelines to match the existing
dwelling. The issue here is more of building massing and scale in context to the neighborhood.
Staff reviewed the proposal in both the scale and massing for the new property in conjunction to
what is along that side of the street. Staff reviewed the proposed architectural style, which is
substantially different from the existing stucco and wood siding of the single-family homes
directly along Almond Street, but felt that the attempt at a historical context for the second
dwelling is in context as this is just outside the Old Towne district.
Craig Wheeler asked if Staff had evaluated the privacy issues between this new proposal and the
dwelling to the east? Chris Carnes said, yes, the dwelling to the east, which is 2 stories, and the
only window on the other property is a high window in place near the fireplace. Otherwise the
wall is blank. There is nothing that looks into the building next door.
Craig Wheeler asked Chris Carnes to further elaborate on the outdoor living space. Mr. Carnes
explained that R-2 zoning requires 350 sq. ft. of outdoor living space per dwelling unit. The way
this particular property has been designed, there is no private attached outdoor living area for the
original residence in front. They have the open parking space, the 3-car garage, and the
driveway approaches are behind the residence. The only open space they can have is within the
front of the dwelling unit. Now they cannot have it within the front setback, which is 20 feet, but
they have a 32-foot setback, and they will be able (with refencing) to provide the private outdoor
space from this.
There was no public comment.
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Meeting Minutes for August 4, 2004
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A motion was made by Committee Member Joe Woollett to approve the project as presented,
including the recommendations of the Staff Report, and also to include the line-of--site plan for
the proposed circular driveway.
SECOND: Donnie Dewees
AYES: Donnie Dewees Craig Wheeler, Joe Woollett
NOES: None
City of Orange -Design Review Committee
Meeting Minutes for August 4, 2004
Page 6
Proposal to construct a detached accessory second unit and new two-car garage.
5161 E. Lomita Avenue, Orange Park Acres
Staff Contact: Daniel Ryan, Senior Planner, Historic Preservation
DRC Action: Final determination
Daniel Ryan, Senior Planner/Historic Preservation, gave the staff report. He noted that the
property was recently annexed into the City. The proposed unit will have the same materials as
the new residence. The building is not parallel to the rear lot-line, there's a slight angle to that,
as the original house was built at a slight angle when it was set on the property. The proposed
unit and garage do not present issues as to bulk and mass and it will not have an impact on the
views into the site from Lomita Avenue.
Craig Wheeler stated that he noted that the applicant had talked about the veneer on the front as
being stone, but on the plans it is labeled as brick. The applicant stated that it is river rock with a
brick top, so it will match the existing residence. Committee Member Wheeler also noted that
there was 2x4 wood trim on the new structure, but hadn't noted anything like it on the existing
structure. The applicant stated that he did not know why he drew it that way, because the
windows on the existing house are stucco right up to the window. The new structure will be that,
too. The applicant further stated that the second architect had neglected to draw in the door, but
the contractor had taken the door from the 1st set of plans and put it in, and the applicant assured
the DRC that the door would match the door on the existing house.
A motion was made by Committee Chair Jon Califf to approve the project with the
recommendations contained in the Staff Report and with the following conditions:
1) The window surrounds will match the existing residence.
2) The veneer stone with the brick cap will match the existing residence.
3) The front door on the new unit will have the brick around the trim.
SECOND: Craig Wheeler
AYES: Jon Califf, Donnie Dewees, Craig Wheeler, and Joe Woollett
NOES: None
City of Orange -Design Review Committee
Meeting Minutes for August 4, 2004
Page 7
Proposal to construct two, two-story Single-Family residences.
Six remnant and vacant Cal-Trans parcels located adjacent to and east of the Newport 55
Freeway, south of Dana Avenue, and west of Sacramento Street (addressed as: 2220 East
Dana Avenue, and 226, 230, 236, 242, 246 North Sacramento Street).
Staff Contact: Daniel Ryan, Senior Planner, Historic Preservation
DRC Action: Recommendation to Planning Commission
Daniel Ryan, Senior Planner/Historic Preservation, gave the overview of the project. He noted
that the project had been referred back to the Design Review Committee by the Planning
Commission as the City's new Infill Residential Design guidelines (adopted March 23, 2004)
affect this property. The project has gone through a couple of iterations. At one time the
applicants were considering doing the project as it is before the DRC except somewhat larger.
Staff recommended because of the shape of the property and size of the homes within the
neighboring development, aone-story building would be more appropriate. The applicants
amended their plans, the proposal remains atwo-story project, however quite a bit smaller than
the first set of plans.
Mr. Ryan explained that the surrounding neighborhood was an older established neighborhood
with a certain architectural style of mostly ranch-style homes. He further explained that Staff
believes that aone-story building would be more appropriate, and the shape of the lot would
better fit a long ranch-style unit.
Joe Woollett questioned whether the lot-size (once split into two parcels) would allow two
single-family residences to be built on them. The answer was no, it was below the allowable
size. That is why there will be a request for a Variance (No. 2127-03) for the Planning
Commission to deviate from the minimum single-family development standards to allow the
creation of the parcels with less than the code required minimum 100 ft. lot depth, minimum
6,000 sq. ft. lot area, minimum 20 ft. front yard setback, and minimum usable open space. Prior
to doing that, however, and in light of the City's new Infill Residential Design Guidelines, it was
determined that the DRC should review the proposed plans for scale and architecture.
Aaron Johannsen, the designer of the project, asked the Committee whether the design guidelines
would allow for a duplex. Daniel Ryan stated that an accessory second unit would be allowed.
To build a duplex would require a zone change, and Mr. Johannsen asked if a zone change would
be possible. Leslie Aranda Roseberry, Planning Manager, answered on behalf of the
Community Development Department. She stated that it would be difficult for the staff to
recommend to the Planning Commission and the City Council to zone a small area as R-2,
because usually you're looking at a neighborhood or an entire area when you do a zone change.
It was explained to the applicant that the zoning would support an accessory second unit (no
large than 640 sq. ft.) and there was no requirement that the unit be detached. It would require
City of Orange -Design Review Committee
Meeting Minutes for August 4, 2004
Page 8
an additional parking space, which would be some of the space given up now for the second
garage. And it could be a nice large ranch-style home that would be very compatible with the
neighborhood, both in scale and style. The applicant explained that he really wanted a separate
unit for use with his family.
Craig Wheeler explained that his two biggest objections were the scale and the height, it is out of
context with the rest of the neighborhood.
Jon Califf questioned whether the easement shown on the plans had been abandoned. The
applicant stated that the Edison Company had signed papers to abandon the easement.
The Committee Members discussed a variety of ways that might make the project workable for
the applicant, such as creating a kitchen in the center of the long ranch-style home and having
two separate entrances (for the two separate families) into the area.
It was recommended that the applicant study this issue further and come back to the DRC when
an appropriate solution had been reached.
A motion was made by Committee Member Joe Woollett to continue the project.
SECOND: Craig Wheeler
AYES: Jon Califf, Donnie Dewees Craig Wheeler, and Joe Woollett
NOES: None
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