06-03-2009 DRC MinutesCITY OF ORANGE
June 3, 2009
Committee Members Present: Adrienne Gladson
Tim McCormack
Craig Wheeler
Joe Woollett
Committee Members Absent: Bill Cathcart
Staff in Attendance: Leslie Aranda Roseberry, Planning Manager
Dan Ryan, Senior Planner, Historic Preservation
Robert Garcia, Associate Planner
Anna Pehoushek, Principal Planner
Sonal Thakur, Assistant Planner
Sandi Dimick, Recording Secretary
Administrative Session - 5:00 P.M.
The Committee met for an Administrative Session beginning at 5:06 p.m.
Vice Chair Gladson opened the Administrative Session with any information from Staff.
Planning Manager, Leslie Aranda Roseberry, stated there were no changes to the Agenda and no
policy or procedural information to discuss; that would take them to No. 3 on the Agenda which
was a presentation of the General Plan by Principal Planner, Anna Pehoushek.
Ms. Pehoushek stated the General Plan Update had been in the works since January of 2004.
Staff had spent the first phases of the plan in 2004 with internal information gathering. In 2005
they moved into the public outreach phase where a number of community workshops were held
and an advisory committee was formed. In 2006 and 2007 the work focused on developing the
draft text for the General Plan and the Environmental Report. They broke into study sessions at
that point with the City Council and Planning Commission. Ultimately that led to a process
where they were able to get the plans out to the public for preliminary review, which occurred in
March of 2009. They were at the stage now to incorporate comments and she was present to
review those elements that had the most bearing on issues the Design Review Committee (DRC)
would encounter. Those were the Land Use element, Cultural Resource element, Natural
Resource element, and the Urban Design element. The Urban Design element was a new
Ms. Pehoushek stated starting with the Land Use element, the policy focus was land use
diversity, mix of development types similar to what was used today, preserving the commercial
sites, maintaining the industrial corridors, and looking at some of the under-utilized commercial
properties in the community with the possibility of reinventing those areas in different ways.
Eight different focus areas were identified throughout the City where land use changes were
concentrated and included in the Land Use element, page 31. The areas that were not included
had no proposed changes. She would be focusing primarily on a few areas: No. 4 which was
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Uptown, No. 2 which was the Katella Corridor, and No. 5 which was Old Towne. There was
No. 3, which was South Main/Town and Country, which were areas that mixed-use land uses
would be introduced. Around the Block on west Katella and the Town and Country area they
proposed a new area referred to as urban mixed use. Those were areas of the City where they
had somewhat under utilized properties and commercial properties that might not have
experienced reinvestment in a long time; she pointed to those areas on a drawing presented to the
DRC and explained where those areas were located. They were reviewing major hubs of
employment and transit routes that were serviced by Metrolink. They looked at the General Plan
as an opportunity to look toward the future with a reinvention of some areas. There was also the
expectation from the State that the City provide the opportunity for housing units to be created in
Orange. The urban mixed-use category was to look into creating a higher concentration of
residential, commercial, and opportunities for people to work closer to their residences.
Committee Member Woollett asked what was driving the City's direction?
Ms. Pehoushek stated there were regional housing needs from the State that necessitated the
creation of more housing. Another factor was the green house gas emissions and legislation in
regional planning for air quality and placing people closer to employment opportunities with the
intent to reduce vehicle miles traveled. Various dynamics converging on the City. With new
growth they would be moving towards a more sustainable living environment with communities
built out and neighborhoods being very stable. They looked at where had it made sense to
concentrate new growth and there were not too many choices. To maintain the stability of their
industrial areas and to create jobs and revenue for the community they looked toward reinventing
some of the declining commercial areas. They also looked at segments of Tustin and North
Tustin around the mall and the Lincoln Corridor to look at mixed-use opportunities. City
Council was not interested in going that way in those locations.
Chair McCormack joined the meeting and asked if other areas were looked at for mixed-use?
Ms. Pehoushek stated they looked at the El Modena area with the pedestrian traffic there and the
level of concentration of population there and they looked at the Yorba/Chapman area with the
hospital relationship. The problem there was the uncertainty of the hospital in the future and the
other factor being that Santiago Creek Trail had cut behind that site and was a connector to
Grijalva Park which seemed to be a logical place for a transition from a single family
neighborhood over to amenities that would appeal to residential uses. It was something that was
not of interest to pursue either. Those options fell off of the table during the course of the
briefings and study sessions. There were a few more categories of mixed use, one being 24 units
per acre proposed for South Main, between La Veta and Almond. That tied into the density
allowed for multi family use. There again they were looking for an opportunity to provide
housing and to support employment at the hospital or to provide senior living or amenities for
seniors needing care. It was also the suggesting of Economic Development to have South Main
take on a more of a medical corridor character. On Katella between California and Glassell they
were looking at neighborhood mixed use of 15 units per acre and there was concern based on the
interface with single family neighborhoods. What had been proposed was a neighborhood mixed
use. In Old Towne currently on the spoke streets they had an existing Old Towne mixed use
designation. What had happened with that designation was that it had been split into two
designations. With the current density of 24 units per acre which was opposed by the Old Towne
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community, they worked through that and ended up with the higher density concentrated around
the Depot area with larger buildings which could be designated for adapted reuse or more
opportunities for in-fill development. As they moved away from the Depot area they would
revert back to the 15 units per acre with the Old Towne mixed-use area.
Ms. Pehoushek stated those points were the ones that the DRC would want to be most aware of
and those land use changes. There had been some FAR changes. For the industrial areas and on
Eckhoff there had been an adjustment to the FAR for the light industrial area there. There was
currently athree-story height limit and they made that a standing component of the light
Committee Member Woollett asked if the idea of increasing the density allocation was to
encourage redevelopment of some of those areas?
Ms. Pehoushek stated in a sense it would encourage redevelopment. They wanted to provide
property owners with great flexibility of what they could do with their commercial property.
Through market studies with all the studies that had been completed early on they were in an
environment that had an over saturation of commercial and office space. In looking to the future,
property owners would want to do what made more sense for what direction they should move
Committee Member Woollett stated it was his observation that the new higher density areas,
such as west Chapman, had only been moderately successful and he asked if it was due to the
economic environment or were there other factors?
Ms. Pehoushek stated it seemed to be primarily in looking at the Renaissance Apartments and the
Allure Apartments, the Renaissance appeared to be more successfully leased and the mixed-use
component of the Allure had not been very successful. Those Apartments had been marketed as
luxury apartments and the pricing was high. She had not known what types of deals were being
Committee Member Woollett stated it appeared they were looking at doing more of those
projects and he wondered why. The units by the train station had not done very well either.
Committee Member Wheeler stated he suspected that had a lot to do with the economy. He
wondered if they knew what was happening with the project across from Main Place in Santa
Ana that was amixed-use project?
Ms. Pehoushek stated a lot of those projects started out being offered for $800,000 and now they
were being offered for $400,000. She believed it was due to pricing and the economy.
Committee Member Gladson stated some of the reaction they could have at the Orange level,
what was happening in Anaheim was that they had big plans for what was happening around the
Ms. Pehoushek stated that was the thought that some of the energy from the Platinum Triangle in
Anaheim could spin off into Orange projects. The Platinum Triangle was in the process of being
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completely re-tooled and who knew what the outcome of that would be. The density there was
significantly higher than what they were looking at in Orange.
Chair McCormack stated he was speaking to someone just a few weeks ago and it was not only
about the Platinum Triangle; it was the connection between San Francisco, Los Angeles, San
Diego, and Las Vegas. Just for design fees it was 24 million dollars for the first phase. HOK
had been selected for that competition and it was aworld-wide competition and it just broke last
week. He asked would Orange, which would be just across the river, be doing anything to link
to those projects?
Ms. Pehoushek stated from Santa Ana River to Batavia, those areas currently had a
commercial/recreation designation, which included movie theaters, recording studios and that
was how it was set up to attract those uses which had not yet been realized. Because of ARTIC
and whatever becomes of the Platinum Triangle and Honda Center, they had consciously decided
that was a place that made sense to provide opportunities for housing. There was Orange RV
Park which was an under utilized property and there were many other properties that property
owners would be interested in looking at. She suspected that they would need to spread the
discussion over a few of the Administrative Sessions. What she had presented was the Land Use
element that had the most bearing on what the DRC reviewed.
Committee Member Wheeler stated on the implementation page 29 it spoke about Commission
and Committee review of programs and was also considering expanding the authority of the
DRC and Community Development Department Staff to enforce Orange historic resources
inventory, historic register listings, and DRC procedures involving architectural and
archeological resources.
Ms. Pehoushek stated that was a component of the Cultural Resources element. It had been
previously the historic preservation element. It had been renamed for a couple of reasons. The
current element had a very concentrated focus which was the buildings of Old Towne. As the
City had evolved they found it was the time to expand the scope of the preservation element, not
only in Old Towne but also outside of Old Towne, such as the Eichler tracts and areas of El
Modena or areas outside of Old Towne that had historic value to the community. Broadly to also
address those historical resources that were not buildings and to tie in the function of the local
history center and the library. In the goals and policies related to cultural resources they looked
at exploring and establishing Orange as a certified local government that would have
implications on the DRC taking on the capacity of a cultural review board or historic resource
review board. Currently there was not a process in place to add resources to the historic
inventory. They hoped to add that process to the component. They wanted a procedure for
identification of new resources. For areas such as El Modena, the Cypress Barrio, and areas of
the rail corridor, to establish neighborhood character areas and establish guidelines for design
direction for building form and placing of structures on parcels. There could be references from
historic buildings that could be used for new projects.
Committee Member Wheeler suggested expanding the information on page 3 of the historical
references and possibly to add to that and the relationship to current in-fill design guidelines.
The more resource management tools they had the more it would help.
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Ms. Pehoushek stated when they got to the point of developing standards the DRC would be
more involved in that process.
Committee Member Woollett asked if there had been any thought with new development to
encourage very high level development. He had the impression that Orange had been perceived
historically boring in its City and that would preclude any outstanding contemporary structures.
If that was true it was very unfortunate. Because the historic buildings would only show up at
their best when they were in contrast with the very best contemporary structures. It was a
concern he had for many years.
Chair McCormack stated most of the contemporary, higher design buildings had come from
groups that ran without the purview of the Planning Commission or the City, such as school
districts and college campuses.
Committee Member Woollett stated that the hospitals that came in were ready for construction
and stated they were already done and the evaluation of design was difficult.
Chair McCormack stated that was a good point and asked what could they do about it.
Committee Member Gladson stated perhaps when they had the review of the Urban Design
element that would bridge the gap for Committee Member Woollett and they would use the new
tools to layout the vision they wanted in the community for urban design.
Committee Member Woollett stated he thought the proposed General Plan was great and it
would take him several weeks to absorb it. It appeared to be set already, however, and the City
Council had weighed in on many things.
Ms. Pehoushek stated she felt the DRC would directly make their marks with the implementation
of the General Plan guidelines. It was a challenge they had faced for a very long time and they
wanted to go in a direction with redevelopment and there had not been policy tools in place. She
would schedule more time to discuss the other segments at another meeting.
Chair McCormack stated he would move the minutes to the end of the meeting.
Ms. Aranda Roseberry stated when he arrived at the minutes review he could make a motion to
move those minutes to the end of the meeting.
Committee Member Wheeler made a motion to adjourn the Administrative Session.
SECOND: Joe Woollett
AYES: Adrienne Gladson, Tim McCormack, Joe Woollett, Craig Wheeler
NOES: None
ABSENT: Bill Cathcart
Administrative Session adjourned at 5:39 p.m.
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Regular Session - 5:30 P.M.
Committee Member Cathcart was absent.
Opportunity for members of the public to address the Design Review Committee on
matters not listed on the Agenda.
There was none.
All matters that are announced as Consent Items are considered to be routine by the
Design Review Committee and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate
discussion of said items unless members of the Design Review Committee, staff or the
public request specific items to be removed from the Consent Items for separate action.
Committee Member Gladson made a motion to move the approval of the minutes to the end of
the Agenda.
SECOND: Craig Wheeler
AYES: Adrienne Gladson, Tim McCormack, Joe Woollett, Craig Wheeler
NOES: None
ABSENT: Bill Cathcart
1) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) May 6, 2009 and (b) May 20, 2009
Committee Member Gladson made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular scheduled
meetings of May 6, 2009 and May 20, 2009, with the changes and corrections noted.
SECOND: Joe Woollett
AYES: Adrienne Gladson, Tim McCormack, Joe Woollett, Craig Wheeler
NOES: None
ABSENT: Bill Cathcart
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Continued Items:
2) DRC No. 4372-08 - VU & DANG NEW RESIDENCE
A proposal to construct a new two-story, 9,695 sq. ft. single-family residence.
6505 Woodview Circle (10502 Woodview Circle)
Staff Contact: Sonal Thakur, 714-744-7239, sthakur(c~cityoforange.org
Continued from the DRC Meeting of April 15, 2009
DRC Action: Final Determination
Assistant Planner, Sonal Thakur, presented a project overview consistent with the Staff Report.
Applicant, John Nguyen, address on file, stated they had revised the plans based on the
suggestions and DRC comments. The driveway had been revised and they had met all the
standard City requirements. They wanted to ask for approval of their project
Public Comment
Chair McCormack opened the item for discussion.
Committee Member Woollett stated he recalled that the concerns from the previous meeting had
not been many and that the driveway issue had been addressed. There were some fairly high
retaining walls and a 42" planter and he presumed they would be concrete block walls that would
be faced with stone.
Mr. Nguyen stated that was correct and he pointed out the area that noted the call out for stone
on the wall.
Chair McCormack stated his concern had been that the applicant's engineer designed the
driveway to allow the cars to go in and out of the garage without bottoming out. If that had been
done it had been one of his issues. When the walls would go that high he wondered if they
would add a railing to prevent someone from falling off when maintaining the landscape.
Mr. Nguyen stated they would use the retaining wall as a planter, it would be a step planter filled
with dirt and shrub material and it would not be seen as a retaining wall.
Committee Member Gladson stated she was not certain if it could be a condition or just a
suggestion, it was the issue of chain link fencing. The plans noted there was chain link in an area
she pointed to on the plans.
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Mr. Nguyen stated those chain link fences were existing. They planned on replacing that fencing
with wood fencing.
Committee Member Gladson asked if the applicant would be agreeable to having a condition that
the chain link be replaced with another fencing material?
Mr. Nguyen stated that would be agreeable.
Committee Member Gladson stated the pictures in the Staff Report showed a wood fencing that
had a metal chain to it and it had a rural feel to it. The house was fine with her and she liked the
architecture of the house.
Committee Member Wheeler stated he had suggested changes to the roof and the chimney.
Mr. Nguyen stated he had made that change to the roof and presented a drawing to the
Committee Member Wheeler stated it was good. It looked a lot better.
Mr. Nguyen stated the chimney would be projected.
Chair McCormack stated his issues had been to ensure the driveway worked and it appeared it
had. There would be water coming into that area and the applicant would need to deal with that.
Mr. Nguyen stated their engineer had reviewed it.
Committee Member Woollett made a motion to approve DRC No. 4372-08, Vu & Dang
Residence, subject to the conditions contained in the Staff Report.
Committee Member Wheeler asked if he wanted to add a condition for the removal of the chain
link fence?
Committee Member Woollett stated he believed that was not within their purview.
Mr. Nguyen stated the chain link fence had been put up by the previous owner or the owner next
Committee Member Woollett stated just because they had not liked chain link they could not ask
the applicant to remove it.
Committee Member Gladson stated it was a requirement of the Orange Park Specific Plan as she
read it, however, if it was not on the applicant's property they could not ask to have it removed.
Chair McCormack stated they could add the condition if it was on the applicant's property.
Ms. Thakur stated the home was located in the County jurisdiction.
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Chair McCormack suggested adding a vine to the chain link fence.
Committee Member Woollett stated he would add that. The motion was amended to add a
condition to add a vine to the chain link fence.
SECOND: Craig Wheeler
AYES: Adrienne Gladson, Tim McCormack, Joe Woollett, Craig Wheeler
NOES: None
ABSENT: Bill Cathcart
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A proposal to expand an existing restaurant/banquet facility, consisting of a 3,512 sq.
ft. banquet room and an open air patio area.
510 E. Katella Avenue
Staff Contact: Robert Garcia, 714-744-7231, r ag rcia(cr~,cit oy forange.org
Continued from the DRC Meeting of May 20, 2009
DRC Action: Recommendation to the Planning Commission
Associate Planner, Robert Garcia, presented a project overview consistent with the Staff Report.
Chair McCormack asked if it would be possible to go over all the changes as there had been
many pointed out from the previous meeting..
Applicant, Jon Califf, address on file, stated he would be able to do that. He had a suspicion on
what he had been calling Banana trees and they were actually a giant Bird of Paradise and that
had been corrected. After speaking with Mr. Garcia he had been calculating the tree count
incorrectly and that had been adjusted. There were also notations for planter areas, shrubs and
automatic irrigation. He laid out the existing site plan and he believed that part of the confusion
previously had been that what had been shown as existing was not the most recent information.
He attempted to get the trees in the right locations. The existing plan changes were what was
contained in the site data in the legend. The plan had delineation in what was proposed and he
noted some details such as the square footage for motorcycle parking. He also noted where trees
would be relocated; those were trees of sufficient size. It was the applicant's intentions to
relocate some of the trees and consult with the landscape architect to divide and spread some of
them out.
Chair McCormack asked, referring to the plans, if a symbol he was looking at was the symbol
for relocation?
Mr. Califf stated that was a symbol for Queen Palm. He wanted to distinguish between the two
varieties of Palm trees. There was also what he believed was a Pigmy Date Palm and he used a
different symbol to specify that. There were several areas that had a grouping of two and three
trees together. They provided the information for the existing kitchen and restroom areas. There
were notations on what was changing. There was an area of lost storage and a new wall be
opened up for the additional space. The poche was corrected on the new walls, and there might
have been some previous concerns on what walls were new and what walls were existing. Those
had been corrected. Part of the change from the original design with the proximity of what
needed to be a taller parapet, a taller space and the clearance they wanted they had not felt
comfortable pulling it too far back. He pointed out the changes on the plans and reviewed those
with the Committee Members. He aligned some of the parking in order to eliminate any
confusion on where the entry was. There was a tower element added to reinforce the idea that
the entrance would be located there.
Committee Member Wheeler asked if a new entry door had been added.
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Mr. Califf stated it was not an additional entry door; it was rather a stand alone exit door. There
was a change to the east wall elevation where the new wall would attach. Basically the new
tower would be 5' shorter than the existing tower and they would be using parapet and the same
two piece clay the roofing and the same type of windows as existed at the site. He apologized
for the graphic as some horizontal lines had shown up in the 3D model and they should not have
shown up in that.
Mr. Garcia stated he believed the applicant had covered all the necessary changes.
Public Comment
Chair McCormack opened the item for discussion.
Committee Member Woollett stated the plans were much easier to read and a number of issues
had been clarified and he was pleased with the proposed project.
Committee Member Wheeler stated there were a few minor things. The arches on the existing
building were more of a basket handle design and he wanted to ensure that was duplicated.
There was also some trim that should be match and he pointed those areas out.
Chair McCormack stated the plans were much easier to read. He was attempting get his hands
on an area, and asked if the island was going to stay with a cut through?
Mr. Califf stated yes, that was the intent and reviewed that section of the plans with Chair
McCormack pointing out where the cut through would be.
Chair McCormack stated there was a notation that existing pavement would remain if required
by WQMP. He was wondering, and it was always about design and designing a new entry, he
thought what was being used for the new entry was old asphalt. He was not certain, but it may
trigger something that created a hardship for the applicant, but generally they would not want to
propose asphalt for that.
Mr. Califf stated there was a threshold of 5,000 square feet and that was a big deal. Obviously
they couldn't do anything about where the building went and actually within the 5, 000 square
feet, all of an area he pointed to on the plans, could be included. Another thing was that Katella
was similar to standing on the freeway in regard to noise, they had thought about adding a
fountain to add white noise and another feature, however, it could not compete with Katella and
the other thought was to landscape and not try to get people to hang out in that area. It would be
more of an entry walk and less of a patio.
Applicant, Tim Zimprich, stated the area was never going to be asphalt, only the smaller area due
to the WQMP requirements.
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Chair McCormack stated in surveying that area were they aware that the natural flow went down
and appeared to go toward the building?
Mr. Califf pointed out how the flow of the lot worked and that the water would flow to a curb
and gutter.
Chair McCormack stated any drainage along that area might require another curb.
Mr. Califf stated he understood that and suspected that might need to be added.
Chair McCormack stated it appeared that the threshold of required plantings and trees had been
Chair McCormack stated in making a recommendation to the Planning Commission they would
want to ask that the Landscape plans would be reviewed by Staff and not need to be reviewed by
the DRC. On the Landscape plan it would probably not deal with an area he pointed to on the
plans as it appeared to be a hard scape area. Someone would need to be directed on designing
that area and dealing with the grade situation. He liked the idea of having a fountain.
Mr. Califf stated they typically placed all curbs and walks that would exist on the floor plan as it
was easier to dimension them out at that scale. Everything that was in the immediate area would
be added to the floor plan.
Chair McCormack stated in the previous review they had spoken about lighting.
Mr. Zimprich stated they planned on bringing the lighting up to match the new existing lights.
Mr. Califf stated he believed there were 3 different types of lighting.
Mr. Zimprich stated the lighting would all match.
Chair McCormack stated in his quest to reduce asphalt on earth, if the area, which he pointed out
on the plans, was to be stripped why would they not take out that asphalt?
Mr. Garcia stated he would need to speak with WQMP as it could trigger other issues.
Mr. Califf stated it would add to the 5, 000 square feet of modified space as a disturbed area.
Committee Member Wheeler stated large pots could be added to that area.
Mr. Garcia stated initially the applicant had wanted to change all that out and add landscaping.
Committee Member Wheeler stated on the main tower there were exposed rafter tails and
suggested matching that.
Mr. Califf stated that was the intent.
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Committee Member Gladson stated the smaller tower element was nice and she asked if it was
an open element?
Mr. Garcia stated it was open.
Committee Member Gladson stated on the area next to the trash enclosure which was fenced off,
she asked if those were reduced parking areas or what was that?
Mr. Zimprich stated those were old tiles that had been taken from the other building and it was
temporary until the construction was completed.
Chair McCormack stated it was suggested that large pots be placed in the entry area and to use
the area for additional pots to get to something that was cohesive in making a statement with
some possible up lighting and an opportunity to add more interest. They could actually grow
some of those Bird of Paradise into the pots.
Committee Member Gladson made a motion to recommend approval to the Planning
Commission for DRC No. 4419-09, Villa Park Catering, subject to the conditions contained in
the Staff Report and with the following conditions:
1. The arches match the existing.
2. The new tower element shall have exposed rafter tails.
3. The trim around the columns match the existing.
4. Pots be added at the entry area to have a cohesive design and be repeated at the striped
no-parking area and the pots would have the same plant materials.
5. An opening to be punched through the curb.
6. The architectural site plan to pick up the paving enhancements at the entry.
SECOND: Joe Woollett
AYES: Adrienne Gladson, Tim McCormack, Joe Woollett, Craig Wheeler
NOES: None
ABSENT: Bill Cathcart
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New Agenda Items:
A proposal to replace a freestanding wood sign with a new monument sign.
1026 E. Chapman Avenue, Old Towne Historic District
Staff Contact: Dan Ryan, 714-744-7224, dryan(a~cityoforange.org
DRC Action: Final Determination
Senior Planner, Dan Ryan, presented a project overview consistent with the Staff Report.
Applicant, Pete Cavello, address on file, stated he had no additional comments.
Public Comment
Jeff Frankel, address on file, representing the OTPA, stated the only comment he had, was again,
the proposal for use of vinyl plastic lettering. The Plaza standards which apply to spoke streets
referenced that use. For everyone else who wanted to use other materials that he felt they should
stick with the standards as it was a required finding.
Mr. Ryan stated the section that Mr. Frankel spoke of in the Standards read that letters should be
wood or metal or of materials that accurately simulated wood or metal and it was a question of
how that standard was interpreted.
Chair McCormack opened the item for discussion.
Committee Member Gladson asked if the applicant had brought samples of the lettering? She
understood that the background would be plywood.
Mr. Cavello presented photos and finish samples. He stated he would use a matte finish which
appeared to be painted wood rather than using a glossy surface.
Committee Member Woollett asked if the existing sign was painted?
Mr. Cavello stated the existing sign was the same, it had vinyl.
Committee Member Wheeler stated the existing sign had a metal base, rather than plywood.
Mr. Cavello stated the material was Dybond, which was more weather resistant and it had not
had a plastic appearance. The new sign, which had different requirements, would be wood.
Committee Member Woollett stated Mr. Frankel's comment was clear and he understood what
he was stating. The problem he had with the regulations was that it was not sufficiently specific.
The letters could be painted using vinyl paint and it would be in compliance. The difference
with vinyl paint and a dull vinyl letter was no difference.
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Committee Member Wheeler stated when vinyl paint dried it was plastic.
Committee Member Woollett stated he had not thought that using vinyl lettering would be
setting an inappropriate precedence due to the thickness of the lettering. It was really a more
convenient and precise way to add the letters. One could argue because it was more precise that
it looked different. Particularly with the proposed application because it was next to an existing
sign and it was a very unusual situation with the property being divided. He thought it was
justified. If he had any concerns at all it would be the fact that different materials would be used
on the two signs and he would want to ensure that over time they signs would fade the same way.
In reviewing the photos of the existing sign the manner in which the stone was applied was
inappropriate, the ends of the stone where it connected to the side appeared as if in applying the
stone small pieces were stuck in the end.
Mr. Cavello stated with that type of stone they actually made corners and they could use corners
on the new sign. He had looked at that and it had appeared very rough.
Committee Member Woollett asked if the proposal was for MDO it was okay to use on the sides,
however, he wanted to know what would be used on the exposed top edge?
Mr. Cavello stated they were not intending to use the metal strip on top, and in looking at it
instead of having an unsealed top they would use the metal strip. It would be the same type of
strip that was used on the existing sign.
Committee Member Wheeler suggested painting the metal strip to match the sign. He asked if
the stone was cultured stone?
Mr. Cavello stated it was a concrete stone that came in little strips. The existing stone had
cultured stone.
Chair McCormack stated there was real stone available that could be applied in the same manner
and the cost was about the same.
Mr. Cavello stated it was approximately 80 cents per foot.
Chair McCormack stated that Mr. Frankel's comments were well taken and he agreed with Mr.
Woollett's comments. He had a problem with signs that were just set into the landscape; five
years later there would be a white line from the constant water contact. He suggested mitigating
that by removing some of the turf that was next to the sign, removing it approximately 12" away
from it. He was not certain if the solar light would stand the test of time and was not very
historic. There was no requirement for lighting the sign.
Committee Member Woollett asked how long had the other sign been at that location?
Mr. Cavello stated about one year.
Chair McCormack stated there was water hitting it, the mower hitting it.
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Committee Member Gladson stated she was inclined to allow the applicant to deal with the
lighting and the consequences of those things. If they wanted to change it every year it was
probably one solution.
Committee Member Wheeler stated it was probably easier to change it than to run conduit to the
Chair McCormack suggested using some compatible material to place in the strip next to the
sign, possibly a crushed stone that had the same coloring.
Committee Member Gladson stated they had reviewed other sign installations that were similar
that had used concrete.
Chair McCormack stated just something loose. There was a material called Chip Seal, which
was decomposed granite and it could be spread out and would stay in place. The irrigation heads
could be set back.
Mr. Cavello stated on the new sign was the intent to be 1' away?
Committee Member Gladson stated she was still struggling with the material use, wood or metal.
She thought the vinyl lettering appeared more like metal and she wanted to talk her self through
it to feel more comfortable with it. She wondered what her colleagues thought and if they were
having the same struggles?
Committee Member Wheeler stated it appeared to him to be a painted surface which would be
entirely appropriate. It appeared as very accurate painting and one advantage was that when one
of the Doctors changed it would be much easier to change the name on the sign.
Committee Member Gladson stated that gave her a bit more comfort as she had looked at the
existing sign.
Mr. Cavello stated he liked the idea of removing the turf from around the sign.
Chair McCormack made a motion to approve DRC No. 4420-09, Cambridge Medical Plaza
Monument Sign, subject to the conditions contained in the Staff Report and with the following
1. To add a metal channel at the top of the sign to match the existing sign.
2. Remove 16" of turf from around the sign and add a compatible material, such as a Chip
Seal-type stone with the same coloration of the stone used in the sign
SECOND: Adrienne Gladson
AYES: Adrienne Gladson, Tim McCormack, Joe Woollett, Craig Wheeler
NOES: None
ABSENT: Bill Cathcart
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A proposal for new signage and modifications of the rear facade of a contributing
commercial building's conversion from retail use to restaurant use.
124-128 N. Glassell Street, Plaza Historic District
Staff Contact: Dan Ryan, 714-744-7224, dryan(a~cityoforange.or~
DRC Action: Recommendation to the Planning Commission
Committee Member Wheeler recused himself from the presentation due to the location of his
office in proximity to the applicant's location.
Senior Planner, Dan Ryan, presented a project overview consistent with the Staff Report.
Applicant, Tim DeCinces, address on file, stated he would speak to the smoker for a moment.
The design of the smoker was to keep the smoke inside, as opposed to having the smoke such as
on a grill that the heat and smoke would go up immediately. The smoker was design to keep the
heat and smoke inside and the only time the heat was let out was when the smokers were
evacuated before they opened the doors. It would not give off any heat. There would be
equipment on the roof for ventilation when the heat was let out. As it related to the design, the
reason they loved the space was because it was period, nostalgic and fit the Old Towne area and
their business would fit. His designers had worked with Mr. Ryan and Staff to fit within the
period. Mr. DeCinces asked in recommendation #2 changing the aluminum panels to flat so
there would be no reveal and then in #3, in using metal lettering or other suggested materials it
would create a reveal and he had not understood those conflicting recommendations?
Mr. Ryan stated what the applicant intended to do was to have a face change and the thinking
was that instead have a sign similar to the old Coca Cola sign with the bubble.
Mr. DeCinces asked to have it come out a little bit?
Mr. Ryan stated to not have it come out and to have it flat in appearance. As far as the individual
letters that was a question about whether the applicant wanted to use a thin metal letter, a painted
letter or a vinyl material that appeared metal. Staff had left choices.
Mr. DeCinces stated he thought a metal letter would look cool, however, it seemed to be in
conflict as it would create a reveal.
Mr. Ryan stated the idea was that the thickness would make a difference in how it appeared.
Chair McCormack asked if there was a sample?
Mr. Ryan stated no.
Mr. DeCinces stated the neighboring signs such as the jeweler, there sign had a reveal as the
letters came off the sign.
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Mr. Ryan stated he believed the intent was to have the appearance of painted letters or individual
or fixed letters.
Committee Member. Gladson stated the jewelry sign next door would be exposed reversed
channel letters and that was mid century and it was starting to get popular again.
Mr. Ryan stated part of it was what the sign company wanted to put together and what would
work for the applicant.
Applicant, Al Ricci, address on file, stated that was the point of the building and they had
thought about going back and making it look like Citrus City Grill and taking the whole front off
to expose what had been behind it with a place to eat out front. They had thought about it and
every point in time was history. The building was 1950's history. What happened all the time in
Old Towne was attempted duplication of what had occurred in the 1900's and 1920's. By
destroying the front of their building it would be destroying what had happened in 1957, which
was 52 years ago. The sign by itself and the front of the building were nostalgic and it was an
indication of a different point in time in Old Towne. He had taken Ms. Smith to the site and he
asked her if it should be taken back to a building such as Citrus City and she had told him
absolutely not; that her father had worked there when it was Pixley's Market and it had a cage
that went across without a front door and she had encouraged him to keep in 1950's style and not
to go back.
Public Comment
Janet Crenshaw, address on file, representing the OTPA stated when speaking of 52 years ago at
her age that wasn't very long ago. Her first thing when reviewing the language she had turned to
the picture and garish came to mind it was way too big. She read the standards and the applicant
was allowed 23 square feet of signage and there was much more there and it seemed over the top
to her.
Jeff Frankel, address on file, representing the OTPA stated again he hated to keep hammering the
vinyl plastic signage, however, he wanted to clarify that there was two parts to the standards
materials section; one that wood or metal utilized to actively simulated wood or metal. It had not
stated plastic or use plastic. The second part stated that high gloss or shiny was prohibited and
essentially plastic could not be used. That was very clear and until those standards were revised
it was clear and not certain if that standard would be changed. He was unclear regarding the
square footage of the signage. The standards stated it was 15 square feet per face on that type of
sign. The 23 square foot - he was not certain about. He was confused there. He had been to the
restaurant in Tustin and they had done a great job of using a historic garage. He and had eaten at
the restaurant which was very good. That was a large building and the sign was appropriate for
that size of building. The proposed project was a much smaller scale and the signage appeared
overwhelming for the store front as compared to the street scape. The idea of restoring the
1950's period sign at the rear was a good idea as it was not within the period of significance.
Whenever a sign could be preserved was a positive thing. Also, he noticed in the packet there
had been something about the screening but had not found anything in the Staff Report. Staff s
idea of placing the vent or whatever it was had been a good idea if that was possible as it would
be visible from the front.
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Mr. Ricci stated they were preserving a historic sign. The sign had been made out of Plexi glass
in 1957 and that was the material in that part of history. Using plastic had fit the historic period.
Chair McCormack opened the item for discussion.
Committee Member Woollett asked if the applicant had given any thought about piping some of
that BBQ smoke down so people riding by would smell it?
Mr. DeCinces stated the restaurant in Alabama, The Brick Pit, which was a house set off of the
street where they had a little black pot that they put wood chips in that swung in the wind.
Committee Member Woollett stated he had the problem that Ms. Crenshaw had as the 1950's
were not history for him, it was current, and he had not particularly liked the 50's. On #2, which
read: change all the raised aluminum panels to flat panels and he asked Mr. Ryan for some
Mr. Ryan stated the round logos that the applicant proposed on both sides of the blade sign and
the one in the back were round, however, had a curved top to them, similar to the old Coca Cola
Chair McCormack asked like a cut basketball?
Committee Member Woollett asked what was wrong with that?
Mr. Ryan stated there was nothing wrong with that design, in order to look at the project as a
face change, the sign would need to be flat on a flat cabinet surface to appear as a painting, as a
logo or as part of the field of the cabinet sign. In raising it the form of the sign was being
changed and became more of a fascia change.
Committee Member Woollett stated on the vertical lettering Staff was stating if there was no
vertical lettering previously there could not be vertical lettering in the proposed sign and he
asked why?
Mr. Ryan stated what they had looked at was what areas of the existing sign had signage. Either
raised or painted on the flat sign that indicated there was signage. Photos showed the areas of
the sign that had signage. The blade sign had no appearance of having had letters or signage.
Committee Member Woollett stated so what?
Planning Manager, Leslie Aranda Roseberry, stated they could not look at the sign in two ways;
it was either a face change from what Blessing's had or it was not. If it was a face change the
new signage could only be installed where the old sign had been. If the applicant was proposing
a whole new sign program they would need to go back to the only allowable square footage.
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Committee Member Woollett stated if they wanted to use the greater area that had been used
before; the applicant would need to be more prescriptive of what they wanted to do. If the
applicant wanted to design something in accordance with historical style and they had not cared
what had existed, they would be limited to the current area.
Mr. Ricci stated the problem was that Blessing's never permitted their signs; they just put a vinyl
sticker over the plastic that was there. The last allowable sign was the drug store sign and they
could not judge what someone had just thrown up there. Blessing's was recent.
Committee Member Woollett stated he could not completely rely on that as many of the things
they used as historic references were not approved.
Mr. DeCinces stated he understood not having the neon stick out past the base of the sign; when
he looked at it he looked at the entire piece as the sign. Where the writing was from Blessing's
was confusing for him when he had initially spoken to Mr. Ryan. If they had letters that had not
stuck out past the drop down he thought the whole thing was a sign.
Mr. Ryan stated it was a form. The area underneath would be measured to calculate the area of
signage and that was where the 143 square feet had come from. They knew that was the gross
number with Royal. It had been painted over. They knew certain areas that had not been
painted, however, the area at the top had been blocked out. In some cases they could view a faint
image, but overall they looked at it placing 70.73 square feet of sign and eliminate the 80 square
feet of the BBQ lettering, it would be half of what had been there. The face change could have
been 143 square feet.
Chair McCormack stated he was confused as he looked at it as a form and he looked at two
different things. The letters looked way too big for the context of the sign and he was attempting
to figure out if the letters would be that big because they were reading into the drawing how big
the letters could be. He thought the letters should be smaller.
Mr. Ryan stated the maximum letter height was 15". They took the space to calculate.
Blessing's had painted out much of the sign area.
Chair McCormack stated from a design perspective that looked a little too big for the thing it was
in, referring to a drawing of the signage. It was sticking out.
Committee Member Woollett stated the lettering was being looked at from an odd angle. It was
hard for a graphics person to show how it would actually look and it appeared much bigger. He
reviewed the picture with the Committee Members.
Chair McCormack stated it was not right yet. His first initial reaction was that the signage was
way too overpowering, and he had not known where that overpowering comment would come in
to their sign.
Committee Member Woollett stated the drawing that was missing was a perpendicular view from
the face, an elevation from the front. That would show how the sign would fit and they would be
able to judge it better.
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Mr. DeCinces stated the call out was for letters to be 1' 2". The detail was on page 3, A. The
lettering was not too big.
Committee Member Woollett stated he wanted to see a line around it in order to be able to
understand how big the surface was that the letters would be applied to. The actual panel
dimensions; until he reviewed that he could not understand the proportion.
Chair McCormack stated it was the proportion and the size of the lettering. They had spoke
about vinyl letters on another sign and if he had an opinion on the sign he would want metal and
to have something nice. He would want to see a section to review how the sign would come off
the face. People would be noticing it and the details were important. He asked what had
supported the sign?
Mr. DeCinces stated he had not understood Mr. Ryan's comment about the sign bubbling out and
he had looked for it in the packet, the sign was flat.
Committee Member Gladson stated perhaps he was being cautious to assure the sign would not
bubble out.
Mr. Ryan stated basically instead of having a projected disc, he thought the sign person had
stated the sign bubbled, maybe she was wrong.
Committee Member Gladson stated they could review the application in parts. An existing blade
sign and existing cabinets would be used which was just a change in copy for her. She was
essentially okay with that if they used metal letters and the neon was integrated into the cabinet.
Committee Member Woollett asked why would the letters need to be metal?
Committee Member Gladson stated because of the standards, either wood or metal and she was
more in favor of metal.
Committee Member Woollett stated what about the concept they had spoken about. They had an
old historic sign and they could follow that design or they could form new regulations. He
agreed with that and they were deciding on that.
Committee Member Gladson stated if she had her choice she would want to go back to the
original history.
Committee Member Woollett stated so she would not give them a choice.
Committee Member Gladson stated she preferred to go back to the older look and it was more of
a personal preference. That could be laid aside and she could let the existing sign continue as the
applicant was not expanding the form, in terms of the blade or the cabinet and they would be
changing just the letters. She was uncomfortable with the addition of the neon and she could
view that as inappropriate. She had not looked at it as a historic sign and as valuable as the
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applicant or property owner felt. If a future owner wanted to remove the sign and replace it with
more of a historic sign she would be inclined to agree with that, but not now.
Chair McCormack asked Committee Member Gladson if she would consider removing the whole
Committee Member Gladson stated that was correct to go further back. On the proposed
application she had not felt it would be appropriate as they wanted to use the existing forms and
as long as it fit into the required criteria she was generally o.k. with it. There had not appeared to
be any signage or evidence of signage on the vertical element and she agreed with Staff in not
allowing that. The next thing she sensed a struggle with would be the percentage of coverage on
the front of the building and it was a massing element. There was no criteria for that and they
could not restrict that.
Chair McCormack stated it appeared too large, almost collegiate.
Mr. Ryan asked if it was the color?
Chair McCormack stated no, it was the size.
Mr. DeCinces stated it was deceiving. In reviewing the detail, 14" was not a large letter.
Committee Member Woollett stated they needed to be very careful. They needed to be
consistent in interpreting the rules, because they would get into trouble down the line. The DRC
could not pick and choose from the current rules and the past rules; and what was there before
and they needed to be careful which required some very critical thinking. One of the things that
had been pointed out, for instance in the 1950's a lot of plastic was used and in the current rules
they do not allow plastic and that presented a difficult issue. If the DRC stated the 50's qualified
as a historic period and there was a sign that was a 50's sign that had plastic in it, even though
the current rules would not allow it they would need to allow it.
Mr. Ryan stated there was a section in the standards that spoke to that. There were statements
that read all signs in the plaza shall comply with the standards and in addition to the general
requirements of the City's sign ordinance. Where conflicts arose the standards supercede the
sign code, historically referenced signs would be documented from original building photos and
may exceed current limits. That spoke to the sign based on the historic content of the sign.
Committee Member Woollett stated if it was historically plastic it could be used.
Mr. Ryan stated that was his understanding in how the standards were written. When the design
study had been done they found that the sign code would not permit some historical signs. They
attempted, rather than rewriting the sign code, was to add a paragraph that would allow that the
criteria of the sign code could be exceeded based on the historic make up of the sign. The
question became would a building that had stood there for more than 50 years be of historical
significance for that period. He thought it was yes, whether they liked 1950 or not.
Committee Member Woollett asked if they were in a position to do that?
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Mr. Ryan stated yes, that was part of their review.
Committee Member Woollett stated the ordinance had not described that.
Mr. Ryan stated the Secretary of Interior's Standards described buildings that were 50 years old
or more and they could lean on that. They could look to previous buildings in the plaza that had
been remodeled such as the Radio Shack building, originally Victorian to Art Deco. There was
some precedence to guide them in making determinations. They were looking at the building in
the proposed project from 1957 and what had remained significant that still had integrity and
significance in that building -mostly the front of the whole building. He thought it was
consistent with that period and the only problem was that there were no photos from 1957 and
there were no clear pictures of Blessing's and they were attempting to fill that in.
Committee Member Woollett stated they were trying to keep a historic sign that they had no
photos of.
Mr. Ryan stated they knew the elements that were there had included signage; the question was,
was the level of signage appropriate and would they have been appropriate in 1957. He had
wanted to avoid all of the discussion by locating a photograph and not having that they had
looked at the next best thing. They attempted to reveal what had been there before. The
applicant was proposing a sign the size of half of what had been there.
Mr. Ricci stated they knew there were signs there. Behind the Plexi glass there were fluorescent
tubes to illuminate it and that told him everywhere there was plastic there was signage. He
pointed out those areas on the drawings. There was a back lit Plexi glass sign in the 50's.
Committee Member Gladson stated the building was non-contributing due to all the alterations to
the building.
Mr. Ryan stated it was non-contributing based on the Plaza application for buildings within a
historic content for the downtown area. The question was had the building gained significance
based on that it had been there for over 50 years, whether that was good or bad.
Committee Member Woollett stated that some of the historic signs were really outrageous and
that was part of history. It was not a matter of whether the DRC liked it or not, it was that they
needed to be faithful to the regulations that they were administering and they needed to be
consistent. More of those types of issues would occur. They could wish that everything be
exposed on the building and to go back to 1915, but what they wished was not important.
Committee Member Gladson stated that was why she was generally comfortable with what they
proposed for the front elevation in agreement with Staff's recommendations.
Chair McCormack stated it was historic, but not historic to Old Towne. It was a snapshot of time
in the 50's and it was historic in the fact of its form. He was reviewing the proportions, the size
and the lettering and the appropriateness. How the sign worked, which he would want to gain
more information on. It was a 6" thick plate and he was not certain that it had a curve or not.
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Mr. Ryan stated he may have gotten some misinformation on that. In order for the sign to
qualify as a face change it needed to be very flat. Basically, it would not have much of a reveal.
The Committee discussed the different designs of signs.
Chair McCormack stated his preference would be to have up lighting in the back with a halo in
the back, design wise he felt that would be nice and it would add a nice feature to it.
Mr. Ryan stated the next question was that if one part was changed was it appropriate to 1957
and would it exceed the sign area that was there previously. They had proposed the dimensions
on what had been there, and if a portion of the sign was changed would that no longer be a face
Committee Member Woollett stated if the sign had been a can sign with plastic over it why was
it still not a can sign with plastic over it and why were they changing it and lighting up those
tubes? If that was the historical sign why would they not use those features?
Chair McCormack stated that was a good point. It would be back lit.
Committee Member Woollett stated it would be a plastic sign with thin film vinyl lettering so the
light would come off of it and that would have been done in the 50's.
Chair McCormack stated he kind of agreed, he felt that the quality of signage was not that good
in the 50's.
Mr. Ryan stated if they were to consider the sign as a face change that would dictate what would
be the type of allowable construction and the materials. Once they started to deviate they would
need to refer back to the standard sign code. The issue was that they could make assumptions,
they knew there was a sign and it was constructed a certain way with florescent tubes. Would
that substantially change anything historically? He thought it would be complimentary to the
building. Where they clear about what they would be approving?
Chair McCormack stated there were many things, size of materials, lettering, lighting and if the
business was called Blessing's they would not have a problem. He liked using the theory of
what had been there before, but what was done in that period was not that good.
Committee Member Woollett stated that was true of what had been done in the 1920's too.
Chair McCormack stated much of that material would have been wood or metal. In the 50's they
experimented with plastics.
Mr. DeCinces stated at the location in Tustin it was in a historic building and they had done a ton
of research on signage to get the approvals in Tustin. Mr. Pomoroy was hired and he had done
research from the early 1900's and all the signs were different, some were blacksmith signs that
hung out and many were modern looking signs. They were attempting to match the period
which was a 1950's palette.
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Committee Member Woollett stated they had to be careful with deviating very far from what had
been there.
Mr. Ryan stated historically referenced signs were based on documentation and what there were
attempting to determine was what was historically appropriate for that time period.
Chair McCormack asked if there had been a light that had punched out or was it just a flat face?
As a personal preference he was looking at backlighting and giving the sign a nice feature. If the
sign was pulled off and there was a punched hole for a light that had been there it would be nice.
Committee Member Gladson stated she only felt comfortable if it had been something that had
existed and there had been evidence of that.
Mr. Ricci stated the proposed lighting was front lighting and lighting from below.
The Committee Members discussed the lighting proposal with the applicant.
Mr. Ryan stated the fact that there were back lit canopy signs lead him to think that there might
be some internal illumination.
Committee Member Woollett stated he was really concerned about the issue. He understood
they had a 50 year old situation, and if they accepted in Old Towne Orange post-WWII buildings
as historic they would open Pandora's Box. If they waited long enough all the junk that was in
Old Towne would be historic and that was not the intent of the ordinance.
Mr. Ryan stated that was a determination that City Council would make.
Mr. Ricci stated that what Committee Member Woollett was stating that designs in Old Towne
should always mimic the 1920's and 1900's; to always go back to the point the town was built.
Eichlers' were approaching 50 years old and they would be protected and they were junk.
Committee Member Woollett stated they were not junk and they were not in Old Towne.
Mr. Ricci stated the 1950's was a point in history.
Committee Member Woollett stated it was and it was not what he liked. Fortunately being on
the DRC was not determining design based on what he liked. He had not thought it was the
intent when the Old Towne ordinance was set up that it would include buildings after the second
World War
Mr. Ricci asked under Committee Members Woollett's theory the 1950's sign would need to be
Committee Member Woollett stated if it was not the intent, it would not be appropriate to
consider post-WWII buildings as historic, even though the law states 50 years. He asked how
long had the ordinance been in effect - 15 years?
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Mr. Ricci stated if the sign was legal when it had been installed it was currently legal. If glass
could be installed in it in the 1950's then glass could be installed in it in 2000.
Mr. Ryan stated in reviewing Renee's next door and when surveying the information for the
Plaza, that building had been deemed contributing and at that time the current facade of the
proposed project had already been in place. The building might be contributing based upon the
removal ofnon-historic features and the discoveries that had been found on other buildings in the
Plaza. They could always go back to the original document to see what was contributing and
what was not. The question they were getting into was if the building was true to its period as
far as its originality and was it a good example of that, and was their a historic building there that
they could go back to?
Committee Member Woollett stated would the building have been a contributing building in the
Mr. Ryan stated they had looked at that question to and if a store front had just been stuck onto
the original building and in removing it the building could be returned to its original period. The
same criteria should be applied, had the building been significant, was it important to the period,
was it a good representative of a unique style or materials, an exemplary store front and all those
questions would need to be asked in meeting the criteria. Although the 50 year rule had not been
determined he believed the proposed project qualified.
Committee Member Woollett stated they needed to review the ordinance and follow it. The
DRC would evaluate the project based on the ordinance and as a result of going through that
process it might cause some of the City fathers to re-evaluate the process. The applicant had the
right to submit their project based on the ordinance.
Mr. Ryan stated someone could apply to have the building added the national registry within the
historic district as gaining significance for its historic period.
Mr. DeCinces stated he had spent time and money getting the project to its present point. They
had done what they were told and they were not asking for anything outside of the Guidelines.
Committee Member Gladson stated she was one of the newer members of the Committee and the
project was not easy and they were asking very difficult questions as they were attempting to
find a middle ground. Personally she found the proposed project as just a sign change, as just a
copy change and that was where her comfort level was. Was it necessarily a look she had been
crazy about-no, so she could just dismiss her personal view and go with what was there.
Chair McCormack stated there were two ways to look at it, they were on the Committee to look
at design and that was one way that they could ignore the design. The other way, was to look at
it from a perspective of how they could suggest ways to improve the project.
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Mr. Ryan stated if the DRC felt there were some elements that would make it more appropriate
in a different design to reflect the 1950's period they could make that finding too. As long as
they would not exceed the sign area of the project.
Chair McCormack stated 70 square feet that had gone into the design, which he clarified on the
Committee Member Gladson stated it even made her more comfortable as it would not be
Chair McCormack stated he liked the blade sign.
Mr. DeCinces stated he liked that too.
Mr. Ryan stated they had asked the applicant to examine the roof sign at the rear and to verify if
it had been painted, they could also research, if there was any evidence of a blade sign.
Mr. DeCinces stated what concerned him was the argument of whether it was 1950's nostalgia or
was it 1920's, as an applicant he liked the nostalgia of the building. He was 35 years old and he
thought it was cool and old fashioned looking. To enter into a debate of what year to look at was
very dicey for him.
Committee Member Woollett stated there was an ordinance to follow and if it stated 50 years
that was what they would need to go with.
Committee Member Gladson stated the period of when the area became significant was still the
20's and 30, the sign had been installed in the 1950's and she was o.k. with that in allowing it to
Committee Member Woollett asked if they would allow more investigation?
Mr. Ryan stated there were two ways to proceed. One of them was to find out if there was any
evidence of a blade sign and the information on the signs in the back.
Mr. Ricci stated he wanted to propose that they got the application approved, and if they
investigated the signs and found that there was additional signage they could return to modify the
application. He felt they were going to have difficulty finding the information on a previous sign
and how it had been constructed. They would take the blade signage off unless there was proof
that it had existed.
Mr. DeCinces stated he was okay with the conditions and one of the conditions was that they
investigate the front. Why not add a condition that they investigate the back as a condition of
Chair McCormack stated if they actually built the sign with the proposed proportions it looked
too big and he wanted the applicant's to review that. If it wouldn't look to garish then it could be
that size. What would also help was if the neon was gone; he pointed it out on the drawings.
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The lettering appeared too big, but it could just be his eyes. If it was not block lettering it might
not appear so heavy.
Mr. DeCinces stated the font was old west and it was what it was; Blessing's had script cursive.
He asked if they were okay with the logo, the pig and the wave?
Chair McCormack stated that was his only design comment, and he was okay with the logo.
Committee Member Woollett stated he was ready to make a motion.
Mr. Ryan stated he wanted to talk about the background.
Chair McCormack read from the Staff Report regarding the lettering and was it back-lit with see-
through vinyl letters?
Mr. Ryan stated the ones that were not back-lit would be painted or metal.
Mr. DeCinces stated he was fine with that, he liked metal.
Committee Member Gladson stated she was fine with that. For the non back- lit.
Committee Member Woollett stated they could just add a sentence for the back-lit.
The Committee Members discussed the back-lit lettering with the applicant.
Chair McCormack stated there would be two lit surfaces: the lettering and the background.
Mr. Ricci stated the metal would be front-lit and the vinyl would be back-lit.
Mr. Ryan stated the applicant had a choice whether they wanted the background to be up-lit.
The Committee reviewed the conditions of approval.
Chair McCormack stated what about Condition No. 4 to be flushed paneled doors.
Committee Member Gladson stated she wanted to be clear. Was the thought that the existing
roof sign with the metal element be restored and with the new sign on the front and she was not
certain how it would sit. She was not certain if the applicant would be restoring the sign.
Mr. Ryan stated that was a point that had been brought up to cover the issue of discovery of a
historic sign. Depending on the condition of the sign, there could be another sign on top of it.
Mr. DeCinces stated his preference would be to not touch any of that and to leave the rustic old
paint intact with the BBQ lettering over it, it was old and nostalgic and they had not wanted to
paint over it.
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Mr. Ryan stated that was an option and possibly somewhere in the future that sign would be
Mr. DeCinces stated he had not wanted to touch it.
Mr. Ricci stated if there was a sign they could place a plate over it to cover it with the BBQ in
front of it. Somehow to preserve the sign and place a metal face over it for protection with their
sign in front. It would allow someone to go back and restore the original sign.
Mr. DeCinces asked if it was okay with them?
Chair McCormack stated the old sign would be hidden.
Committee Member Gladson stated they could consult a professional to get information on how
it could be restored.
Mr. DeCinces stated he had not understood, as now they were speaking about restoring?
Mr. Ryan stated that came out of the discussion in the removal of the stucco and the discovery of
the sign underneath with Orange Lock and Key and what had been done was that they
maintained as much of the original signage that they could. They looked for alternatives for their
sign placement to preserve that signage. The deciding factor would be the condition of that sign.
Mr. Ricci stated there they went -was that a historic sign?
Committee Member Woollett stated it was 50 years old.
Committee Member Gladson stated it would appear that it would fall into the same style as the
front as there was some evidence of a neon element and it would help with the argument that
there was a historic sign in existence.
Chair McCormack stated if that was a historic sign and they wanted to restore it as in Condition
No. 5, it seemed that they could find another location for the sign in the back.
Committee Member Woollett stated if they did that it would be necessary to follow the new sign
Chair McCormack stated it was a historical sign, and was no different than anything else on the
Mr. DeCinces asked why would they want to restore Royal Drugs if it no longer existed?
Chair McCormack stated that the applicant's sign could go anywhere.
Mr. DeCinces asked if they could go with the same palette that Royal Drugs used with the same
design and place their business sign there?
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Chair McCormack asked if that was what the Grinder had done?
Committee Member Gladson stated they had left what was there.
Mr. Ricci stated the Grinder had an option to cover the sign with plywood and place a full length
sign out front.
Mr. Ryan stated that was an option and they had put standoffs with individual letters.
Chair McCormack stated he liked the exposure of the history of the City with something new and
he thought that would work.
Mr. Ricci stated if they could expose a salvageable sign on the back they could put the neon over
Mr. DeCinces stated weren't they accomplishing the goal by using the historic palette with the
new tenant's logo?
Committee Member Woollett stated that was correct.
Mr. DeCinces stated the old rusted background was what he wanted to use, he had not wanted to
use a new sign. It was the graphics vs. the detail, they had to look at the dimensions and the call
out and they could not just look at the drawings.
Committee Member Gladson stated she had not wanted them to harm a 1950's sign.
Mr. Ryan stated a lot of the neon was on a canvas sign. Sometimes the actual neon hung over
the sign and it would not make any penetrations through the existing sign. Another thing they
could do was utilize standoffs.
Mr. Ricci stated the existing grommets could be used, and they could craft a condition for that.
Committee Member Gladson stated Mr. Ricci mentioned a shoe business and asked if there was
a likelihood that a sign for that business might be discovered?
Mr. Ricci stated they had studied different signs and that was a sign that had come up in their
Chair McCormack read from the conditions: provide additional information on rear lighting.
Mr. Ryan stated there was a question whether the round logo sign would be illuminated.
Chair McCormack stated the parking lot was already illuminated. He read through the condition
on the roof equipment. The Committee and applicant reviewed the placement of the equipment
on the drawings and discussed that placement.
Mr. Ryan stated there were some screening options provided.
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Committee Member Gladson stated screening was a big concern of hers.
Mr. DeCinces pointed out the equipment and stated the equipment was existing equipment that
was not visible from the street. The parapet from Glassell was very high and would block the
Mr. Ryan stated the condition would cover any mechanical equipment that was visible to be
Committee Member Woollett made a motion to approve DRC No. 4422-09, Beach Pit BBQ
Signs and rear facade, subject to the conditions contained in the Staff Report and with the
following conditions:
1. Condition No. 3 be modified to add an additional phrase: or with vinyl or back-lit letters
to fit the existing signs.
2. Use one of the following: metal letters and or painted letters on a non-lit background;
and use vinyl lettering on back-lit areas of the sign with only the letters or the background
to be lit.
3. Condition No. 7 shall be revised to read that mechanical equipment shall be screened as
SECOND:Adrienne Gladson
AYES:Adrienne Gladson, Tim McCormack, Joe Woollett
ABSENT:Bill Cathcart
RECUSED:Craig Wheeler
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Committee Member Wheeler made a motion to adjourn to the next regular scheduled meeting on
June 17, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
SECOND: Adrienne Gladson
AYES: Adrienne Gladson, Tim McCormack, Craig Wheeler, Joe Woollett
NOES: None
ABSENT: Bill Cathcart