03-07-2001 DRC MinutesCITY OF ORANGE
for Wednesday, March 7, 2001
Committee Members Present: Alice Angus
Leonard Filner (Vice-Chair)
Mark Paone
Susan Secoy (Chair)
Joe Woollett
Staff in Attendance: Chuck Lau, Associate Planner
Howard Morris, Landscape Coordinator
Committee Member Absent: None
Administrative Session - 4:30 P.M.
The board met for an administrative session beginning at 4:30 p.m. The meeting adjourned at
approximately 8 15 p.m.
Regular Session - 5:30 PM
MOTION was made by Committee Chair Susan Secoy to approve the January 24, 2001
minutes with the following corrections:
DRC #3571 -Robert Beard page 3 paragraph 5 sentence 1 amended as follows:
Susan Secoy stated that such a simple, stark, building needs a lot of landscaping around it to
make it work.
Paragraph 4 sentence 1 amended as follows:
Robert Beard stated that he doesn't understand why these "new" ~ problems were not
discussed during the previous meeting?
Sentence 2 amended as follows:
He has worked very hard to provide a its plan that meets all the City code requirements such
as parking, circulation, vehicle turnaround, usable open space building setbacks, etc.
City of Orange -Design Review Committee
Meeting Minutes for March 7, 2001
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DRC #3609 -Richard & Trish Bello, page 4, MOTION amended as follows:
MOTION was made by Committee Chair Susan Secoy to approve the project with the following
Condition 1, amended as follows:
1. Provide a line of demarcation of to delineate between new construction and the existing.
SECOND:Leonard Filner
AYES:Alice Angus, Leonard
Filner, Mark Paone, Susan Secoy, Joe Woollett
MOTION was made Committee Member Mark Paone to approve the February 7, 2001 minutes
with the following corrections:
DRC #3608 -Toyota of Orange page 2, DRC Action: amended as follows:
DRC Action: ~~~^' n„+^r,.,.,;n^+.^n Recommendation to Planning Commission
DRC #3611 -Chapman University ~aqe 4 paragraph 7 sentence 1 amended as follows:
Committee Chair Susan Secoy stated fee{e that the building design is very intriguing, particularly
in the use of geometry.
DRC #3614 - Greg_& Merilynn Early Page 7 paragraph 5, sentence 10 amended as follows:
The Old Towne Design Standards falls-abeam requires consideration of shadowing neighboring
properties and its effects.
Paragraph 7, sentence 4 amended as follows:
Secretary of the Interior Standards and old Towne Design Standards strongly discourage any
alteration or addition that would diminish the architectural integrity and features of a historically
contributing structure, that as a result, be re-classified as be "NS" Non-Significant.
Paragraph 9, sentence 2 amended as follows:
But how do we deal with the Secretary of the Interior's Standard in the tesf loss of a Contributing
Structure in a Historic District?
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Meeting Minutes for March 7, 2001
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SECOND: Leonard Filner
AYES: Alice Angus, Leonard Filner, Mark Paone, Susan Secoy, Joe Woollett
NOES: None
The review and approval of the February 21, 2001 minutes was deferred to the March 21, 2001
City of Orange -Design Review Committee
Meeting Minutes for March 7, 2001
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Revised landscape and precise grading plans for an approved custom single-family
residence in the Prospect Hills development.
557 N. Carlisle Place
DRC Action: Final Determination
Staff Contact: Chuck Lau, Associate Planner
The project was presented by the owner Mr. Christopher Day, Bart Stryker -Engineer, and Carl
Loza with Living Waters, Inc. This is a revised landscape and grading plan to show the new
location of the swimming pool and terraced deck area. A site section drawing and a scaled
model showing the proposed grading contour were also presented. The revisions are being
made because the original approved plans were based on inaccurate civil engineering plans
that resulted with an approximately 8 ft. high retaining wall at a portion of the house that extends
out over the edge of slope.
The meeting was opened for public comments: (None)
Committee Chair Susan Secoy stated her frustration with the inaccurate plans that were
approved, and felt that the DRC was mislead with the original submittal. The approved plans
showed a more gradual terraced effect with large boulder elements to help soften the retaining
wall situation. The proposed revised plans have significantly changed from that. How do we
now deal with an existing house that was poorly situated on the site?
Bart Stryker stated that the approved plans were artistic drawings that did not work in real life
because it did not take into consideration the contours of the site. The revised plans are
designed to terrace down to conform better with the grading contour. The staircase has also
been pulled back so that lower retaining walls can be used.
Committee Member Mark Paone pointed out that there are still discrepancies between the site
sections, grading plans and the scaled model. The rock facing in front of the retaining walls
shown on the model appears like a cultured stone veneer that is applied to the vertical surface
of the retaining wall. This is substantially different that the large boulder-like elements that were
shown on the previously approved plans. Mr. Paone suggested continuing the project to have
the applicant work out the inconsistencies, and to look at alternative ways to further reduce the
height and impact of the retaining walls.
Committee Member Leonard Filner stated that more than half of the planting materials specified
on the landscape plan are not on the Fire Department's approval list for fuel modification
Staff Planner Chuck Lau noted that the Orange Park Acres Association (OPA) has contacted
staff and express their concerns and opposition to the proposed plan. OPA's primary objection
is the extension of the pad area beyond the existing edge of slope. Staff recommends that any
revised plans should first be reviewed and approved by the applicant's Homeowner Association,
and by the City's Fire Department for fuel modification requirements, prior to submitting back to
the DRC for final approval.
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Meeting Minutes for March 7, 2001
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DRC No. 3472 -CHRISTOPHER DAY (Continued)
MOTION was made by Committee Member Mark Paone to continue the project based on the
above discussion.
SECOND: Alice Angus
AYES: Alice Angus, Leonard Filner, Mark Paone, Susan Secoy, Joe Woollett
NOES: None
City of Orange -Design Review Committee
Meeting Minutes for March 7, 2001
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Installation of broadband wireless communication antenna on either the facade or on
top of an existing 1928 Concrete Theater building (Son Light Christian Center)
located within the Plaza Historic District.
172 N. Glassell Street (Contributing Structure)
DRC Action: Final Determination or Recommendation to Planning Commission
Depending on option chosen)
Staff Contact: Jay Eastman, Assistant Planner
Continued from 02/07/01 and 02/21/01 meetings)
The project was presented by Cher Alpert with Tacit Communications, Inc. The plans have
been revised back to its original proposal to enclose the antenna in a Radome disguised to look
like a smoke vent on the building's roof. The smoke vent is located in the center of the roof so
that it is less visible from public streets. A sight line study drawing has also been prepared to
help determine if there are any visual impacts. The next step is to process a conditional use
permit application to the Planning Commission.
The meeting was opened for public comments:
Jeff Frankel (384 S. Orange Street) asked what it would look like? Would it look exactly like the
existing smoke vent that is already on top of the building? Can this be seen from the street?
Also where are all the equipment installed?
Cher Alpert replied that the Radome is slightly wider and is mounted higher than the existing
smoke vent. As for the line of sight, It is not visible from the ground level looking up. You would
have to be over 210 ft. away from the building before it is visible from the street. The
mechanical equipments are located inside the building.
Jeff Frankel stated that this is a vast improvement over the previous proposal to install the
antenna panels on the facade of building.
Committee Chair Susan Secoy stated that at the previous meeting, it was unclear as to what the
exact dimensions of the Radome were.
Cher Alpert replied that the Radome will match the existing smoke vent, and is 7'-2" high on top
of the roof.
Committee Member Joe Woollett stated that he did not realize at the previous meeting that the
roof is significantly higher than the parapet. It appears that the roof is recessed along the edge
where it meets the parapet, but it is actually raised approximately 2 ft. higher towards the middle
of the roof.
Committee Member Leonard Filner noticed that there is also an exposed entry hood for routing
the conduits through the roof. Can the conduits be routed directly under the roof so that the
antenna can be reduced by approximately 2 ft.? This in turn would reduce the height of the
Radome from the proposed 7 ft. down to approximately 5 ft. above the roof.
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Meeting Minutes for March 7, 2001
Page 7
Cher Alpert thinks that it may work and that it may reduce the height of the antenna. She would
have to verify this with their engineers. She is frustrated with the process because they had
originally proposed the smoke vent and was told by Planning staff to change to panels mounted
on the building facade. Then at the last DRC meeting they were told change it back to the
smoke vent and move it to the center of the roof. Now they have just received another letter
from the City stating that Planning staff would recommend denial of the project because the
zoning ordinance requires screening of all roof mounted mechanical equipments. There does
not appear to be any consistency with the City's handling of this application.
Committee Chair Susan Secoy understands the frustration of the applicant. Although the
applicant has addressed the issue of the location of the antenna, the smoke vent just seems
much higher than what the DRC had anticipated. The question now is how do we make this
more sympathetic to the historic building?
Cher Alpert stated that their original intent was to disguise the antenna with a similar existing
element already on the roof (smoke vent) so that it would not be noticeable. If the antenna were
to be screened with a large square box around it, the screen would actually be more visible.
Committee Member Mark Paone stated that there are two separate issues that need to be
resolved with this design approach. The first is an issue of consistency with the Secretary of the
Interior Standard, and the second is a local ordinance compliance issue.
Committee Chair Susan Secoy felt that perhaps building a screen around the antenna may be
more appropriate because it is reversible, which is consistent with the Secretary of the Interior
Standards. The DRC has also recently approved a similar screening method for the Elks Lodge
building at 211 E. Chapman Avenue.
Committee Member Mark Paone was still undecided as to which design approach works best
for this application. He would like to see further study with different alternatives presented. He
further stressed the importance of providing accurately drawn plans so that the project approval
could be properly documented.
Jay Eastman -Assistant Planner, suggested that perhaps a mock-up screen could be
constructed to better understand the effects of the screening. The applicant can contact staff
once it is completed, and staff will then inform the DRC members to visit the site.
MOTION was made by Committee Member Mark Paone to continue the project so that a mock-
up screen could be constructed to better visualize its appearance on the historic building.
SECOND:Susan Secoy
AYES:Alice Angus, Leonard
Filner, Mark Paone, Susan Secoy, Joe Woollett
City of Orange -Design Review Committee
Meeting Minutes for March 7, 2001
Page 8
Replacement of existing awnings with new wood trellis at an existing restaurant
2330 N. Tustin Street
DRC Action: Final Determination
Staff Contact: Chuck Lau, Associate Planner
Continued from 02/21/01 meeting)
The project was presented by Dave Casselman, Facility Manager with Olive Garden
Restaurant. Additional information has been provided to include a colored rendering of the
building showing the shade and shadow of the new wood trellis, photographs of their other
restaurant locations, material samples and color palette. The revised plans also shows the
base of the support post to be framed-in with 1 "x8" rough sawn cedar. All other exposed metal
connecting joints would be painted with "Smoky Mtns. Cedar" (Benjamin Moore Paints) to match
the wood trellis.
The meeting was opened for public comments: (None)
Committee Chair Susan Secoy finds that the submitted plans have adequately addressed the
concerns of the DRC from the previous meeting.
MOTION was made by Committee Chair Susan Secoy to approve the project as submitted.
SECOND: Leonard Filner
AYES: Alice Angus, Leonard Filner, Susan Secoy, Joe Woollett
NOES: None
City of Orange -Design Review Committee
Meeting Minutes for March 7, 2001
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New 12,507 sq. ft. retail drug store with drive-thru pharmacy.
4040 E. Chapman Avenue
DRC Action: Final Determination
Staff Contact: Christopher Carnes, Senior Planner
Continued from the 02/21/01 meeting)
Approved as Consent Item)
MOTION was made by Leonard Filner to approve the project with the following conditions:
1. Delete reference to box size for Palm trees on landscape plans. The Palm trees shall be
specified as 8 ft. minimum Brown Trunk Height.
2. Replace the Sweetshade tree with a Tipu tree in the middle planter of the parking lot.
3. Prior to issuance of Building Permits, submit landscape and irrigation plans to Community
Services Department for approval. (Final plans to include City required inspection notes)
SECOND: Joe Woollett
AYES: Alice Angus, Leonard Filner, Susan Secoy, Joe Woollett
NOES: None
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Meeting Minutes for March 7, 2001
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5. DRC No. 3618 -JIM WOOLEY
New custom single-family residence in the Prospect Hills development.
6203 E. Cliffway Drive
DRC Action: Final Determination
Staff Contact: Chuck Lau, Associate Planner
Continued from the 02/21/01 meeting)
The project was presented by the owner Jim Wooley, and his architects Hal Woods and Brian
Owad with Woods Group Architects. The site layout has been revised (reversed) per the DRC's
recommendation from the previous meeting. The new residence is still laid out in a stepped-
down design to conform with the existing topography of the site, but it no longer extends out
beyond the edge of the existing slope. The motor court at the front was reduced significantly,
which allow the entire house to be shifted forward to create the necessary building setback at
the rear. The new plan also shows a low retaining condition at a portion of the site that has a
2:1 built-up slope and rock facing in front of the wall. Mr. Wooley stated that he has
compromised some of the views in order to achieve a workable site plan that could be approved
by the DRC.
The meeting was opened for public comments: (None)
Committee Chair Susan Secoy stated that she is far more comfortable with the revised plans
than previous submittal. As she has mentioned before at the previous meeting, the stepped-
down building pad design seem very sensitive to the topography.
Committee Member Mark Paone asked if may be an opportunity to do some contour grading
with the adjoining property (557 N. Carlisle Place) to achieve a better grade transition between
the two lots? It is suggested that it would be beneficial for the two property owners to meet and
discuss this issue further.
Committee Member Leonard Filner recommends that the landscape plan incorporate the use of
planting materials that are on the Fire Department's approved list for fuel modification
MOTION was made by Committee Member Mark Paone to approve the project with the
following conditions:
1. The site plan, building elevations, exterior finish materials and color palette are approved
as submitted.
2. Submit final landscape plans to the DRC for approval.
SECOND: Alice Angus
AYES: Alice Angus, Leonard Filner, Mark Paone, Susan Secoy, Joe Woollett
NOES: None
City of Orange -Design Review Committee
Meeting Minutes for March 7, 2001
Page 11
New freestanding sign for an existing medical office building.
2401 W. Chapman Avenue
DRC Action: Final Determination
Staff Contact: Chuck Lau, Associate Planner
The project was presented by the Owner Dr. Paul Braun and Brian Carey with Carey Signs.
The proposal is to construct a new freestanding sign to provide proper identity for the tenants.
The sign is triangular shaped because it provides better visibility and it is more interesting than a
typical rectangular box. The sign is internally illuminated with an opaque background so that
only the lettering lights up at night.
The meeting was opened for public comments: (None)
Committee Chair Susan Secoy asked if the sloping the roof could be modified or eliminated?
Perhaps a flat roof with a cornice treatment matching the existing building would be more
appropriate. Also, the sign should be shifted further away from the freeway on-ramp and
centered between the 3rd and 4`" windows so that it appears more balanced in front of the
MOTION was made by Committee Chair Susan Secoy to approve the project with the following
1. Signage colors and materials are approved as submitted.
2. Eliminate the sloping the roof and change it to a flat roof with a cornice detail to match the
existing building.
3. Overall height of the sign not to exceed 14 feet
4. Shift the sign towards the east so that it is located between the 3rd and 4t" window from the west
edge of the building.
SECOND: Joe Woollett
AYES: Alice Angus, Leonard Filner, Mark Paone, Susan Secoy, Joe Woollett
NOES: None
City of Orange -Design Review Committee
Meeting Minutes for March 7, 2001
Page 12
New custom single-family residence in the Prospect Hills development.
495 Carlisle Place
DRC Action: Final Determination
Staff Contact: Chuck Lau, Associate Planner
The project was presented by Brian Oslin, Project Designer and Brent Sepulveda. The proposal
is to construct a new 5,800 sq.ft. 2-story custom house on a terraced lot. The house is setback
a considerable distance from the back edge of slope to avoid any retaining wall conditions.
Committee Chair Susan Secoy stated that the columns seemed rather thin and disproportioned
with the rest of the house.
Brian Oslin agreed. He would have no problems widening the columns to make it more
proportional to the house.
MOTION was made by Committee Member Mark Paone to approve the project with the following
1. Widen the columns (min. 20 inches wide) at the back of the house.
2. Submit final landscape plans to DRC for approval.
SECOND: Leonard Filner
AYES: Alice Angus, Leonard Filner, Mark Paone, Susan Secoy, Joe Woollett
NOES: None
City of Orange -Design Review Committee
Meeting Minutes for March 7, 2001
Page 13
New tenant wall signage for an existing 12-story office building.
505 S. Main Street
DRC Action: Final Determination
Staff Contact: Chuck Lau, Associate Planner
Approved as Consent Item)
MOTION was made by Committee Member Mark Paone to approve the project as submitted.
SECOND: Joe Woollett
AYES: Alice Angus, Leonard Filner, Mark Paone, Susan Secoy, Joe Woollett
NOES: None
City of Orange -Design Review Committee
Meeting Minutes for March 7, 2001
Page 14
Room addition for an existing single-family residence in the Prospect Hills development.
518 Carlisle Place
DRC Action: Final Determination
Staff Contact: Chuck Lau, Associate Planner
The project was presented by the owner Brent Sepulveda and Brian Oslin, Project Designer.
The proposal is to add approximately 1,622 sq.ft. of area above a single story garage space of
an existing residence. A revision has been made to the submitted plans to add window
elements along the south elevation to achieve better articulation. All finish materials and colors
would match the existing house
MOTION was made by Committee Member Mark Paone to approve the project with the
following conditions:
1. Add window elements along the south elevation to match the existing house.
SECOND: Susan Secoy
AYES: Alice Angus, Leonard Filner, Mark Paone, Susan Secoy, Joe Woollett
NOES: None
DRC 3-07-01 Minutes